In the third act Banquo suspects that Macbeth is the murderer, so Macbeth hires assassins to kill Banquo and his son. Macbeth and his wife have a banquet. The murderers he hired kill Banquo, but his son Fleance escapes. At the dinner Banquo's ghost arrives, and takes Macbeth's seat. Macbeth is tormented, and Lady Macbeth tries to cover for him. All the guests leave. Lord Macduff somehow does not believe Macbeth is innocent. He follows Malcolm to England right away to incite the English king to help in the attack on Scotland and Macbeth.In act four Macbeth gets ready for the war, and asks the three witches to foretell the outcome of the war. The witches answer, you will not die, and neither will your army get overthrown, until Birnam Wood moves to Dennison Hill. Macbeth can't get out of the habit of killing people. (bum bum bum) When Macbeth finds out that Macduff left to go to England he kills Macduff's wife, children, and servants. The King of England and Macduff start plann
ing their attack on Scotland. Another Scottish lord tells Macduff about his family. For the good of Scotland Macbeth must be disposed of.In Act five Lady Macbeth is being driven wild by her sins, staying in bed all day only getting out to sleepwalk. His real wealth came when he was a partial owner of the Globe Theater. Nobody knows much about his life after that except he bought the biggest house in Strateford, and lived there until his death.
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Friday, May 31, 2013
The Guide to West Coast Cheese by Sasha Davies Is a Winner!
Got a foodie on your gift list this year? If so, your holiday shopping just got a little easier. "The Guide to West Coast Cheese" by Sasha Davies is a perfect gift that helps the caseophile in your life delve deeper into cheeses from the left coast.The book, published by Portland, OR-based Timber Press, explores more than 300 cheeses handcrafted in California, Oregon, and Washington. It is an indispensable resource, clearly and concisely written with expert authority.The West coast has been a unique and special incubator for cheese culture, with a deep history of dairy culture and a flourishing renaissance today from north to south.Father Juniper Serro, who put down roots in missions throughout (southern) California, bringing with him cows, dairy and Spanish style cheeses. In the Bay Area, David Jacks transported his buttery, smooth cheese from Monterrey by boat into San Francisco in crates stamped "Jacks, Monterrey," where locals dubbed it "Monterey Jack," one of the origina
l "American Original" cheeses.On the Oregon Coast Tillamook, a schooner brought high quality coastal dairy inland, showcasing and launching an enduring brand. Small, local dairies flourished and defined the region into the 50's and 60's.The 2000's saw a rebirth of artisanal cheese throughout a region stretching from the Bay Area north to Seattle and beyond, as a trifecta for great food emerged: a food-savvy populace, locavore vibe and farmer's market friendly worldview. The recent history is fairly well known, with a flourishing of small, artisanal creameries gaining recognition regionally, nationally and internationally.This phenomenon hit home for me when I saw the maps of West Coast cheesemakers included in the beginning of the book. Little dots abound with creamery names that are hitting the mark with fine cheese after only a year or two in the business. The sheer volume of talented cheesemakers, both new and veteran, experimenting with original recipes and new and intri
guing flavors over such a wide area is simply breathtaking.Davies' book delves into the study of cheese in a unique and compelling way. From the get-go, she says, "I was interested in putting out reference tool for people to introduce the huge number of cheeses made in three states. It's a guide for anyone who loves to eat cheese and wants to understand what's being made here and understand how they are similar and different."Like most cheese creatives, Davies did not start out in cheese. Rather, a passion for it evolved and gradually encompassed her professional endeavors. Her cheese adventures began as an apprentice affineur in the cheese caves at Artisanal in New York City. She managed the caves at the venerable Murray's Cheese and, in 2006 Davies and her husband embarked on a four month journey to forty American artisan cheesemakers, producing blogs and podcasts on .A move to Portland in 2008 landed Davies squarely in the middle of the west coast scene. She notes, "I jus
t felt (during the "Cheese by Hand" tour) that this would be the next big region in hand crafted cheese. It felt like this 4 years ago and still does, not in a rivalry sense, but just as an epicenter.""There are some landscape and geographical aspects to it that make it an interesting region but," she notes, "it's also the fastest growing cheese region in terms of the most new cheesemakers springing up."The parallels were strong with Vermont, a northeastern cheesemaking mecca. "When we came out to the northwest on our visit, I noticed there was not only a growing number of smaller producers but a large number were turning out high quality cheeses similar to Vermont," she says."People here were really focusing on cheeseboard cheeses, some modeled on European cheeses some on fanciful ideas of cheeses people wished existed," she observes. "The density of handcrafted cheese production in this area is simply stunning."As many authors and cheese experts like to point out, it helps
that the west coast, particularly the northwest, has a climate and geography that is conducive to dairy farming in that there are no harsh winters. The high amount of rainfall and temperate climate translates to a longer grazing season, which makes for great grass which leads to great milk and cheese. Combine this with a growing cadre of talented, dedicated cheesemakers and it can only lead to incredible things.So for the perfect present for the cheese lover in your life, look no further than a copy of "The Guide to West Coast Cheese" paired with a selection of several represented cheeses from your local cheese shop. Happy holidays will be had by all with this memorable gift meant to be savored and celebrated.
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l "American Original" cheeses.On the Oregon Coast Tillamook, a schooner brought high quality coastal dairy inland, showcasing and launching an enduring brand. Small, local dairies flourished and defined the region into the 50's and 60's.The 2000's saw a rebirth of artisanal cheese throughout a region stretching from the Bay Area north to Seattle and beyond, as a trifecta for great food emerged: a food-savvy populace, locavore vibe and farmer's market friendly worldview. The recent history is fairly well known, with a flourishing of small, artisanal creameries gaining recognition regionally, nationally and internationally.This phenomenon hit home for me when I saw the maps of West Coast cheesemakers included in the beginning of the book. Little dots abound with creamery names that are hitting the mark with fine cheese after only a year or two in the business. The sheer volume of talented cheesemakers, both new and veteran, experimenting with original recipes and new and intri
guing flavors over such a wide area is simply breathtaking.Davies' book delves into the study of cheese in a unique and compelling way. From the get-go, she says, "I was interested in putting out reference tool for people to introduce the huge number of cheeses made in three states. It's a guide for anyone who loves to eat cheese and wants to understand what's being made here and understand how they are similar and different."Like most cheese creatives, Davies did not start out in cheese. Rather, a passion for it evolved and gradually encompassed her professional endeavors. Her cheese adventures began as an apprentice affineur in the cheese caves at Artisanal in New York City. She managed the caves at the venerable Murray's Cheese and, in 2006 Davies and her husband embarked on a four month journey to forty American artisan cheesemakers, producing blogs and podcasts on .A move to Portland in 2008 landed Davies squarely in the middle of the west coast scene. She notes, "I jus
t felt (during the "Cheese by Hand" tour) that this would be the next big region in hand crafted cheese. It felt like this 4 years ago and still does, not in a rivalry sense, but just as an epicenter.""There are some landscape and geographical aspects to it that make it an interesting region but," she notes, "it's also the fastest growing cheese region in terms of the most new cheesemakers springing up."The parallels were strong with Vermont, a northeastern cheesemaking mecca. "When we came out to the northwest on our visit, I noticed there was not only a growing number of smaller producers but a large number were turning out high quality cheeses similar to Vermont," she says."People here were really focusing on cheeseboard cheeses, some modeled on European cheeses some on fanciful ideas of cheeses people wished existed," she observes. "The density of handcrafted cheese production in this area is simply stunning."As many authors and cheese experts like to point out, it helps
that the west coast, particularly the northwest, has a climate and geography that is conducive to dairy farming in that there are no harsh winters. The high amount of rainfall and temperate climate translates to a longer grazing season, which makes for great grass which leads to great milk and cheese. Combine this with a growing cadre of talented, dedicated cheesemakers and it can only lead to incredible things.So for the perfect present for the cheese lover in your life, look no further than a copy of "The Guide to West Coast Cheese" paired with a selection of several represented cheeses from your local cheese shop. Happy holidays will be had by all with this memorable gift meant to be savored and celebrated.
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10 Things To Do With Your Old Fax Machine
If you're thinking of doing away with your old fax machine and are making the switch to on line fax services you're taking one step in the right direction. You will probably be saving yourself time and money with less ink and paper to buy and less trips to the office supply stores. Once you do make the switch you'll be asking yourself "What do I do with my old fax machine?". Before you toss it in the trash consider the environmental impact of the plastics and also the pollutants that may be in any left over ink cartridges. These are items that don't belong in your average city land fill but don't worry about that. We've got a few creative suggestions of what you might do with your old fax machine.1. As fax machines get older they may become a bit of a business savvy or geek savvy nostalgic collectors item. That said, who wants a decorative fax machine sitting on their mantle or as their center piece? There are better albeit odd ways to reuse your retro fax machine. The first
on our list being to build a fish tank or aquarium out of your old fax machine. The way most faxes are put together means the top and bottom pieces of the fax machines outer casing would make a great foundation for such a project. In the old days we built bird houses from wood. In the new century we've moved on to fish tanks from old fax machines. A little Plexiglas and silicone is about all you need to get started. The upper section of the fax with all its buttons and headset still intact will make quite an amusing lid for your new fish tank.2. Next up, why not turn your fax machine into a retro computer case? The Internet is strewn with thousands of artistic and unusual case mods from model cars to old Nintendo cases or even Lego being used as a computer chassis. It really doesn't matter what a computer looks like so much as what's in it. Pick up a bare bones computer kit (CPU, Motherboard, and RAM) from a local computer dealer and get to work. Plenty of fun can be had wir
ing the existing fax machine buttons to your computer and wiring the phones ear piece as the PC speaker. If you're really talented with electronics then go the extra mile and try to tie in the fax machines LED display to show hardware data like RAM and CPU temperature.3. If building a computer is a touch too advanced for you then perhaps you might be interested in a technological art sculpture. Don't just dissect your fax machine. Find some way of incorporating it into some unique artwork if you're doing a piece about technology. A wild imagination can create deeply thought provoking art out of the oddest things. With our society edging ever closer to cybernetic technology becoming a reality it's not hard to imagine an artistic cultural statement being made with a portrait sketch and fax machine innards as part of the piece.4. For those who are not philosophical artists there are more functional ways of incorporating an old fax machine into your existing hobbies. If one of y
our children plays War Hammer for instance, all kinds of pieces from your old junk or fax machine can make great War Hammer terrain with a little paint and texturing. Not into War Hammer? How about turning your old fax machine into scenery for your model train set?5. If you're not artistic enough yourself to try one of the above ways of reusing your old fax machine it may be easy to find someone else who is. Film studios and theaters may have need of an old fax machine for a prop or may have more immediate insight into what an old fax can be turned into for use on the stage or on set. Fax machines may be disappearing from our world but the world of fiction is timeless and will always need items around to match the time periods of the stories we tell.6. Imagine you need a secret hiding place to keep sensitive items out of site such as your passport or credit cards but you don't have any secret nooks that are reliable enough. Why not hiding things in plane site? In the film Sn
eakers with Robert Redford the mathematician Dr Guntar Janek hides his top secret experiments in plain site by placing them inside an old answering machine case.7. Too busy for any of those ideas? Well if you like to stay a bit retro imagine your flat or your office with a retro 'fax machine' for a phone. 8. If a decorative retro 'fax machine phone' isn't enough incentive for you to reuse your old fax machine then it's time for extreme measures. The size of a fax machines makes it a great platform for putting in wheels and a motor. Firstly with a little electronics hacking turn your fax machine into a portable phone. There are any number of options as to how you would build this. You might use the bulk of the fax machine as the portable phone base station and might simply attach the headset to a remote control car or it may work better for you to have the whole fax machine driving around. If you forgot to bring the phone in from the other room just grab your remote and d
rive it over to you! Even better would be to get in touch with some robotics students and the local patent office about building a phone that comes and finds you when the phone rings.9. It's not possible to write a list like this about old fax machines without recalling one particularly amusing film. While not necessarily the most responsible suggestion it must be covered. Whether for stress relief or just for fun you and some friends might want to reenact the printer scene from Office Space. Unlike the movie it is recommended that you wear eye protection and also wear gloves should you choose to strike the fax machine with your fists or palm. This can get a bit messy so if you choose to smash your fax machine into pieces please do so responsibly by cleaning up after yourself. Hold your fax destruction celebration in an empty parking lot where it will be easier to sweep up all the pieces as opposed to an empty field like in Office Space. If mindlessly smashing an old fax
just doesn't do it for you perhaps it would make a neat pinata!10. In most of these suggested ways of reusing your old fax machine there will be some parts left over. Most often the internal parts which may be reusable or may contain chemicals that would be harmful to the environment. If none of these suggestions strike your fancy or you have left over parts from one of the nine projects listed above then the best recommendation is to pay a visit to an electronics recycling depot and drop off the remains of your once noisy fax machine. There are much more functional paperweights out there and electronics recycling depots are popping up in every town thanks to government recycling programs.Whatever option fits best for you don't be afraid to take pictures of the build process and post them on the Internet for all to see. Someone is always interested in seeing the latest PC case mods and strikingly odd reuse of old electronics. The most important thing is to realize that fax
machines are old dinosaurs in this technological age. The job of fax machines has been replaced by software based fax services that are on line and much more flexible. As the digital revolution continues these on line fax services will continue to grow and offer more intricate services that their old physical counterparts would never be capable of. There is nothing modular or flexible about that old hunk of plastic on your desk aside from the phone cord. So be sure to retire your fax machine creatively and take the next step in the on line business revolution. Step into the future with on line fax services and see what new tools this future holds.
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on our list being to build a fish tank or aquarium out of your old fax machine. The way most faxes are put together means the top and bottom pieces of the fax machines outer casing would make a great foundation for such a project. In the old days we built bird houses from wood. In the new century we've moved on to fish tanks from old fax machines. A little Plexiglas and silicone is about all you need to get started. The upper section of the fax with all its buttons and headset still intact will make quite an amusing lid for your new fish tank.2. Next up, why not turn your fax machine into a retro computer case? The Internet is strewn with thousands of artistic and unusual case mods from model cars to old Nintendo cases or even Lego being used as a computer chassis. It really doesn't matter what a computer looks like so much as what's in it. Pick up a bare bones computer kit (CPU, Motherboard, and RAM) from a local computer dealer and get to work. Plenty of fun can be had wir
ing the existing fax machine buttons to your computer and wiring the phones ear piece as the PC speaker. If you're really talented with electronics then go the extra mile and try to tie in the fax machines LED display to show hardware data like RAM and CPU temperature.3. If building a computer is a touch too advanced for you then perhaps you might be interested in a technological art sculpture. Don't just dissect your fax machine. Find some way of incorporating it into some unique artwork if you're doing a piece about technology. A wild imagination can create deeply thought provoking art out of the oddest things. With our society edging ever closer to cybernetic technology becoming a reality it's not hard to imagine an artistic cultural statement being made with a portrait sketch and fax machine innards as part of the piece.4. For those who are not philosophical artists there are more functional ways of incorporating an old fax machine into your existing hobbies. If one of y
our children plays War Hammer for instance, all kinds of pieces from your old junk or fax machine can make great War Hammer terrain with a little paint and texturing. Not into War Hammer? How about turning your old fax machine into scenery for your model train set?5. If you're not artistic enough yourself to try one of the above ways of reusing your old fax machine it may be easy to find someone else who is. Film studios and theaters may have need of an old fax machine for a prop or may have more immediate insight into what an old fax can be turned into for use on the stage or on set. Fax machines may be disappearing from our world but the world of fiction is timeless and will always need items around to match the time periods of the stories we tell.6. Imagine you need a secret hiding place to keep sensitive items out of site such as your passport or credit cards but you don't have any secret nooks that are reliable enough. Why not hiding things in plane site? In the film Sn
eakers with Robert Redford the mathematician Dr Guntar Janek hides his top secret experiments in plain site by placing them inside an old answering machine case.7. Too busy for any of those ideas? Well if you like to stay a bit retro imagine your flat or your office with a retro 'fax machine' for a phone. 8. If a decorative retro 'fax machine phone' isn't enough incentive for you to reuse your old fax machine then it's time for extreme measures. The size of a fax machines makes it a great platform for putting in wheels and a motor. Firstly with a little electronics hacking turn your fax machine into a portable phone. There are any number of options as to how you would build this. You might use the bulk of the fax machine as the portable phone base station and might simply attach the headset to a remote control car or it may work better for you to have the whole fax machine driving around. If you forgot to bring the phone in from the other room just grab your remote and d
rive it over to you! Even better would be to get in touch with some robotics students and the local patent office about building a phone that comes and finds you when the phone rings.9. It's not possible to write a list like this about old fax machines without recalling one particularly amusing film. While not necessarily the most responsible suggestion it must be covered. Whether for stress relief or just for fun you and some friends might want to reenact the printer scene from Office Space. Unlike the movie it is recommended that you wear eye protection and also wear gloves should you choose to strike the fax machine with your fists or palm. This can get a bit messy so if you choose to smash your fax machine into pieces please do so responsibly by cleaning up after yourself. Hold your fax destruction celebration in an empty parking lot where it will be easier to sweep up all the pieces as opposed to an empty field like in Office Space. If mindlessly smashing an old fax
just doesn't do it for you perhaps it would make a neat pinata!10. In most of these suggested ways of reusing your old fax machine there will be some parts left over. Most often the internal parts which may be reusable or may contain chemicals that would be harmful to the environment. If none of these suggestions strike your fancy or you have left over parts from one of the nine projects listed above then the best recommendation is to pay a visit to an electronics recycling depot and drop off the remains of your once noisy fax machine. There are much more functional paperweights out there and electronics recycling depots are popping up in every town thanks to government recycling programs.Whatever option fits best for you don't be afraid to take pictures of the build process and post them on the Internet for all to see. Someone is always interested in seeing the latest PC case mods and strikingly odd reuse of old electronics. The most important thing is to realize that fax
machines are old dinosaurs in this technological age. The job of fax machines has been replaced by software based fax services that are on line and much more flexible. As the digital revolution continues these on line fax services will continue to grow and offer more intricate services that their old physical counterparts would never be capable of. There is nothing modular or flexible about that old hunk of plastic on your desk aside from the phone cord. So be sure to retire your fax machine creatively and take the next step in the on line business revolution. Step into the future with on line fax services and see what new tools this future holds.
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Different Kinds of the Bible
The original Bible has been translated into hundreds of different languages. It has been translated into English many times. The most popular English translations are the Authorized Version of 1611 (called the King James Bible because James I was then King of England), used in Protestant Churches, and the "Douay" version (so called becaused it was first published in the town of Douay, France, in 1609), used by Roman Catholics. Revised versions of the Protestant Bible have come out from time to time, the latest having been published in 1951.A new edition of the Catholic Bible was published in 1952. There have been many other translations into English. Edgar J. Goodspeed translated the New Testament into simple American language in 1923, and in 1927 this was added to a translation of the Old Testament by several scholars, edited by J. M. P. Smith. In the same years James Moffatt, in England, made a new translation from the Greek. A translation by Monsignor Ronald Knox was publi
shed in 1949.They are usually published as text Bibles and reference Bibles. The first one gives only the words of the Bible itself, while the second one adds thousands of notes that show how different passages of the Bible are related to one another. There are tens of thousands of books about the Bible. A concordance is an index that shows where every important word or verse in the Bible is to be found. Many Bibles have special indexes, reading guides, maps, and other features that are called "helps."
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shed in 1949.They are usually published as text Bibles and reference Bibles. The first one gives only the words of the Bible itself, while the second one adds thousands of notes that show how different passages of the Bible are related to one another. There are tens of thousands of books about the Bible. A concordance is an index that shows where every important word or verse in the Bible is to be found. Many Bibles have special indexes, reading guides, maps, and other features that are called "helps."
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Does Failure Exist?
There are many books that I have read that have impacted my life positively in one way or another. I'm always reading something and telling people about it.There is one book that everyone should have if they want to cultivate a positive attitude. Reading this book will raise your self esteem. This book will convince you that you can't help but succeed at whatever you decide to do. It is impossible to fail. This book will install productive habits and positive programming into you through repeated affirmations. It will teach you to be positive and self-confident. On top of this, the book is only about 100 pages long! Such a small book, but such a big promise.The book is "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino. I know I have you salespeople convinced. The rest of you are thinking "But I don't care about sales!! so this book is not for me." Thinking this would be making a very big mistake. I think that the title of the book tricks people into thinking that it is a sal
es book. It is not. It is a book on how to go about your daily life to get the most out of it.The first part of the book is a story set in ancient times about a young man and his desire to become a great salesman. He is given a box containing ten old and worn scrolls. The second part of this book is the text of these scrolls. Each "scroll" is essentially a collection of affirmations to be read twice a day for 30 days.The subjects covered in the scrolls are:1. beginning a new life each day, and not dwelling on the past2. greeting the day with love in your heart3. the value of persisting until you succeed4. recognizing your life as a miracle5. living this day as if it is your last6. being the master of your emotions7. laughing at the world8. multiplying your value9. the importance of taking action10. acknowledging a higher power and asking for guidanceIf you want to increase your confidence, increase your sense of well-being, increase your self-esteem and increase your income,
you need to read this book. I am always talking about avoiding negativity and thinking thoughts that will focus you on positive things and on what you want. This book will help you to do just that. Everyone I know who has read this book agrees with me that it had a profoundly positive impact on their life.I made audio recordings of myself reading each one of the "scrolls" and they are wonderful to listen to when things aren't going exactly like I think they should. Listening to this material helps me refocus, look at the bigger picture, and persist toward my goals. As Tony Robbins says, "There is no such thing as failure. There are only results." If you persist, keep changing your approach and do not give up, you will succeed. This book will help you "keep the faith" and persist through all obstacles.
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es book. It is not. It is a book on how to go about your daily life to get the most out of it.The first part of the book is a story set in ancient times about a young man and his desire to become a great salesman. He is given a box containing ten old and worn scrolls. The second part of this book is the text of these scrolls. Each "scroll" is essentially a collection of affirmations to be read twice a day for 30 days.The subjects covered in the scrolls are:1. beginning a new life each day, and not dwelling on the past2. greeting the day with love in your heart3. the value of persisting until you succeed4. recognizing your life as a miracle5. living this day as if it is your last6. being the master of your emotions7. laughing at the world8. multiplying your value9. the importance of taking action10. acknowledging a higher power and asking for guidanceIf you want to increase your confidence, increase your sense of well-being, increase your self-esteem and increase your income,
you need to read this book. I am always talking about avoiding negativity and thinking thoughts that will focus you on positive things and on what you want. This book will help you to do just that. Everyone I know who has read this book agrees with me that it had a profoundly positive impact on their life.I made audio recordings of myself reading each one of the "scrolls" and they are wonderful to listen to when things aren't going exactly like I think they should. Listening to this material helps me refocus, look at the bigger picture, and persist toward my goals. As Tony Robbins says, "There is no such thing as failure. There are only results." If you persist, keep changing your approach and do not give up, you will succeed. This book will help you "keep the faith" and persist through all obstacles.
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What to Look for in a Good Internet Faxing Company
Like with any supplier or service provider, there are a number of characteristics that differentiate a "good" company from a "bad" company. The same applies to an internet faxing company. The company you choose should help you to grow your business by making systems and work flows more efficient. When you are looking at different internet faxing companies, here are a few things that you should consider. What Are the Set-up Costs and Requirements? A good internet fax service provider will have a system that is easy to install and set up on your existing computer network. This means that you should not require dedicated fax lines, fax machines or additional office equipment. With most business internet fax systems, dedicated fax numbers are allocated to each employee's personal email address. The set-up usually involves installing a simple plug-in to your existing software. A provider that has a highly complicated or expensive set-up process is probably best avoided and an ov
erpriced service provider is one to be weary of. Is There a Support Service? Even though the system is not very complex, errors and problems may still occur. When they do, you do not want to be wasting valuable time and resources trying to figure out what the problem could be. A good internet fax provider will have a help or support desk you can call. The support desk should be manned by professional and knowledgeable staff who can assist you to quickly resolve the problem. To check the efficiency of the company's helpdesk, make a call to them before signing up and ask a few technical questions. This should very quickly establish if their support desk is well staffed. A good internet fax company will know the value of having a good support desk and this will reflect in the response you get from them. What Hours Does the System Operate? While your business may only operate from nine to five each day, many of your suppliers and customers may be located in other parts of th
e world or on different time zones. If they are sending documents through overnight, you want to know that they will be received by the fax server and forwarded on to you. This means that they will be waiting in your inbox when you log in the following morning. It is really important to choose an internet fax provider that has systems operating 24/7. How Does the System Security Compare? Internet faxing is more secure than traditional faxing because the fax is routed to a specific computer and user. A good internet fax company will ensure that the system is properly managed and maintained so all the faxes are correctly directed to the end users from the fax server. In addition, if one user has problems with their computer, you should still be able to access the information from the fax server by contacting your service provider. Being able to store the documents online means that there is often less chance of faxes getting lost whereas paper faxes may get lost. It is als
o easy to make secure copies of the faxes when backing up your system to ensure that no data is lost. A Good Internet Fax Provider Will Offer Affordable Rates After the system has been set up, most internet fax providers will have a monthly operational fee. A good provider should charge no more than $15 and be able to offer you up to 1,000 faxes per user. Many companies charge much more and limit the number of faxes you can send and receive down to a few hundred faxes. Advances in technology have made internet faxing really affordable and a good service provider will be happy to pass these benefits on to their customers. Remember the most expensive provider isn't always necessarily the best provider. Instead, opt for a company that offers you the very best value. Improving Your Office Efficiency A good internet fax service provider should be able to help you grow your business by making your work processes more efficient. If employees can send faxes while continuing with
other work at the same time, it will greatly improve the efficiency of the office. In the long term, this can translate into improved overall work flow and profits. A good system will simply be a tool on your computer system that can help employees do their job, rather than an additional task they need to complete.
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erpriced service provider is one to be weary of. Is There a Support Service? Even though the system is not very complex, errors and problems may still occur. When they do, you do not want to be wasting valuable time and resources trying to figure out what the problem could be. A good internet fax provider will have a help or support desk you can call. The support desk should be manned by professional and knowledgeable staff who can assist you to quickly resolve the problem. To check the efficiency of the company's helpdesk, make a call to them before signing up and ask a few technical questions. This should very quickly establish if their support desk is well staffed. A good internet fax company will know the value of having a good support desk and this will reflect in the response you get from them. What Hours Does the System Operate? While your business may only operate from nine to five each day, many of your suppliers and customers may be located in other parts of th
e world or on different time zones. If they are sending documents through overnight, you want to know that they will be received by the fax server and forwarded on to you. This means that they will be waiting in your inbox when you log in the following morning. It is really important to choose an internet fax provider that has systems operating 24/7. How Does the System Security Compare? Internet faxing is more secure than traditional faxing because the fax is routed to a specific computer and user. A good internet fax company will ensure that the system is properly managed and maintained so all the faxes are correctly directed to the end users from the fax server. In addition, if one user has problems with their computer, you should still be able to access the information from the fax server by contacting your service provider. Being able to store the documents online means that there is often less chance of faxes getting lost whereas paper faxes may get lost. It is als
o easy to make secure copies of the faxes when backing up your system to ensure that no data is lost. A Good Internet Fax Provider Will Offer Affordable Rates After the system has been set up, most internet fax providers will have a monthly operational fee. A good provider should charge no more than $15 and be able to offer you up to 1,000 faxes per user. Many companies charge much more and limit the number of faxes you can send and receive down to a few hundred faxes. Advances in technology have made internet faxing really affordable and a good service provider will be happy to pass these benefits on to their customers. Remember the most expensive provider isn't always necessarily the best provider. Instead, opt for a company that offers you the very best value. Improving Your Office Efficiency A good internet fax service provider should be able to help you grow your business by making your work processes more efficient. If employees can send faxes while continuing with
other work at the same time, it will greatly improve the efficiency of the office. In the long term, this can translate into improved overall work flow and profits. A good system will simply be a tool on your computer system that can help employees do their job, rather than an additional task they need to complete.
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Time Travel Science Fiction Stories
Time travel has mystified people for generations. Mark Twain wrote about it, science fiction stories abound. Real physicists are either dismissive, ambivalent, or supportive of the possibility. Time travel stories account for some great science fiction movies including Time Cop, The Time Machine, Primer, and A Connecticut Rabbit in King Arthur's court.A time travel story has several key elements. Let's begin with the most crucial, the Time Machine. Wells understood the centrality of the machine by naming his book after it. What is a time travel story without a time machine? It's probably boring. Think about Terminator. Yes I know it's about robots from the future. But there isn't actually any time travel in any of the 3 movies after the first few scenes. We never know if they really changed the future, we think so, we anticipate it. But the never-ending sequels continue to imply not.Compare this with Time Cop where characters are flitting back and forth creating paradoxes and
preventing them and the story has a real ending. Star Trek has some good time travel stories, but their time machine falls flat. It's the exact same spaceship they use everyday. Primer is an outstanding movie where the protagonists actually build the time machine, use it, and put one time machine inside another. Now that's quality scifi.The next key element is some type of paradox. The time traveler is trying to cause or prevent a paradox which threatens disaster, or prevents one. In the sound of thunder the hero travels back in time to try to stop the death of a butterfly. In Time Cop thugs are getting rich off of stock investments. In Back to the Future Marty's entire life unravels, and re-ravels.Finally, time travel stories have to have some tension. Something surprising must be learned, history is not what we thought, a time traveler stayed in the past to become Leonardo da Vinci. There must be a resolution.
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preventing them and the story has a real ending. Star Trek has some good time travel stories, but their time machine falls flat. It's the exact same spaceship they use everyday. Primer is an outstanding movie where the protagonists actually build the time machine, use it, and put one time machine inside another. Now that's quality scifi.The next key element is some type of paradox. The time traveler is trying to cause or prevent a paradox which threatens disaster, or prevents one. In the sound of thunder the hero travels back in time to try to stop the death of a butterfly. In Time Cop thugs are getting rich off of stock investments. In Back to the Future Marty's entire life unravels, and re-ravels.Finally, time travel stories have to have some tension. Something surprising must be learned, history is not what we thought, a time traveler stayed in the past to become Leonardo da Vinci. There must be a resolution.
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"Reflections From the Wilderness" is a Superb Volume of Western Poetry
Stoney Greywolf Bowers, a cowboy and wilderness adventurer, is a man who has lived the life that many dream of living, but few have the courage to. This life is both celebrated, and mourned, in his unforgettable first volume of poetry entitled, Reflections from the Wilderness (Moonlight Mesa Associates, Inc. 2009).A working cowboy for over 35 years, Bowers is able to describe events and sights few will ever experience. Whether driving broomtails over the Divide, "riding for the lead while heading off a stampede," lamenting the abysmal treatment of Native Americans, or living alone in the wilderness for years on end, Bowers is able to capture the moment with a sincerity not found elsewhere.His writing, at times classic, at other times uniquely his own, is overall extremely mournful. Sadness pervades his work, with only a few exceptions, most notably "Jake and the Snake" and "A Horse Called Bladder." Other poems are solemn and heart-felt. All are philosophical and poignant. Thi
s is a cowboy who saw much, and felt much, and who miraculously managed to record his experiences on bits of paper out on the trail.His Western poems, comprising the largest portion of the book, are unforgettable as he talks about the Cowboy way, "riding for the brand," stampedes, and the disappearing West, slowly sectioned off by miles of barbed wire. Some of the poems are downright, starkly unsettling, such as "Trails End," where the riders, caught in a blizzard while driving cattle, come upon the frozen remains of an old cowboy, to the haunting "High Plains Drifter," and the traditional "Code of the West."Even though Bowers' cowboy poems are excellent and authentic, for some readers the Native American selection in this book will be the highlight. These poems are truly written with intensity and passion, with the author almost surgically revealing the deep wounds of having lived and worked with youngsters "on the 'rez." Each poem brings emotion and pain with it, yet pride
too. Never has the Native American's plight been so graphically, tragically, and explicitly expressed.Finally, Bowers' poems of the American Wilderness reveal a man who is not afraid to be alone, to go into that vast unknown territory for years at a time, and to emerge singing of its glory, but also lamenting the environmental destruction that became so apparent.This is a book that truly captures the West and sings gloriously of cattle and the rugged men who drove them. It deeply laments the ending of a way of life. Bowers' pages are filled with sorrow and loss, but also pride and love. It's a remarkable volume of poetry. Some are brilliant; all are good.Truly, Reflections from the Wilderness is a work of Art. It is History. It is a slice American History. Reflections from the Wilderness is available from the publisher at, Amazon, and retail book stores.
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s is a cowboy who saw much, and felt much, and who miraculously managed to record his experiences on bits of paper out on the trail.His Western poems, comprising the largest portion of the book, are unforgettable as he talks about the Cowboy way, "riding for the brand," stampedes, and the disappearing West, slowly sectioned off by miles of barbed wire. Some of the poems are downright, starkly unsettling, such as "Trails End," where the riders, caught in a blizzard while driving cattle, come upon the frozen remains of an old cowboy, to the haunting "High Plains Drifter," and the traditional "Code of the West."Even though Bowers' cowboy poems are excellent and authentic, for some readers the Native American selection in this book will be the highlight. These poems are truly written with intensity and passion, with the author almost surgically revealing the deep wounds of having lived and worked with youngsters "on the 'rez." Each poem brings emotion and pain with it, yet pride
too. Never has the Native American's plight been so graphically, tragically, and explicitly expressed.Finally, Bowers' poems of the American Wilderness reveal a man who is not afraid to be alone, to go into that vast unknown territory for years at a time, and to emerge singing of its glory, but also lamenting the environmental destruction that became so apparent.This is a book that truly captures the West and sings gloriously of cattle and the rugged men who drove them. It deeply laments the ending of a way of life. Bowers' pages are filled with sorrow and loss, but also pride and love. It's a remarkable volume of poetry. Some are brilliant; all are good.Truly, Reflections from the Wilderness is a work of Art. It is History. It is a slice American History. Reflections from the Wilderness is available from the publisher at, Amazon, and retail book stores.
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IP Telephony an Empowering Tool for Consultants
Working in an office for a long time will make anyone an expert at what they do. But when you've been in the corporate world for that long, you may begin feeling tired and uninterested.To use the experience you've acquired and to breathe life into your career, you may decide to leave the corporate organism and become a consultant. And what do you know: A deluge of opportunities start to come in! Challenges, however, will also trickle in, including transferring your work location to your home.RingCentral provides valuable IP telephony solutions to home offices. While it sounds like jargon, telephony is, in fact, an important tool for anyone who's into business or consultancy. Simply put, IP telephony is a general term for the technologies that use the Internet to provide voice, fax and other communications, with the same level of quality and often at lower price point than traditional PBX circuit-switched systems.Its advantages over traditional telephone systems are faster
speeds, better manageability and a lower price point. The use of VoIP technology in this phone system allows you to have clearer connections while enabling you to manage calls better. For example, you can take action on incoming calls in the middle of another conversation by either putting your first call on hold or directing the incoming call to voicemail.In addition, RingCentral virtual phone systems also provide Internet fax service, giving you flexibility in dealing with clients. As a consultant, the efficiency of RingCentral VoIP services will help you build good working relationships with your business partners and clients.A Library of Phone System TestimonialsExtensive research is required before you decide on a particular small business phone system. These days, most people surf the Internet for product reviews before purchasing anything. Critiques and testimonials provide a way to understand the benefits of different packages.Read phone system testimonials in the R
ingCentral website to find how customers are benefiting from RingCentral services. Classified into categories, these customer testimonials let you find reviews for specific features that may work best for your company as well as valuable industry-related feedback. RingCentral understands that the proper communications infrastructure is essential to running a business smoothly.Linksys ATA Phone AdapterThe Linksys ATA Phone Adapter enables high-quality, feature-rich Internet telephone service using your existing analog phones. Just plug the ATA adapter into your router or gateway and use the two standard telephone jacks to connect your existing phones or fax machines. You'll get clear telephone reception and reliable fax connections every time.
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speeds, better manageability and a lower price point. The use of VoIP technology in this phone system allows you to have clearer connections while enabling you to manage calls better. For example, you can take action on incoming calls in the middle of another conversation by either putting your first call on hold or directing the incoming call to voicemail.In addition, RingCentral virtual phone systems also provide Internet fax service, giving you flexibility in dealing with clients. As a consultant, the efficiency of RingCentral VoIP services will help you build good working relationships with your business partners and clients.A Library of Phone System TestimonialsExtensive research is required before you decide on a particular small business phone system. These days, most people surf the Internet for product reviews before purchasing anything. Critiques and testimonials provide a way to understand the benefits of different packages.Read phone system testimonials in the R
ingCentral website to find how customers are benefiting from RingCentral services. Classified into categories, these customer testimonials let you find reviews for specific features that may work best for your company as well as valuable industry-related feedback. RingCentral understands that the proper communications infrastructure is essential to running a business smoothly.Linksys ATA Phone AdapterThe Linksys ATA Phone Adapter enables high-quality, feature-rich Internet telephone service using your existing analog phones. Just plug the ATA adapter into your router or gateway and use the two standard telephone jacks to connect your existing phones or fax machines. You'll get clear telephone reception and reliable fax connections every time.
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I Heard You Paint Houses - Closing the Case on Jimmy Hoffa
"I Heard You Paint House's - Closing the Case on Jimmy Hoffa," is the autobiography of mobster Frank "The Irishman" Sheehan, written by former homicide prosecutor and Chief Deputy Attorney General of the State of Delaware, Charles Brandt. The main point of the book is that Sheehan, more than 25 years after the disappearance of Teamsters union President Jimmy Hoffa, finally admitted to putting two bullets in Hoffa's head. The book is interspersed with Brant's writing, which are precise and quite detailed, and the transcripts of recordings Brant made with Sheehan in the early 2000's. By the time of Sheehan's "confession," he was a fragile old man living in an assisted living facility.The term "paint houses," means you are a killer; the thought being, when you shoot somebody in a house, you "paint" the walls with their blood. The 6-foot-4-inch Sheehan claimed the first time he spoke to Hoffa, at the behest of mob boss Russell Bufalino, the first words Hoffa ever said to Sheehan
on the phone were, "I heard you paint houses," which is a subtle way of Hoffa asking Sheehan if he could depend on him to kill whomever Hoffa said needed to be killed. And Sheehan did kill for Hoffa, according to Sheehan, many times. In this book, Sheehan mentions several murders he committed for Hoffa and for other union officials too. But he mentions no names of the victims, except for Hoffa and Crazy Joe Gallo, whom Sheehan also claims he killed.Brandt details Hoffa's rise from a mere union member to the head of the Teamsters, the strongest, and possibly the most corrupt union in American history. Hoffa was tight with several members of the American Mafia, including Bufalino, and Anthony "Tony Pro" Provanzano, who was allegedly the one to insist Jimmy Hoffa had to be killed. Hoffa had complete control over the Teamsters lucrative retirement accounts, which he used as a quasi-loan system for several gangsters for various causes, some legal, some not so legal. Of course, Ho
ffa skimmed a little off the top for himself, so everybody was happy.When Hoffa, after a decade quest by Robert Kennedy (Kennedy called his legal team "Get Hoffa"), finally was sent to prison for various union crimes, Hoffa hand-picked his old friend Frank Fitzsimmons as the interim President of the Teamsters. The intention was, after Hoffa was released from jail, he would resume his old duties with the Teamsters. Only the mob and Fitzsimmons had different ideas.Released from prison after serving five years, Hoffa insisted that he be allowed to run for election to get his old job back. Hoffa was told by Bufalino and Provenzano to forget about doing so. They were perfectly happy with Fitzsimmons, whom they could control more easily than the bombastic Hoffa. Stupidly, Hoffa began making threats; saying that he had enough information on plenty of people to put them in jail. Hoffa also said he would squeal to the Feds if he was not given his old job back. Soon the order was hand
ed down that it was Hoffa who had to go. According to Sheehan, he was one of Hoffa's closest friends and the only one who could get close enough to Hoffa to do the job.According to Sheehan, on July 30, 1975, Hoffa was summoned to a meeting by Bufalino and Provenzano at the Machus Red Fox Restaurant located in a suburb outside Detroit. When Hoffa arrived no one was there, but minutes later Sheehan arrived in a car driven by Chuckie O'Brien, whom Hoffa treated like his own son. Sheehan told Hoffa the place of the meeting had been moved to a private house. Hoffa didn't like the idea, but knowing that the two mob bosses out-ranked him, Hoffa agreed to go anyway and he got into the car. It was a fatal mistake.When they arrived at the private house, O'Brien drove away, and Sheehan followed Hoffa into the house. Once inside, Sheehan said he fired two bullets into his "friend" Hoffa's head. A "clean-up crew" already on the premises, stuffed Hoffa's body into the trunk of a waiting c
ar, hidden in the garage out back. Then they drove Hoffa to a local funeral parlor, to be cremated immediately.Sheehan claimed he had no choice but to kill Hoffa, or he would have been killed himself. He also claims he was heart-broken that he had to kill his best friend, and as a result, soon turned into a hopeless alcoholic.Sheehan is one of many people who have claimed to have killed Jimmy Hoffa. But he was the only one to actually be a close friend of Hoffa's and was a suspect by the FBI from the beginning. Maybe Sheehan killed Hoffa and maybe he didn't. Brandt laid out a concise blueprint of the Hoffa murder that is quite convincing. But Sheehan's claim to have killed Crazy Joe Gallo, by himself, is beyond belief.By all accounts of the Gallo murder, Crazy Joe Gallo was killed by two Mafia associates in Umberto's Clam House on Mulberry Street, in the early morning hours of April 7th, 1972. There were eyewitnesses to the murder, and in no account was a single gunman descr
ibed as the killer. And certainly not a 6-foot-4-inch Irish gunman, who would stick out like a sore thumb in Manhattan's Little Italy, where I lived for 48 years.So it stands to reason, if Sheehan lied about killing Gallo, he may have lied about killing Hoffa too. Only the "Irishman," Jimmy Hoffa, and the real killers, if Sheehan didn't kill Hoffa, know for sure.
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on the phone were, "I heard you paint houses," which is a subtle way of Hoffa asking Sheehan if he could depend on him to kill whomever Hoffa said needed to be killed. And Sheehan did kill for Hoffa, according to Sheehan, many times. In this book, Sheehan mentions several murders he committed for Hoffa and for other union officials too. But he mentions no names of the victims, except for Hoffa and Crazy Joe Gallo, whom Sheehan also claims he killed.Brandt details Hoffa's rise from a mere union member to the head of the Teamsters, the strongest, and possibly the most corrupt union in American history. Hoffa was tight with several members of the American Mafia, including Bufalino, and Anthony "Tony Pro" Provanzano, who was allegedly the one to insist Jimmy Hoffa had to be killed. Hoffa had complete control over the Teamsters lucrative retirement accounts, which he used as a quasi-loan system for several gangsters for various causes, some legal, some not so legal. Of course, Ho
ffa skimmed a little off the top for himself, so everybody was happy.When Hoffa, after a decade quest by Robert Kennedy (Kennedy called his legal team "Get Hoffa"), finally was sent to prison for various union crimes, Hoffa hand-picked his old friend Frank Fitzsimmons as the interim President of the Teamsters. The intention was, after Hoffa was released from jail, he would resume his old duties with the Teamsters. Only the mob and Fitzsimmons had different ideas.Released from prison after serving five years, Hoffa insisted that he be allowed to run for election to get his old job back. Hoffa was told by Bufalino and Provenzano to forget about doing so. They were perfectly happy with Fitzsimmons, whom they could control more easily than the bombastic Hoffa. Stupidly, Hoffa began making threats; saying that he had enough information on plenty of people to put them in jail. Hoffa also said he would squeal to the Feds if he was not given his old job back. Soon the order was hand
ed down that it was Hoffa who had to go. According to Sheehan, he was one of Hoffa's closest friends and the only one who could get close enough to Hoffa to do the job.According to Sheehan, on July 30, 1975, Hoffa was summoned to a meeting by Bufalino and Provenzano at the Machus Red Fox Restaurant located in a suburb outside Detroit. When Hoffa arrived no one was there, but minutes later Sheehan arrived in a car driven by Chuckie O'Brien, whom Hoffa treated like his own son. Sheehan told Hoffa the place of the meeting had been moved to a private house. Hoffa didn't like the idea, but knowing that the two mob bosses out-ranked him, Hoffa agreed to go anyway and he got into the car. It was a fatal mistake.When they arrived at the private house, O'Brien drove away, and Sheehan followed Hoffa into the house. Once inside, Sheehan said he fired two bullets into his "friend" Hoffa's head. A "clean-up crew" already on the premises, stuffed Hoffa's body into the trunk of a waiting c
ar, hidden in the garage out back. Then they drove Hoffa to a local funeral parlor, to be cremated immediately.Sheehan claimed he had no choice but to kill Hoffa, or he would have been killed himself. He also claims he was heart-broken that he had to kill his best friend, and as a result, soon turned into a hopeless alcoholic.Sheehan is one of many people who have claimed to have killed Jimmy Hoffa. But he was the only one to actually be a close friend of Hoffa's and was a suspect by the FBI from the beginning. Maybe Sheehan killed Hoffa and maybe he didn't. Brandt laid out a concise blueprint of the Hoffa murder that is quite convincing. But Sheehan's claim to have killed Crazy Joe Gallo, by himself, is beyond belief.By all accounts of the Gallo murder, Crazy Joe Gallo was killed by two Mafia associates in Umberto's Clam House on Mulberry Street, in the early morning hours of April 7th, 1972. There were eyewitnesses to the murder, and in no account was a single gunman descr
ibed as the killer. And certainly not a 6-foot-4-inch Irish gunman, who would stick out like a sore thumb in Manhattan's Little Italy, where I lived for 48 years.So it stands to reason, if Sheehan lied about killing Gallo, he may have lied about killing Hoffa too. Only the "Irishman," Jimmy Hoffa, and the real killers, if Sheehan didn't kill Hoffa, know for sure.
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The Blogging Church - Book Review
I just finished reading "The Blogging Church" by Brian and Terry Stork. Although I am not a pastor, I am a professional blogger and wanted to read this book to gain some perspective on how other folks are effectively using blogs. I found the book to very insightful and I think the appeal is broader than they may have imagined when they started writing the book.The book is essentially a how to guide that helps churches learn how to blog. The book is well written and it is very easy to understand. There is a lot of information, so it may be difficult for a new blogger to absorb it all in one setting. Even I went back to read some chapters to let it soak in better. There are chapters that explore the concept of why blogging is useful and then they dive right into how best to implement the blog. There are many real life examples and case studies that show the reader how churches are getting results in reaching out and opening up a dialogue with their congregation through blogging
. The book also explores issues related to blogging that are outside of the church. For example, there are two great chapters about blogging for positive change and the greater good.In closing, I would highly recommend this book to any church leader as well as any new or experienced blogger because there is great information about the usefulness of blogs and how they can positively impact society.
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. The book also explores issues related to blogging that are outside of the church. For example, there are two great chapters about blogging for positive change and the greater good.In closing, I would highly recommend this book to any church leader as well as any new or experienced blogger because there is great information about the usefulness of blogs and how they can positively impact society.
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Stop Sweating and Start Living Review - Cure Your Sweaty Armpits Naturally
Is Stop Sweating And Start Living the natural solution to help you cure your sweaty armpit problems or a complete waste of time?Most people who suffer from sweaty armpits know that the condition itself can be very annoying and embarrassing. So how does one stop the heavy sweating? One popular natural remedy guide, Stop Sweating And Start Living describes some very simple techniques that claim to cure your sweaty armpits in 2 weeks.So does it work? Let's find out.What is Stop Sweating and Start Living?Stop Sweating and Start Living: A Practical Guide to Ending Your Sweating Problem Naturally is an electronic book written by Mike Ramsey who was also once a sufferer of excessive underarm sweating. However, after attending a seminar on natural health and spending years trying a wide variety of antiperspirants and daily management techniques, he says he has developed an easy and natural remedy to completely stop his excessive underarm sweating. This guide is a result of his techni
ques and experience.Inside his guide, Mike describes in details a simple 3 step solution of exactly what you need to do to put an end to excessive underarm sweating quickly, easily and naturally.In his own words, Mike says:The Stop Sweating and Start Living remedy is a practical and unique treatment that permanently gets rid of your underarm sweat problem - naturally and without side effects.It's a simple process that takes 30 seconds a day, using readily available and inexpensive products (you may already have them in your home). It's easy to incorporate into your morning or evening routine, and it will keep your sweat problem away for the rest of your life!The remedy is a 100% all natural without the need for creams, antiperspirants, medications or expensive surgery and will be really helpful to axillary hyperhidrosis sufferers who:
Want to eliminate the stress without the constant worry about sweat stains on their clothes.
Want to feel more confident personally, socially and professionally.
Want to cure sweaty armpits and get rid of body odor naturally without drugs.
However don't just take my word for it, see for yourself how Stop Sweating and Start Living has helped over 14,549 people (and counting) cure their sweaty armpits naturally by as much as 95%.
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ques and experience.Inside his guide, Mike describes in details a simple 3 step solution of exactly what you need to do to put an end to excessive underarm sweating quickly, easily and naturally.In his own words, Mike says:The Stop Sweating and Start Living remedy is a practical and unique treatment that permanently gets rid of your underarm sweat problem - naturally and without side effects.It's a simple process that takes 30 seconds a day, using readily available and inexpensive products (you may already have them in your home). It's easy to incorporate into your morning or evening routine, and it will keep your sweat problem away for the rest of your life!The remedy is a 100% all natural without the need for creams, antiperspirants, medications or expensive surgery and will be really helpful to axillary hyperhidrosis sufferers who:
Want to eliminate the stress without the constant worry about sweat stains on their clothes.
Want to feel more confident personally, socially and professionally.
Want to cure sweaty armpits and get rid of body odor naturally without drugs.
However don't just take my word for it, see for yourself how Stop Sweating and Start Living has helped over 14,549 people (and counting) cure their sweaty armpits naturally by as much as 95%.
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Avoiding Identity Theft: Critical Steps to Take
As on-line and off-line consumers, we are constantly prompted to disclose our personal information to organizations. But with each disclosure comes the risk that one's information will be mismanaged, accessed without authorization or stolen. In fact, it is estimated, that about one in 10 Canadians has been a victim of identity theft.
As personal information becomes an increasingly valuable asset, it is important for individuals to take their privacy seriously. By simply following some of the following key steps, you will be in a much better position to protect your information and identity.
1. Your On-line Presence
- The importance of choosing strong passwords cannot be overemphasized. When creating passwords, avoid a commonly used nickname, family member or pet's name, or your on-line screen name. Instead, use a phrase or a series of letters and/or numbers (at least 8) that you can easily remember but that would be hard for others, including password sniffers, to guess.
- Look for privacy policies on the websites you visit, particularly if you will be entering your information on the site. You need to understand with whom your information will be shared, and how it will be secured before providing it.
- Be extremely cautious when providing credit card or other sensitive information on-line. Only provide such information on a secure site. Always check for a lock symbol at the bottom of your browser page and the letters "https" in front of the organization's Web site address to confirm information is encrypted when transmitted to the organization's server.
- If you are especially concerned about protecting your privacy on-line, there are an increasing number of programs being offered, such as Anonymizer, that enable consumers to make transactions on-line through third parties and keep their personal information private.
2. Understand and Manage E-Mail Risks
E-mail has become a preferred method of communicating, but what comes in or leaves your e-mail server may introduce information risks. Here are some things you can do to minimize these risks:
- E-mail is like an open postcard - it's possible for someone who is not the intended recipient to access your e-mail using a simple e-mail sniffer. Never send highly sensitive information like credit card details or medical information through an unencrypted e-mail.
- As soon as you see spam (bulk, unsolicited e-mail messages), delete them immediately. Don't click on any embedded links, don't buy anything, don't even reply by asking to unsubscribe. Keep in mind that any response or activity keeps spammers coming back.
- No matter how exciting or dreadful the news, always be skeptical of e-mails requesting password updates or your financial information.
- Never open an e-mail attachment unless you are expecting it from someone you trust.
- Make sure to install and regularly update antivirus and anti-spam software. Also, an up-to-date firewall will reduce the risk of an intrusion.
- Protect your e-mail address as best as possible by setting up one e-mail for your trusted personal and business contacts, and a separate one for other on-line usage.
3. Be Diligent when using a Fax Machine
In order to reduce the risks associated with faxing out personal information (such as dialling a wrong number, having your fax picked up by the wrong individual, or having your fax sit in an insecure location), try to adopt the following measures:
- Only fax personal information that needs to be sent out immediately, and call to confirm its receipt.
- If you wouldn't feel comfortable discussing the information over the telephone, chances are it's best not to fax it either.
- If its sensitive information, check to see if the recipient has a password feature on their fax machine, ensuring that only authorized recipients are able to access what you've sent over.
4. Limit the Personal information you Provide
To place a limit on where your personal information ends up, you can do the following:
- When signing up for a reward points program or completing a sales agreement, understand how your information will be used. Carefully check to see if your contact information will be sent to a marketing list or "affiliated" companies. You may need to check a box in order to prevent the transfer of your information.
- Remember that you never need to provide information to an organization if its not essential to the provision of products or services to you. For example, a retail store cashier or a warranty card may collect information for marketing purposes - you don't need to provide it.
5. Safeguard your Identity
There are a number of additional proactive steps consumers can take to ensure their personal data is protected:
- Never carry more personal information with you than is necessary. In particular, leave your SIN card and passport at home.
- Choose complex PIN numbers, memorize them well, change them often and do not write them down in a place that is easily accessible. Make sure to always shield yourself when keying in a PIN at a store or bank machine.
- Obtain an annual credit report from a credit reporting agency to ensure there are no suspicious activities.
- Consistently check your bank, credit and debit card statements to ensure all account activity is legitimate.
- Invest in a good quality cross-cut shredder. Shred documents containing personal information you no longer need.
- Always remove your mail promptly from your mailbox so as to prevent identity thieves from finding and recording any personal information.
With identity theft on the rise, safeguarding personal information is not just an organizational responsibility. In our day to day interactions, we as consumers must make a firm commitment to taking steps to protect our personal identity.
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As personal information becomes an increasingly valuable asset, it is important for individuals to take their privacy seriously. By simply following some of the following key steps, you will be in a much better position to protect your information and identity.
1. Your On-line Presence
- The importance of choosing strong passwords cannot be overemphasized. When creating passwords, avoid a commonly used nickname, family member or pet's name, or your on-line screen name. Instead, use a phrase or a series of letters and/or numbers (at least 8) that you can easily remember but that would be hard for others, including password sniffers, to guess.
- Look for privacy policies on the websites you visit, particularly if you will be entering your information on the site. You need to understand with whom your information will be shared, and how it will be secured before providing it.
- Be extremely cautious when providing credit card or other sensitive information on-line. Only provide such information on a secure site. Always check for a lock symbol at the bottom of your browser page and the letters "https" in front of the organization's Web site address to confirm information is encrypted when transmitted to the organization's server.
- If you are especially concerned about protecting your privacy on-line, there are an increasing number of programs being offered, such as Anonymizer, that enable consumers to make transactions on-line through third parties and keep their personal information private.
2. Understand and Manage E-Mail Risks
E-mail has become a preferred method of communicating, but what comes in or leaves your e-mail server may introduce information risks. Here are some things you can do to minimize these risks:
- E-mail is like an open postcard - it's possible for someone who is not the intended recipient to access your e-mail using a simple e-mail sniffer. Never send highly sensitive information like credit card details or medical information through an unencrypted e-mail.
- As soon as you see spam (bulk, unsolicited e-mail messages), delete them immediately. Don't click on any embedded links, don't buy anything, don't even reply by asking to unsubscribe. Keep in mind that any response or activity keeps spammers coming back.
- No matter how exciting or dreadful the news, always be skeptical of e-mails requesting password updates or your financial information.
- Never open an e-mail attachment unless you are expecting it from someone you trust.
- Make sure to install and regularly update antivirus and anti-spam software. Also, an up-to-date firewall will reduce the risk of an intrusion.
- Protect your e-mail address as best as possible by setting up one e-mail for your trusted personal and business contacts, and a separate one for other on-line usage.
3. Be Diligent when using a Fax Machine
In order to reduce the risks associated with faxing out personal information (such as dialling a wrong number, having your fax picked up by the wrong individual, or having your fax sit in an insecure location), try to adopt the following measures:
- Only fax personal information that needs to be sent out immediately, and call to confirm its receipt.
- If you wouldn't feel comfortable discussing the information over the telephone, chances are it's best not to fax it either.
- If its sensitive information, check to see if the recipient has a password feature on their fax machine, ensuring that only authorized recipients are able to access what you've sent over.
4. Limit the Personal information you Provide
To place a limit on where your personal information ends up, you can do the following:
- When signing up for a reward points program or completing a sales agreement, understand how your information will be used. Carefully check to see if your contact information will be sent to a marketing list or "affiliated" companies. You may need to check a box in order to prevent the transfer of your information.
- Remember that you never need to provide information to an organization if its not essential to the provision of products or services to you. For example, a retail store cashier or a warranty card may collect information for marketing purposes - you don't need to provide it.
5. Safeguard your Identity
There are a number of additional proactive steps consumers can take to ensure their personal data is protected:
- Never carry more personal information with you than is necessary. In particular, leave your SIN card and passport at home.
- Choose complex PIN numbers, memorize them well, change them often and do not write them down in a place that is easily accessible. Make sure to always shield yourself when keying in a PIN at a store or bank machine.
- Obtain an annual credit report from a credit reporting agency to ensure there are no suspicious activities.
- Consistently check your bank, credit and debit card statements to ensure all account activity is legitimate.
- Invest in a good quality cross-cut shredder. Shred documents containing personal information you no longer need.
- Always remove your mail promptly from your mailbox so as to prevent identity thieves from finding and recording any personal information.
With identity theft on the rise, safeguarding personal information is not just an organizational responsibility. In our day to day interactions, we as consumers must make a firm commitment to taking steps to protect our personal identity.
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Mind Capture Reviewed
This week I read Mind Capture: How You Can Stand Out In the Age of Advertising Deficit Disorder, written by Tony Rubleski. The book is filled with different marketing strategies to make you and your business stand out in a world of advertisements. Mr. Rubleski shares many of his personal experiences, and is clearly very knowledgeable about the subject.Of particular interest to SendOutCards distributors is the fact that he mentions SendOutCards a couple of times in the book. On page 15 he talks about "disruptive innovation," and the companies that have changed the way their entire industry does business because of their innovation. He mentions Disney, Ebay, Fedex, Google, Dell, and SendOutCards along with a handful of others. He clearly sees that SendOutCards has the ability to revolutionize the greeting card industry to the same magnitude that Google has done for search engines.He also mentions SOC again on page 133. This time he is talking about the importance of customized
postcards with photos on them to act as "grabbers." He says "The best resource I've seen to make and send customized post cards and greeting cards is Send Out Cards based out of Salt Lake City." Whether using it to send personal greeting cards, or business mail, the SendOutCards system is truly unique in that it can handle both equally well, and can even pay you a profit for sending cards.Pointing out those passages may be great selling points for your prospects, and there are a ton of other strategies in the book. If you do not have much marketing experience, this may be a good crash course for you.
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postcards with photos on them to act as "grabbers." He says "The best resource I've seen to make and send customized post cards and greeting cards is Send Out Cards based out of Salt Lake City." Whether using it to send personal greeting cards, or business mail, the SendOutCards system is truly unique in that it can handle both equally well, and can even pay you a profit for sending cards.Pointing out those passages may be great selling points for your prospects, and there are a ton of other strategies in the book. If you do not have much marketing experience, this may be a good crash course for you.
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Natural Cures For Yeast Infection - A Miracle Book Or a Lie?
So if you are reading this I assume that you have an annoying yeast infection and you want it cured as soon as possible without any chemicals and doctors.That's is the exact reason why I decided to write this article, to give you a heads up.So are you sick and tired of reading all the internet gossips on how you can get that cure?The thought of taking dangerous drugs makes you sick?Well here are a couple of tips you should know straight up! Almost all the known treatments out there are nothing more than a band aid for your problems. That's how it works, just like a short temporary relief. Sooner or later the infection symptoms come back.Drugs DO NOT work for treating yeast infections. You will have to keep taking drugs in order to prevent the symptoms from occurring. If you stop taking the medication the symptoms come back like they were there yesterday. The doctor only tells you the same thing keep taking that medication. And the more you take, you know the drill that the mo
re your overall health goes down the tubes!!!So how do you cure yeast infection?The simple answer is that you need to eliminate the root cause! Do not focus on eliminating the symptoms as that will only provide a temporary relief!It is the key to understand why is the bacteria that causes the infection overgrows in the first place. To give you even a further tip, you are doing a simple lifestyle mistake over and over gain that affects and triggers yeast infection.And to give you a straight up answer the root cause of yeast infections is also in your diet. This factor alone triggers yeast bacteria growth like nothing else!
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re your overall health goes down the tubes!!!So how do you cure yeast infection?The simple answer is that you need to eliminate the root cause! Do not focus on eliminating the symptoms as that will only provide a temporary relief!It is the key to understand why is the bacteria that causes the infection overgrows in the first place. To give you even a further tip, you are doing a simple lifestyle mistake over and over gain that affects and triggers yeast infection.And to give you a straight up answer the root cause of yeast infections is also in your diet. This factor alone triggers yeast bacteria growth like nothing else!
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Fax Number Lookup
This little article is going to educate you the way to in finding out who there owns any fax number lookup. I will let you know a tale a few time I desperately had to get involved with the owner of any fax number and the way I stopped up using reverse fax number lookup provider to track them down.For about 2 years in the past my family began receiving a relentless barrage of telephone calls. The phone used to be actually ringing each short time and at all the hours of the day. And every time we picked up our receiver we might listen the ear pounding noice of a fax system trying to connect.To start with it was simply an inconvenience. We would resolution the telephone and listen to the fax machine end screeching from the other finish of the line and we'd straight away hang up. However sooner than lengthy the calls were just about constant. The phone woke us up countless occasions in the midst of the night and my children have been unable to nap in the afternoon. It got
so unhealthy we ended up unplugging all of the phones in the home at evening simply so shall we get a few sleep.Now clearly we have been doing our best to figure out what was once going on. We traid to cal the telephone corporate and asked if there was an issue with the road however they were absolutely no lend a hand at all.We've got Caller-ID, so we have been in a position to look the quantity where these call was originating. However there were a few other numbers and every time we referred to as one we were greeted simplest by an fax machine. I will't let you know how irritating it was once!In any case, we were near to surrender and have our quantity changed. We did not actually wish to given that we had the quantity for years & all of our family and friends already had it. And contacting our household in a foreign country to offer them a brand new number might had been a massive inconvenience.Thankfully one among my girlfriends urged we use a opposite fax number lo
okup-service. Then we begun to ran a search for several of these fax numbers that were start calling us & we have been able to find their title, cope with, and phone number.Then we called each of them & every of them & found out they all where wholesale distributors they usually were each looking to fax an order to a jewelry-producer in our area.To make a long tale brief, it turned out that way the jewelry producer had despatched out an commercial in the mail to a few hundred whole-salers. There was a typo within the commercial that ended in our telephone number being published rather than the manufacturer.Thankfully for us, the producer quickly corrected issues once they learned a mistake were made. They even despatched me an attractive pair of earrings to make an apology for the inconvenience!A fax number lookup may also be very to hand to have as you'll be able to see.
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so unhealthy we ended up unplugging all of the phones in the home at evening simply so shall we get a few sleep.Now clearly we have been doing our best to figure out what was once going on. We traid to cal the telephone corporate and asked if there was an issue with the road however they were absolutely no lend a hand at all.We've got Caller-ID, so we have been in a position to look the quantity where these call was originating. However there were a few other numbers and every time we referred to as one we were greeted simplest by an fax machine. I will't let you know how irritating it was once!In any case, we were near to surrender and have our quantity changed. We did not actually wish to given that we had the quantity for years & all of our family and friends already had it. And contacting our household in a foreign country to offer them a brand new number might had been a massive inconvenience.Thankfully one among my girlfriends urged we use a opposite fax number lo
okup-service. Then we begun to ran a search for several of these fax numbers that were start calling us & we have been able to find their title, cope with, and phone number.Then we called each of them & every of them & found out they all where wholesale distributors they usually were each looking to fax an order to a jewelry-producer in our area.To make a long tale brief, it turned out that way the jewelry producer had despatched out an commercial in the mail to a few hundred whole-salers. There was a typo within the commercial that ended in our telephone number being published rather than the manufacturer.Thankfully for us, the producer quickly corrected issues once they learned a mistake were made. They even despatched me an attractive pair of earrings to make an apology for the inconvenience!A fax number lookup may also be very to hand to have as you'll be able to see.
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Why Join a Book Club?
If you just love books, then you're one of the people book clubs were made for. You may have many reasons for being a book buff. You have your own favorite authors and you know exactly where to get their latest bestsellers. You may even think you can go around the world and have no trouble finding a good read. But a book club is what it is and if you think you could use a little practicality in this hobby of yours, take a look into the things that make linking up with your fellow bookworms so much more rewarding in the end.First off, these clubs can offer you books at very affordable prices. This is because the people running them are usually in partnership with certain publishing companies which allow them to buy their stocks at great discounts. Hence, the books may also be sold at prices lower than what you would find when buying books on your own. The cheaper the books, the more you'll save to buy even more. Who knows, you could even open your own club one day where peopl
e can just rent your collection.As a book lover, you would probably appreciate not just reading good books but being in the know as far as new authors and releases are concerned. When you join these groups of book readers, you will have access to published materials, online or off, that update you on the latest bestsellers as well as their authors and the best time to buy them. If you travel anywhere in the world, you can log on to your club's website to get information about where you can get that new release abroad. Basically, this club will not only make you feel like a reader. It will make you feel involved in the process of creating those books you love.When you join a book club, convenience is another thing you will enjoy. Instead of having to go through bookstore racks, you just browse through collections upon collections through your own PC. You can do this at home on your own desk and you won't even have to lift a finger other than to move your mouse and maybe type
a little on your keyboard. Other than that, getting access to those killer books you'd never dare miss is going to be easier than a piece of cake.
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e can just rent your collection.As a book lover, you would probably appreciate not just reading good books but being in the know as far as new authors and releases are concerned. When you join these groups of book readers, you will have access to published materials, online or off, that update you on the latest bestsellers as well as their authors and the best time to buy them. If you travel anywhere in the world, you can log on to your club's website to get information about where you can get that new release abroad. Basically, this club will not only make you feel like a reader. It will make you feel involved in the process of creating those books you love.When you join a book club, convenience is another thing you will enjoy. Instead of having to go through bookstore racks, you just browse through collections upon collections through your own PC. You can do this at home on your own desk and you won't even have to lift a finger other than to move your mouse and maybe type
a little on your keyboard. Other than that, getting access to those killer books you'd never dare miss is going to be easier than a piece of cake.
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Thursday, May 30, 2013
Book Review: Thich Nhat Hanh and the Inner Child
Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the leading Buddhist teachers in the world today. He is a Vietnamese monk, poet, scholar, human rights activist and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King Jr. His new book, "Reconciliation: Healing the Inner Child" leads us in a very interesting direction for a Buddhist monk. Thich Nhat Hanh's new book: Healing the Inner ChildHe believes that the cry we hear from deep in our hearts comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child's pain, he offers, is the key to transforming anger, sadness and fear. He goes on to write that every time we're in touch with the experience of suffering, we believe that we can't bear it, and stuff our feelings and memories into our unconscious. We may think that this will work but it won't because the inner child will always be there until we offer it love and healing. These insights are exactly what I have come to learn in teaching Pre-Cognitive Re-Education (Pre-Cog) for the last 25 y
ears.Ways to heal the inner childWhile Thich Nhat Hahn offers mindfulness as a primary healing function, I have discovered that guided visualization can bring the energy of unconditional love to the wounds of the past. There are no little children running around inside of us. There are pockets of memory and emotion that have the perspective of a child because they were created during our childhood. These pockets can be healed, their emotions released and the loving adult that we really are can be strengthen and liberated. This is the real work of spiritual maturity. This is the work that brings us to stable consciousness, to the ability to stay in love, and to an on-going experience of joy. I invite you to experience the Pre-Cog process for yourself and feel the joy of healing the hurt child emotions stuck in your subconscious. Follow the guided visualizations at, they're free. You might begin with the Guided Imagery Scripts on Love. Your inner child is
waiting.Thich Nhat Hanh directs us to the necessity of healing the inner child within. Pre-Cognitive Re-Education offers both phone sessions and free online guided imagery scripts and guided visualizations that bring love and healing to the hurts of the past. They help us heal the limited beliefs that limit our experience of freedom in life. Your inner child is waiting.
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ears.Ways to heal the inner childWhile Thich Nhat Hahn offers mindfulness as a primary healing function, I have discovered that guided visualization can bring the energy of unconditional love to the wounds of the past. There are no little children running around inside of us. There are pockets of memory and emotion that have the perspective of a child because they were created during our childhood. These pockets can be healed, their emotions released and the loving adult that we really are can be strengthen and liberated. This is the real work of spiritual maturity. This is the work that brings us to stable consciousness, to the ability to stay in love, and to an on-going experience of joy. I invite you to experience the Pre-Cog process for yourself and feel the joy of healing the hurt child emotions stuck in your subconscious. Follow the guided visualizations at, they're free. You might begin with the Guided Imagery Scripts on Love. Your inner child is
waiting.Thich Nhat Hanh directs us to the necessity of healing the inner child within. Pre-Cognitive Re-Education offers both phone sessions and free online guided imagery scripts and guided visualizations that bring love and healing to the hurts of the past. They help us heal the limited beliefs that limit our experience of freedom in life. Your inner child is waiting.
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Design your Custom Dream Machine
Before the internet came along, it was virtually impossible to order for custom-made machine parts without spending a fortune and lots of time. Interested parties would often give up on worthy projects simply for lack of time, money, or both. However, with the emergence of world's first true online machine shop,, ordinary consumers can make use of free, easy-to-use 3D CAD drawing software to design objects like personal computer chassis, car parts, and even door knobs in wide range of materials including metal and many kinds of plastics.
It is a first of its kind of shop that allows customers the freedom to customize machine parts using standard machine shop practices such as injection molding, milling, turning, laser cutting, water jet cutting, wire EDM, tapping, bending, blanking, punching, plasma cutting, plastic extrusion.
The online machine shop puts total design power in the end user's hands.'s free drawing software allows you to choose a machine or process, draw the part or parts required and then click to order. It is easy and it is fast. Customer's request is almost instantly machined and delivered - at a reasonable cost.
The shop has gained immense popularity in recent times because it saves on the time that potential customers would otherwise spend on traveling, calling, faxing or emailing to the conventional machine shops. Moreover the services offered by emachineshop are always prompt, which means no delays waiting for quotations. facilitates online development of new products and projects; it lets you custom machine parts at a substantial saving. The most interesting feature of eMachineShop is that even small orders are taken. The quantity ordered of any part can range from 1 to 1,000,000. In addition the eMachineShop's FREE intelligent design software that gives the ease to design your own custom parts.
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It is a first of its kind of shop that allows customers the freedom to customize machine parts using standard machine shop practices such as injection molding, milling, turning, laser cutting, water jet cutting, wire EDM, tapping, bending, blanking, punching, plasma cutting, plastic extrusion.
The online machine shop puts total design power in the end user's hands.'s free drawing software allows you to choose a machine or process, draw the part or parts required and then click to order. It is easy and it is fast. Customer's request is almost instantly machined and delivered - at a reasonable cost.
The shop has gained immense popularity in recent times because it saves on the time that potential customers would otherwise spend on traveling, calling, faxing or emailing to the conventional machine shops. Moreover the services offered by emachineshop are always prompt, which means no delays waiting for quotations. facilitates online development of new products and projects; it lets you custom machine parts at a substantial saving. The most interesting feature of eMachineShop is that even small orders are taken. The quantity ordered of any part can range from 1 to 1,000,000. In addition the eMachineShop's FREE intelligent design software that gives the ease to design your own custom parts.
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Book Review - The Traveler's Gift
The book, "The Traveler's Gift", is a fictional account on a personal journey of a man named David Ponder to become a better and successful person. Historical figures such as Abraham Lincoln, Harry S Truman, Anne Frank, etc. are used to convey specific success qualities to David Ponder. David Ponder is anyone who has reached a crossroads in their life. He is anyone who wants to have a better life. He is anyone who has reached financial crisis, emotional drawbacks, or physical challenges.Here are the seven key points that each historical figure teach and practice to David Ponder:* The Buck Stops HereWe should take personal responsibility of our lives.* Seek WisdomWe should continually search for understanding and discernment.* Be a Person of ActionWe need to become a courageous leader who will act upon taking control of their own lives.* Have a Decided HeartWe need to be focused rather than double-minded.* Choose HappinessWe should possess a grateful and thankful spirit than w
ill attract happiness.* Forgive othersWe need to forgive others in order to tap into the power of grace and mercy.* PersistWe need to persevere with faith until the very end. We should persist until we succeed.As we journey with the fictional account of David Ponder, we should apply our own experiences and challenges. When compared with some of the historical figures such as Anne Frank, our challenges are tiny and our opportunities are abound. It is a matter of perspective. When we look at the challenging experiences of others, we can learn and grow.The book is about your own personal journey. It can only help us when we take personal responsibility of our lives (rather than blaming others), when we seek wisdom (rather than money or worldly items), when we become action oriented (rather than complacent), when we have a decided heart (rather than an indecisive spirit), when we choose happiness (rather than doom and gloom), when we forgive others (rather than carry the burden
of their faults), and when persist (rather than cease and desist).This is a similar style to how Og Mandino (who wrote many great books including "The Greatest Salesman in the World") on how Andy Andrews delivers his message. It is done indirectly without being preachy. This is an uplifting book that anyone with challenges should read. The seven lessons applied to any life will transform one's perspective, hence, one's life.
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ill attract happiness.* Forgive othersWe need to forgive others in order to tap into the power of grace and mercy.* PersistWe need to persevere with faith until the very end. We should persist until we succeed.As we journey with the fictional account of David Ponder, we should apply our own experiences and challenges. When compared with some of the historical figures such as Anne Frank, our challenges are tiny and our opportunities are abound. It is a matter of perspective. When we look at the challenging experiences of others, we can learn and grow.The book is about your own personal journey. It can only help us when we take personal responsibility of our lives (rather than blaming others), when we seek wisdom (rather than money or worldly items), when we become action oriented (rather than complacent), when we have a decided heart (rather than an indecisive spirit), when we choose happiness (rather than doom and gloom), when we forgive others (rather than carry the burden
of their faults), and when persist (rather than cease and desist).This is a similar style to how Og Mandino (who wrote many great books including "The Greatest Salesman in the World") on how Andy Andrews delivers his message. It is done indirectly without being preachy. This is an uplifting book that anyone with challenges should read. The seven lessons applied to any life will transform one's perspective, hence, one's life.
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Interview for "Tears and Tales: Stories of Animal and Human Rescue" Author Russell A Vassallo
Reader Views is happy to be talking with Russell A. Vassallo, author of "Tears and Tales: Stories of Animal and Human Rescue." Russell is talking with Juanita Watson, Assistant Editor of Reader Views.Juanita: Would you please tell your readers what your book "Tears and Tales: Stories of Animal and Human Rescue" is all about?Russell: Hi Juanita, thank you for your interest in "Tears and Tales.""Tears and Tales" is a collection of true-to-life stories about the animals I love and have loved and how they nurtured me when I was suffering depression from a near-fatal bout with colon cancer. They're really stories about the animal/human connection. The stories are true, incidentally.Juanita: What inspired you to write your book?Russell: I've always been interested in writing. I found sitting through hour-long chemotherapy sessions unproductive and started drawing notes for future stories. When I started telling these stories to other patients, I noticed they brightened and looke
d forward to chemo sessions without the fear and sense of trepidation they felt. Once I knew I could help people by writing, I starting literally pounding out story after story and when my wife, who is a pretty tough reader, loved them, I didn't need any more encouragement.Juanita: What animal has had the most profound effect on you?Russell: I'd have to say dogs. My first encounter occurred with a farm dog named Rusty. I was four. My grandfather had a large farm where he kept hunting dogs. We were eating under the vineyard arbor and I went to feed Rusty some scraps. Poor dog thought I was coming to take its food and it nipped me on the right ear. Afterwards, he bowed his head and licked my hand. I knew he was saying he was sorry, but my grandfather was so angered he wanted to shoot the dog. I clung to Rusty's neck and cried for my grandfather not to hurt him. I knew then I'd always have animals in my life.Juanita: How have animals helped you through your emotional str
uggles?Russell: Animals are perceptive. I had a Doberman pinscher, Taurus, who sensed I was having a bad time going through my divorce. I'd be at my office desk crying and he'd come over and lay his head on my leg. One look at those eyes told me he was there to comfort me, as if he were saying: "Hey, I'm here. Everything will be all right." Animals have a way of connecting with us if we just listen.With Nikki, my female Dobe, she suffered from lymphoma cancer. On the very day I was scheduled for surgery, Nikki, after living for nearly two and one- half she came out of the pantry where she slept and dropped down dead. I always said it was because we couldn't care for her any more. I didn't even have to bury her. I had to lay her in the blanket and drag her out onto the front porch. The anger I felt against cancer for having deprived me of spending a final few moments with my friend and mourning her death caused a rage in me that I believe kept the cancer from recurring. I am
now eight years past my surgery and still cancer free. I got over the cancer. I never got over Nikki.Juanita: What have they taught you about love?Russell: That love is unselfish. That love is giving. That love is sacrificing beyond what you believe is possible. That love is loyal. I once saw a Doberman crash through a screen door to stop a little infant from walking out into the street. That animal held on to her dress until her parent came to the rescue. I had a horse -accident where my horse spooked and threw me, then turned and came back, put his nose on me as I lay on the ground and waited for me to remount.Animals seldom fail to show appreciation or understanding; they are always ready to be with you; they fill the quiet moments when a spouse cannot be near; they share their joy and enthusiasm for life. You can hurt them, abuse them, taunt them, starve them and they still love you. And I am not saying I believe in animal abuse, just that animals are that forgiving and
that loyal.Juanita: Do you have a special gift for talking with animals, or is this available to everyone?Russell: I don't believe I have a special gift for talking with animals, but I do believe they understand. They don't speak in human terms. They understand thoughts, feelings, concepts. They can be trained to understand words. But they communicate through thought. My little dog, Sweet Pea, can tell when I am ready to get playful with the water hose and she is long gone. Or I can sense that something is calling me and see one of my horses staring at me. And he is usually sending the same message: I'd like a carrot, please.If you want to see someone with a special gift with animals, read "To Love a Crooked Horse" in "Tears and Tales." My wife has that special gift with animals.Juanita: What can animals give us that people can't?Russell: Animals teach us if we are willing to learn. They are totally giving. They love with true devotion. Books are legion with examples abo
ut their loyalty and protectiveness. What they give us is the lesson of unadulterated love, love with no conditions, love without parallel, love without restraint, love with total fulfillment, and love that is honest. Animals are simplistic; people complex. We not only have to understand a person's words, but we have to assess their body language because people say one thing and do another sometimes. So some are honest and some are not. But animals are honest one- hundred per-cent of the time.Juanita: Have you found any differences between what varying species of animals can teach us?Russell: Absolutely! Dogs teach us patience, understanding, kindness, love, loyalty.With horses, it's a question of respect and trust. If they trust you, they follow you anywhere and do whatever you ask. But, they must trust you. Cats, on the other hand, teach us independence, courage, and the right to be selective in relationships. They are independent in every aspect. My cat, Boots, won't dr
ink except from a dripping faucet. I guess you could say he has taught me how to follow. So he doesn't just "give" his love. You have to "earn" it. And, when you do, it is so rewarding to have that autonomous little feline cuddle up in a display of affection.Like people, animals vary. Some teach us kindness. Some resilience. Some courage. Some fortitude. Some patience. Some loyalty. I have a pit bull/shar pei mix who cowers when we have thunder storms so he curls around me on the couch, and from that fear, I fathom the depths of my own fallibility because he is not the only one who experiences fear.Juanita: You had a very hard challenge of recovering from cancer. How did animals help you through this process?Russell: It was a difficult battle but I literally "willed" myself to heal. Animals were the driving force.I was distraught and angered over the death of Nikki. I literally hated the cancer that killed her and struck me and I wasn't going to let her death be in vain. Ev
ery night I reminded myself that I was fighting the same enemy that prevented me from saying goodbye to her. When the cardinal appeared on my window sill and wanted to come into the house, when it flew right to the bed and settled in the place where Nikki slept, I knew it was a message from her to fortify my will to live. Not to live would have rendered her death meaningless because I truly believe she picked that time to die so my wife could devote her full time to me.In the second instance, we foster care a standardbred race horse named Red Leader. I wanted very much to train Red to be a trail horse. It was my dream to get him on the trail. All the time I was recovering I thrived on the thought that one day I would mount and ride Red and that he'd trust me to do that. As an abused horse he came to us unsettled, frightened, rowdy and difficult to handle. Today, he follows me around the paddock with no lead line. The only way to accomplish my goal with him was to get well.
We all have that drive within us.Juanita: Could you ever imagine your life without animals?Russell: I can't. Not really. They were my first friends. As a child I was ill with pneumonia for many years. Every winter I was confined to bed with bronchial pneumonia triggered by asthma and allergies. I had no friends because I was never outside long enough to have any. By the time I was eight, I was somewhat recovered, but the kids on the block had already formed their relationships and I was the odd man out. With animals I could always be myself. I could lavish praise and affection on them, have companionship, enjoy laughter and fun or just spend a quiet moment being together. They didn't taunt me, hurt me or desert me when others came along. They were just my friends.I don't know how many times I said I didn't want another dog. It was too painful when they died. Still, other dogs have come into my life to ease that pain and I have never been able to say "no." Just read "Git" fo
r an example of my soft- heartedness. My Dobe had died and I did not want another dog. But she was so ragged, starved and alone I had to take her in because I sensed she had that will to survive. Going back to what they teach us, they teach us to survive.No, I can never imagine myself without animals in my life.Juanita: I have read many reviews for your book "Tears and Tales," and the one word that keeps coming up is "cathartic." Why do you think reading your book creates such a strong experience for readers?Russell: I am a very emotional person and I can express that emotion in concepts that touch people. I would have made a perfect Don Quixote because I believe in protecting women, in nobility, in tears of joy and pain, in the impossible dream. I am not afraid to cry, not afraid to voice my emotions, not afraid to feel my emotions, not ashamed of my emotions.There are too many people who feel alone and friendless. They struggle to find companionship. People die of loneli
ness all the time. "Tears and Tales" compels them to conclude that there is hope, there is a way. One look from a pet with all that gushy love in its eyes and the desolation is banished. Even those who already have pets are encouraged to view them with new understanding after reading "Tears and Tales." I wanted to touch people, to put them in tune with their own emotions.I also think it's sad that so many people constrain their emotions. With animals, I can be whomever I please. If I want to talk or sing in a funny voice, I can do it. If I want to cry because I am hurt, the animal will understand and cuddle next to me. I think that's why "Tears and Tales" is receiving such rave reviews. It lets people give vent to their own emotions, come to grip with themselves, feel something special within them. And they know someone else out there feels the same way. It's no accident that seniors with pets live longer than their lonely counterparts.Juanita: Russell, what do you want you
r readers to ultimately understand by reading "Tears and Tales"?Russell: Juanita, I want them to believe as I do. Life is a road to another place and in that place are all the people and the animals we have loved in a universal bond where everything is merged in happiness. I want them to understand my emotions and I want to touch them in a way that fulfills them as human beings.Juanita: Russell, do you have plans for any other books?Russell: The fact is my editor/distributor is slowing me down because she wants me to take time to market "Tears and Tales." I have a second book completed, "The Horse With the Golden Mane", which is a collection of three novelettes also based on true events. I also have four other books sitting on computer disks. Two of them involve animals. I also have a number of short stories completed, but haven't decided yet what I'll do with them.I am elated that "Tears and Tales" is resonating well with readers. Fans are asking when my next book will be
published. One eighty-six year old man hadn't read a book in forty years, but he has read "Tears and Tales" three times. A church-goer remarked that my book helped her out of a depressed mood. Not only am I writing about animals but how they interact with humans. One reviewer said I confirm that the "rainbow connection" really exists. I believe that. My animal friends are just over the horizon, waiting for me to walk them into the light.Juanita: How can readers find out more about you and your endeavors?Russell: Well, our website is and that is pretty comprehensive, but they can also place their names on our free newsletter list by contacting me at There is also a lot of information in the book itself, personal items about myself that aren't revealed on my website. We also try to answer anyone who e-mails us. Anyone who purchases the book directly from us is automatically included on our newsletter list...e-mail or snail mail.So they can purchase the
book, "Tears and Tales", or tap our website or e-mail us at because all of these sources will reveal something about me and my work. We do blog at but I am new at this so please don't expect miracles. If people are not on the Internet, they can request a copy of my biography and other information by writing me at Krazy Duck, Box 105, Danville, KY 40423.What I want to stress is that I am not concerned about making money, but I do want my writing to help people and to do that, I need the support of readers because writing and publishing is a very competitive world.Juanita: Russell, thank you for this open-hearted interview. It has been a pleasure talking with you and I encourage readers not to miss your inspiring new book "Tears and Tales." Do you have any last thoughts for your readers?Russell:Juanita, thank you for your insightful and challenging interview. I truly, truly enjoyed talking with you too.Yes, I have thoughts for my readers. I thank them for
having faith in me to share their private worlds with them and I thank them for their interest in "Tears and Tales." If they laughed with me, if they cried with me, then I am not alone and neither are they. Yes, I hope they read my book, share my thoughts, my challenges, my conquests, my sorrows and my dreams. I hope they do that because my hopes and dreams are theirs as well. It's what John Donne, the poet, wrote so many, many years ago: And therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls... it tolls for thee.Thank you again Juanita for the opportunity to express my feelings and sentiments.
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d forward to chemo sessions without the fear and sense of trepidation they felt. Once I knew I could help people by writing, I starting literally pounding out story after story and when my wife, who is a pretty tough reader, loved them, I didn't need any more encouragement.Juanita: What animal has had the most profound effect on you?Russell: I'd have to say dogs. My first encounter occurred with a farm dog named Rusty. I was four. My grandfather had a large farm where he kept hunting dogs. We were eating under the vineyard arbor and I went to feed Rusty some scraps. Poor dog thought I was coming to take its food and it nipped me on the right ear. Afterwards, he bowed his head and licked my hand. I knew he was saying he was sorry, but my grandfather was so angered he wanted to shoot the dog. I clung to Rusty's neck and cried for my grandfather not to hurt him. I knew then I'd always have animals in my life.Juanita: How have animals helped you through your emotional str
uggles?Russell: Animals are perceptive. I had a Doberman pinscher, Taurus, who sensed I was having a bad time going through my divorce. I'd be at my office desk crying and he'd come over and lay his head on my leg. One look at those eyes told me he was there to comfort me, as if he were saying: "Hey, I'm here. Everything will be all right." Animals have a way of connecting with us if we just listen.With Nikki, my female Dobe, she suffered from lymphoma cancer. On the very day I was scheduled for surgery, Nikki, after living for nearly two and one- half she came out of the pantry where she slept and dropped down dead. I always said it was because we couldn't care for her any more. I didn't even have to bury her. I had to lay her in the blanket and drag her out onto the front porch. The anger I felt against cancer for having deprived me of spending a final few moments with my friend and mourning her death caused a rage in me that I believe kept the cancer from recurring. I am
now eight years past my surgery and still cancer free. I got over the cancer. I never got over Nikki.Juanita: What have they taught you about love?Russell: That love is unselfish. That love is giving. That love is sacrificing beyond what you believe is possible. That love is loyal. I once saw a Doberman crash through a screen door to stop a little infant from walking out into the street. That animal held on to her dress until her parent came to the rescue. I had a horse -accident where my horse spooked and threw me, then turned and came back, put his nose on me as I lay on the ground and waited for me to remount.Animals seldom fail to show appreciation or understanding; they are always ready to be with you; they fill the quiet moments when a spouse cannot be near; they share their joy and enthusiasm for life. You can hurt them, abuse them, taunt them, starve them and they still love you. And I am not saying I believe in animal abuse, just that animals are that forgiving and
that loyal.Juanita: Do you have a special gift for talking with animals, or is this available to everyone?Russell: I don't believe I have a special gift for talking with animals, but I do believe they understand. They don't speak in human terms. They understand thoughts, feelings, concepts. They can be trained to understand words. But they communicate through thought. My little dog, Sweet Pea, can tell when I am ready to get playful with the water hose and she is long gone. Or I can sense that something is calling me and see one of my horses staring at me. And he is usually sending the same message: I'd like a carrot, please.If you want to see someone with a special gift with animals, read "To Love a Crooked Horse" in "Tears and Tales." My wife has that special gift with animals.Juanita: What can animals give us that people can't?Russell: Animals teach us if we are willing to learn. They are totally giving. They love with true devotion. Books are legion with examples abo
ut their loyalty and protectiveness. What they give us is the lesson of unadulterated love, love with no conditions, love without parallel, love without restraint, love with total fulfillment, and love that is honest. Animals are simplistic; people complex. We not only have to understand a person's words, but we have to assess their body language because people say one thing and do another sometimes. So some are honest and some are not. But animals are honest one- hundred per-cent of the time.Juanita: Have you found any differences between what varying species of animals can teach us?Russell: Absolutely! Dogs teach us patience, understanding, kindness, love, loyalty.With horses, it's a question of respect and trust. If they trust you, they follow you anywhere and do whatever you ask. But, they must trust you. Cats, on the other hand, teach us independence, courage, and the right to be selective in relationships. They are independent in every aspect. My cat, Boots, won't dr
ink except from a dripping faucet. I guess you could say he has taught me how to follow. So he doesn't just "give" his love. You have to "earn" it. And, when you do, it is so rewarding to have that autonomous little feline cuddle up in a display of affection.Like people, animals vary. Some teach us kindness. Some resilience. Some courage. Some fortitude. Some patience. Some loyalty. I have a pit bull/shar pei mix who cowers when we have thunder storms so he curls around me on the couch, and from that fear, I fathom the depths of my own fallibility because he is not the only one who experiences fear.Juanita: You had a very hard challenge of recovering from cancer. How did animals help you through this process?Russell: It was a difficult battle but I literally "willed" myself to heal. Animals were the driving force.I was distraught and angered over the death of Nikki. I literally hated the cancer that killed her and struck me and I wasn't going to let her death be in vain. Ev
ery night I reminded myself that I was fighting the same enemy that prevented me from saying goodbye to her. When the cardinal appeared on my window sill and wanted to come into the house, when it flew right to the bed and settled in the place where Nikki slept, I knew it was a message from her to fortify my will to live. Not to live would have rendered her death meaningless because I truly believe she picked that time to die so my wife could devote her full time to me.In the second instance, we foster care a standardbred race horse named Red Leader. I wanted very much to train Red to be a trail horse. It was my dream to get him on the trail. All the time I was recovering I thrived on the thought that one day I would mount and ride Red and that he'd trust me to do that. As an abused horse he came to us unsettled, frightened, rowdy and difficult to handle. Today, he follows me around the paddock with no lead line. The only way to accomplish my goal with him was to get well.
We all have that drive within us.Juanita: Could you ever imagine your life without animals?Russell: I can't. Not really. They were my first friends. As a child I was ill with pneumonia for many years. Every winter I was confined to bed with bronchial pneumonia triggered by asthma and allergies. I had no friends because I was never outside long enough to have any. By the time I was eight, I was somewhat recovered, but the kids on the block had already formed their relationships and I was the odd man out. With animals I could always be myself. I could lavish praise and affection on them, have companionship, enjoy laughter and fun or just spend a quiet moment being together. They didn't taunt me, hurt me or desert me when others came along. They were just my friends.I don't know how many times I said I didn't want another dog. It was too painful when they died. Still, other dogs have come into my life to ease that pain and I have never been able to say "no." Just read "Git" fo
r an example of my soft- heartedness. My Dobe had died and I did not want another dog. But she was so ragged, starved and alone I had to take her in because I sensed she had that will to survive. Going back to what they teach us, they teach us to survive.No, I can never imagine myself without animals in my life.Juanita: I have read many reviews for your book "Tears and Tales," and the one word that keeps coming up is "cathartic." Why do you think reading your book creates such a strong experience for readers?Russell: I am a very emotional person and I can express that emotion in concepts that touch people. I would have made a perfect Don Quixote because I believe in protecting women, in nobility, in tears of joy and pain, in the impossible dream. I am not afraid to cry, not afraid to voice my emotions, not afraid to feel my emotions, not ashamed of my emotions.There are too many people who feel alone and friendless. They struggle to find companionship. People die of loneli
ness all the time. "Tears and Tales" compels them to conclude that there is hope, there is a way. One look from a pet with all that gushy love in its eyes and the desolation is banished. Even those who already have pets are encouraged to view them with new understanding after reading "Tears and Tales." I wanted to touch people, to put them in tune with their own emotions.I also think it's sad that so many people constrain their emotions. With animals, I can be whomever I please. If I want to talk or sing in a funny voice, I can do it. If I want to cry because I am hurt, the animal will understand and cuddle next to me. I think that's why "Tears and Tales" is receiving such rave reviews. It lets people give vent to their own emotions, come to grip with themselves, feel something special within them. And they know someone else out there feels the same way. It's no accident that seniors with pets live longer than their lonely counterparts.Juanita: Russell, what do you want you
r readers to ultimately understand by reading "Tears and Tales"?Russell: Juanita, I want them to believe as I do. Life is a road to another place and in that place are all the people and the animals we have loved in a universal bond where everything is merged in happiness. I want them to understand my emotions and I want to touch them in a way that fulfills them as human beings.Juanita: Russell, do you have plans for any other books?Russell: The fact is my editor/distributor is slowing me down because she wants me to take time to market "Tears and Tales." I have a second book completed, "The Horse With the Golden Mane", which is a collection of three novelettes also based on true events. I also have four other books sitting on computer disks. Two of them involve animals. I also have a number of short stories completed, but haven't decided yet what I'll do with them.I am elated that "Tears and Tales" is resonating well with readers. Fans are asking when my next book will be
published. One eighty-six year old man hadn't read a book in forty years, but he has read "Tears and Tales" three times. A church-goer remarked that my book helped her out of a depressed mood. Not only am I writing about animals but how they interact with humans. One reviewer said I confirm that the "rainbow connection" really exists. I believe that. My animal friends are just over the horizon, waiting for me to walk them into the light.Juanita: How can readers find out more about you and your endeavors?Russell: Well, our website is and that is pretty comprehensive, but they can also place their names on our free newsletter list by contacting me at There is also a lot of information in the book itself, personal items about myself that aren't revealed on my website. We also try to answer anyone who e-mails us. Anyone who purchases the book directly from us is automatically included on our newsletter list...e-mail or snail mail.So they can purchase the
book, "Tears and Tales", or tap our website or e-mail us at because all of these sources will reveal something about me and my work. We do blog at but I am new at this so please don't expect miracles. If people are not on the Internet, they can request a copy of my biography and other information by writing me at Krazy Duck, Box 105, Danville, KY 40423.What I want to stress is that I am not concerned about making money, but I do want my writing to help people and to do that, I need the support of readers because writing and publishing is a very competitive world.Juanita: Russell, thank you for this open-hearted interview. It has been a pleasure talking with you and I encourage readers not to miss your inspiring new book "Tears and Tales." Do you have any last thoughts for your readers?Russell:Juanita, thank you for your insightful and challenging interview. I truly, truly enjoyed talking with you too.Yes, I have thoughts for my readers. I thank them for
having faith in me to share their private worlds with them and I thank them for their interest in "Tears and Tales." If they laughed with me, if they cried with me, then I am not alone and neither are they. Yes, I hope they read my book, share my thoughts, my challenges, my conquests, my sorrows and my dreams. I hope they do that because my hopes and dreams are theirs as well. It's what John Donne, the poet, wrote so many, many years ago: And therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls... it tolls for thee.Thank you again Juanita for the opportunity to express my feelings and sentiments.
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TRUMP - The Art of the Deal Book Review
Almost everyone has heard about Donald Trump and his massive amount of accrued wealth, but most have no idea how he made it. Some think he's in real estate, others thinks he owns businesses, but quite frankly, those are just some of the methods of madness he chooses to use. Donald Trump is actually in the art of "Deal-Making" and you'll learn all about it in this book.I will talk about what I think the most important concept of the book is. If you don't want to read this book, I think you should at least read the chapter on this concept. The concept is about using negative thinking to help you negotiation, make deals, and accumulate wealth. I've read a lot of books but this is the first one I've heard that tells you to think negatively to gain an edge.Trumps outlook on deals is that if you can handle and accept the worst part of a deal then you can let the good take care of itself. Whenever you go to put a deal together always think of the worst outcome and see if you c
an accept that before going in. If you can't accept it, then either don't waste your time or try harder to ensure you don't get that result, but what better way to go into a deal knowing that the worst possible outcome is acceptable to you.At this point you may be thinking, "that's stupid" the worst part of any deal is that it doesn't happen, and if that's what you're thinking then I am not making my point clear. Everyone has a different idea of what the worst thing they'll accept out of the deal is and if yours is the deal just won't happen then you should definitely read this book to help you up your "worst standards".The other parts of the book are also packed with good information. You will learn about Donald's father and how he was in the construction business and Donald's decision not to follow in his fathers foot steps. You'll get to spend a week in the office with Donald. You will learn about some of the major deals he made, the difficulties involved with each,
and how he made them happen.In summary, there's a lot of things you can take away from this book, whether you just want to know who Donald Trump is or apply his principles to your own life, there's something for everyone. I give this book a 9/10 for its insightfulness.
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an accept that before going in. If you can't accept it, then either don't waste your time or try harder to ensure you don't get that result, but what better way to go into a deal knowing that the worst possible outcome is acceptable to you.At this point you may be thinking, "that's stupid" the worst part of any deal is that it doesn't happen, and if that's what you're thinking then I am not making my point clear. Everyone has a different idea of what the worst thing they'll accept out of the deal is and if yours is the deal just won't happen then you should definitely read this book to help you up your "worst standards".The other parts of the book are also packed with good information. You will learn about Donald's father and how he was in the construction business and Donald's decision not to follow in his fathers foot steps. You'll get to spend a week in the office with Donald. You will learn about some of the major deals he made, the difficulties involved with each,
and how he made them happen.In summary, there's a lot of things you can take away from this book, whether you just want to know who Donald Trump is or apply his principles to your own life, there's something for everyone. I give this book a 9/10 for its insightfulness.
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How A Virtual Pbx System Can Help
To those who may be less familiar, Private Branch Exchange (PBX) is a telephone exchange system that enables business enterprises to combine their phone systems amongst all in-house users. Virtual PBX systems are advanced modern phone systems that connect fax machines, computer modems along with the phone lines. Virtual PBX are well known for their efficient management in routing calls in an automatic manner and provides sophisticated communication to meet modern day business needs. By using Virtual phone systems, business enterprises can save the money otherwise spent in buying and installing costly PBX equipments. Virtual PBX systems work in the same manner as traditional PBX systems, but the entire system will be hosted by a remote PBX service provider. Upon receiving calls, callers will be greeted with company welcome messages. They are also provided with interactive menus for reaching the right employee in the office. The virtual PBX systems are also capable of diverting
incoming calls to mobile phones and alternate telephone numbers of senior executives. Virtual PBX software combined with a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution offers an all-inclusive communication system administered through an Internet connection. This facilitates business houses to command many useful features of advanced business telephony. The biggest blessing is no upfront expenses are required for installing a Virtual PBX system as - unlike a standard PBX - there is no hardware or software to be installed. With options for supporting a host of extension numbers, the virtual PBX systems are ideal for business firms of all sizes. These virtual PBX systems can be configured to automatically re-route unattended calls to other extensions within your office, thereby providing clients better customer care. The voice mail facilities in these PBX systems are helpful for callers who are contacting outside office hours. Apart from regular quality telephonic conversation
s, virtual PBX systems provide features such as caller ID, fax, fax to email, voice to email, call screening, dial by name, dial by extension, and call transfer. Besides, Customers are also greeted with appropriate wishes depending on the time of their call. To top it all, the system can also be used to play advertisements of your products and services to your callers. For small companies, home offices and mobile professionals, Virtual PBX makes use of web-based features such as voicemail, Internet fax, dial-by-name directory, click-to-call, call forwarding, answering rules, call screening, Outlook integration, professionally recorded announcements and music on hold. The virtual Interactive Voice Response ( IVR) is an extremely useful feature which assures all incoming callers immediate assistance through an automated attendant. A customized welcome message followed by an automated attendant providing easy-to-access direct information, including a company directory, direct-d
ial extension ability, plus accessibility to the company operator. As already stated earlier, Virtual OBX phone systems are compatible with VoIP. For business firms, this means they can easily switch over to the Internet for both incoming and outgoing calls. The convergence of voice and data enables Virtual PBX VoIP offers interactive online reports, updated daily with tracking call data, which can support billing and budgeting. Before selecting a Virtual office PBX provider, as well as the plan suitable for your particular business, you should first do some pre-study what services/features are required and how they can further your business prospects.
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incoming calls to mobile phones and alternate telephone numbers of senior executives. Virtual PBX software combined with a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution offers an all-inclusive communication system administered through an Internet connection. This facilitates business houses to command many useful features of advanced business telephony. The biggest blessing is no upfront expenses are required for installing a Virtual PBX system as - unlike a standard PBX - there is no hardware or software to be installed. With options for supporting a host of extension numbers, the virtual PBX systems are ideal for business firms of all sizes. These virtual PBX systems can be configured to automatically re-route unattended calls to other extensions within your office, thereby providing clients better customer care. The voice mail facilities in these PBX systems are helpful for callers who are contacting outside office hours. Apart from regular quality telephonic conversation
s, virtual PBX systems provide features such as caller ID, fax, fax to email, voice to email, call screening, dial by name, dial by extension, and call transfer. Besides, Customers are also greeted with appropriate wishes depending on the time of their call. To top it all, the system can also be used to play advertisements of your products and services to your callers. For small companies, home offices and mobile professionals, Virtual PBX makes use of web-based features such as voicemail, Internet fax, dial-by-name directory, click-to-call, call forwarding, answering rules, call screening, Outlook integration, professionally recorded announcements and music on hold. The virtual Interactive Voice Response ( IVR) is an extremely useful feature which assures all incoming callers immediate assistance through an automated attendant. A customized welcome message followed by an automated attendant providing easy-to-access direct information, including a company directory, direct-d
ial extension ability, plus accessibility to the company operator. As already stated earlier, Virtual OBX phone systems are compatible with VoIP. For business firms, this means they can easily switch over to the Internet for both incoming and outgoing calls. The convergence of voice and data enables Virtual PBX VoIP offers interactive online reports, updated daily with tracking call data, which can support billing and budgeting. Before selecting a Virtual office PBX provider, as well as the plan suitable for your particular business, you should first do some pre-study what services/features are required and how they can further your business prospects.
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Stop Walking On Eggshells
Stop Walking on Eggshells, Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder by Paul T. Mason, M.S. and Randi Kreger, is for the friends and family members of people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). This is a self help book to teach non-BP (people caring about a BPD sufferer) to understand the condition, to enable them to help their loved ones find effective treatment, and to encourage them to stop feeling as though they are "walking on eggshells" to avoid confrontations with BPD sufferers. It is designed to help them understand how the disorder affects their loved one and recognize what they can do to get off the emotional rollercoaster while still remaining in the relationship. Much like Al-Anon helps friends and families of alcoholics, the aim of the authors is not to encourage "fixing" the person with BPD but give tips on what a non-BP can do to make their own life more manageable while maintaining a relationship with a BP.In
the first part of the book, BPD is defined and many facets of BPD behavior are delineated. There is also a chapter devoted to how BPD behavior affects non-BPs. Non-BP friends and family members often go through five common stages of grief as they learn to deal with their BP-loved-one. Non-BPs also experience many predictable reactions to BP behavior. Ten of the most common are addressed in order to make the non-BP aware of their own behavior.The second part of the book addresses steps that can be taken by the non-BP to retake control of their life. This includes getting support, learning to not take BPD behavior personally and taking care of themselves. It goes on to explain how to identify BP triggers and develop coping strategies to set limits. It offers suggestions on how to defuse the BP anger and criticism by developing noncombative communication skills. It then explains how clear, consistent and confident communication can help avoid confrontation, and continues to su
ggest that having a safety plan is a necessary final resort.The third section tackles special issues. First it discusses borderline children and what to do as the parent of one. It then addresses identifying and defusing "distortion campaigns," in which BPs falsely accuse non-BPs of harassment or abuse. Finally, it offers a roadmap to help decide whether to stay in the relationship.Using direct quotes from BPs and non-BPs alike, the authors use real-world feelings and experiences to illustrate their points. It is equally heart-wrenching to learn how a BP feels as it is to read about the thoughts and reactions of non-BPs. "My days and thoughts are not consumed by plans of how to push which button in whom. My actions are about survival and preserving my identity; they are not some a preplanned sporting activity," says one BP. From the non-BP message board the authors reveal, "Living with a BP is like living in a pressure cooker with thin walls and a faulty safety valve;" and "
Living with all BP is like living in a perpetual oxymoron. It's a seemingly endless host of contradictions." "I feel like I've been through the spin cycle on a washing machine. The world is whirling around and I have no idea which way is up, down, or sideways." Many more similar quotes are liberally sprinkled throughout the book.The book ends with four appendices. "Causes and Treatment of BPD" explains in greater detail the science behind BPD, medications and therapy used in its treatment, and a short summary on the outcomes of such treatments. "Tips for Non-BPs Who Have BPD" discusses relationships involving two BP-sufferers, whether it's a parent-child relationship or a romantic relationship. The book ends with "Coping Suggestions for Clinicians" and "Resources."All in all, this book brings a deeper understanding of the term "Borderline Personality Disorder" and offers a succinct but comprehensive look at BP-sufferers, those who love them and how to live with the unpredict
ability of the disease.
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the first part of the book, BPD is defined and many facets of BPD behavior are delineated. There is also a chapter devoted to how BPD behavior affects non-BPs. Non-BP friends and family members often go through five common stages of grief as they learn to deal with their BP-loved-one. Non-BPs also experience many predictable reactions to BP behavior. Ten of the most common are addressed in order to make the non-BP aware of their own behavior.The second part of the book addresses steps that can be taken by the non-BP to retake control of their life. This includes getting support, learning to not take BPD behavior personally and taking care of themselves. It goes on to explain how to identify BP triggers and develop coping strategies to set limits. It offers suggestions on how to defuse the BP anger and criticism by developing noncombative communication skills. It then explains how clear, consistent and confident communication can help avoid confrontation, and continues to su
ggest that having a safety plan is a necessary final resort.The third section tackles special issues. First it discusses borderline children and what to do as the parent of one. It then addresses identifying and defusing "distortion campaigns," in which BPs falsely accuse non-BPs of harassment or abuse. Finally, it offers a roadmap to help decide whether to stay in the relationship.Using direct quotes from BPs and non-BPs alike, the authors use real-world feelings and experiences to illustrate their points. It is equally heart-wrenching to learn how a BP feels as it is to read about the thoughts and reactions of non-BPs. "My days and thoughts are not consumed by plans of how to push which button in whom. My actions are about survival and preserving my identity; they are not some a preplanned sporting activity," says one BP. From the non-BP message board the authors reveal, "Living with a BP is like living in a pressure cooker with thin walls and a faulty safety valve;" and "
Living with all BP is like living in a perpetual oxymoron. It's a seemingly endless host of contradictions." "I feel like I've been through the spin cycle on a washing machine. The world is whirling around and I have no idea which way is up, down, or sideways." Many more similar quotes are liberally sprinkled throughout the book.The book ends with four appendices. "Causes and Treatment of BPD" explains in greater detail the science behind BPD, medications and therapy used in its treatment, and a short summary on the outcomes of such treatments. "Tips for Non-BPs Who Have BPD" discusses relationships involving two BP-sufferers, whether it's a parent-child relationship or a romantic relationship. The book ends with "Coping Suggestions for Clinicians" and "Resources."All in all, this book brings a deeper understanding of the term "Borderline Personality Disorder" and offers a succinct but comprehensive look at BP-sufferers, those who love them and how to live with the unpredict
ability of the disease.
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The Muslim Period
The Muslim period was from 600 to 1600 A.D in the history of chemistry and is know as the period of alchemist. in the middle ages, chemistry was given a spurt of work. During the first few centuries of Hijra, the Muslim Scientist made rich contribution to the various branches of science, specially in the field of chemistry and introduced scientific methods and experimantations. the modern scientific knowledge is based on the contributions of these Muslim scholars.The alchemists developed and used many laboratory equipment such as funnels, breakers, crucibles for melting and fusion, retorts for distillation, balances for weighing, etc. They discovered various acids, alcohols and medicines.Jabir Ibne-Haiyan (721-803 A.D), generally known as the father of alchemy, invented experimental methods for the preparation of nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and white lead. He also developed methods for the extraction of metals from their ores and dying cloths.Al-Razi (862-930 A.D) was a ph
ysician, alchemist and a philosopher. He was and expert surgeon and was the first to use opium as an anesthesia. He divided the substances in to living and non-living origins, which was later adopted by Berzellius, in 1806 to classify chemical compound on the basis of their orgins as organic and inorganic compounds Al-Razi prepared ethyl alcohol by the fermentation process.Al-Beruni (973-1048 A.D) contributed a lot in physics, metaphysics, mathematics, geography and history. in the field of chemistry, he determined the densities of different substances.Ibne-Sina (980-1037 A.D) was famous for his contribution in the field of medicines, medicinal chemistry, philosophy, mathematics and astronomy.These Muslims alchemists were interested more in finding a way to prolong life and to convert baser metals like lead, copper in to gold. Although their efforts were futile but their researches led to the discoveries of many substances and laid the foundation of chemistry. By the late si
xteenth like sulpheric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, silver nitrate, etc were discovered. Chemist of that period, however, devoted their energies mainly of the production of drugs for the use of medicines.
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ysician, alchemist and a philosopher. He was and expert surgeon and was the first to use opium as an anesthesia. He divided the substances in to living and non-living origins, which was later adopted by Berzellius, in 1806 to classify chemical compound on the basis of their orgins as organic and inorganic compounds Al-Razi prepared ethyl alcohol by the fermentation process.Al-Beruni (973-1048 A.D) contributed a lot in physics, metaphysics, mathematics, geography and history. in the field of chemistry, he determined the densities of different substances.Ibne-Sina (980-1037 A.D) was famous for his contribution in the field of medicines, medicinal chemistry, philosophy, mathematics and astronomy.These Muslims alchemists were interested more in finding a way to prolong life and to convert baser metals like lead, copper in to gold. Although their efforts were futile but their researches led to the discoveries of many substances and laid the foundation of chemistry. By the late si
xteenth like sulpheric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, silver nitrate, etc were discovered. Chemist of that period, however, devoted their energies mainly of the production of drugs for the use of medicines.
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Internet Fax Service Is the Bee's Knees
Some things never change. But the world of business and the types of technology businesses use to communicate between and amongst themselves is not one of those things. And as the new communication technology continues to advance, businesses have to keep up in order to grow and evolve.Don't believe us? Here's an example: Ever notice there aren't any delivery service providers that still use a horse-and-buggy? Of course you have. That's cause the horse-and-buggy is a ridiculously outdated piece of technology. With cars and trucks and ships and planes, we can deliver parcels faster than ever before. So why would any company that needs to deliver things still be using a horse-and-buggy?That's why none of them do, because it would be impossible for a delivery service to be able to thrive and prosper without the proper transportation technology.That being said, you're not reading this today as a means to improve your delivery company, and it be a waste of our time to write about i
t, since any delivery company that still uses a horse-and-buggy is likely long out of business.So how can you make sure your company doesn't go out of business? By switching all of their basic fax machines into providing Online Fax Service.One of the biggest new advancements in business technology, internet fax service allows you to send and receive faxes to email, which provides a plethora of different advantages over traditional "old-school" faxing, including:It's environmentally friendly! Recent estimate figures state the average American office worker wastes up to 10,000 sheets of paper. If the cost alone of that stat doesn't make you shiver, think of the effect it had on the environment.Then think of how much paper (and money) you'll save with online fax services. By getting your faxes directly onto your computer or smartphone, you'll be saving on the tremendous waste of paper sending and receiving traditional faxes involves.It's convenient! If someone previously said "
I'll fax it to you," it meant you could only receive whatever "it" was from one place; your fax machine. But with faxes to email service now being provided, and with a high majority of new cellular phones receiving email service, you'll be able to view the fax from wherever, whenever.It's cheap. With a plethora of different online fax service providers to choose from, it's easy to find the perfect plan for you. It's worth noting that when we say perfect plan, we're talking as much about the cost as we are about the fax service itself. And as we previously mentioned, the amount of paper your company uses will decrease dramatically, something that will only help to reduce company-wide spending.
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t, since any delivery company that still uses a horse-and-buggy is likely long out of business.So how can you make sure your company doesn't go out of business? By switching all of their basic fax machines into providing Online Fax Service.One of the biggest new advancements in business technology, internet fax service allows you to send and receive faxes to email, which provides a plethora of different advantages over traditional "old-school" faxing, including:It's environmentally friendly! Recent estimate figures state the average American office worker wastes up to 10,000 sheets of paper. If the cost alone of that stat doesn't make you shiver, think of the effect it had on the environment.Then think of how much paper (and money) you'll save with online fax services. By getting your faxes directly onto your computer or smartphone, you'll be saving on the tremendous waste of paper sending and receiving traditional faxes involves.It's convenient! If someone previously said "
I'll fax it to you," it meant you could only receive whatever "it" was from one place; your fax machine. But with faxes to email service now being provided, and with a high majority of new cellular phones receiving email service, you'll be able to view the fax from wherever, whenever.It's cheap. With a plethora of different online fax service providers to choose from, it's easy to find the perfect plan for you. It's worth noting that when we say perfect plan, we're talking as much about the cost as we are about the fax service itself. And as we previously mentioned, the amount of paper your company uses will decrease dramatically, something that will only help to reduce company-wide spending.
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One Wolf Howls by Scotti Cohn
If one wolf howls in the January moonlight, what do two wolves do, or three or four? Young readers will find out in this delightful, informative picture book written by children's author Scotti Cohn and illustrated by Susan Detwiler.Using rhyming text that children will love, Cohn takes readers on a one-year journey - from month to month - into the world of the wolf. We learn what wolves do in the cold winter months, what they eat, and where they sleep. Children will want to howl right along with the wolves as the story is read aloud, and they'll learn important facts about wolves without even realizing it!Beautifully detailed, realistic illustrations by Susan Detwiler bring the text to life, making it fun for children to count the wolves among the seasonal backgrounds and foregrounds that show wolves in natural settings.As with all books published by Sylvan Dell Publishers, the book includes a "For Creative Minds" educational section with activities and fun facts. Additional
teaching activities including coloring pages, before and after reading questions, and interactive quizzes are available at the publisher's website.One Wolf HOWLS is perfect for the home or school library. Children will want to read the book over and over again. Teachers and parents will love the many interesting and challenging ways the book can be used to teach a variety of math and science content.Title: One Wolf HOWLSAuthor: Scotti CohnIllustrator: Susan DetwilerReading level: Ages 4-8Hardcover: 32 pagesPublisher: Sylvan Dell Publishing (February 10, 2009)ISBN-10: 1934359920ISBN-13: 978-1934359921
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teaching activities including coloring pages, before and after reading questions, and interactive quizzes are available at the publisher's website.One Wolf HOWLS is perfect for the home or school library. Children will want to read the book over and over again. Teachers and parents will love the many interesting and challenging ways the book can be used to teach a variety of math and science content.Title: One Wolf HOWLSAuthor: Scotti CohnIllustrator: Susan DetwilerReading level: Ages 4-8Hardcover: 32 pagesPublisher: Sylvan Dell Publishing (February 10, 2009)ISBN-10: 1934359920ISBN-13: 978-1934359921
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Two Wonderful Project and Picture Books For Your Kids
As parents it's very difficult for us to find just the right project and picture book for our kids especially when they are young. If we buy one which is too complicated, all they do is end up scribbling while coloring in the scene, or they get frustrated because they can't solve the puzzles. That's why there is one book series that I really love and enjoy, and think it is just great for kids.The book series is by Disney Pixar, and it represents the "Incredibles" which, if you recall, are the cartoon characters that have superpowers, and come to the rescue in times of chaos and crisis. If you think this book series might be for you, let me give you the name of two of the best books in the series;1.) "Super Write N' Wipe," Part of the Incredible Series by Disney Pixar, by Disney Enterprises, Inc.; printed by Innovage; 2006.This is an extremely and brilliantly done children's book, one which will give your kids hours of fun and interesting thoughts. There is a work f
ind, and some word puzzles, as well as a secret code that is done by easy math problems and a numbers game. There are four main characters in this cartoon book.2.) "Super Color N' Wipe," Part of the Incredible Series by Disney Pixar, by Disney Enterprises, Inc.; printed by Innovage; 2006.This is a brilliant companion to the children's book above, this color book challenges your child to match colors and draw the main characters just like they are in the cartoon movie. Your child can color both characters and background. I hope you will get as much enjoyment out of these books as our family has. Please consider all this.
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ind, and some word puzzles, as well as a secret code that is done by easy math problems and a numbers game. There are four main characters in this cartoon book.2.) "Super Color N' Wipe," Part of the Incredible Series by Disney Pixar, by Disney Enterprises, Inc.; printed by Innovage; 2006.This is a brilliant companion to the children's book above, this color book challenges your child to match colors and draw the main characters just like they are in the cartoon movie. Your child can color both characters and background. I hope you will get as much enjoyment out of these books as our family has. Please consider all this.
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