Thursday, January 31, 2013

Book Review: The Help

Even though the "The Help" movie has only recently been released, the book on which it is based was actually published in 2009. This 530-page work, written by Kathryn Stockett, relays not only the socio-economic and cultural divisions between white and black people that were prevalent in the past, but also captures the personal perspectives of the individuals who are introduced to us as we read.Skeeter, the main character, was raised in Jackson, Mississippi by a black maid who worked for her Caucasian family. This situation was similar to that of her friends who were also raised by staff who they all refer to as "the help". Although they view and treat these individuals as being beneath them, they delegate important tasks to them. For example, they depend on the black women to take care of their own children and this includes instilling values in them.The social rules that divide the white employers and black staff members have been ingrained in the lives of the families port
rayed. A situation arises, however, where Skeeter finds herself torn between her friends' view that separate bathrooms should be used according to race and Skeeter's own idea about what she feels is "right".The dilemma and her desire to become recognized as a good writer by a large publishing house, leads Skeeter to form an idea in which she would interview black maids and then disguise their identifies when she tells their stories in a book.The black women, however, are afraid of the consequences that they might face if they talk to Skeeter about their experiences. Many have already suffered or seen people they care about hurt because of past racial conflicts. Skeeter therefore has to risk not only her relationships with her friends but also figure out ways to encourage the women to help her with her project through secret meetings.Skeeter reflects on her own experience of being raised by Constantine who has disappeared from the family employment during Skeeter's time at un
iversity. No one is able to offer her details about why she left or where she went. And as Skeeter searches for this information, she learns about family secrets that have been kept from her.As Skeeter writes and builds relationships with the black women who are telling her their personal stories, the gap between herself and those white women who she formerly thought of as friends, widens. In fact, she begins to realize that those who she thought she was closest to in the past do not actually share her values and those who she thought were different from her, actually are very similar in many ways.The women's tell-all book which was written in secret becomes a best seller and ends up being a source of revelation for citizens of the town that will never again be the same because of it.Kathryn Stockett has written "The Help" in a very honest and revealing manner. She offers insight into a sociological era of discrimination and abuse between blacks and whites from many perspect
ives and although the issues are serious, at times she highlights the divisions in a humourous manner. Each page has a unique blend of hurt and hope.and there is no doubt that its content and style will change the reader for a lifetime.At the end of the book, the author has also included a personal essay and a Reading Group Guide of discussion questions.

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The Skinny On Creativity - Thinking Outside the Box by Jim Randel

I believe to a certain degree that creativity is more abundant in some than in others. Obviously, some people are super creative, while others seem to struggle with coming up with ideas. With that said, I also believe that everyone, and that means everyone, can enhance their creative thinking. This is where Jim Randel's book, "The Skinny On Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box" comes in. It is a great little guide to teach you how to think more creatively.The "Skinny On" series of books relay great information in a simple easy to read and understand format, with stick figure drawings and humor thrown in. Even though the books are simple, they contain some very good information that has been researched from many different sources. This volume on creativity is no different. You find quotes and suggestions from sources such as "Einstein: His Life and Universe" by Walter Isaacson, "Cracking Creativity" by Michael Michalko, and "Lateral Thinking" by Edward deBono, among many other
s. (Including a quote from Dr. Seuss at the beginning, someone who was definitely very creative!) The book also contains a long Bibliography with many excellent resources for the person who wants to learn more about this topic.In this book, Randel shares twenty lessons he's learned about creativity. As I mentioned, many of these are researched from very good sources. He shares the lessons in an easy to understand and then apply manner. Some of the lessons are pretty simple, and you may have heard them before, but it does not hurt to hear them again to help get your creative juices flowing. Lessons such as "When coming up with ideas, come up with lots of ideas," Creativity is often disruptive," Sometimes your subconscious will do your creative work for you," and "Find creative ideas by looking for inspiration from different fields or disciplines." With the lessons, Randel provides examples from famous creative thinkers in history, as well as his own personal examples.No book
is going to make you more creative. That is going to come from within. However, the small investment of time to read this book will certainly assist you in becoming more creative if you follow the suggestions and guidance provided in this short entertaining text. Just reading the book should get you thinking in a more creative manner, and it will also provide motivation to think outside the box and more laterally instead of vertically.I really like this short "Skinny On" books. They are quick to read and contain good information. If you want a quick boost in the creativity department, read this book.

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Absolute Khushwant - 95 Years of Love and Malice

I have always admired Khushwant Singh for his "truthfully yours" style of writing; he does not hesitate in writing the most biting remarks which he feels for somebody (read celebrity), and also adds a touch of tongue-in-cheek humour along with it to keep the reader entertained. I had been an avid reader of his columns "With malice towards one and all" for a long time. In his book "Absolute Khushwant", he has co-written his recollection of the past along with another journalist Humra Quraishi. Basically it is a recited narration of his recollection of the past many past events, and penned by Quraishi.Khushwant is 95 years old, but the sparkle in his eyes is still the same as ever, a twinkle with a lot of humorous malice (if I may take the liberty)!! With the cover also depicting him in his unmistakable appearance - bespectacled, though without his turban - the evidence of his age shows though and even his honesty and opinions be it a political figure he loves to hate or a publ
ic figure he hates to love or even someone from his own life,!!Absolute Khushwant has 33 small chapters which can be read quickly. Some are interesting others look more like an extract of a larger essay or maybe a blog from the past! His sarcasms are as evident as his admiration for people and subjects. For example, His love and hate for the Nehru-Gandhi family is pretty evident with the manner he speaks plainly about them. He speaks very highly of Sanjay Gandhi and says he was a true man of words and action, while his mother Indira Gandhi was dictatorial and even narrow minded in her thoughts. He also goes ahead and says that Varun Gandhi is bad for Indian politics and is very dangerous for the country's unity! 4 chapters on the Nehru-Gandhi legacy are a bit too much though!His admiration for people comes in a chapter aptly titled "Those I Respect and Admire", where he speaks highly of Sanjay Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Dr Manmohan Singh, who according to him is the best PM t
he country could have ever had. His love for juicy topics of Women and Sex is also available in his usual outspoken and funny manner.There are some old black & White photographs from Khushwant Singh's life which I guess could come as a break in the flow of stories and also involve you in his thoughts on life till date. His leanings towards the good bad and ugly are very candid and his thoughts are plain, simple and straight.He is also very candid about death but he wants it to come swiftly or in his sleep! He is a self confessed atheist but still is an admirer of Sikhism and religious scriptures, and is also straight unabashed about his hate for religious fundamentalism.Khushwant Singh has been a man of letters for over six decades now and his controversial and much provocative style of writing is very well known. Read this book for a get-to-know of his life's ups, downs, strengths, weakness, loves,hates.Read it to know what makes him tick!

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Free Ebook - A Step by Step Guide to Earning Money Online Without Spending Any

It is generally reckoned that about 99% of people who try to earn money online fail. Only 1% of people who try their hand at internet marketing are able to turn it into a full time job. This is not because internet marketing is particularly difficult (it really isn't) but because it can be hard for those with no experience of how the internet works as a market place to simply find the information they need.When you first start out learning how to make money online, you tend to find a lot of attractive looking schemes (heavily marketed by more experienced web masters than you) that offer you instant paths to riches - all you have to do is pay a little fee to get that gold-plated information or ready-made internet business empire. No doubt some of these programs are genuine and may even turn a profit, but you can be sure that the person who designed and promoted the scheme is making a lot more money out of it.It takes time and a certain amount of trial and error to navigate thr
ough the pitfalls, sales pitches and misinformation that abounds on the subject of internet marketing for beginners, and eventually to realise that having your own websites and optimizing and promoting them effectively is the best way to learn how to be an effective affiliate marketer, and have a chance of earning that decent income online.A Step by Step Guide to Earning Money Online Without Spending Any introduces novice and would-be web marketers to the world of affiliate marketing. Specifically, it is a step by step guide to producing effective cash generating websites using free resources such as ready-made website templates and free hosting providers.The book covers the basics of how to decide on a topic for your website, keyword discovery and analysis, competitor analysis and market research, SEO, copywriting, link building and traffic generation strategies, monetization and more.Many people look to earning online as an extra source of income because the work can be do
ne in their spare time, and because you need spend very little (or any) money to learn how to do it. Of course if you want to have a growing business of income-generating websites then you will need to invest eventually, but the point of this ebook is that anyone can earn money online by following the right steps, and they needn't pay a single penny to get their business off the ground.It is possible to earn online as an affiliate marketer, without initially spending any money. A Step by Step Guide to Earning Money Online Without Spending Any was written by a guy who did just that.

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Audio Book Publishers Make it Easier to Read More

It's a chilly, winter morning. You're the first one up every morning. You get the lunches ready for the other family members, begin preparing breakfasts, and find you have a few moments before everything is ready and you have to wake the others, so you decide you'll take advantage of that time to sit down, and read a page or two in the book you've been trying to read for the last year.Unfortunately, the second you sit down, the peace is interrupted by one of the other family members coming in to ask you a question, and that is the last time you've been able to even touch that book. Publishers realize that in this day and age, more and more people are finding it exceptionally difficult to find the time to actually sit down, and physically read a book.The good news is that audio book publishers are taking those same books, and creating audio versions for those people who don't have the time to sit and read, and for those people who simply enjoy listening to a book at their conv
enience, regardless of their time situation.Most of the big name publishing companies like Random House, Harper Collins, Simon and Schuster, and even Scholastic have an audio book publishing division now, which is responsible for ensuring that most of the titles presented by the company are also available on audio. The audio books are usually available in either CD or downloadable formats.These publishers often hire celebrities to perform a dramatic reading of the text, so that not only does the listener get to enjoy the book whenever it's convenient; the listener is also provided with a degree of entertainment, because of the various voices and inflections incorporated into the reading. In fact, often these audio books will be made even more dramatic through the use of ambient music or noises, so that the experience is much like listening to a show.Audio book publishers know that it is often much easier for people to listen to a book on tape, as they used to be known, while
in the car, shopping in a grocery store, or waiting for an appointment.One thing to keep in mind when making audio book selections is whether you want the abridged version, or the unabridged version of a book. An abridged version means it is a shortened version of the original book, so certain parts deemed unnecessary for the plot have been deleted. The abridged version is the complete version of the original book with no deletions made whatsoever.While the CD version of the audio book is often priced the same as the hard copy text, the audio book publishers often reduce the price of the downloadable version, because they don't have to package any materials.To further entice potential readers to purchase these audio versions, the book publishers frequently include brief interviews with the actors doing the reading, and the author of the novel, at the end of the audio version. These interviews give the readers insights into what the author was thinking, and the process he/sh
e went through to write and publish that book.Regardless, these audio books are an excellent means of providing busy people more access to books.

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Stop Your Depression Now - Depression Busting Tools Reviewed

"Stop Your Depression Now" reviewed.Sharon Schurman a Retired Clinical Counselor reveals the 'Secrets Successful Psychiatrists and Psychologists Don't Want You to Know' in her book: "Stop Your Depression Now".Testimonials from readers say the ebook is "easy to read" and "we finally got the answers we needed" which sum up the practical approach of this book.Sharon has spent her life treating depressed families, individuals, and corporate clients. Now she's sharing these years of experience with you through the pages of this book."Stop Your Depression Now!" is described as the complete solution for anyone who wants to overcome his or her depression. She states that she has helped hundreds of patients using the techniques in the book.What is different about this book that recommends it to the average person wanting some help with depression? Well you no longer have to deal with the all of the "technical" books out there that leave you asking yourself "What the heck does that mea
n?" Nor will you need to rely on a therapist who can charge up to thousands of dollars with questionable results. This book helps you to quickly understand your depression. And understanding your depression is said to be half of the battle.Here are some of the benefits you'll get out of this book:The Depression Indicator Test will show if you are depressed and then find out what you can do about it. When you quickly identify which type of depression affects you, you'll save hundreds of hours sorting through all the mis-information out there by simply reading "Stop Your Depression Now!"Find the best treatment for your personality. All treatments are not created equal. Treatments that do wonders for others may do absolutely nothing for you.Get the lowdown on what to expect from antidepressant medications. You'll be informed and able to insist on the right prescription for you.The truth about depression is made clear: that it can strike anybody at any time and it is definitely
NOT a form of weakness. It helps when you can understand the symptoms and recognize what is happening to you.Sharon uses some well-chosen real-life stories to illustrate how real people came to understand their illness and thus she demonstrates that your symptoms also happen to other people and you are not alone or unusual.The conclusion is supportive - depression can be treated and there are ways you can strengthen that treatment and all the other areas of your life.All in all a very valuable contribution to this condition that affects too many people.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Save the Marriage - Best Lee H Baucom eBook Review

Are you seeing signs that your marriage is in trouble? If you want to save your marriage and if you want to start doing so today, then you better get a copy of Save The Marriage. This eBook outlines and explains a radical approach to marital rescue and can lead you to the solutions that you are looking for.Save The Marriage is the best Lee H. Baucom eBook you can find that can help you get through the most troubled times of your married life. It keeps from causing further damage to your relationship because it does not give an ineffective amateur or professional advice. What it does is it opens your eyes to a radical approach to saving your marriage.If you really intend to save your marriage, then now is the time to get a copy of this eBook. Not only does it give you ideas on how to solve your marital problems, it also helps you learn more about the four most damaging myths about saving your marriage. These myths include learning more communication skills and believing that t
here is no way to save your marriage if you are the only one who is interested in doing so.This eBook believes that anyone is capable of transforming his or her relationship with his or her spouse. The radical methods found in this book are typically patterned from algebra equations wherein if one side of the equation is changed, then the other side must also change.The author has witnessed a lot of relationships bouncing back to life after having had problems stemming from affairs, dishonesty, bankruptcies, deceptions, and many other roadblocks. He draws inspiration and knowledge from these and brings them all together in Save The Marriage. So if you are having a troubled marriage and you want to better understand your situation, have a copy of this eBook so you can finally find the appropriate solutions.

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How to Make Jewelry With 4 Simple How-To Books

If you have thought that you would like to start a new hobby, let me suggest learning how to make jewelry as a fun one to start. Not only is it simple to start, but it is quite an affordable hobby. To help kick start your beading, here is a list of the books that have helped me to become familiar with beading, finding the right tools and workspace.1. Jewelry Making & Beading by Heather Dismore and Tammy Powley"Jewelry Making & Beading" is a book from an excellent series of books that provide definitions and processes in simplified terms so that anyone can pick up the concepts. This one in particular includes step by step instruction for beginner projects. It even includes some of the more complex ones that involve things such as wire wrapping and knotting.2. The New! Beader's Companion by Judith DurantPersonally, I consider this my beading reference book! This was the second book that I purchased and after getting the basics down, "Beaders Companion" is just that, a c
ompanion to provide you with all of the terminology and reference for a huge list of beading techniques. Since some of the topics may be over the heads of the novice, it is suggested that a book similar to the first book listed earlier.3. Bead on a Wire: Making Handcrafted Wire & Beaded Jewelry by Sharilyn Miller.This is definitely a book that is focused on the more experienced beader. Upon completion of about 3-5 projects of beading, this book can provide you with the information to create more complex jewelry. Sharilyn has a wonderful way of elaborately describing and detailing all of the advanced techniques. Once you've done a few of the ones illustrated in this book, you will be a pro!4. Marketing & Selling your Handmade Jewelry: The Complete Guide to Turning your Passion into Profit by Viki LareauIn recommending this book, it is assumed that you may want to make some extra cash on your extra jewelry pieces that you will not be wearing yourself. Viki takes a very
good approach to describing all of the skills and factors that come into play in presenting, pricing, marketing and ultimately selling your handmade pieces of jewelry. Now this book may not be for everyone, especially those of you who enjoy beading as a simple hobby to relax after a long week! If you want to pad that emergency fund with some extra cash, this might be the way to go.With these books under your belt, you will have become proficient in a fun and rewarding hobby that is called beading.

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Using ClickBank E-Book Reviews to Make Purchase Decisions

Do you purchase e-books from ClickBank? If so, you have probably found some gems that teach you absolutely everything they promised to and more, paying for themselves over and over. You have probably also found a few duds that did not say anything that you did not already know. What if there was a way to tell them apart without investing your savings in what could be a frustrating dance to get a refund later?ClickBank e-book reviews can help you evaluate the quality of a product before you purchase it. Yet they should not be your only source of information on a product. It works well in combination with other methods of finding out more about the e-book you are considering purchasing.First, read the product sales letter carefully to ensure it seems honest, well-written and does not obviously lie or exaggerate. If there are sales statistics graphics or any other "proof" graphics, make sure they cannot easily be faked, and look for any inconsistencies in the letter. If they say
they earned thousands of dollars with a method but refuse to provide any evidence or later state that they had not been able to figure out how to monetize it, be wary.Next, read the testimonials and see if they are believable and true. If names are listed by each testimonial, or even better, it links to website, do your due diligence. Look up the names, look at each website, maybe even contact a few of the testimonial authors to ask them more questions about the product. People who gave genuine testimonials will be happy to speak with you and verify that they wrote that testimonial.Finding ClickBank e-book reviews is the next step if everything seems solid with the sales letter and testimonials. This is where most ordinary users get to speak up about what they liked or did not like, so if anyone has had a strongly negative experience with the e-book or e-book seller before, you can find this out here. Honest reviews can be hard to find online, but look for an established re
view site and try to find consensus among different reviews. Look out for reviews that are always positive, as most reputable sites will cover the positive and negative attributes of products (though exceptional e-books might not have any negative comments, for instance).When you are evaluating the product and whether or not you want to buy it, take all of these factors into consideration. If the e-book's testimonials are impossible to verify, but it has received a lot of positive reviews from sites you trust, it may be worth investing in. Purchasing an e-book with verifiable testimonials that receives negative reviews might not be a smart move, however. Thanks to the power of the internet and honest individuals who want to help others buy the right products, it is easy to find great products any time of the day or night without asking all your friends for help!Do not just plunk your hard-earned cash on the first product you come across. Use ClickBank e-book reviews to help
you make the decision and you will be happier with what you end up purchasing.

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Kim Lyon's Your Body Your Life - A New Fitness Book That is Encouraging and Informative

For weight watchers and weight losers, here is a book that you can't just ignore; "Your Body Your Life" contains all that you need to know and even much more about your desire to lose weight and to keep a slim figure.This is authored by Kim Lyons, internationally known as an American athlete, personal trainer, nutritionist, fitness model, and recently, the host of the TV show, The Biggest Loser. Her expertise in these fields makes her an authority on disseminating successful techniques on how to shed those unwanted pounds.Her technique is a rigid, but compassionate approach to alter your body, not just from the physical angle, but also from its emotional, mental, and behavioral aspects. Her program covers a period of 12 weeks, which challenges your physical, emotional, and mental fitness to the optimum.Her 12-Week Program illustrated the proper blending of rigorous exercises, proper regimen of diet and nutrition, and the psychological and motivational factors. She identified
and explained how the psychological and physical can become hindrances to a successful weight loss program.Some interesting chapters even discussed how to exercise outside even in cold weather and the correct way of watching your calories when you take alcohol. As a weight watcher, herself, Miss Lyons is knowledgeable on the nitty-gritty sides of your battle against the bulge.Here is a preview of the program's contents:Part I - All About You: your gear, your body, from the outside you, your mind, your goals, your journals and your fitness; Part II - Your Workout: understand it, plan it, work it and injury prevention; Part III - Your Nutrition: the bad fad, back to basics, beyond the basics, the deal with meals, grocery shopping, meal planning and Kim's recipes; Part IV - Your Future: re-assess and re-evaluation, glitches and gains, maintaining and motivation.Presented in a clear and straightforward manner, it features friendly illustrations and found at the end of each chapt
er are homework and various exercises that test your ability to internalize the lessons.

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Review - Jesus Potter Harry Christ

Jesus Potter Harry Christ: The Fascinating Parallels Between Two of the World's Most Popular Literary Characters, Derek Murphy, 2011, ISBN 9780615430935The parallels between Jesus Christ and Harry Potter are actually closer than most people may realize. The book also looks at where Jesus in the Bible came from, an actual person, or a collection of stories?When the first Harry Potter book was released, does anyone remember the uproar from the religious community? The lawsuits and book burnings came about because the book supposedly promoted witchcraft. By the time the last book was released, the attitude was very different because of the Christ-like images and things that happened to Harry. Many people considered Harry as a Christ-like figure (which J.K. Rowling freely acknowledges).The assertion that Jesus, as a historical figure, never existed is hardly new; the claim has been made all through out history. A central question to ask is: Which Jesus are we seeking? Are we look
ing for someone who was born of a virgin, died, rose again and ascended to Heaven? Are we looking for a rebel leader during a time of occupation?From time to time, an archaeological discovery is made which references a person or place mentioned in the Bible. That would seem to increase the possibility that the Bible is true, since there is now independent evidence that the person or place referenced really existed. Right? Using that line of reasoning, books like The DaVinci Code or the Harry Potter books are just as real as the Bible, because they also mention places that really exist. Another assertion is that Jesus invented ethics and morality; before Him, there was nothing. Really? The various civilizations that existed before Christianity, ranging from Sumeria to Egypt to China, might have something to say about that.The life of Jesus has supposedly been thoroughly discussed and analyzed in the writings of other historians, including Pliny, Tacitus, and especially Flaviu
s Josephus. The problem is that the total analysis of Jesus amounts to just a couple of paragraphs per author. There has been much controversy over the centuries as to whether or not those paragraphs are real or fakes. The similarities between the life of Jesus and those of people like Dionysus, Asclepius, Mithras and Pythagoras (who was known for a lot more than just his mathematical Theorem) are more than just coincidence.Large parts of the Bible were taken, or otherwise re-interpreted, from ancient pagan myths and stories. The Great Flood, for instance, came from the Epic of Gilgamesh. The idea of a flood that covered the whole world will mean a lot more to a people who live between two great rivers, like the Tigris and Euphrates, than to residents of an arid place like Palestine.Why did all the ancient religions, including Christianity, seem to use the same images and shapes? Observations of the constellations in the sky led people to construct myths about them, which tr
uned into stories and eventually became religion.This is a very fascinating and eye-opening book. It is full of footnotes, so this is more than just some anti-Catholic rant. Those who treat the Bible as a group of stories and parables about the right way to live should not have their faith damaged by this book. It is very much worth the reader's time.

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Book Review - The French Property Buyer's Guide

The French Property Buyer's Guide claims to be - and I quote - "the indispensable guide to finding and buying your place in France". That's quite a boast, so does it live up to it? Can it demystify the French house buying process?You could say that I'm exactly the sort of person that the book is aimed at, an English-speaker in France. Although it's some years since we bought our French home I remember the difficulties we had so I thought it would be interesting to see how someone else approached it and the suggestions they made.It seems that although time has passed, many of the challenges remain. There weren't the number of websites when we bought, but most of the other difficulties people face seem exactly the same today as they did back then.I'm sure the author wouldn't thank me for giving away some of his little secrets in this article but it's clear that he's spent considerable time in France and "gone through the mill".Interestingly, and quite usefully I think, the book
starts with what he calls a small "tour of France" covering the various regions. As he rightly points out, France is quite a big place so it's unlikely that many of us have had the opportunity to visit all of it. I haven't, and I live here!The "tour" gives a little glimpse of each area. It's perfectly honest in saying just that and of course it would be impossible to offer any detail in a couple of dozen pages. What it does do is provide a taste so if, for example, you don't like mountains there's little point you going to parts of the Rhone Alps. If you don't like forests then Les Landes won't be for you.From there the book moves on to the actual process of buying a French property - whether for investment, as a holiday retreat or a permanent move. It suggests places to start your search and some things to watch out for. How to arrange to view and the problems you might find. It delves in some detail into the actual process of making an offer and what you're letting yourse
lf in for and follows this with the actual purchase and what to do after you've been successful.Finally there's a section on exchange rates which is of vital importance if you're outside the "Euro-zone" countries. There's a page with some useful websites and at the end a visit report which you can print out to use on your actual viewing trip.Author Jeff Seems has a friendly writing style that makes you feel like you're discussing things with a friend. Although he covers many of the aspects of buying a house in France in all necessary detail it never seems like you're wading through masses of complicated technicalities. Where needed he might use a French term but it's only to illustrate or entertain, not to confuse or intimidate.The French Property Buyer's Guide should never be the only source you look at if you're considering buying a property in France - I know the author would agree. However, it does contain a huge amount of very useful information, is easy to understand a
nd is excellent value for money. I would definitely recommended a copy before you embark on a trip to buy property in France.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Millionaire Mentor 2011 - Who's Behind the My Millionaire Mentor Program?

I'm sure you have heard of him before. If you are new to Internet Marketing I can easily understand if you haven't but if you are not new... you really should know who this guy is.He has studied under some of the most successful Online Marketers on the planet. Guys like Mike Filsaime and Jeff Walker. He has made more than $5, 000, 000 in a several years and it isn't going to look like he is going slow down anytime soon.Currently do not get me completely wrong, this man didn't get every little thing handed to him on a silver platter. He had to work his ass off for it! At his lowest point he was struggling to pay the bills, despondent and totally wasting his life boozing and doing drugs. However one day he made a decision enough was enough and he quit the drink and drugs and put every thing that he had into making money online. With his focus and willpower he changed everything around and today is a successful Online Marketer worth Millions! His name is Michael Cheney. And Mich
ael is the brains behind the "My Millionaire Mentor" program.Michael has been through it all and knows exactly what it takes to become successful on-line. He once said that "the successful online millionaire who rise to top (and stay there) all realize one major thing - the internet is NOT about technology, it is about HELPING PEOPLE. He also knows that things would have been much harder for him if he did not have a guru to help show him the way.And that is why he has released "My Millionaire Mentor 2011". Michael wishes to help you live the lifestyle you've imagined of by offering you the proper information, tactics and roadmap for success. And that is exactly what you get with his new program.You will get:- the actual same techniques that Michael used to earn $5 Million +- personal mentoring video tutorials that will keep you inspired, help you end procrastination, instruct you exactly how to deal with overwhelm and exactly how to manage your time better- gain access to Mi
chael's full time staff of Internet Marking expertsMichael is really serious about supporting out as many individuals as possible so he is offering My Millionaire Mentor 2011 at an extremely low price. He could easily charge thousands of dollars just for the amount of proven money making methods alone... but he didn't. That is not even counting the mentoring videos to keep you inspired and gain access to his full time team of marketing experts. He has to pay his staff for their time but he still is offering this system at a super low price. And the only reason for that is simply because he only wishes to guide folks become successful online.

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The Value of CGC Comics

One of the items that most people collect today is the comic books. And they do not just collect them to hark back all of their childhood memories but the comics are collected because they are valuable as well. When you own a bunch of comic books, one good thing which you can do is to have them graded by certified professionals.Grading those comic books means bringing them to a comic grading validation company that especially appraised different comics. These companies will assess your comics according to what comic series it is, its date of issue, and the physical state of the comic book. After checking all of these things out, the grading company will rate your old comic book, it could be anywhere from 1 to 10, with one being the lowest grade.Among the best comic grading companies around which also happens to be the favorite of many comic book collectors is the CGC.  This is because CGC comics are known to be priceless. Needless to say, you have to pay for your comic b
ooks to be graded. Furthermore, one main advantage of CGC comics is that the value of the ordinary comics can be raised. But in case you don't want to sell your collection and you simply want to keep them, then you don't have spend to have them graded because it just don't make any sense. What's the point of having them graded if you're not going to sell them? Otherwise, it will be a clever idea to have them graded since many comics collector often prefer to buy CGC comics as they are graded.Lastly, if you would like to save money, you can choose to grade your own comic books by yourself, provided that you are familiar with grading those rare comics. To get knowledge about how to grade comic books, you can research online as you can find abundant information there. You can also seek advice from someone who knows how to grade comics.  

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A Critical Look at the Book - "When Zachary Beaver Came to Town"

I actually liked the pace and visual elements in this book . There was a movie made from the screenplay by director John Schultz. I have not seen it but it is available on DVD.The book is written in a style that young boys and girls will find easy to read. My 12 year old son enjoyed it but found it a bit sad.The situations in the book relating to death and divorce may dampen the spirits of a few young people but overall I would say that this is a very good read. The book is 227 pages and relates to boys and girls age 10 and up. The author manages to give a warm and distinctive vision of small town America during one of its most horrific wars. The book is set in 1971 and deals with alienation, acceptance and redemption.The small town of Antler, Texas bakes in the August heat. Young Toby, the hero of Kimberly Willis Holt's award winning book sees his life as heading nowhere fast. The novel is set in the Viet Nam era and is filled with that hot, slow, West Texas atmosphere. The
book would be ordinary except for the appearance of Zachary Beaver. The chapter in which Ms. Holt describes the meeting between Toby and Zachary Beaver is the first of several memorable scenes.The title character is billed as "the fattest boy in the world." Toby and his friends meet the boy in his trailer, under dubious circumstances and though the scene isn't earth shaking, there is a spark of brilliance in the sparse dialogue and the interaction of the characters.What Toby learns from Zachary Beaver becomes the focus of Toby's growth from child to young man. The transition is not an easy one as Toby's mother deals with the struggle of a new career and the separation from her son and his father.The cast of memorable characters include Toby's best friend Cal, Scarlett and little Tara, the bane of Toby's existence.Throughout the novel, several characters are seen through their letters. Cal's brother is serving in Viet Nam and sends letters almost daily; Toby's mother communic
ates through her letters from Nashville. I recommend this one for the young adults and tweens.If you have a favorite book for young adults and tweens that you wish to recommend, email me and let me know at my website.

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Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour - An Introduction (1963) - J D Salinger

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters (1955) and Seymour: An Introduction (1959), are a pair of long short stories written by Salinger about the Glass family. The former ostensibly about Buddy Glass, and the latter about Seymour Glass, but quite often it appears that the opposite is true. Although, really, both stories are about the relationship between the two brothers, Buddy and Seymour, or more precisely, Buddy's recollections of their relationship.Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters, follows Buddy to New York in 1942, where he is taking leave from the army to attend Seymour's wedding to Muriel. He arrives just in time to discover that Seymour has not turned up, and somehow manages to end up in a car with the Matron of Honor (sic), her husband the Lieutenant, Muriel's Aunt Mrs. Silsburn, and Muriel's deaf-mute great-uncle. The topic of conversation rarely strays from Seymour and his deficiencies. Unsurprisingly, Buddy is reluctant to reveal his own identity.This first stor
y is fairly typical of Salinger's work, particularly his Glass family saga, in that it is tightly written, unfolds over a short space of time, and consists of human interactions (with a playwright's ear for dialogue.) The second story, Seymour: An Introduction, on the other hand, is quite a departure; it takes the form of a stream of consciousness portrait of Seymour by his brother Buddy.The formal elements of this second story are what surprise the most. It is, at least seemingly, self indulgent with paragraphs that last for several pages, and has an overuse of parenthesis, italics, foot-notes, and out of place capitalization. I say seemingly, because, is the self indulgence Salinger's or Buddy's? Is it not just Salinger's portrait of Buddy's (mid-life crisis induced?) self indulgence? Of course, Salinger chose to write the story, so one could easily argue either way.Nevertheless, both stories are interesting, although I, personally, prefer Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpent
ers, but having said that, I can't help but be intrigued by Seymour: An Introduction. Its diary-like informality really makes one feel like one is witness to a truly personal and intimate portrait of, not the titular Seymour, but the author himself, Buddy, or perhaps, even Salinger himself. One comes away from the story with a picture of a lonely 40 year-old man who desperately misses his brother, a person that he not only shared his early life with, but whom he continues to measure it against.

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End Tiredness Program - Scam Or The Real Thing

Tina Hagen's End Tiredness program is a pdf book about ways in which you can eliminate your fatigue and increase your energy levels. I believe that many people have unrealistic expectations from this program so they end up thinking that it doesn't work. If you're wondering the same, than this article is certainly worth reading. The truth is that the End Tiredness Program isn't a scam, but it's not a magical cure either.You see, this program is an education program. If you're not going to apply what you learn, you won't get any benefits from this program. However, if you take this program seriously, take the time to read the program well and make a true commitment to making the necessary lifestyle changes (which aren't that massive), you can get a lot out of the End Tiredness Program.The most important thing is to remain realistic. You won't see a difference in your fatigue or energy levels. It takes time to make a true difference. You can't shift your lifestyle and expect tha
t your body will automatically transform itself overnight. This is why I think some people think the End Tiredness Program is a scam: they're just unrealistic and don't have the necessary patience and commitment to truly make a difference in their life.Does the End Tiredness program work for everyone? Not it doesn't. Some people suffer from a physical condition which makes them more tired than other people. If this is the case than any benefit you get from this program will be limited. But if you're like most of the people and you suffer from excessive tiredness simply because you're making some simple lifestyle mistakes, than the End Tiredness Program can teach you a few things.

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Learning About Bridges and Tunnels As a Young Tike

How can we teach our children about the importance of infrastructure in our nation? How can we get them to respect the engineering feats of days gone by? We, owe to ourselves and our children's future to pass on this knowledge and they are never too young to start learning. Thus, I'd like to recommend a good children's book to you;"Bridges and Tunnels; Technology Craft Topics" by Chris Oxlade; Franklin Watts Publishing, New York; 1994. Illustrated by Raymond Turvey and Photographs by Martyn Chillmaid.This book has facts, activities, and things to make to help children learn about bridges and tunnels, as well as get a better understanding of how things are built and made, and how it is so vital to our transportation infrastructure. It is a great book for the classroom, school library or for young people who want to make a huge difference.There are chapters on the various types of bridges, fully illustrated with samples of activities so kids can make small models to better unde
rstand how these bridges are actually made in real life. There are also chapters on channel tunnels, train tunnels and underwater modern marvels of engineering. Want to learn how to build an Arch Bridge, Suspension Bridge or Causeway; this book shows them how.There are also sections on the history of bridge making through-out this book and this makes it a total learning experience, just the kind of book to get your little creative genius's mind working and thinking. I highly recommend that any parent of children ages 4 through 7 buy a copy of this book and just leave it in the house for them to discover and explore. Then offer to help them make a bridge themselves with the easy instructions in the book. Think on this.

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Some Day Never Comes - Book Review

Do you have a family treasure in the form of an ancestor's diary? What wisdom will you be passing on to your future generations? Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all write down the lessons we've learned in hopes that whoever reads them will avoid the mistakes we've made? This seems to be the goal behind Kerry LePage's book, "Some Day Never Comes."The first chapters of the book deal with every day types of life's adventures that the author presents with humor, dry wit, and some reflective thought. From moments of getting more with positive reinforcement than words of war, to enlightening check out tellers of their obligatory duties, LePage has advice. From working with a veterinarian over his dog's discomfort, to dealing with a neighbor's dog killing his very expensive lawn, the author offers words of wisdom. Moments in between, regarding topics of a person's lack of desire to take just any old job, another person's lack of interest in living this particular life, and how
tastes are acquired, all contain bits of comedy, absurdity, and even a bit of brash opinionated thought. The second half of the book, offered in four parts, deals with sales and marketing. This section goes into detail of how LePage made some mistakes in business, how he took some knocks, and how he got back up and brushed himself off to start over again. This feels like a separate book in a way, as if LePage intended to write this section and then realized he had more to say in regards to other aspects of life, so added the first section of the work. The Sales and Marketing portion still offers the same wit, the same humor, and the same style of writing. It connects well to the rest, though is more focused on the reader who is in need of a business pep talk.The book is an interesting conglomerate of essays. LePage shares himself freely, well, for the cost of the book, and can honestly say that he's left his mark on the world for future generations to explore. How many of us
can say that? "Some Day Never Comes" is an enjoyable read with a slightly different just might learn something here.

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"The Magic Secret of Success" Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich been responsible for helping create more than 1 MILLION, MILLIONAIRES! It has been termed the- "GOSPEL OF HOPE" and "PHILOSOPHY OF ACHIEVEMENT"INTRODUCTION: MINDPOWER:The Man Who "Thought" His Way1. Desire2. Faith3. Autosuggestion4. Specialized Knowledge5. Imagination6. Organized Planning7. Decision8. Persistence9. Power of the Master Mind10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation11. The Subconscious Mind12. The Brain13. The Sixth SenseEpilogue:How to Outwit the 6 Ghost of FearI tried to Google it... HA!There are more answers of what people think "THE SECRET" is than there are references of it in the book (over a hundred, I might add). I mean I've read everything I could get my eyes on. People claim it is desire, a plan, a mastermind group, persistence, imagination, a combination of a few, the law of attraction, the subconscious mind, taking action, and then there was the obvious, the title of the book, "Think and Grow Rich." Another person stated that your inst
inct will become so natural to you that your actions will lead you to your desires and that there really wasn't any secret to be had, and so on and so on. Whatever the answer was, it has to include of these! There was no denying that millions of lives have been changed by this book. I thought maybe if people we're just simply following the instructions in the book, they were practicing the secret without really knowing exactly how it happen. In all honesty I was searching for a short-cut.Now, what if the answer was different for everyone? What if you had to read and experience it for yourself? We all know how it's literally impossible it is to have an experience of riding a bike without actually riding one right? And so in the words of Napoleon Hill, I was trying to get something, for nothing.Hill also said in the author's preface that, "It has not been directly named, for it seems to work more successfully when it is merely uncovered and left in sight, where THOSE WHO ARE R
EADY and SEARCHING FOR IT may pick it up. The secret to which I refer cannot be had without a price, although the price is far less than it's value. It cannot be had at any price by those who are not intentionally searching for it. It cannot be given away, and it cannot be purchased for money, for the reason that it comes in two parts. One part is already in possession of those who are ready for it.Before the first Chapter Hill writes, "As a final word of preparation, before you begin the next chapter, may I offer you one brief suggestion which may provide a clue by which the Carnegie secret may be recognized? It is this: ALL ACHIEVEMENT, ALL EARNED RICHES, HAVE THEIR BEGINNING IN AN IDEA! If you are ready for the secret, you already possess one half of it, therefore, you will readily recognize the other half the moment it reaches your mind."Why doesn't Hill just come out and tell us what the secret is? Why did he suggest the reader "READ THE BOOK 3 TIMES" and "IF YOU DO, AF

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Filming God: A Journey From Skepticism to Faith by Darren Wilson

Filming the Signs and Wonders during the Production of The Finger of God and Furious Love"Filming God: A Journey from Skepticism to Faith" is the story of Darren Wilson's journey while producing the films: Finger of God and Furious Love. Whether you are skeptical about Darren's Angelic visitation experience and stories which he purports to be legitimate signs and wonders or are a firm believer that we are living in the Kingdom Age of Miracles you will be touched by God's unconditional love and limitless power manifested within the pages of the book.Darren relates how his head knowledge of God became a heart relationship, a complicated reality of walking in faith, experiencing encounters with God, which led to witnessing miraculous "God occurrences," encounters that changed his heart and his destiny."Filming God" is packed with seeds of spiritual revolution that ask the questions: Is God moving at an unprecedented rate? Is He moving in Biblical proportions on a regular basis a
round the world? The book is filled with first hand experiences or stories, from around the world, almost too incredible to be true. Darren reports them as he witnessed them or as they were related to him by people he trusts who experienced them. He encourages the reader to: "...approach these claims with an open mind, but not rush headlong into them simply because I say it's true." He reminds the reader of the importance of using discernment.Something about Darren's openness really resonated with me. My heart was touched as I considered what it means to serve Jesus as Lord; unequivocally handing myself over to the God of the universe to do whatever He wants with me. Darren's writing is candid, warm and sincere, revealing a man with a heart after God. This openness is authentic, engaging, and compelling. I was drawn into his experiences especially as they parallel my own.It is Darren's genuine desire to see lives changed forever. He also has a concern that Christians everywh
ere will learn to trust God more, to live up to their full potential, by living in the power of Christ."Filming God: A Journey from Skepticism to Faith" challenges the reader to examine their faith in light of a relational walk with Christ, in holiness, honesty, and humility, in a total commitment to follow His direction daily. Darren discusses how he was moved to rethink his world view of evangelism, his theology of God's power and love, and to take an honest look at God's expectation for purity and integrity in his followers.Destiny Image Publishers, Inc.P. O. Box 310Shippensburg, PA 17257978-0768437706, $ 15.99, 2011, 208 pagesAs Reviewed for Midwest Book Review

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Did King Arthur Really Exist?

For nearly a thousand years, people have been inspired and entertained by stories, poems, songs, paintings and tapestries about King Arthur, who has become the subject of one of the largest bodies of literature in the world. However, physical evidence has been so lacking as to appear systematically obliterated over the centuries. Even so, an abundance of truths has preserved in books, and more recently in films, of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, and the Holy Grail. All of these contain elements of truth and clues for those questing for historical facts behind the legends.The body of Merlinius Ambrosius Dubricius, identified by historian Norma Lorre Goodrich in her book Merlin as the man better known throughout history as "Merlin" was, according to Goodrich, discovered on Bardsy Isle by the Bishop of Llandaff. Goodrich maintains that the Merlin's body was taken to the cathedral founded by Merlin at Llandaff, Wales. Geoffrey of Monmouth, author of one of the first
histories of King Arthur, and an acquaintance of that same twelfth century Bishop of Llandaff, began his famous History of the Kings of Britain in 1120, the same year as the Bishop's discovery of the body. Geoffrey attributed his source to "a very ancient book written in the British language" (The History of the Kings of Britain, by Geoffrey of Monmouth, Bishop of St. Asaph, translated by Lewis G. M. Thorpe.) Coincidentally, Geoffrey was appointed archdeacon of Llandsaff (sp) in 1140.Since Geoffrey of Monmouth, non-fiction and fiction writers have researched and written about King Arthur, inspiring readers to search for evidence that might prove the existence of this ancient king and his legendary kingdom. At least three of these writers have made discoveries, and have written about evidence that can still be seen today by those conducting their own grail quest.Sir Walter Scott was a prolific poet and novelist. Historical fiction, a genre he helped create and popularize, re
flected his keen interest in Scottish history, and his research led him to some major discoveries. He convinced the Prince Regent, later George IV, to search in Edinburgh Castle for the Scottish Honours, the Royal Scottish regalia which had disappeared over a hundred years before. The Honours were subsequently found. Sir Walter used to escort his friends at sunset to Calton Hill in Edinburgh to view below the Salisbury Crags ancient weathered carvings that he thought memorialized King Arthur.One distinctive sculpted image that may be among those seen by Scott is still visible. It resembles a "helmeted man." This image was recently re-discovered by Kaye Hennig, author of King Arthur Lord of the Grail, who believes that it was created by the famous Merlin as a memorial to the real King Arthur. This giant head can still be seen quite clearly in the late afternoon on the Salisbury cliffs just across from The Palace of Holyroodhouse car park.The late Dr. Norma Lorre Goodrich was
professor emeritus of French and comparative languages at Claremont Colleges in California and the author of four Arthurian books: King Arthur; Guinevere; The Holy Grail; and Merlin. Her research located the territory of the 'real' Arthur in the borders area of what is now southern Scotland. She believed that the cave located on the Whithorn Peninsula, now called St. Ninian's cave, is Merlin's famous burial cave described by legends as created by request of his Lady of the Lake, Niniane. At this site Goodrich described seeing a burial niche high up on the left side of the ruins of the cave.Dr. Goodrich and thousands of other visitors to this cave site over the centuries failed to identify remains of ancient art. Rock sculptures and traces of rock paintings are still visible. The images and faded paintings of larger-than-life standing figures in ceremonial attire and large and small chiseled faces of helmeted warriors and beautiful ladies bear an uncanny resemblance to descri
ptions of legendary Arthurian ancients. Towering above all, forty feet above the floor of the cave, is a rugged crowned head with red beard, strong shoulders, and grey mantle. Over the right shoulder another symbol is still visible, a giant heart-shaped shield with a legendary sword through it.Those looking for stone sculptures of mythological or historical figures have been conditioned to look for sculptures created in the style of the Greek or Roman sculptors, art that was created in marble that allowed the artist to produce very recognizable human likenesses. The stone at the cave on Whithorn Peninsula is brittle with fissures and does not lend itself well to sculptures. Artisans could cut and chip the stone within the limitations of the rock and tools used to create a likeness but would then be forced to stop as the rock broke in the wrong direction. Unlike the lifelike images of the American presidents carved into cliff in the Black Hills, these ancient sculptures appea
r quite basic and rough. However, the intent of the Merlin and his artists appeared very clear to the couple who discovered the images. Visitors that plan their walk to the Whithorn cave when late afternoon sunlight casts shadows will find that these are the best conditions for viewing the sculpted stone figures and images.This recent discovery by author Kaye Hennig and her photographer husband, Terrance, provides dramatic new evidence that may help secure the legendary Arthurians a place in history. Beyond that, the symbols seen in this ancient art could help explain how the Arthurians came to be lost and could provide clues to unravel the mysteries surrounding the legends of the Holy Grail. The couple believes that the ancient art was created inside this burial cave to serve as a record of King Arthur and his Merlin and as memorials to the notables of their legendary lost kingdom.

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Benefits of Study Guides For Anatomy

When it comes to using study guides for anatomy, there are several options that will help college students and other career professionals such as injury lawyers, chiropractors, and even sports therapists. All of these careers use principles of the human anatomy to either make decisions about treatment plans, communicate your argument in a clearer way, as well as for other reasons. There's no doubt that learning about the human body and physiological principles does takes time to digest and understand.Perhaps the major way that a majority of people learn the human body is through a full human anatomy and physiology course at a college or university. A college course is a good option and study guides for anatomy in software form can supplement courses and many other teaching aids. However, there are other reasons why you should consider using a software-type human physiology study guide to learn about the body and its systems.The CostComparing the cost of study guides for anato
my to other learning methods, using this method seems like a very affordable and economical option for most people. Consider that college courses range in the thousands of dollars to enroll and attend. Private tutoring sessions are simply like miniature lectures and are also expensive if you're using a reliable instructor.On the other hand, a human physiology study book that can be used on your computer will typically cost less than $50 in most cases. In addition, software study guides for anatomy are a one-time cost; in contrast, tutors have to be re-paid for each session and college tuition re-paid for the course if you fail it or make a less-than-desirable grade the first time around.The Learning ExperienceWhen using study guides for anatomy, the learning experience that you have rivals that of an actual high school or college course on the topic. Subjects are just as in-depth and advanced; the modules that are presented cover all the parts of the human anatomy that a reg
ular college course would as well.Not only do you get to learn the same things, however, but the experience may take you through graphic illustrations and diagrams that are designed to help anyone see and remember the human anatomy. Study guides for anatomy that are worth their weight in salt will have all of these learning resources in addition to course guides, lesson plans, human anatomy tests as well as answer guides.When it comes right down to it, the value that you receive by using study guides for anatomy lessons does not compare to any other method for learning the material. Since you can learn the same things as you would in a college-level course, using such a human physiology study book takes away the need for any other resources even though you may have to enroll in a college anatomy course if you actually need the college credit for your degree. On the other hand, using software study books for anatomy practically guarantees a good grade in any human anatomy and
physiology college course in addition to making you smarter and more knowledgeable in your professional career.

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Athletic Breakthrough in Less Than 21 Days

Do we truly want to take our physical fitness to the next level? Are we authentically committed to do whatever it takes to change our habits of not working out at all to becoming perfectly fit in the next 21 days? Do we want to take our athletic performance to the highest possible level that we can? Are we committed to become pro-athlete at the sport that we love the most? What it would take for us to be HUMBLED and follow-through on a daily regular routine exercise program?What is your short-term athletic goal that you have? What is holding you back from being exercising everyday after knowing the benefits on your personal well-being? What are the beliefs that you have about yourself and your personal fitness? What are your top athletic goals? Do you want to become a professional athlete? Which team do you want to play for? Are you aware of your strengths and the areas you need to grow in your athletic abilities? Are you willing to take your body training to have the ideal b
ody you always dream to have? If you are not having your personal fitness goal met, what is really getting on the way for you to be in action? What are we pretending that we are not in action and the world of performance? What are our pretenses and fears that kept us from actually being authentically committed to produce optimum athletic results? What would it be like if you met all your maximum athletic performance at the sport that you love the most? What would it be like if you are in the your best body shape and feel always energized with the zest to live life to the fullest?I asked to myself all those questions to get me started to give up all my resistance and live life fully being on the athletic field every single day because that is my authentic self-expression where I can express myself with the highest level of excellence. I know for a fact that HUMILITY is the key to perform your best at any sport. I remember being a kid playing soccer barefoot in my neighborhood
and little by little I became a master of the soccer game that I ended up being the team captain and team player of great soccer team-Club Deportivo El Suace- in my native town La Ceiba. Athletics is all about being in action. You can perform your best in any sport by putting your mind into it in less than 21 days working out intensively. You can go from being with no motivation to exercise to be completely excited and committed to workout everyday in 21 days commitment to your personal fitness.Are you committed to take your athletic performance to the next level in the next 21 days?

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Books on Lucid Dreaming, Classics and Children's Books Today

Despite the present information technology, nothing beats reading a good book. We never stop learning and the book industry is more vibrant than ever as the internet has enabled people to purchase books of all topics and kinds. It even has made people who read the same type of books closer through websites and blogs that discuss the books that they are currently reading. Think of it as a virtual book club with people posting their comments, opinions and criticisms of the book of the week. Oprah has even given book clubs a boost by having hers on the show on a regular basis. We need to more than even encourage people to read, to learn, and to know.There are several interesting books that may be appealing to you. If you are fond of dreams, try looking for books on lucid dreaming. Lucid Dreaming is becoming popular these days as it is gaining ground and appeal as a way for people to understand more about themselves. Lucid Dreaming isn't something new but it is being studied more
these days and the scientific data being gathered about it shows the inter relationship between dreams and the things we do consciously. It affects how we see ourselves in the future and how we want to live out our lives. If this interests you, go online and search for books on lucid dreaming and you would be surprised at what you will find.Classics. Purchase and go back to your favourite books that have inspired you or made you think deeply. How are classics defined? That is a subjective answer but usually they are books that have stood the test of time and for every re read, there is something learned from the book. Some books are not that long to read. Take for example the book, The Little Prince, by Antonie Expurey. This is a book of not more than a 100 pages and has been in circulation for more than 70 years but the impact of how this book wrote simply, can have a great effect on how one thinks or views the world. What is the difference between a grown up and an adult
is the question most asked from the book. And perhaps, the most quoted phrase from the book is "What is essential is invisible to the eye."Children's books. If you have a family, these are the books that you would want to have close to you as you started your children in their journey of knowledge. These times for them are both precious and memorable, and something you will always cherish.

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Street Fighting Moves - Book Review - Secrets of Street Fighting by Norm "The Cannibal" Bettencourt

"Secrets of Street Fighting " is an easy to read and easy-to-understand 125-page illustrated book that explains to you how to survive the real down and dirty experience of a street attack and how to defend yourself. "Secrets of Street Fighting " is not to be confused with the 'fluff' of any traditional martial art which teaches you more about how to "look pretty" than to be effective.  Norm explains simple, down and dirty tactics that will allow you to easily and quickly take out that S.O.B. every time. What Norm Has To Say About Keeping It Simple:
Techniques should be simple and to the point.
Techniques should be similar in movement from one another so they are easy to remember.
Less is more, so master only a few techniques so your response time is quicker and your tactics are mastered.
What Norm Has To Say About Targeting And Attacking:
Focus on targeting not on techniques.
Don't target haphazardly.
The L.E.A.C.H acronym (legs, eyes, elbows, airway, chin, head and hips) represents the anatomic weak points of the body.
It doesn't matter how you attack these targets as long as you strike them.
Biting is the defensive and offensive tactic.
To summarize this book, we just need to look at Norm's fighting motto that permeates the entire book.  "There's no such thing as a dirty fighter - only an educated one."I feel that "Secrets of Street Fighting" is destined to become a classic in the field of reality-based self-protection and self defense. I give it 5 out of 5 bookmarks.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

What Type of Financial Magazine is Right For You?

If you're interested in building wealth, making any type of investment, saving money on taxes, or just managing your personal finances better, you don't need some get rich quick scheme. If you're not much of a book reader either, or you want up-to-date, relevant information, you should take a look at a financial magazine. There are a multitude of magazine publications out there talking about investing, finances, economics, and more money topics. Whether you read at a middle school level, or you're a Harvard scholar, there is a financial magazine out there that's right for you.At the easy reader level, there are several publications geared towards individuals and casual investors and businessmen. These magazines don't go into a lot of detail that might be unnecessary for the everyday reader, saving you time and brain sores. Money is a magazine on this end of the spectrum that covers several topics including investing, homeowner tips, financing retirement or vacations, life ins
urance, and other everyday, common issues. If you don't want detailed company profiles or hundreds of pages of statistics that mean nothing to you, you should consider a financial magazine on this end of the spectrum.On the more serious end, there are publications such as Barron's and Harvard Business Review. These both have longer, wordier issues and are intended for professionals in the fields of investment and business, respectively. Barron's is a weekly investment publication published by Dow Jones and Co. and has a pretty high price point. Harvard Business Review talks about current business leaders and profiles them and their success. They do extensive case studies of businesses and management, making it an ideal financial magazine for any executive to learn from.Other possibilities include SmartMoney, Inc., Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Forbes, Project Finance Yearbook, The Economist, and more. If you want an analysis of each of those publications, their target audience
, topics covered, and customer satisfaction, there's a Financial Magazine website that details all those magazines so that you can choose what's right for you.

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The Sand In The Painting

This is a startling and intriguing book. The framework is a familiar one - to tell the story of a group of friends as a series of overlapping tableaux, changing viewpoints with each new chapter. Previous examples I've read have been promising at the start, but became tedious or repetitive at some point. The Sand in the Painting gave completely the opposite experience. I was a bit dubious when I saw what was ahead, and a bit impatient when I saw that chapter 3 would reiterate things I'd seen in chapters 1 and 2 - but by then I'd been drawn in. My doubts forgotten, I was hooked and the book maintained its grip right to the last page.'What was she thinking of?' we so often cry, and, 'What on earth do they talk about when they're together?!' On its lighter level, this book exploits that predatory curiosity: The reader finishes each chapter at a gallop, burning with the desire to open the next and find out what the other one was really thinking, and what he said to her when th
ey left the room.But there is more. Author Catherine Edmunds has presented complex, believable characters in a well-realized setting and created - what? - something between an intelligent romance and a suspense novel. I found myself continually having to change my mind about which characters I was in sympathy with, because I met each one as you do in life: First as someone on the edge throwing in comments, then as the friend, spouse or colleague of someone I cared about - and then suddenly as themselves, with all their motivations and perceptions laid out before me. It's an object lesson in empathy.The Sand in the Painting, rather like the seed in the oyster shell, is the irritation which stimulates greatness and terror, and the factor which makes human affairs so unpredictable and so creative. With impressive craftsmanship and control, Edmunds develops small actions and reactions between her characters and consistently produces surprising and yet believable revelations
right up to the final pages. I approached the last page feeling - briefly - that a trite happy ending might be coming along. Well, as Richard Bach once pointed out, if you're still alive, your story can't be finished. And this book demonstrates that. We get a happy ending - but one in which the snags and seeds of future challenges leave the reader busily writing the sequel even as the book is put down.Have you ever walked out of a conversation smugly sure that you understand everyone present better than they understand themselves? Have you ever wisely and capably treated someone in an emotional state or with a mental condition in 'the right way'? Have you ever washed your hands of a clichéd situation, knowing exactly how it will come out? Well, I guarantee you won't get through this novel without kicking yourself more than once for your blindness and assumptions.What struck me as the most original feature of this book was the way the complexity of the social inter
actions it portrays builds up progressively without ever withdrawing to an impersonal, gods-eye-view. The result is that towards the end, when all the friends you now know so well converge in one place, you are so aware of the tender wounds in each of their beings, so mindful of what self-obsessed little despots human beings can be, that the rash chanciness of a roomful of friends hoping to survive a coffee and a chat is terrifying.If you are interested in people, if you want to understand human communication and perception, I wholeheartedly recommend this book. But don't read it on the train. If you get past the first chapter you will almost certainly miss your stop and have to finish the book in the terminus.Note: Amazon are threatening to remove certain publishers' 'buy buttons' from their site so if you're tempted to take a look at Catherine's book, I recommend contacting her directly via her website, /catherineedmunds/Read more book reviews at Booksy or Kay's blog.

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Getting More - How to Negotiate to Achieve Your Goals in the Real World by Stuart Diamond

"Getting More: How to Negotiate to Achieve Your Goals in the Real World: by Stuart Diamond presents his "12 invisible strategies that change everything you thought you knew about negotiating." Diamond, who is an internationally recognized negotiation expert and award-winning professor of the famed negotiation course at Wharton Business School, has written one of the most practical and enjoyable negotiation books I've read in a long time. I really like this book. I like it so much that I used a copy as a give-a-way when I spoke on black belt strategies to break impasse at the Northwest Dispute Resolution Conference in Seattle, WA, earlier this month. If you are looking to "get more" from your negotiations, this is a book to read, learn from, and implement the strategies into your every day dealings.This is not just a simple little book with a few "rules" or "guidelines," but rather a dense text of nearly four hundred pages of concrete strategies and real life examples of how t
he strategies have been used by numerous students of Diamond's classes. But before you get scared away by my calling this book a dense text of nearly 400 pages, be assured that it is easy and enjoyable to read. Additionally, it is very practical. That's one of the things I liked the most about this book. It isn't a college text book of theory, but rather a book of common sense and practical advice on negotiating in numerous every day situations. If one could criticize the book at all, it would be that some of the strategies seem simple and are common sense. So why don't people use them more? I don't know, but read this book, use them, and get more. Seriously, you will. You'll also find you get along better with people and just might enjoy your interactions with others more too.The book doesn't just present a bunch of negotiation "tricks." It provides sounds advice on communicating with others to help you get what you want, or at least more of what you want. It really is a bo
ok on interacting with others, which essentially is what negotiation is. We are always negotiating, the difference is if we do it well or not. This book will help you do it well. And not only will you get more, but when achieving your goals, you will help others too. The chapters on standards and trading things of unequal value are excellent. The examples throughout the book make the lessons real, and illustrate how they can be done.I've been teaching and writing about negotiation and mediation for a long time, and I learned a lot from this book. It has changed some of the things I teach. I encourage anyone who wants to improve their interactions with others and "get more" to read this book.

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Barron's: Benefits of Subscribing to the Magazine

The world is changing at an exceedingly high speed. This is why people have to keep a keen eye on the new developments so as to maintain an upper hand that helps achieve the desired goals more comprehensively. Today, if struggling with finances, the choice of the Barron's could be of great help. This is a magazine designed to help both the ordinary citizens and the investors gain profound understanding on finances. However, to benefit the most from the magazine, you are highly advised to get a subscription.The advancements in technology especially those relating to the Internet have brought many changes to the world. Today, investors are embracing the option so as to reach more clients. The option has proven exceptional. Due to the embracing of the online podium, the publishers of the Barron's are able to create room for subscriptions. This is an option in which you sign up for a year to receive special offers and magazines from the publisher. This is the best option that any
person with a desire to learn more can embrace. After taking this option, you are guaranteed of a number of benefits from the Barron's.First, subscription to the Barron's ensures that you never miss a single copy. This is simply because every issue is sent to you as soon as it is released. This helps a person to keep up with the changes in finances. In addition to getting new copies as soon as they are released, a person is able to get past issues. This is the best choice for people who have just subscribed. You can easily request for past issues so as to read certain articles. This will help maintain an upper hand in finance.Second, subscription enables you to be eligible for special deals. This is another reason why people find it hard to adhere to the traditional options when it comes to the Barron's. With the right subscription even to the Golf Magazine, you are able to gain access to a wider range of formats as well as special rates on the magazines. This will help sav
e significantly and achieve an upper hand when using the Barron's. The ability to get special deals is the main reason why most people find subscriptions inevitable.Third, the members subscribed to the Barron's are guaranteed of newsletters from the publishers. The newsletters contain vital information that can help a person maintain an upper hand in finances. The newsletters are usually sent on a regular basis to a person's inbox at no extra cost. The information on them can help a person learn of special deals in the market as well as how to make informed decisions in finances.Fourth, a person is able to learn from renowned individuals across the globe. This is made possible by the various reviews and interviews given in the Barron's. Newsletters often include reviews or interviews, which cannot be featured in the magazines. This means that a person is able to get inspiration or advice from experts in an exclusive way.

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Want to Build Wealth - Then Read All About It

So many folks wish to be wealthy, millionaires or better, problem is they don't know how and when you attempt to explain it to them or discuss various strategies they look at you like you are talking a different language. It would seem that every High School Student graduating would have a financial literacy class; why don't they?If I could I'd make it mandatory and actually write the class syllabus, outline and create all the manuals, visuals and the training courses for teachers. That's how serious I am about it. Of course, many financial services firms and practitioners have already done all the work, so it would actually be a matter of consolidating the best information and then re-packaging it for graduating high school students.Let's face it, everyone needs to be concerned about their financial future, too many folks are irresponsible with their credit, savings and spending, some are just ignorant and others are destructive due to poor decisions or irresponsibility. Som
ething needs to change, maybe you need to change, may be you need to learn more about financial vehicles that can put you on the right track in life.I would like to recommend a very good book to you to help you learn about the benefits of money, retirement, investments, taxes, consumer frugality, business smarts and how to travel and enjoy a life of leisure on a reasonable budget. This book and extremely helpful guide is:"Millionaire Magic; 101 Ways To Do Much More With Your Money * Safe * Legal" Published by Boardroom, Inc. 2002.

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The Slight Edge - An Introduction to Consider If You Are Starting Your Own Business

As I read the introduction to The Slight Edge, I just felt - "Well - maybe the same could be said for every single person on the planet?"I started to ask more questions
How many people on this earth today actually achieve more than 5% of what they are capable of achieving?
Why is that?
Who must they feel about that?
How many of them actually think about it it and are unhappy about it?
How many have chosen not to think about it it and are happy with what they have?
If none of us thought about being better than we are, would we be better off?
For so many people who actually do put their heads above the parapet, they often feel the brunt of people fears, especially in relation in starting a business or working for yourself, or internet marketing or network marketing or MLM.As someone who has chosen not just to be average, I often find myself doing exactly the same as Jeff Olson did in the book, The Slight Edge.Personally, we use a system when we coach our client to explain this very scenario. We call it above and below the line. People who operate below the line do three things.They BlameThe Make ExcusesThey operate in a state of DenialYou see, this is often a very comfortable place to operate. They can blame the government or the fat cats or the recession for their current miserable financial state.They can make excuses that they do not have the time, the energy to work on improving themselves.They may not even admit that there is anything wrong about only just surviving.While you may not be wealthy living this ex
istence, you may feel a certain sense of security. This is what many people crave in fact - I'd go so far as to say that upwards of 80% of the population crave security more than anything else.When you read the introduction to the Slight Edge, I get the feeling that the Shoe Shine woman craves security more than anything else. Familiarity gives security, being able to speak to people gives security. She's a nice woman who's able to hold a conversation and knows all the people. But is this enough to help her to rise above the norm? Yes, she does want for better things and for better things for her children, but at what risk, and at what risk to her feeling of security.She knows that her stand will be there tomorrow, she could probably tell you exactly what she will make tomorrow. How could she give this up for the unknown?In her case, as is the case with so many people they do not even know that it's possible to be more, to do more and to have more. No one has told them and t
heir desire for security has suppressed the wanting to be better and to do more.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Vedic Maths

Through the incredibly great Indian History, Mathematics has always occupied the finest place in India's scientific heritage. Mathematics is universally regarded as the science of all sciences. The crowning glory of Indian Mathematics was the invention of Zero and the introduction of Decimal notation - without which mathematics as a scientific discipline could not make much progress. Indian Mathematics (Vedic Mathematics) is a living discipline with a huge potential for diversified modern world applications.According to Sir J F Herbert Everything that the greatest minds of all times have accomplished towards the comprehension of forms by means of concepts is gathered into one great science, popularly known as Mathematics.It's uncertain as to when the Vedic Literature actually began but according to modern historians, the Vedas(Rig veda, Sama veda, Yajur veda, and Atharva veda) began to be developed in about 1600BC. In the course of time, much of the vedic tradition fell into
stagnancy. Then in the 19th centuary scholars took again took interest in the vedas. Then Sri Bharti Krishna Tirathji after lengthy and careful investigations produced a reconstruction of ancient Indian Mathematics based on 16 sutras, together with a subsutra.Vedic Mathematics is not only a sophisticated tool but also an introduction to ancient civilization. It takes us back to millennia of India's cultural and scientific heritage. It is rooted in the ancient vedic sources which heralded the dawn of human history and illuminated by their erudite exegesis. Vedic Mathematics deals mainly with various mathematical formulae and their applications for carrying out tedious and cumbersome algebra equations and to a large extent try to execute these formulae mentally. Vedic Maths is a unique system of calculations based on simple rules & principles, with which any mathematical problem - be it arithmetic, algebra, geometry or trigonometry - can be solved orally. Further it offers
us the choices of doing the calculations with different methods and ways also. Calculation can be done both ways, from left to right and also right to left and in the end same result can be obtained. In this way an overall development of the child easily and permanently takes place and their creativity levels are boosted above the roof.Calculating with the help of this ancient system is like entering Playway School where every step is taken according to the minds of tiny tots and not by any rule. In this system multiplication becomes a game of additions and also subtraction is done with addition. Division can be a process of multiplication and addition. The simplicity of approach exposes the top-heavy processes of our logic-driven world.

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Book Review - PeopleSavvy for Sales Professionals

PeopleSavvy for Sales Professionals, by Gregory Stebbins, Ed.D., is addressed to salespeople, but teaches the fundamental concepts of building authentic, lasting relationships of any kind.Dr. Gregory Stebbins covers the basics and the details of:1. Establishing trust -- by learning to listen with compassion, building empathetic connection, establishing credibility, and demonstrating competence and commitment.2. Discerning and engaging someone's motivation -- a most succinct and yet in-depth explanation of motivation. How to identify someone's motivations from environmental clues and from his or her own words.3. Identifying, understanding and adapting to behavioral styles -- he explains how behavior works and how to recognize a person's behavioral style using a handy tool known as the D.I.S.C. approach. So you can adapt your behavior to that of others.4. Learning to "speak the customer's language" -- how to identify others' communication styles from the words they use and effe
ctively integrate them into your own style(s) of communicating.He explains sophisticated concepts and techniques used by many psychologists. He simplifies and clarifies those concepts and makes them immediately applicable and easily usable. Moreover, he clarifies how valuable they are and why they work. And it is evident that he knows from doing as well as from studying and researching.His ability to teach allows him to not merely share his depth of perception and insight but to transfer it to the reader. You will learn. Easily. Quickly. Effectively. Enjoyably.

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Book Summary - The Master-Key to Riches - Written by Napoleon Hill

This book in a nutshell is a must read for anybody wanted to improve their lives. Regardless of what area you want to improve, Napoleon Hill shows the Master-Key works. Napoleon Hill died in 1970 at 87 years old. Thus the research he did was way ahead of his time. He profiled Andrew Carnegie who created U.S. Steel and mentored Charles Schwab. Andrew Carnegie commissioned Napoleon Hill to profile successful people to see if there was a pattern. This book along with Think and Grow Rich is a combination of that research.Why is this important to me?If I was spending my precious time listening to this video then the first question I would ask is - Why is this important to me?This is important because Mr. Hill explains the 12 riches of life and how to achieve them. Are you where you want to be or do you need help defining true happiness? The study of the 12 riches and the Master-Key defined in this book will give you the blueprint for happiness.The 12 Riches of Life are: 1. Positiv
e Mental Attitude, 2. Sound Physical Health, 3. Harmony in Human Relationships, 4. Freedom from Fears, 5. The Hope of Achievements, 6. The Capacity of Faith, 7. Willingness to Share One's Blessings, 8. A labor of Loves, 9. An Open Mind on All Subjects, 10, Self-discipline, 11. The capacity to Understand People, 12. Economic Security.All 12 riches are important but for the sake of time we will dig into three of them in this summary.1. Positive Mental Attitude - Mental attitude is important because it converts the brain into the equivalent of an electro-magnet which attracts the counterpart of one's dominating thoughts, aims and purposes. It also attracts the counterpart of one's fears, worries and doubts. This basically means that you will manifest in your life that which you focus on regardless if it is positive or negative.2. Sound Physical Health - This one is self-evident and should be number one. In my humble opinion, without health, you cannot create anything. Health is
the ultimate gift because with it, everything else is possible. This can easily be taken for granted but once it is taken from you then life changes instantly. This needs to be a priority for everybody.3. The Capacity to Understand People: The person who truly understands people knows that we all come from the same core. The nine emotions common, according to the book are: love, sex, desire of material gain, self-preservation, freedom from body and mind, self-expression, desire for perpetuation of life and death, anger and fear. The capacity to understand others eliminates many of the common causes of friction among men.The Master-Key is a combination of 17 principles when used in combination will allow you to achieve the 12 Riches of Life.The Master-Key consists of:1) Habit of going the extra mile 2) Definiteness of Purpose 3) The Master mind 4) Applied Faith5) Pleasing Personality 6) Habit of learning from defeat 7) Creative Vision8) Personal Initiative 9) Accurate Thinki
ng 10) Self-Discipline 11) Concentration of Endeavor 12) Co-operation 13) Enthusiasm 14) The Habit of Health 15) Budgeting Time and Money 16) Golden Rule Applied 17) Cosmic habit force.For the sake of time we will profile three of the seventeen.1. Definiteness of Purpose - Highly successful people have a defined purpose. Mother Teresa dedicated her life in helping the poor of Calcutta and through her definite purpose became world renowned and helped millions of people.2. The Master Mind - is a group of people that have expertise that can be leveraged toward your defined purpose. Leveraging the combined OPE (Other People's expertise) gives a compound effect to the desired result.3. Habit going the Extra Mile - I like this one because the 12 Riches of Life can NOT be attained without hard, smart and right work. You have to do the thing to have the power!!!! Notice this is the HABIT of going the extra mile. Ingrain this in your mind and you will not be disappointed with the res
ults.I hope you have found this short summary useful. The key to any new idea is to work it into your daily routine until it becomes habit.Habits form in as little as 21 days. I highly recommend you read this book and put the principles in place. To take one thing away from the summary and make it habit will be the "Habit of Going the Extra Mile". Put this front and center and it will help you in everything you do.According to Mr. Hill, Going the extra mile by doing more than one is paid for - "It is the strange influence which it has on the person who does it. The greatest benefit from this habit does not come to those to whom the service is rendered. It comes to the one who renders the service, in the form of a changed "mental attitude," which gives him more influence with other people, more self-reliance, greater initiative, more enthusiasm, more vision and definiteness of purpose. Do the thing and you shall have the power!!!!

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