Apply for the loan is very hard if you are having bad credit history. Before applying for the loan you are to go through many documental formalities but now there is no need of documental formalities and bad credit history will not be a barrier in the way of availing the loan because No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans are available in the loan market to assist you. No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans are the loans that can change your bad credit history into good one. Advantage of the No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans is that there is no need of fax machine. If you don't have fax machine and you want to avail the loan then No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans will be the right option for you. Apply for No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans is very easy. You are to search over internet and you will find many lenders who are providing the No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans with easy terms and conditions. No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans are short term loans therefore always read the terms and the condition
s of the selected lender carefully. You are to fill up an online application form and few details after the verification the cash will be in your account. No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans have few requirements as your salary must be more than $1000 monthly. You must have a checking account at least 6 months old and your age must be more than 18 years. No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans ranges from $100 to $1500 and rate of interest are a bit higher than other loans because No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans are short term loans. No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans are also called cash advance loans that are provided for the short time of 20 days. If you cannot repay the No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans within appointed time than you have to pay extra rate of interest. You have various options to use the No Fax Bad Credit Payday Loans like pay the medical bills, car or bike repairing, home improvement, debt consolidation and many other uses.
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Sunday, June 30, 2013
No Faxing Payday Loan: When Financial Problems Become Deep
When financial problems become deep at that time, no faxing payday loan will be the good option. There is no requirement of faxing the documents or any other boring formalities.No-faxing payday loans are the wave of the future. After a long search, you will find many lenders or no faxing payday loan companies who are ready to provide you no faxing payday loan.
No faxing payday loan is also a type of payday loans. No faxing payday loan is short-term loan. No faxing payday loans take some of the hassle out of getting fast cash. If you have no fax machine and worried about applying than no faxing payday loan will be the solution of your tension. There is no requirement of fax machine or any documental formalities. For no faxing payday loan, you are to fill up an online application form and few details about your self, as your age, job, income and checking account proof. No faxing payday loan will be transferred directly in your account with in few hours.
There is no any extra charge for No faxing payday loan. In addition, the lender or the company does not charge too much interest for loan fee. No faxing payday loan simply requests you that you are to give only details about email, contact number and your financial needs. No faxing payday loan is the good option to save the time when you try to apply. If you apply in the morning than your loan will be transit than afternoon. No faxing payday loan can set you back on your financial track.
There are so many reasons to apply for no faxing payday loan. As plan your dream vacation, pay the medical treatment bill or tuition fee, repairing of your car or bike, arrange for a small party at home or to invite your boss at dinner. The advantage of no faxing payday loan is that you can use no faxing payday loan as a house keeping money in the end of the month.
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No faxing payday loan is also a type of payday loans. No faxing payday loan is short-term loan. No faxing payday loans take some of the hassle out of getting fast cash. If you have no fax machine and worried about applying than no faxing payday loan will be the solution of your tension. There is no requirement of fax machine or any documental formalities. For no faxing payday loan, you are to fill up an online application form and few details about your self, as your age, job, income and checking account proof. No faxing payday loan will be transferred directly in your account with in few hours.
There is no any extra charge for No faxing payday loan. In addition, the lender or the company does not charge too much interest for loan fee. No faxing payday loan simply requests you that you are to give only details about email, contact number and your financial needs. No faxing payday loan is the good option to save the time when you try to apply. If you apply in the morning than your loan will be transit than afternoon. No faxing payday loan can set you back on your financial track.
There are so many reasons to apply for no faxing payday loan. As plan your dream vacation, pay the medical treatment bill or tuition fee, repairing of your car or bike, arrange for a small party at home or to invite your boss at dinner. The advantage of no faxing payday loan is that you can use no faxing payday loan as a house keeping money in the end of the month.
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Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery by Lois W Stern
Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery: Things You'll Never Learn From Your Plastic Surgeon tackles the physical discomforts, the eventual outcomes, the psychological changes and several other topics that until this book-were virtually ignored.One such topic is "transference". The medical phenomenon of the patient falling in love with their doctor. Much has been written about pregnant women falling for their OB/GYNs, or troubled souls feeling sexual about their psychologists and psychiatrists, but very little has ever been divulged about patients and their cosmetic surgeons.Stern even opens up to us about her own very real and humiliating experience with the subject of transference with her own doctor.The chapter hits hard. It's honest and gut-wrenching. I felt empathy for her and, although her surgeon did show compassion, it was clear that he didn't know quite how to handle the situation. I suspect surgeons receive little or no training in dealing with these sensitive issues and tha
t chapter and several others in Lois W. Stern's book could serve as an excellent training manual to heighten sensitivity for readers and surgeons alike.Even though this is far from a "text" book-I learned a lot about whether or not I'd be a good candidate for this type of surgery. It made me look at what it could and couldn't do. It had analytical questions for me think about at the end of every chapter (they were written up as quizzes and checklists).I wasn't really thinking of having "work" done-at least not now or in the near future, however, I did like the information Stern was able to provide and was glad I read it over. I feel more confidant now, that if someone came to me and asked my opinion, I had something worthwhile (other than my 2 cents) to offer: go buy and read "Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery" by Lois W. Stern. She knows all about it-she'll give you good advice.Something more: A most creative Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery CD will be released this August offer
ing so much more than the usual CD. What a fantastic idea!
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t chapter and several others in Lois W. Stern's book could serve as an excellent training manual to heighten sensitivity for readers and surgeons alike.Even though this is far from a "text" book-I learned a lot about whether or not I'd be a good candidate for this type of surgery. It made me look at what it could and couldn't do. It had analytical questions for me think about at the end of every chapter (they were written up as quizzes and checklists).I wasn't really thinking of having "work" done-at least not now or in the near future, however, I did like the information Stern was able to provide and was glad I read it over. I feel more confidant now, that if someone came to me and asked my opinion, I had something worthwhile (other than my 2 cents) to offer: go buy and read "Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery" by Lois W. Stern. She knows all about it-she'll give you good advice.Something more: A most creative Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery CD will be released this August offer
ing so much more than the usual CD. What a fantastic idea!
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Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery by Lois W Stern
Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery: Things You'll Never Learn From Your Plastic Surgeon tackles the physical discomforts, the eventual outcomes, the psychological changes and several other topics that until this book-were virtually ignored.One such topic is "transference". The medical phenomenon of the patient falling in love with their doctor. Much has been written about pregnant women falling for their OB/GYNs, or troubled souls feeling sexual about their psychologists and psychiatrists, but very little has ever been divulged about patients and their cosmetic surgeons.Stern even opens up to us about her own very real and humiliating experience with the subject of transference with her own doctor.The chapter hits hard. It's honest and gut-wrenching. I felt empathy for her and, although her surgeon did show compassion, it was clear that he didn't know quite how to handle the situation. I suspect surgeons receive little or no training in dealing with these sensitive issues and tha
t chapter and several others in Lois W. Stern's book could serve as an excellent training manual to heighten sensitivity for readers and surgeons alike.Even though this is far from a "text" book-I learned a lot about whether or not I'd be a good candidate for this type of surgery. It made me look at what it could and couldn't do. It had analytical questions for me think about at the end of every chapter (they were written up as quizzes and checklists).I wasn't really thinking of having "work" done-at least not now or in the near future, however, I did like the information Stern was able to provide and was glad I read it over. I feel more confidant now, that if someone came to me and asked my opinion, I had something worthwhile (other than my 2 cents) to offer: go buy and read "Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery" by Lois W. Stern. She knows all about it-she'll give you good advice.Something more: A most creative Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery CD will be released this August offer
ing so much more than the usual CD. What a fantastic idea!
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t chapter and several others in Lois W. Stern's book could serve as an excellent training manual to heighten sensitivity for readers and surgeons alike.Even though this is far from a "text" book-I learned a lot about whether or not I'd be a good candidate for this type of surgery. It made me look at what it could and couldn't do. It had analytical questions for me think about at the end of every chapter (they were written up as quizzes and checklists).I wasn't really thinking of having "work" done-at least not now or in the near future, however, I did like the information Stern was able to provide and was glad I read it over. I feel more confidant now, that if someone came to me and asked my opinion, I had something worthwhile (other than my 2 cents) to offer: go buy and read "Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery" by Lois W. Stern. She knows all about it-she'll give you good advice.Something more: A most creative Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery CD will be released this August offer
ing so much more than the usual CD. What a fantastic idea!
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No Fax Payday Loans- Paperless Loans
As soon as you confirm the loan terms with a lender, the initial thing that you keep in mind to do is to fax your papers to the loan provider. Before the documents can be faxed they have to be approved. There are always a few documents that you memorize at the final moment. To add to the tumult is the fax machine itself. If you have your own fax machine then it is good. If not, you have to spend hours locating the fax machine. Then also there are problems of the documents not getting in filled or the print being too indistinct.These problems are sufficient to compose you think of a way out of the faxing requirement. As if God heard your prayer, and commanded of the loan providers to expand No Fax Payday Loans.No fax payday loan is accurately what borrowers in the UK will prefer. With no faxing requirement, they can go about their work liberally.This forms one of the principal distinguishing features of no fax payday loans. The uniqueness of a no fax payday loan is such that c
an do without documents. The amount that one becomes suitable for under payday loans is very less. Borrowers can draw an amount in the range of ₤40 to ₤800. The loan proceeds are to be used for such needs as could have been met through the borrower's salary, had he not emptied it in the middle of the month. Regular loans where huge sum are exchanged cannot be accepted unless the borrower sends his credentials.Borrower must verify a few details about the loan provider who has been selected to process the no fax payday loan. Firstly, that they must be upright and should have an experience in processing payday loans.
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an do without documents. The amount that one becomes suitable for under payday loans is very less. Borrowers can draw an amount in the range of ₤40 to ₤800. The loan proceeds are to be used for such needs as could have been met through the borrower's salary, had he not emptied it in the middle of the month. Regular loans where huge sum are exchanged cannot be accepted unless the borrower sends his credentials.Borrower must verify a few details about the loan provider who has been selected to process the no fax payday loan. Firstly, that they must be upright and should have an experience in processing payday loans.
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Yes, Faxing Is Still Important
Remember the so-called paperless office? The first big PR push for this brave new office world came in the 1980s as the first personal computers hit store shelves. Then, when e-mail and the Web brought the notion of virtuality to the fore, the so-called paperless office movement pronounced their goal pretty much achieved. The only problem is, there is probably just as much paper in the average office as there ever was, except for the decrease in personal mail that has occurred. For business purposes, though, direct mail is still widely used, and business have many ways to communicate and create documents. The fact is, whether old technology or new, if something is working, you use it. It's important to cover all the bases.This is why faxing, with both fax machines or online services, is still around. Yes, faxing is still important. Why? It's mainly because there are several hundred million of them in use, that's why. The machines are more popular in some parts of the world, s
uch as Eastern Europe and regions of Asia, because the phone systems there are more widespread than cable Internet lines. Even in the U.S. there are millions and millions of fax machines in use, even in companies that also use e-mail and Web services for communications. There is a simple, business-related reason why this is so. You reach people where they are, and how they can be reached. Simple.Multiple meansYou may have the very model of a 21st century firm. All of your PCs and Macintoshes are networked and work well together. You have a slick online faxing service that allows you to send and receive faxes from any of the computers in the office. Why would you also need a fax machine? Isn't that inefficient? Wasn't getting an online fax service supposed to make fax machines disposable?It's not quite that simple, actually. Yes, you are well advised to avail yourself of a good, solid, dependable and reasonably priced online fax service. And, yes, you can both send and receiv
e faxes with it. So, now that you have a new inbound fax number to put on your business cards and give to customers (and potential ones), what happens to all the old business cards with your original fax number? Do they just magically evaporate now? Will all your current ads, phone book listing, online profiles and other materials suddenly and spontaneously update that fax number?Cover your assetsAll right, those were obviously rhetorical questions, and the point should have been well made, if not hammered home with the repetition. Your original fax number is plastered all over the world (if you have a good marketing program, at any rate) and the last thing you want to do is prevent people from contacting you. Over time, of course, your newer business cards and marketing materials will replace the old, and your new fax number will be widely disseminated. Of course, you can never be certain than a prospective customer won't get hold of that old fax number, so it does make sen
se to keep that machine and that line working.In the meantime, you can start moving your outbound faxing needs to the virtual world and use an online fax account. This allows you much great organizational flexibility, and saves time, money and consumables as you will be using less and less fax paper, toner and even electricity. As your online faxing increases, your dependence on yesterday's technology will be dramatically diminished, if never quite eliminated completely. However, keeping a single working fax machine on an historic phone number that is tied to your business is no great expense, and can bring you some nice surprises from time to time.Cost savingsSince most of your incoming faxes will be coming through your computer rather than the machine, those consumable costs mentioned above will decrease. This bears repeating, because you can actually fund the online fax cost, which is low to begin with, directly from the savings you will realize during normal operations.
In other words, there could be zero cost, net, to your business to obtain and begin using an online fax service. Amazingly, few online fax firms take the time to explain this clearly to potential customers.Add up the numbers yourself. See what you've spent on paper and toner and everything else to keep that standalone fax machine working. If you decreased the demand even by half, what would you save each month? Probably much more than an online fax service would cost. It may be that fax machines are, slowly, on their way out, but faxing itself? It is here to stay, for quite a while, and your best move is to work the ingredients to your benefit. It will not cost you, it will pay you!
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uch as Eastern Europe and regions of Asia, because the phone systems there are more widespread than cable Internet lines. Even in the U.S. there are millions and millions of fax machines in use, even in companies that also use e-mail and Web services for communications. There is a simple, business-related reason why this is so. You reach people where they are, and how they can be reached. Simple.Multiple meansYou may have the very model of a 21st century firm. All of your PCs and Macintoshes are networked and work well together. You have a slick online faxing service that allows you to send and receive faxes from any of the computers in the office. Why would you also need a fax machine? Isn't that inefficient? Wasn't getting an online fax service supposed to make fax machines disposable?It's not quite that simple, actually. Yes, you are well advised to avail yourself of a good, solid, dependable and reasonably priced online fax service. And, yes, you can both send and receiv
e faxes with it. So, now that you have a new inbound fax number to put on your business cards and give to customers (and potential ones), what happens to all the old business cards with your original fax number? Do they just magically evaporate now? Will all your current ads, phone book listing, online profiles and other materials suddenly and spontaneously update that fax number?Cover your assetsAll right, those were obviously rhetorical questions, and the point should have been well made, if not hammered home with the repetition. Your original fax number is plastered all over the world (if you have a good marketing program, at any rate) and the last thing you want to do is prevent people from contacting you. Over time, of course, your newer business cards and marketing materials will replace the old, and your new fax number will be widely disseminated. Of course, you can never be certain than a prospective customer won't get hold of that old fax number, so it does make sen
se to keep that machine and that line working.In the meantime, you can start moving your outbound faxing needs to the virtual world and use an online fax account. This allows you much great organizational flexibility, and saves time, money and consumables as you will be using less and less fax paper, toner and even electricity. As your online faxing increases, your dependence on yesterday's technology will be dramatically diminished, if never quite eliminated completely. However, keeping a single working fax machine on an historic phone number that is tied to your business is no great expense, and can bring you some nice surprises from time to time.Cost savingsSince most of your incoming faxes will be coming through your computer rather than the machine, those consumable costs mentioned above will decrease. This bears repeating, because you can actually fund the online fax cost, which is low to begin with, directly from the savings you will realize during normal operations.
In other words, there could be zero cost, net, to your business to obtain and begin using an online fax service. Amazingly, few online fax firms take the time to explain this clearly to potential customers.Add up the numbers yourself. See what you've spent on paper and toner and everything else to keep that standalone fax machine working. If you decreased the demand even by half, what would you save each month? Probably much more than an online fax service would cost. It may be that fax machines are, slowly, on their way out, but faxing itself? It is here to stay, for quite a while, and your best move is to work the ingredients to your benefit. It will not cost you, it will pay you!
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Online Fax - Five Super Reasons to Fax Online
Internet or Online fax has become extremely popular in the last four or five years. Countless individuals have suddenly discovered this new way of faxing and have truly embraced it. Over the same time frame, many businesses, both big and small, are switching over to this new faxing technology.But what exactly is online faxing and why has it become so popular so quickly?Simply put, Internet fax is using your email system and the web to send and receive all your faxes. First, you have to sign-up to an online fax service provider which acts as an intermediary to handle all your faxing. You are given your own local or Toll-Free fax number and your faxes are sent as email attachments, usually in TIFF or PDF format.You can send your faxes in several different ways, you can logon to your fax service account (interface) where your faxes are stored and send your faxes from there. Some fax services have a desktop application for faxing or you can use your own email program. Plus you ca
n still use a traditional fax machine to send and/or receive your faxes.More and more individuals are dishing the old fax machine in favor of their computer and the Internet. Many faxes are now simply sent and received by computers via the web - bringing this common business task into the modern age.Here are five super reasons why online faxing has become so popular:1. Convenience Online fax is very convenient to use because it is paperless and inkless. Because there are no more paper jams or messy inks to fool around with - it is quick and fast. Creating your faxes can also be more expedient because you can prepare them on your computer and then quickly send them without bothering with the old traditional fax machine.2. AccessibilityYour faxes are accessible anywhere, anytime. Since it is web based, your faxes are available wherever you have Internet access and these days that's just about everywhere. Plus, your old faxes can be stored online or on your computer, so you can
access them at any time, whether it is yesterday's fax or one from last month.3. SecurityInternet faxing is more secure than the traditional way of faxing. Your faxes can be sent encrypted over the web and only you can access them. Unlike the old fax machine, where anyone can read your faxes, online faxing does offer a great deal more privacy.4. Easy to UseSending a fax is as easy as sending an email. You simply attach your fax as a TIFF or PDF file. Viewing your faxes is as easy as reading any PDF file on your computer. Plus, all your old faxes can be stored and ready for your use at any time.5. Cost-EffectivePerhaps, one of the major reasons online faxing has become so popular, is because of the low price. Internet faxing is much cheaper than the old way of faxing - you don't need all that paper, inks and toners which you have to constantly keep in stock with a regular office machine. Plus, you don't need an extra phone line since all your transactions take place over the
Internet. Online fax services are relatively inexpensive, monthly plans run for around $4 to $15 a month, depending on your faxing requirements. If your faxing is very minimum, you can get a simple plan for around $20 a year.Some of the major online fax providers are: eFax®, MyFax, RingCentral, TrustFax, Faxage, MetroFax, RapidFax, Send2Fax... among others. Since this is an on-going business expense, it pays to do your homework now before you sign-up so that you get the right service to perfectly match your needs. It can result in major savings, especially over the long haul.Regardless of which service or plan you choose, perhaps another underlying reason why Internet fax has become so popular has to do with competitiveness. If your business or company depends on faxing to bring in sales, to deliver orders, to attract new clients, or just for quick business communication; then using a faxing system that's available 24/7, no matter where you're located does make any busi
ness more competitive than some one not using this service. In this present business climate and in our "dog-eat-dog" commercial environment; you do need every advantage you can muster. Can you or your company afford NOT to use online fax, that is the real question you have to ask?It's your call!
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n still use a traditional fax machine to send and/or receive your faxes.More and more individuals are dishing the old fax machine in favor of their computer and the Internet. Many faxes are now simply sent and received by computers via the web - bringing this common business task into the modern age.Here are five super reasons why online faxing has become so popular:1. Convenience Online fax is very convenient to use because it is paperless and inkless. Because there are no more paper jams or messy inks to fool around with - it is quick and fast. Creating your faxes can also be more expedient because you can prepare them on your computer and then quickly send them without bothering with the old traditional fax machine.2. AccessibilityYour faxes are accessible anywhere, anytime. Since it is web based, your faxes are available wherever you have Internet access and these days that's just about everywhere. Plus, your old faxes can be stored online or on your computer, so you can
access them at any time, whether it is yesterday's fax or one from last month.3. SecurityInternet faxing is more secure than the traditional way of faxing. Your faxes can be sent encrypted over the web and only you can access them. Unlike the old fax machine, where anyone can read your faxes, online faxing does offer a great deal more privacy.4. Easy to UseSending a fax is as easy as sending an email. You simply attach your fax as a TIFF or PDF file. Viewing your faxes is as easy as reading any PDF file on your computer. Plus, all your old faxes can be stored and ready for your use at any time.5. Cost-EffectivePerhaps, one of the major reasons online faxing has become so popular, is because of the low price. Internet faxing is much cheaper than the old way of faxing - you don't need all that paper, inks and toners which you have to constantly keep in stock with a regular office machine. Plus, you don't need an extra phone line since all your transactions take place over the
Internet. Online fax services are relatively inexpensive, monthly plans run for around $4 to $15 a month, depending on your faxing requirements. If your faxing is very minimum, you can get a simple plan for around $20 a year.Some of the major online fax providers are: eFax®, MyFax, RingCentral, TrustFax, Faxage, MetroFax, RapidFax, Send2Fax... among others. Since this is an on-going business expense, it pays to do your homework now before you sign-up so that you get the right service to perfectly match your needs. It can result in major savings, especially over the long haul.Regardless of which service or plan you choose, perhaps another underlying reason why Internet fax has become so popular has to do with competitiveness. If your business or company depends on faxing to bring in sales, to deliver orders, to attract new clients, or just for quick business communication; then using a faxing system that's available 24/7, no matter where you're located does make any busi
ness more competitive than some one not using this service. In this present business climate and in our "dog-eat-dog" commercial environment; you do need every advantage you can muster. Can you or your company afford NOT to use online fax, that is the real question you have to ask?It's your call!
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Saturday, June 29, 2013
Getting Started With Internet Fax Services
Internet faxing (also called electronic faxing or digital faxing) works by converting traditional fax documents into digital ones, so the user can see these documents digitally. In the same way, it converts digital documents into formats readable by software and fax machines alike. This is achieved thanks to the use of Internet fax services.These digital services are the link between traditional faxing and high speed email communications we now use every day. With the help of an Internet fax service, you'll receive a local or toll-free number that other people can use to send you fax. All incoming documents will be sent as attachments to your email address.These services will also convert a big number of files to a format that can be readable by standard fax machines (mainly TIFF).Advantages of Internet Fax Services.Reduced cost. For a service you only pay a low monthly fee, without having to spend extra money in a machine, a dedicated phone line, maintenance and supplies. Yo
u only print the faxes you need to have on hard copy.Saves Time. With fax broadcasting you can send the same document to multiple recipients at once, this alone saves you a lot of time, but you will also can have incoming notifications on your cell phone or PDA, in case you can't be in front of your computer at all times.Security. Internet Fax services work following all the regulations and security compliances, using SSL and PGP encryption technology. You can have documents sent to a personal account and then quickly delete it if it is sensitive information.Reliable. You won't have to suffer of the inconveniences of old fax machines such as running out of supplies, paper jams, and manual re-trying.It is Eco-Friendly. Digital information means less paper usage, and this means less impact for the environment. In the same manner there will be less trash in your office or company!How To Choose An Internet Fax ServiceHaving reviewed many faxing services, here are some things you
should look out for as a market standard: no setup fees, 30 day free trial, no hidden costs, availability of packages, 24 hour customer services. A good place to start looking for a fax solution would be reviews; they are helpful and can help you get to know the pros and cons of each service.
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u only print the faxes you need to have on hard copy.Saves Time. With fax broadcasting you can send the same document to multiple recipients at once, this alone saves you a lot of time, but you will also can have incoming notifications on your cell phone or PDA, in case you can't be in front of your computer at all times.Security. Internet Fax services work following all the regulations and security compliances, using SSL and PGP encryption technology. You can have documents sent to a personal account and then quickly delete it if it is sensitive information.Reliable. You won't have to suffer of the inconveniences of old fax machines such as running out of supplies, paper jams, and manual re-trying.It is Eco-Friendly. Digital information means less paper usage, and this means less impact for the environment. In the same manner there will be less trash in your office or company!How To Choose An Internet Fax ServiceHaving reviewed many faxing services, here are some things you
should look out for as a market standard: no setup fees, 30 day free trial, no hidden costs, availability of packages, 24 hour customer services. A good place to start looking for a fax solution would be reviews; they are helpful and can help you get to know the pros and cons of each service.
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Book Review: The Joy Luck Club
I know next to nothing about Chinese history, and was excited to read this book. The Joy Luck Club was founded in San Fransisco in 1949 by four Chinese women, who would gather to eat dim sum, play mahjong, and talk. The book takes you into the thoughts of these women as they tell stories of their lives in China, as well as the lives of their American born daughters.China was not kind to these women; one woman, in order to escape the conquering Japanese, carried her twin daughters until she was dizzy with dysentery and could not take care of them anymore. She moved to American with no idea what happened to them. One girl's mother was pushed into prostitution, and became the third concubine and forth wife to a wealthy man and shunned by her family. Many of these women wore hard shells on the outside, and suffered on the inside. They expected great things of their daughters, who were born with everything they could ask for.The daughters fascinate me - most of them become opposit
e of what their mother's wanted, and pushed their mother's away. The mother's wanted their children to have Chinese values, to use their freedom to become something, to stop complaining and make something of themselves; I found their daughters to be stubborn, and somewhat self-centered. It was also hard to have a relationship with their mothers, when their mothers did not understand American ways.The Joy Luck Club was an intriguing read, although it lacked depth. Stories were told by four mothers and four daughters that, while intriguing, I found to be a little disconnected. I don't know if that's the right word, but I didn't find myself feeling great emotion, like I did while reading Sarah's Key, and The Help. This may be due to the fact that I don't feel a great connection to Chinese history. I would still recommend this book to anyone with an interest in history.
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e of what their mother's wanted, and pushed their mother's away. The mother's wanted their children to have Chinese values, to use their freedom to become something, to stop complaining and make something of themselves; I found their daughters to be stubborn, and somewhat self-centered. It was also hard to have a relationship with their mothers, when their mothers did not understand American ways.The Joy Luck Club was an intriguing read, although it lacked depth. Stories were told by four mothers and four daughters that, while intriguing, I found to be a little disconnected. I don't know if that's the right word, but I didn't find myself feeling great emotion, like I did while reading Sarah's Key, and The Help. This may be due to the fact that I don't feel a great connection to Chinese history. I would still recommend this book to anyone with an interest in history.
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Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005
Twin Falls Economic Report done by me; Twin Falls, ID has potential for additional car washes, Detail Centers and mobile washing units. Twin Falls has enough water in their reservoirs to make it through the Summer for farmers and agriculture industries. Mike BuRec said recently that even if this winter has a snow pack of 20 feet we will not be back to normal levels. American Falls is at only 14% capacity. Palisades is at 12% and Jackson Lake is at 65%, but remember fires take water too. Water in the rivers and reservoirs is important for many reasons, and realize that 2/3 of all fresh trout worldwide come from Magic Valley South Central Idaho and Snake River. The Shoshone Falls are 212 feet high,[/waterfa...tail.php?id=864]higher than Niagara Falls and has often been called the Niagara Falls of the West. If water situations get too bad and not adequate snow pack in 03-04. We had heard of talk from David McAlindin of the City of Twin Falls Economic Development Dept.Also hurt b
y the economy and fewer people going out to eat at QSRs, Restaurants are Kraft Foods, McCain Foods (125 people laid off), J.R. Simplot, which closed the Heyburn potato plant and laid off another 50 people at another processing plant. These companies collectively laying off a total of 600 people in the region. Also blamed are the war in Iraq and lessened travel. Paper is a big water user also and Boise Cascade has had other issues with economic issues. Dairy is up about 6-10% over the last year why? Could it be the increase in Starbucks (6000 plus locations) and the crème and milk in the Frappachinos using milk? Yes some is. Also of worry is the NM Case law regarding the minnows and Rio Grande and Heron reservoir, such an issue with low water levels in Idaho would be the same as the Sarbain Oxley issues in the Corporate World, it would be catastrophic for agriculture in South Central Idaho. But all in all things have been good and have had a net gain even with the bad
news. Dell has hired 700 people in nine months in Twin Falls. Also hiring have been Home Depot. We talked to a fiber optic multi-plex line installer who could not seem to get a job in his profession and therefore Home Depot gave him a lower level job at $12.00 per hour.A waste of brain capacity no doubt but certainly enough to live with the cost of living in Twin Falls which is low due to power and water prices really inexpensive. Twin Falls, Jerome and Gooding had substantial growth in housing. One thing that may hurt the area is the move to try to get seniors out of their cars. Elderly are super worried about losing their drivers licensing, it can be a traumatic experience rivaling a lost loved one, meaning their freedom is gone, some would rather just die, it is that serious as I have discussed with many seasoned seniors. They will not be moving into the Gooding Golf Course areas if this persists. But the area is growing. A few of the outskirt cities are not fairing as we
ll. Burley had a recent “Crazy Days” and Regatta Jet Boat Races, which is a good tourist draw to help locals, non-profits and retailers. All in all we saw a lot of good stuff; ISU-Idaho State University is putting in a 50K dollar nursing facility. Which will employ many people. Solo Cup employed an additional 68 people after earlier in the year laying off 100 people. West Farm added 27 people. Davisco hired 10 workers on Monday. Hamilton Manufacturing is hiring 30 additional workers, but they may have a power problem if prices increase?Teton Wireless is setting up Satellite to WiFi high speed Internet Networks with points throughout the area to help increase the clean industry companies to the area. Kodiak Northwest has got a new snow-removal innovation. And we found many interesting as heck micro market niche manufacturers such as; Golf Swing Aids, Spider Cultivator, Beet Pulp Cattle feed, Plastic Calf Cottages, Yo-yos (seriously, that’s where they make em
46;), Dome Awnings for homes, Fish Pumps, Basque Smoked Chorizo Sausage (and it is good too), Foam Boxes for Fish, Baler Twine, etc. So there are some strong niches that are helping the area. The Sea Food industry has had a bit of discounting due to the slowing in restaurants, but the Sushi is not any fresher lately. This has hurt the Fresh Trout industry, trout are in nearly all rivers and lakes in ID as well as those, which process the fish in the area. The Local Chamber of Commerce in Twin Falls had done a tremendous job in their recent Hot August Night non-profit fair, where they auctioned a Jeep off, as they profiled local businesses. The Chamber cares about local small businesses. Alamlgated Sugar is buying more 129,000 pound trucks. S and G Produce is Building Warehouses and expanding, over 10% of all the worlds sugar comes from Southern ID. Sugar Beets grow extremely well in ID, better than most anywhere. Gooding also gets in on the non-profit community efforts with
events such as the huge “Spuds Festivals.” Wendell and Jerome has had much growth along I-84 than the towns like Buhl, Filer, Castleford, Hagerman.One issue hurting the region is the Beef import Taxes by the Japanese and things might get tough and they are worried about Mad Cow if it comes to the US. We Japan to knock that off right now and possibly increase tariffs on something they sell us. Meanwhile lots of debate on the WTO issues of genetically modified crops. Super Corn is a good deal for the world. These issues with genetically modified foods and possibly modifying wild weeds into killer weeds is not a good debate since we are talking about corn, not mountain grown Sun Flowers, Pumpkins, Squash, Blue Berries, Cranberry which is grown near native vegetations. We are not talking about rice. They are already growing it all over the world anyway. And we have already modified crops of all types by cross breeding, same thing just slower in number of generations. H
ell we modify people the same way by our own “Melting Pot.” Mixing Asian, Hispanic and Middle Easterners in Los Angeles? What’s the difference, Arthur C Clark predicts in his book “3001” we will all be looking quite Asian, which is probably correct seeing as this is how things are going with 3.5 Billion Chinese? The EU and 15 nations are developing criteria and it will probably be where people or consumers have a choice and we will see what they buy? Guaranteed genetically modified will win, people like full fresh looking vegetables and fruit. These issues are putting things in Southern ID at a wait and see point and causing issues with capitalization.Even so Twin Falls area has had a net gain in jobs, which are non-agriculture. 3750 people went back to work and 3440 lost their jobs in 2003 net gain of 210. It is a slow go, but things are picking up. The increase is mostly due to growth and construction, most of which is box stores in the Twin Falls
and the new home construction in Jerome and Gooding. In Pocatello the steel plant laid off 40 people and we are seeing this throughout the North West; Steel Plant Closes in OR.We are noticing some good downtown renovation on Main street in Twin Falls. On the “Messer Block” they won an award for dedication to Historic preservation. As you know we are excited to see downtown areas revitalize and bring people back to the community and a place to talk and the attitude of hometown meetings seems to be done in conversations with locals and therefore more power to the people and more reasonable and less linear decision making like in the suburbs.There is a bit of a drug problem there which ranges from 18-40 and has to do with Crystal Meth. But they seem to have a handle on it with a new drug court program to get people o break the addictions, which seems to be working and gets people back to work. Fairly good success rate and better than prisons which is also a big employ
er outside of Boise area. 86% of the people in that program where between 21-40 and were there for substance abuses with Meth. Others include Weed, LSD, Heroin, Mushrooms, Cocaine, Ecstasy and three time drunk drivers. One person interviewed by the local newspaper said he had a construction job and was back on the right track. Downtown Twin Falls is a bummer to navigate if you are new to the area because if you are looking for a location on Second and Second Street, it could be one of seven corners? Ouch. Even the older locals laughed when the city council wanted to therefore change all the names after the founding fathers of the town and current city leadership? Typical. Either way it is a tough deal, luckily the diagonal streets are not in abundance. Twin Falls has 64,000 population, Jerome 18,400, Gooding 14,000. .Many cities such as Burley, Burl and others in the area have a zero or negative growth rate. Twin Falls 1.9%, Jerome 1%, Gooding hard to say, guessing 1.6%. The
jobs in the area seem to be Retail, services, Farm and Ag and then Professional in that order. White people make up 89%, and the population is just slightly older than in Nampa or Boise and more similar to Lewiston and Pocatello; 45-65 age groups make up 20.9% of population. We also found Carl’s Pressure Washing Supplies in Idaho Falls a superb vendor for assistance and a Landa Steam Cleaner Dealer also.As far as tourism the Falls are worth seeing and draw in some 530,000 visitors to stay for the day and spend money each year. The major employers we found were The Sugar company with 425 people and growing (literally), Circle A Construction 325, Clear Springs foods 430, Dell 700, Independent Meat 216, Glandia Foods 430, Jerome Cheese 150, Lamb Weston 850, Magic Valley Medical Center 1115, Seastrom Manufacturing 170, Seneca Foods 200, Spears 275, Solo Cup 115. All in all the area has the employment base to drive a strong middle class as this economy continues its climb t
o a rebounding and strong pounding recovery.
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y the economy and fewer people going out to eat at QSRs, Restaurants are Kraft Foods, McCain Foods (125 people laid off), J.R. Simplot, which closed the Heyburn potato plant and laid off another 50 people at another processing plant. These companies collectively laying off a total of 600 people in the region. Also blamed are the war in Iraq and lessened travel. Paper is a big water user also and Boise Cascade has had other issues with economic issues. Dairy is up about 6-10% over the last year why? Could it be the increase in Starbucks (6000 plus locations) and the crème and milk in the Frappachinos using milk? Yes some is. Also of worry is the NM Case law regarding the minnows and Rio Grande and Heron reservoir, such an issue with low water levels in Idaho would be the same as the Sarbain Oxley issues in the Corporate World, it would be catastrophic for agriculture in South Central Idaho. But all in all things have been good and have had a net gain even with the bad
news. Dell has hired 700 people in nine months in Twin Falls. Also hiring have been Home Depot. We talked to a fiber optic multi-plex line installer who could not seem to get a job in his profession and therefore Home Depot gave him a lower level job at $12.00 per hour.A waste of brain capacity no doubt but certainly enough to live with the cost of living in Twin Falls which is low due to power and water prices really inexpensive. Twin Falls, Jerome and Gooding had substantial growth in housing. One thing that may hurt the area is the move to try to get seniors out of their cars. Elderly are super worried about losing their drivers licensing, it can be a traumatic experience rivaling a lost loved one, meaning their freedom is gone, some would rather just die, it is that serious as I have discussed with many seasoned seniors. They will not be moving into the Gooding Golf Course areas if this persists. But the area is growing. A few of the outskirt cities are not fairing as we
ll. Burley had a recent “Crazy Days” and Regatta Jet Boat Races, which is a good tourist draw to help locals, non-profits and retailers. All in all we saw a lot of good stuff; ISU-Idaho State University is putting in a 50K dollar nursing facility. Which will employ many people. Solo Cup employed an additional 68 people after earlier in the year laying off 100 people. West Farm added 27 people. Davisco hired 10 workers on Monday. Hamilton Manufacturing is hiring 30 additional workers, but they may have a power problem if prices increase?Teton Wireless is setting up Satellite to WiFi high speed Internet Networks with points throughout the area to help increase the clean industry companies to the area. Kodiak Northwest has got a new snow-removal innovation. And we found many interesting as heck micro market niche manufacturers such as; Golf Swing Aids, Spider Cultivator, Beet Pulp Cattle feed, Plastic Calf Cottages, Yo-yos (seriously, that’s where they make em
46;), Dome Awnings for homes, Fish Pumps, Basque Smoked Chorizo Sausage (and it is good too), Foam Boxes for Fish, Baler Twine, etc. So there are some strong niches that are helping the area. The Sea Food industry has had a bit of discounting due to the slowing in restaurants, but the Sushi is not any fresher lately. This has hurt the Fresh Trout industry, trout are in nearly all rivers and lakes in ID as well as those, which process the fish in the area. The Local Chamber of Commerce in Twin Falls had done a tremendous job in their recent Hot August Night non-profit fair, where they auctioned a Jeep off, as they profiled local businesses. The Chamber cares about local small businesses. Alamlgated Sugar is buying more 129,000 pound trucks. S and G Produce is Building Warehouses and expanding, over 10% of all the worlds sugar comes from Southern ID. Sugar Beets grow extremely well in ID, better than most anywhere. Gooding also gets in on the non-profit community efforts with
events such as the huge “Spuds Festivals.” Wendell and Jerome has had much growth along I-84 than the towns like Buhl, Filer, Castleford, Hagerman.One issue hurting the region is the Beef import Taxes by the Japanese and things might get tough and they are worried about Mad Cow if it comes to the US. We Japan to knock that off right now and possibly increase tariffs on something they sell us. Meanwhile lots of debate on the WTO issues of genetically modified crops. Super Corn is a good deal for the world. These issues with genetically modified foods and possibly modifying wild weeds into killer weeds is not a good debate since we are talking about corn, not mountain grown Sun Flowers, Pumpkins, Squash, Blue Berries, Cranberry which is grown near native vegetations. We are not talking about rice. They are already growing it all over the world anyway. And we have already modified crops of all types by cross breeding, same thing just slower in number of generations. H
ell we modify people the same way by our own “Melting Pot.” Mixing Asian, Hispanic and Middle Easterners in Los Angeles? What’s the difference, Arthur C Clark predicts in his book “3001” we will all be looking quite Asian, which is probably correct seeing as this is how things are going with 3.5 Billion Chinese? The EU and 15 nations are developing criteria and it will probably be where people or consumers have a choice and we will see what they buy? Guaranteed genetically modified will win, people like full fresh looking vegetables and fruit. These issues are putting things in Southern ID at a wait and see point and causing issues with capitalization.Even so Twin Falls area has had a net gain in jobs, which are non-agriculture. 3750 people went back to work and 3440 lost their jobs in 2003 net gain of 210. It is a slow go, but things are picking up. The increase is mostly due to growth and construction, most of which is box stores in the Twin Falls
and the new home construction in Jerome and Gooding. In Pocatello the steel plant laid off 40 people and we are seeing this throughout the North West; Steel Plant Closes in OR.We are noticing some good downtown renovation on Main street in Twin Falls. On the “Messer Block” they won an award for dedication to Historic preservation. As you know we are excited to see downtown areas revitalize and bring people back to the community and a place to talk and the attitude of hometown meetings seems to be done in conversations with locals and therefore more power to the people and more reasonable and less linear decision making like in the suburbs.There is a bit of a drug problem there which ranges from 18-40 and has to do with Crystal Meth. But they seem to have a handle on it with a new drug court program to get people o break the addictions, which seems to be working and gets people back to work. Fairly good success rate and better than prisons which is also a big employ
er outside of Boise area. 86% of the people in that program where between 21-40 and were there for substance abuses with Meth. Others include Weed, LSD, Heroin, Mushrooms, Cocaine, Ecstasy and three time drunk drivers. One person interviewed by the local newspaper said he had a construction job and was back on the right track. Downtown Twin Falls is a bummer to navigate if you are new to the area because if you are looking for a location on Second and Second Street, it could be one of seven corners? Ouch. Even the older locals laughed when the city council wanted to therefore change all the names after the founding fathers of the town and current city leadership? Typical. Either way it is a tough deal, luckily the diagonal streets are not in abundance. Twin Falls has 64,000 population, Jerome 18,400, Gooding 14,000. .Many cities such as Burley, Burl and others in the area have a zero or negative growth rate. Twin Falls 1.9%, Jerome 1%, Gooding hard to say, guessing 1.6%. The
jobs in the area seem to be Retail, services, Farm and Ag and then Professional in that order. White people make up 89%, and the population is just slightly older than in Nampa or Boise and more similar to Lewiston and Pocatello; 45-65 age groups make up 20.9% of population. We also found Carl’s Pressure Washing Supplies in Idaho Falls a superb vendor for assistance and a Landa Steam Cleaner Dealer also.As far as tourism the Falls are worth seeing and draw in some 530,000 visitors to stay for the day and spend money each year. The major employers we found were The Sugar company with 425 people and growing (literally), Circle A Construction 325, Clear Springs foods 430, Dell 700, Independent Meat 216, Glandia Foods 430, Jerome Cheese 150, Lamb Weston 850, Magic Valley Medical Center 1115, Seastrom Manufacturing 170, Seneca Foods 200, Spears 275, Solo Cup 115. All in all the area has the employment base to drive a strong middle class as this economy continues its climb t
o a rebounding and strong pounding recovery.
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Choosing Children's Books
Children need to have a variety of reading experiences if they are going to learn to make good decisions. How to choose children's books for your students is going to be challenging task, but if you follow a few recommended steps, you should end up with a variety of good, informational and interesting books for them to explore as they become discerning readers and decision makers.Start your search by looking at the covers of books, the first thing your students will see. Your younger students will appreciate a cover that has primary colors, is simple, yet eye catching. The title of the book should be short enough to catch the interest of your reader, yet long enough to tell him or her what the book is about. Photos and clear, crisp illustrations on the cover will appeal to your students and entice them to pick the book up and open it.The next step in the process of how to choose children's books for your students is to review the topic or content of the book. Your young reade
rs will want to read books that are interesting, full of fun and adventure. These students are surrounded by information and they will want to read books that are filled with accurate as well as reliable information. To verify this, check the references provided by the author, review his or her credentials, and look for evidence of background research on the topic being presented.The final three items to pay particular attention to when learning how to choose children's books for your students are:o Illustrations: Graphic or visual elements in a text are sure to keep the reader coming back for more as long as they are appropriate for the book. They should be large enough so the child can determine what they are but not so big that they distract from the content of the book. There should be captions and or titles that are simple, yet explain the graphic adequately.o Organization: Children's books should be organized in a way that will provide a clear, smooth transition betwee
n text and illustrations. If the book warrants it, there should be a table of contents and a glossary that the young reader can easily navigate to find items of interest.o Font size and Type: This is the final step in your quest to discover how to choose children's books for your students. Font size and type is important for a number of reasons, readability being the most important. For younger children, the letters should be large and the font style simple. Small, more ornate fonts will be hard to read, distracting them from their goal: comprehension of the material. Check the spacing and placement of the words on the page to be sure the students can easily follow the story from one page to the next.Choosing which books your young readers will want to read should not be difficult, despite the sheer numbers of available books out there, as long as you follow the steps outlined here.
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rs will want to read books that are interesting, full of fun and adventure. These students are surrounded by information and they will want to read books that are filled with accurate as well as reliable information. To verify this, check the references provided by the author, review his or her credentials, and look for evidence of background research on the topic being presented.The final three items to pay particular attention to when learning how to choose children's books for your students are:o Illustrations: Graphic or visual elements in a text are sure to keep the reader coming back for more as long as they are appropriate for the book. They should be large enough so the child can determine what they are but not so big that they distract from the content of the book. There should be captions and or titles that are simple, yet explain the graphic adequately.o Organization: Children's books should be organized in a way that will provide a clear, smooth transition betwee
n text and illustrations. If the book warrants it, there should be a table of contents and a glossary that the young reader can easily navigate to find items of interest.o Font size and Type: This is the final step in your quest to discover how to choose children's books for your students. Font size and type is important for a number of reasons, readability being the most important. For younger children, the letters should be large and the font style simple. Small, more ornate fonts will be hard to read, distracting them from their goal: comprehension of the material. Check the spacing and placement of the words on the page to be sure the students can easily follow the story from one page to the next.Choosing which books your young readers will want to read should not be difficult, despite the sheer numbers of available books out there, as long as you follow the steps outlined here.
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How to Purchase Color Ink for a Fax Machine
If you have a fax machine, it is important for you to purchase color ink in a regular time because it is an important supply you must have while having this machine. This color ink is really crucial because it will help you to send some faxes for your needs so you can make this machine functional for your needs. If you are interested in purchasing this color ink, you must be careful to choose the right one for your needs so you need to check this article out that gives better information for you. 1. Get manual information. It means that you can do the process of selection through the information you get from the machine itself. Besides, you can get the information about the color ink from those who sell the machine so you can get the best guidance for your needs. 2. Then, it is important for you to choose where you must purchase it for your needs. There are some important places you can choose to buy this color ink. First of all, you can do some research in some local stores
in your area. Also, you can browse online which is easier to find the right one for your needs. 3. If you choose do it online, it is important for you to get some options that are suitable for your needs so you can get some alternatives that will help you in making the best option for your needs. 4. After getting the options, it is crucial for you to do comparison about the price and quality provided so you will be sure that the color ink is the one you need for your fax machine. Also, you must know the amount you get for your machine. By knowing the information above, the selection will be easier and you can get the best one for your needs.
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in your area. Also, you can browse online which is easier to find the right one for your needs. 3. If you choose do it online, it is important for you to get some options that are suitable for your needs so you can get some alternatives that will help you in making the best option for your needs. 4. After getting the options, it is crucial for you to do comparison about the price and quality provided so you will be sure that the color ink is the one you need for your fax machine. Also, you must know the amount you get for your machine. By knowing the information above, the selection will be easier and you can get the best one for your needs.
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Tough Without a Gun: The Life and Extraordinary Afterlife of Humphrey Bogart
Tough Without a Gun: The Life and Extraordinary Afterlife of Humphrey Bogart by Stefan Kanferpublished in 2011, by Knopf Publishers, pages, $26.95, hardbackISBN 978-0-307-27100-6In the 50-plus years since his passing, what can be said about movie star Humphrey Bogart that hasn't been said, written, or analyzed already? For Hollywood biographer Stefan Kanter, the answer is quite a lot. Kanter, known for his work as a movie reviewer for Time magazine and the author of bio books on Groucho Marx and Lucille Ball, has turned his research lens on to Bogie and the results will be deep and satisfying to his fans.When most opinion polls ask who was or still is the most popular, influential, and iconic movie star of all time, Bogart is always at or near the top. But Kanfer's book is hardly a fanzine puff piece; it's too well-researched and gives us Bogart at his best and worst. And while it covers Bogie from birth to death, through multiple marriages, roguish behavior, hard smoking and
harder drinking, the author makes the point that Bogart is still the gold standard by which current and future male actors must meet. He is just as popular now, says Kanfer, as he was during the glory days of his most powerful roles in legendary films like High Sierra, The Treasure of Sierra Madre, Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, The African Queen, and The Caine Mutiny.Some new actors are hailed as the "next Brando" or the "next James Dean," but not one, then or now, is ever premiered as the "next Bogart." As one director says in the book, not unkindly, "When we want a tough guy for an American film today, we go to Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, or Colin Farrell." This sounds mean-spirited but who compares to Bogart today? Not Jason Statham or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson" or even Bruce Willis or Harrison Ford (however, he gets bonus points for the fedora in the four Raiders films) in their action heydays. Tom Hanks is a true American film legend, but he's never c
ompared to Bogart. Johnny Depp is certainly eclectic but more than a bit French-sounding when he dresses up for it. Brad Pitt is too pretty by half, so perhaps that only leaves George Clooney, but putting him into Bogart's shoes sees like force-fitting a square peg of handsome into a round hole of tough.Bogart was a little on the short side, not built like the more strapping he-men of his era (no John Wayne swagger or Errol Flynn swashbuckler there), he had a bit of a lisp, a facial scar, and his thinning hair was far from wavy. He was however, a veteran of the Broadway stage long before he went to Hollywood to act (and occasionally star) in a series of over thirty now-forgettable roles in B-movies where he died a thousand deaths. Like other overnight successes in Hollywood, Bogart paid his dues for years before the better roles caught up to him and his talent.He decided early that the world in general and the acting world in particular, could be divided into two groups: pro
fessionals or bums. Back in New York and in some of his earlier gangster movies, where he played mostly unfulfilling versions of the same parts, he would show up occasionally hungover or apathetic or both. But the combination of better scripts, larger roles, and directors who demanded more of him, he flipped a switch personally and professionally and his work ethic never wavered again.He liked his booze at the ready the moment the cameras stopped rolling for the day. He was rarely without a cigarette on and off-screen. As one movie critic wrote, near the end of Bogart's life as his health began to fail, we have watched a man kill himself right in front of us. And while the alcohol was both a coping tool and a social prop out in public (tough guys drink and carouse, goes the image), Bogart's use of a cigarette was both a movie prop and an attention-getter. (How many other actors have had their method of cupping a cigarette and taking a deep drag turned into a verb, as in "Bog
arting"?)The women in Bogart's life were as much of a vice as his other addictions. He went through three rageful, booze-soaked, and depressing marriages to actresses Helen Menken, Mary Philips, and Mayo Methot, before he married his soulmate, Lauren Bacall, at age 46. And while she and he may have together to his end, the 25-year gap in their ages left Bogart feeling he always had something to prove to others that he was worthy of his screen idol label.To watch Bogart and Bacall in her first movie and their first movie together - Howard Hawks' To Have and Have Not - is to watch a love affair grow into a near sexual experience on the screen. Bacall might have had limited acting range - she either rightly played a vamp or was hopelessly miscast as someone else - the camera loved her face nonetheless.Kanfer clearly loves his subject and the depth of research for his book is rooted in truth over Hollywood hype. Bogart was born to achievement-oriented, striving, and strident par
ents in New York and was well-kept and well-schooled as a child. As his parents' marriage drifted apart and his interest in school ended, Bogart joined the Navy in an impulsive move to get out of New York and see the world. He had an undistinguished navy career (the service and he agreed it was best he should not continue, due to his dismissiveness toward authority and rules). He found his way to the Broadway stage as an extra, bit-part player, and in a bit of a regression, back to being a stage manager.His move to Hollywood came when silent films faded out and many of the handsome but squeaky-voiced male leads couldn't make the transition to sound movies. Bogart could play the heavy who dies in a big way, since cop and gangster movies were popular in the transition between the two world wars and throughout the Depression.While we might have "Jersey Shore," "American Idol," or "Survivor" as a way to give nobodies the chance to become instant household names (for as long as t
hat lasts), in Bogart's day the best way to catch lighting in a bottle long enough to be illuminated by it came with the rare combination of a well-crafted script, a firm yet freeing director, and a great supporting cast around him. Bogart's breakout role came as the gangster Duke Manatee in Petrified Forest, a part he had played on the stage in New York.Kanfer's best writing comes where you might expect it, when he draws upon his experiences as both a lover of great films and a longtime film critic. He dissects Bogart's classic films with an eye toward why the actor and the stories live on, and with plenty of behind the scenes gossip too. Kanfer gives the historical and political backdrop for Casablanca, Bogart's utter satisfaction in filming Dash Hammet's great novel The Maltese Falcon, and its near word-for word translation into John Huston's shooting script, and the creative spark between Bogart and Hepburn that made The African Queen fun to both shoot and watch.Bogart w
as at his best when his directors pushed him just hard enough to give his all and listened to his ideas about how to make them both better. His best work happened when the stories and the roles challenged him, and he and his co-stars were both colleagues on-screen and friends (and often drinking buddies) off the set.Kanfer's description of Bogart in his last suffering days, dying from the post-surgery effects of esophageal cancer, down to 80 pounds, and unable to eat, is the cause and effect conclusion of a life of nonstop scotch and Chesterfields.Bogart's legacy was his portrayal, on and off-camera, of the tough guy who also knew how, why, and when to do the honorable thing. He was two-fisted, but for all the right reasons. He never forgot to be a professional, even when he was playing a bum (watch his portrayal of the crazed and craven prospector in The Treasure of Sierra Madre). He loved women on-screen, but always at a distance.There are people (usually under the age of
30) who dismiss Bogart's film performances and those of his fellow generational cohorts as overacting at its finest. The sets were plain and unadorned, the special effects none too special, and the stories predictable. While today we may have "transformerized" the sets and effects to overwhelm the viewer, it's still a pleasure to catch a classic Bogart movie as we go channel surfing by much lesser entertainment fare.
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harder drinking, the author makes the point that Bogart is still the gold standard by which current and future male actors must meet. He is just as popular now, says Kanfer, as he was during the glory days of his most powerful roles in legendary films like High Sierra, The Treasure of Sierra Madre, Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, The African Queen, and The Caine Mutiny.Some new actors are hailed as the "next Brando" or the "next James Dean," but not one, then or now, is ever premiered as the "next Bogart." As one director says in the book, not unkindly, "When we want a tough guy for an American film today, we go to Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, or Colin Farrell." This sounds mean-spirited but who compares to Bogart today? Not Jason Statham or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson" or even Bruce Willis or Harrison Ford (however, he gets bonus points for the fedora in the four Raiders films) in their action heydays. Tom Hanks is a true American film legend, but he's never c
ompared to Bogart. Johnny Depp is certainly eclectic but more than a bit French-sounding when he dresses up for it. Brad Pitt is too pretty by half, so perhaps that only leaves George Clooney, but putting him into Bogart's shoes sees like force-fitting a square peg of handsome into a round hole of tough.Bogart was a little on the short side, not built like the more strapping he-men of his era (no John Wayne swagger or Errol Flynn swashbuckler there), he had a bit of a lisp, a facial scar, and his thinning hair was far from wavy. He was however, a veteran of the Broadway stage long before he went to Hollywood to act (and occasionally star) in a series of over thirty now-forgettable roles in B-movies where he died a thousand deaths. Like other overnight successes in Hollywood, Bogart paid his dues for years before the better roles caught up to him and his talent.He decided early that the world in general and the acting world in particular, could be divided into two groups: pro
fessionals or bums. Back in New York and in some of his earlier gangster movies, where he played mostly unfulfilling versions of the same parts, he would show up occasionally hungover or apathetic or both. But the combination of better scripts, larger roles, and directors who demanded more of him, he flipped a switch personally and professionally and his work ethic never wavered again.He liked his booze at the ready the moment the cameras stopped rolling for the day. He was rarely without a cigarette on and off-screen. As one movie critic wrote, near the end of Bogart's life as his health began to fail, we have watched a man kill himself right in front of us. And while the alcohol was both a coping tool and a social prop out in public (tough guys drink and carouse, goes the image), Bogart's use of a cigarette was both a movie prop and an attention-getter. (How many other actors have had their method of cupping a cigarette and taking a deep drag turned into a verb, as in "Bog
arting"?)The women in Bogart's life were as much of a vice as his other addictions. He went through three rageful, booze-soaked, and depressing marriages to actresses Helen Menken, Mary Philips, and Mayo Methot, before he married his soulmate, Lauren Bacall, at age 46. And while she and he may have together to his end, the 25-year gap in their ages left Bogart feeling he always had something to prove to others that he was worthy of his screen idol label.To watch Bogart and Bacall in her first movie and their first movie together - Howard Hawks' To Have and Have Not - is to watch a love affair grow into a near sexual experience on the screen. Bacall might have had limited acting range - she either rightly played a vamp or was hopelessly miscast as someone else - the camera loved her face nonetheless.Kanfer clearly loves his subject and the depth of research for his book is rooted in truth over Hollywood hype. Bogart was born to achievement-oriented, striving, and strident par
ents in New York and was well-kept and well-schooled as a child. As his parents' marriage drifted apart and his interest in school ended, Bogart joined the Navy in an impulsive move to get out of New York and see the world. He had an undistinguished navy career (the service and he agreed it was best he should not continue, due to his dismissiveness toward authority and rules). He found his way to the Broadway stage as an extra, bit-part player, and in a bit of a regression, back to being a stage manager.His move to Hollywood came when silent films faded out and many of the handsome but squeaky-voiced male leads couldn't make the transition to sound movies. Bogart could play the heavy who dies in a big way, since cop and gangster movies were popular in the transition between the two world wars and throughout the Depression.While we might have "Jersey Shore," "American Idol," or "Survivor" as a way to give nobodies the chance to become instant household names (for as long as t
hat lasts), in Bogart's day the best way to catch lighting in a bottle long enough to be illuminated by it came with the rare combination of a well-crafted script, a firm yet freeing director, and a great supporting cast around him. Bogart's breakout role came as the gangster Duke Manatee in Petrified Forest, a part he had played on the stage in New York.Kanfer's best writing comes where you might expect it, when he draws upon his experiences as both a lover of great films and a longtime film critic. He dissects Bogart's classic films with an eye toward why the actor and the stories live on, and with plenty of behind the scenes gossip too. Kanfer gives the historical and political backdrop for Casablanca, Bogart's utter satisfaction in filming Dash Hammet's great novel The Maltese Falcon, and its near word-for word translation into John Huston's shooting script, and the creative spark between Bogart and Hepburn that made The African Queen fun to both shoot and watch.Bogart w
as at his best when his directors pushed him just hard enough to give his all and listened to his ideas about how to make them both better. His best work happened when the stories and the roles challenged him, and he and his co-stars were both colleagues on-screen and friends (and often drinking buddies) off the set.Kanfer's description of Bogart in his last suffering days, dying from the post-surgery effects of esophageal cancer, down to 80 pounds, and unable to eat, is the cause and effect conclusion of a life of nonstop scotch and Chesterfields.Bogart's legacy was his portrayal, on and off-camera, of the tough guy who also knew how, why, and when to do the honorable thing. He was two-fisted, but for all the right reasons. He never forgot to be a professional, even when he was playing a bum (watch his portrayal of the crazed and craven prospector in The Treasure of Sierra Madre). He loved women on-screen, but always at a distance.There are people (usually under the age of
30) who dismiss Bogart's film performances and those of his fellow generational cohorts as overacting at its finest. The sets were plain and unadorned, the special effects none too special, and the stories predictable. While today we may have "transformerized" the sets and effects to overwhelm the viewer, it's still a pleasure to catch a classic Bogart movie as we go channel surfing by much lesser entertainment fare.
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Blender 3D - Architecture, Buildings, and Scenery
a book by Allan BritoAbout Blender 3DBlender 3D is a open-source 3D graphics suite, that is capable of modeling, rendering and animating 3D environments, and one of the best parts about it, is that you can download it right away for free. Another cool thing about it is that the installed program it's only 10 MB, and not only that, but it can run on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.About the AuthorAllan Brito is a Brazilian architect who specializes in information visualization. He lives and works in Recife, Brazil. He works with Blender 3D to produce animations and still images for visualization and instructional material.Besides his work with Blender as an artist, he also has substantial experience teaching 3D modeling, animation, and multimedia at Mauricio de Nassau College.He can be reached through his website, where he covers the use of Blender 3D and other tools for architectural visualization.Although this is a detailed guide, is far from being full of useless blabbering, and
it goes straight to the point, taking you from a to z, from installing Blender and understanding how it works to the post production editing of the final images with another awesome yet free software: GIMP.I recently reviewed a book called "SketchUp 7.1 for Architectural Visualization", and while SketchUp is a different animal with tremendous power, I feel that Blender has been avoided for far too long, and the truth is that it can easily be measured with SketchUp in many ways. More about that, after the brief presentation of the chapters.Chapter 1: Introduction to Blender and Architectural VisualizationThis chapter will cover the basics on Architectural visualization, the hardware and software requirements for Blender, tools for visualization, and CAD and 3D-Architectural modeling and resources.Chapter 2: Blender 3D: Quick StartStarting up with the interface of the software in Windows, and the customization power of the interface. Blender can be a quick tool if you know th
e keyboard shortcuts, and this is exactly what Chapter 2 covers.Chapter 3: ModelingYou will learn about mesh primitives, operations such as extrude, subsurf modifier, smoothing faces, grouping and proportional editing.Chapter 4: Modeling for ArchitectureArchitectural modeling is all about proportions, and precision. This chapter will teach you how to work with layers, and how to create the basic objects we use everyday in architectural modeling, like walls, openings, floors and lining, etc.Chapter 5: Modeling DetailsYes, believe it or not, GOD is in details, and this chapter will demonstrate how you can model windows, and doors with the amount of detail you wantChapter 6: Modeling FurnitureHere you have the option of modeling, of using predefined objects from a library. Also if you really want to create your own designs, there are two sub-chapters that will cover modeling a chair and a sofa.Chapter 7: MaterialsIf you lack experience with materials, than this chapter will cov
er this subject. Materials of course will give life to your scene, so learn this fast, and learn it well.Chapter 8: TexturesWorking with textures can be nerve wracking, and can kill your mood if you don't find what you want, or can't get the texture to map on your object in the desired manner. This chapter will clear things for you.Chapter 9: UV Mappingwhat is UV mapping, and why should you care? well, the fact is that no matter what texture you use, if you don't map it the right way, it will look awful and un-natural to everyone.Chapter 10: Light BasicsLight will get the best out of your materials, and this chapter will teach you how to use different types of lighting like: Lamp, Sun, Are, Spot, and will show you a simple exercise for best results.Chapter 11: Radiosity and Ambient OcclusionFor some this might be new terms, but rest assured, this chapter covers all you need to know about this sort of rendering.Chapter 12: Global Illumination with YafRayYafRay, just like Blen
der, is a open source external render, which works great with Blender. Some say it's the external software that presents the best integration with Blender.Chapter 13: Animation for Architectural VisualizationIf you're a big animator, then this will give you all you need in order to create the best animation for you scene, from describing Keyframes, to Interactive Animation.Chapter 14: Post-Production with GIMPYou surely heard about Photoshop, but I'm not so sure you heard about GIMP, and that's a shame, because this software can help you adjust your image in a few mouse clicks. This chapter goes in depth explaining post production techniques.In Conclusion: Blender 3D is a powerful tool when you can master it, and the libraries that you can find for it are in constant growth, so this can be a great option if you're trying to achieve great results with a free software with powerful features, and minimum hardware requirements.Good luck using the amazing power of Blender 3D in y
our future projects.
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it goes straight to the point, taking you from a to z, from installing Blender and understanding how it works to the post production editing of the final images with another awesome yet free software: GIMP.I recently reviewed a book called "SketchUp 7.1 for Architectural Visualization", and while SketchUp is a different animal with tremendous power, I feel that Blender has been avoided for far too long, and the truth is that it can easily be measured with SketchUp in many ways. More about that, after the brief presentation of the chapters.Chapter 1: Introduction to Blender and Architectural VisualizationThis chapter will cover the basics on Architectural visualization, the hardware and software requirements for Blender, tools for visualization, and CAD and 3D-Architectural modeling and resources.Chapter 2: Blender 3D: Quick StartStarting up with the interface of the software in Windows, and the customization power of the interface. Blender can be a quick tool if you know th
e keyboard shortcuts, and this is exactly what Chapter 2 covers.Chapter 3: ModelingYou will learn about mesh primitives, operations such as extrude, subsurf modifier, smoothing faces, grouping and proportional editing.Chapter 4: Modeling for ArchitectureArchitectural modeling is all about proportions, and precision. This chapter will teach you how to work with layers, and how to create the basic objects we use everyday in architectural modeling, like walls, openings, floors and lining, etc.Chapter 5: Modeling DetailsYes, believe it or not, GOD is in details, and this chapter will demonstrate how you can model windows, and doors with the amount of detail you wantChapter 6: Modeling FurnitureHere you have the option of modeling, of using predefined objects from a library. Also if you really want to create your own designs, there are two sub-chapters that will cover modeling a chair and a sofa.Chapter 7: MaterialsIf you lack experience with materials, than this chapter will cov
er this subject. Materials of course will give life to your scene, so learn this fast, and learn it well.Chapter 8: TexturesWorking with textures can be nerve wracking, and can kill your mood if you don't find what you want, or can't get the texture to map on your object in the desired manner. This chapter will clear things for you.Chapter 9: UV Mappingwhat is UV mapping, and why should you care? well, the fact is that no matter what texture you use, if you don't map it the right way, it will look awful and un-natural to everyone.Chapter 10: Light BasicsLight will get the best out of your materials, and this chapter will teach you how to use different types of lighting like: Lamp, Sun, Are, Spot, and will show you a simple exercise for best results.Chapter 11: Radiosity and Ambient OcclusionFor some this might be new terms, but rest assured, this chapter covers all you need to know about this sort of rendering.Chapter 12: Global Illumination with YafRayYafRay, just like Blen
der, is a open source external render, which works great with Blender. Some say it's the external software that presents the best integration with Blender.Chapter 13: Animation for Architectural VisualizationIf you're a big animator, then this will give you all you need in order to create the best animation for you scene, from describing Keyframes, to Interactive Animation.Chapter 14: Post-Production with GIMPYou surely heard about Photoshop, but I'm not so sure you heard about GIMP, and that's a shame, because this software can help you adjust your image in a few mouse clicks. This chapter goes in depth explaining post production techniques.In Conclusion: Blender 3D is a powerful tool when you can master it, and the libraries that you can find for it are in constant growth, so this can be a great option if you're trying to achieve great results with a free software with powerful features, and minimum hardware requirements.Good luck using the amazing power of Blender 3D in y
our future projects.
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A Matter of Fax Review:
Are you sick and tired of old and somewhat defective versions of facsimile and printers? Have you thought buying one instead of repairing them? No worries! A Matter of Fax is here for you!
A Matter of FAX is a site that solely offers affordable yet the latest and highly standardized fax machines, copiers, toners, and supplies in the web. With just a click away, be the first to discover a wide variety of fax machines and copiers in A Matter of FAX.
This business establishment does not only sell fax machines. It also offers a wide selection of toners, copier supplies, replacement lamps, peripherals, components, computers, networking devices, home electronics, storage devices, office supplies, softwares, video games, and a lot more.
A Matter of FAX is just as reliable as the brands it sells. Some of the world-class brands of fax machines and copiers it sells Sharp, Toshiba, Panasonic, Brother, Sony, Copy star, Canon, Minolta, Gestetner, Samsung, Xerox, Ricoh, HP, Muratec, Okidata, Nec, Lexmark, Epson, Viewsonic, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Philips, Christie, Sanyo, Infocus, and JVC.
Making orders in this site is made easy. Once you have chosen a product or two from the website, enter your name and email address, and choose your mode of payment. Shipment fees vary depending on the product and its brand, but don't worry because A Matter of FAX offers a more reasonable price than any other else.
So what are you waiting for? Visit their site at, and search for a good replacement to your old fax machines and copiers.
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Heaven Is So Real
Choo Thomas went to heaven 17 times, hell 2 times and Jesus Christ visited her 10 times. The humble and not very educated lady shares her testimony in her book, Heaven is so real. Jesus instructed her to write this book and it has changed the hearts of many people across the whole world.Because of her knowledge of scriptures, she supports her testimony with the Bible thus making it authentic and difficult to doubt. She explains the reality of heaven and gives hope to all believers to press on towards the goal. One of the most painful moments she experienced was when she visited hell and found her mother, father and step mother burning in the flames of fire. These were very good people serving God but unfortunately, they died without giving their lives to Jesus Christ.Choo's challenging testimony, heavenly dances and songs she learned from the Holy Spirit are worth noting. She explains that in heaven the only job is to sing and praise the Lord. This calls for practice for thos
e who are on earth and have the desire to go to heaven. The most powerful songs, according to Choo, are those whose foundation is from the Holy Bible.Choo concludes with the urgent call for all the Christians to embrace the Great Commission of Our Lord Jesus Christ because He is coming soon to take those who have believed in Him. The Ant-Christ is also working hard to get many followers to go with to hell.
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e who are on earth and have the desire to go to heaven. The most powerful songs, according to Choo, are those whose foundation is from the Holy Bible.Choo concludes with the urgent call for all the Christians to embrace the Great Commission of Our Lord Jesus Christ because He is coming soon to take those who have believed in Him. The Ant-Christ is also working hard to get many followers to go with to hell.
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Magical Mind, Magical Body by Deepak Chopra
For many experts in the mind-body movement, Deepak Chopra is considered one of its well-respected leaders and for good reasons, too. An endocrinologist by profession, Dr. Chopra has published numerous books and discussed with various audiences about the subject such that millions of individuals have now and continues to benefit from it. One of these books is the aptly-titled Magical Mind, Magical Body.When listening to this audio book, which also comes in a PDF worksheet format, you will not be taught about how to do magic things with your mind and body ala David Copperfield and the like. Instead, you will be taught how the mind greatly influences the body such that the health of one is the health of the other. When you have eliminated the negative thoughts in your mind on one hand and listened to the body's signals on the other hand, you can greatly improve on your health.The ideas espoused in the audio book Magical Mind, Magical Body are not new since the ancient great thin
kers have stated similar concepts about the connection between the mind and body. The main difference is that it is only in recent times when the mind-body connection has gained a more solid footing in modern consciousness because of the emerging scientific evidence in its favor. And with the likes of Dr. Deepak Chopra, grounded as he is in modern medicine, advocating the concept, we can expect to see this ancient concept becoming part and parcel of modern daily life.We have been talking about the mind-body connection so much that it deserves an explanation so that readers of the Magical Mind, Magical Body will not be grasping at straws the first time these ideas are heard. As Dr. Chopra explains it, our bodies are the three-dimensional projection of our minds especially considering that our brains - the seat of our mind - are part and parcel of our bodies.Thus, whatever your mood, emotions and thoughts may be, it greatly influences every cell, tissue and organ in the body.
Or to put it more precisely, our bodies are the active participants in our minds. Each and every one of us then is a vessel of flowing intelligence just waiting to be harnessed for good purposes.The connection between the mind and body is almost magical as to be very powerful. You will find passages in the Magical Mind, Magical Body audio book that discuss how the mind can sway the body and spirit in either direction - joyful or sorrowful, angry or at peace, dynamic or sluggish. Once you have harnessed the power of the mind, you have opened the world into unlimited happiness, health and success. (We can definitely believe that point if the life of Deepak Chopra as we know it is to be the basis)You will be taught how to tap into the mind using Chopra's unique combination of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom on one hand and modern medical principles on the other hand. Chopra is, after all, also steeped in modern medicine. So, we suggest buying the Magical Mind, Magical Body audio book
that, at just $65 for 6 CDs, will be the most important investment you can ever have toward a more fulfilling life.
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kers have stated similar concepts about the connection between the mind and body. The main difference is that it is only in recent times when the mind-body connection has gained a more solid footing in modern consciousness because of the emerging scientific evidence in its favor. And with the likes of Dr. Deepak Chopra, grounded as he is in modern medicine, advocating the concept, we can expect to see this ancient concept becoming part and parcel of modern daily life.We have been talking about the mind-body connection so much that it deserves an explanation so that readers of the Magical Mind, Magical Body will not be grasping at straws the first time these ideas are heard. As Dr. Chopra explains it, our bodies are the three-dimensional projection of our minds especially considering that our brains - the seat of our mind - are part and parcel of our bodies.Thus, whatever your mood, emotions and thoughts may be, it greatly influences every cell, tissue and organ in the body.
Or to put it more precisely, our bodies are the active participants in our minds. Each and every one of us then is a vessel of flowing intelligence just waiting to be harnessed for good purposes.The connection between the mind and body is almost magical as to be very powerful. You will find passages in the Magical Mind, Magical Body audio book that discuss how the mind can sway the body and spirit in either direction - joyful or sorrowful, angry or at peace, dynamic or sluggish. Once you have harnessed the power of the mind, you have opened the world into unlimited happiness, health and success. (We can definitely believe that point if the life of Deepak Chopra as we know it is to be the basis)You will be taught how to tap into the mind using Chopra's unique combination of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom on one hand and modern medical principles on the other hand. Chopra is, after all, also steeped in modern medicine. So, we suggest buying the Magical Mind, Magical Body audio book
that, at just $65 for 6 CDs, will be the most important investment you can ever have toward a more fulfilling life.
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Fax Machine Uk For Increased Productivity
Office documentation work seems to increase everyday and to handle it you need proper devices and tools. It is important that you preserve all kinds of dealings your office follows for future reference. In case you are a large business owner in UK and deal with thousands of documents everyday, then it could be really tough to handle these papers and transmit then to another center or to another client. Therefore there are fax machines UK which can easily handle your daily paper work and are in great demand.
It is quite a common fact that Office Chairs and other furniture arrangement should be perfect to blend with your trendy office interiors. This also applies to the fax machines UK which are now available in great designs and styles to easily match any of your contemporary or traditional office interiors. Moreover you have to take care of several daily transactions and manually transferring the data to another client or center could be very tiring and time consuming. It is no point in manpower and time when there are Fax Machines UK to get the job done easily.
You can easily setup your business deals or accounts and also share them easily with other centers through fax machines UK. The best part is that you can easily find them online. If you need to have the best fax machines UK make sure you compare different brands for the services and features they offer and also to avail affordable prices. These online shopping sites also have great range of Office Chairs UK, furniture and office products.
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It is quite a common fact that Office Chairs and other furniture arrangement should be perfect to blend with your trendy office interiors. This also applies to the fax machines UK which are now available in great designs and styles to easily match any of your contemporary or traditional office interiors. Moreover you have to take care of several daily transactions and manually transferring the data to another client or center could be very tiring and time consuming. It is no point in manpower and time when there are Fax Machines UK to get the job done easily.
You can easily setup your business deals or accounts and also share them easily with other centers through fax machines UK. The best part is that you can easily find them online. If you need to have the best fax machines UK make sure you compare different brands for the services and features they offer and also to avail affordable prices. These online shopping sites also have great range of Office Chairs UK, furniture and office products.
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The Type A Personality is a Force to Be Reckoned With - Non Fiction Book Review
We all know many super hard charger types, these are the people who go full-tilt all the time. They run their life like a competition. They are quick to fight and trigger happy, they are the do'ers, achievers, athletes, and sometimes our greatest leaders. They are usually found running things in a dictatorship style. If you get in their way, they'll run right over you before they even realize it.They move fast and often leave a trail of debris, yes, the Type A Personality is a force to be reckoned with. Well, that's not the only issues they have, they are also in the high risk category for potential heart attacks and they really need to chill out later in life or that life will end abruptly. Their flash temper is often blamed on some of their health risks.But have you ever considered what to do about the loved ones in your family which are Type A Personalities? You can help them, there are many things you can do to protect them from themselves or help them help themselves to
a happier and healthier personality displacement.May I be so bold as to recommend a very good book to you that might shed some light on this subject? Okay great, the book I want you to read is an older book, but this information is as good today as the day it was written:"Treating Type A Behavior and Your Heart" by Meyer Friedman, M.D. and Diane Ulmer, R.N.,M.S.; Fawcett Crest Books division of Ballantine Book Publishers and Random House, New York, NY; Date: 1984
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a happier and healthier personality displacement.May I be so bold as to recommend a very good book to you that might shed some light on this subject? Okay great, the book I want you to read is an older book, but this information is as good today as the day it was written:"Treating Type A Behavior and Your Heart" by Meyer Friedman, M.D. and Diane Ulmer, R.N.,M.S.; Fawcett Crest Books division of Ballantine Book Publishers and Random House, New York, NY; Date: 1984
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Island Life by Michael W Sherer - Book Review
Five Star Publishing (2008)ISBN 9781594146336In "Island Life," we are drawn into the world of Jack Holm, suddenly single father to his two children after his wife suddenly goes missing. Jack's relationship with Mary was on the rocks before her disappearance and with her job as a flight attendant, he does not report her missing for a few days. This puts the story in motion as the police arrest Jack for Mary's murder, Children's Services takes his children and begins their own investigation, Jack's mother-in-law files for custody, and Jack realizes he has no one to rely on but himself to solve the mystery of what happened to his wife before he and his children become the next victims.Interspersed with the narration are snippets of conversations between Jack and his therapist. These conversations give great depth to the story as they are the only times you are truly in Jack's head. In his day-to-day life, he is going through the motions, just doing his best to hold on for the sa
ke of his kids. With his therapist, however, Jack truly lets go of pretending and opens up like he does to nobody else. These interludes give "Island Life" a voice of originality that you don't see often in this genre.There is nothing perfect about Jack and that makes it all the more wondrous that you find yourself rooting for him. He admits to affairs, has ignored the problems in his marriage, and does things that many parents would never think of (dragging his children to Las Vegas while he goes after the killer). It is exactly these imperfections that make him so real. He is tortured, he makes no excuses for the choices he has made, and while he makes a few questionable parenting decisions, he truly believes those decisions are what is best for his children."Island Life" was truly gripping. I read it in one day, as I kept finding myself lost within the books. It does fall apart a bit towards the end, where it feels as though the author tries too hard to attain action and
thrills rather than staying at the same pace as the rest of the book. Sherer quickly redeems himself, however, and leaves the reader feeling satisfied.
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ke of his kids. With his therapist, however, Jack truly lets go of pretending and opens up like he does to nobody else. These interludes give "Island Life" a voice of originality that you don't see often in this genre.There is nothing perfect about Jack and that makes it all the more wondrous that you find yourself rooting for him. He admits to affairs, has ignored the problems in his marriage, and does things that many parents would never think of (dragging his children to Las Vegas while he goes after the killer). It is exactly these imperfections that make him so real. He is tortured, he makes no excuses for the choices he has made, and while he makes a few questionable parenting decisions, he truly believes those decisions are what is best for his children."Island Life" was truly gripping. I read it in one day, as I kept finding myself lost within the books. It does fall apart a bit towards the end, where it feels as though the author tries too hard to attain action and
thrills rather than staying at the same pace as the rest of the book. Sherer quickly redeems himself, however, and leaves the reader feeling satisfied.
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The Atkins Diet, A Diet That Really Works
Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution is a book that puts you on a diet that really works. Dr. Atkins first wrote about his diet in the early 70's. I tried the diet and lost 15 pounds in the first two months. But then life took over, and being young and Italian, there was no way I was passing up bread, pasta and pizza.Fast forward thirty five years later. My weight had ballooned up to 235 pounds, even though I was working out at the gym 5-6 days a week. I met a friend at the gym who had obviously lost a lot of weight. I asked him how he did it."Try the Atkin's Diet," he said. "I've lost 35 pounds in 6 months."That's all I had to hear. So I picked up a copy of Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution - 3rd Edition, and started the diet on December 27, 2009.The first two weeks are the hardest. You have to go through the "Induction Phase," which is a 14-day period where you limit yourself to no more than 20 grams of carbs a day. This is not as hard as it seems, since there are so many foods with
zero carbs, like chicken, pork, fish and beef. The trick is to cook with oil, or a cooking spray like Pam, which also has zero carbs. Butter is OK too.Even though all pure alcoholic beverage have zero carbs too, they tell you to drink any liquor during the Induction Phase, because it raises your blood sugar, which stunts weight loss on this diet. During the Induction Phase, your body goes into the state of Ketosis, which allows your body to burn fat at a higher rate.I conveniently tossed this rule out the window, and had one very dry vodka martini every night before dinner and one cognac right before bed. I still lost 10 pounds in the first two weeks. During the next three Phases: Ongoing Weight Loss, Pre-Maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance, you gradually increase your carb intake per day, peaking at 60-70 grams a day, according to your metabolism.By the middle of April, I had lost 25 pounds and got to my desired weight of 210. And I've kept this weight off, give or take a
pound or two, for the next seven months, which takes us to today.The reason why I love this diet is because it's the only diet I know of where you can imbibe a few cocktails a day and still lose weight. The trick is, no mixers, except water, club soda, or diet soda. Wine is a little tricky, since red wine averages 5 carbs a glass, and white wine 3 carbs a glass. So on Lifetime Maintenance, a glass or two of wine won't kill your diet, but don't drink more than that. As for beer, I was never a beer drinker, but Michelob Extra Light is only 1.9 grams per 12-ounce bottle. Bud and Miller also make a very low carb light beer.Even though I lost my desired weight, I will never go off the Atkins Diet completely. Once a month, I'll have a slice of pizza. And once a month I'll eat a portion, or two of Dreamfields Pasta, which you can buy at any large food store. But I pretty much stick to a diet of meat, fish, poultry, pork, eggs, bacon, cold cuts like ham, a few nuts, some cheese, gr
een vegetables and tomatoes. But no fruits or fruit juices, which are high in carbs (some wise guy may say tomatoes are a fruit, but not to me).The bottom line, if you can forgo bread, deserts, pizza, and other foods high in carbs, like corn and carrots, the Atkins' Diet is one where you'll never go hungry. And how many other diets can you make that statement about?
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zero carbs, like chicken, pork, fish and beef. The trick is to cook with oil, or a cooking spray like Pam, which also has zero carbs. Butter is OK too.Even though all pure alcoholic beverage have zero carbs too, they tell you to drink any liquor during the Induction Phase, because it raises your blood sugar, which stunts weight loss on this diet. During the Induction Phase, your body goes into the state of Ketosis, which allows your body to burn fat at a higher rate.I conveniently tossed this rule out the window, and had one very dry vodka martini every night before dinner and one cognac right before bed. I still lost 10 pounds in the first two weeks. During the next three Phases: Ongoing Weight Loss, Pre-Maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance, you gradually increase your carb intake per day, peaking at 60-70 grams a day, according to your metabolism.By the middle of April, I had lost 25 pounds and got to my desired weight of 210. And I've kept this weight off, give or take a
pound or two, for the next seven months, which takes us to today.The reason why I love this diet is because it's the only diet I know of where you can imbibe a few cocktails a day and still lose weight. The trick is, no mixers, except water, club soda, or diet soda. Wine is a little tricky, since red wine averages 5 carbs a glass, and white wine 3 carbs a glass. So on Lifetime Maintenance, a glass or two of wine won't kill your diet, but don't drink more than that. As for beer, I was never a beer drinker, but Michelob Extra Light is only 1.9 grams per 12-ounce bottle. Bud and Miller also make a very low carb light beer.Even though I lost my desired weight, I will never go off the Atkins Diet completely. Once a month, I'll have a slice of pizza. And once a month I'll eat a portion, or two of Dreamfields Pasta, which you can buy at any large food store. But I pretty much stick to a diet of meat, fish, poultry, pork, eggs, bacon, cold cuts like ham, a few nuts, some cheese, gr
een vegetables and tomatoes. But no fruits or fruit juices, which are high in carbs (some wise guy may say tomatoes are a fruit, but not to me).The bottom line, if you can forgo bread, deserts, pizza, and other foods high in carbs, like corn and carrots, the Atkins' Diet is one where you'll never go hungry. And how many other diets can you make that statement about?
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Same Day Payday Loan No Credit Check – Helping to Get Rid Of Your Cash Shortage
Days have passed when you have to complete many lengthy documental formalities and to get loan the important thing is fax machine. At present there are lots of loan institutes and loan lending companies in the market that provide many loan, you can avail any one of them according to your desire. To avail these loans, you do not have to complete the formalities of lengthy documents. If you want to avail same day payday loan no credit check but you are afraid due to have bad credit or poor credit history, don't worry because now you can avail payday loan without credit checking history because while providing the loan the lender doesn't check your bad credit status so now go and avail payday loan as early as possible. At present there is no requirement of faxing any documents. If you are suffering from bad credit records such as defaults, arrears, insolvency, CCJs (country court judgments), IVA (individual voluntary agreements), bankruptcy, late payment, skipping of instal
lment, etc, don't worry now despite of having bad credit records, you can obtain same day payday loan no credit check. With the help of these loans, you can meet your unexpected expenses such as home renovation, to pay education fees, car repairing, medical treatment and so on. A payday loan is an ideal loan that helps you in every possible way. Now you can avail payday loan any day, anytime and anywhere because the service of offering the loan is available 24 hours. Before availing payday loan one thing keep in your mind that to get loan you must be adult, you must have an active checking account that must be valid because the amount of the money for which you want to apply for same day payday loan no credit check is transferred in to your current bank account with in few hours, your earning must be at least $1000 per month, you must be citizen of USA. It is very important thing while availing payday loan. If you have all eligibility criteria, you can avail payday loan a
nd the next day you will see that the cash is in your current bank account within 24 hours. A payday loan is a short term and unsecured loan in a nature so the rate of interest is bit higher in comparison of other loan.
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lment, etc, don't worry now despite of having bad credit records, you can obtain same day payday loan no credit check. With the help of these loans, you can meet your unexpected expenses such as home renovation, to pay education fees, car repairing, medical treatment and so on. A payday loan is an ideal loan that helps you in every possible way. Now you can avail payday loan any day, anytime and anywhere because the service of offering the loan is available 24 hours. Before availing payday loan one thing keep in your mind that to get loan you must be adult, you must have an active checking account that must be valid because the amount of the money for which you want to apply for same day payday loan no credit check is transferred in to your current bank account with in few hours, your earning must be at least $1000 per month, you must be citizen of USA. It is very important thing while availing payday loan. If you have all eligibility criteria, you can avail payday loan a
nd the next day you will see that the cash is in your current bank account within 24 hours. A payday loan is a short term and unsecured loan in a nature so the rate of interest is bit higher in comparison of other loan.
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Europe Revisited, Reinterpreted
A Ruby in Her Navel is yet another superb historical novel by Barry Unsworth. By his phenomenal standards, this book might at first appear somewhat one-paced, even one-dimensional, with its action set firmly in the place and time of its main character, Thurston Beauchamp, a young man in the service of King Roger of Sicily in the twelfth century. But if A Ruby in Her Navel might lack the immediacy and complexity of Stone Virgin, it approaches the beautifully portrayed picture of medieval life presented in Morality Play. Indeed, a group of travelling players also features in this novel, as in Morality Play, but this time it's a troupe of belly dancers from Anatolia, on tour in southern Italy. The ruby and navel of the title both belong to Nasrin, the youngest, most beautiful and most provocative member of the group. But having written that they were touring Italy, a country name that in our eyes is merely mundane and perhaps innocuous, I am reminded of one of the most enduring
features of Barry Unsworth's book, which is its ability to re-draw one's understanding of who we were.It was Alison Weir who first did this for me, if you see what I mean. I read her biography of Eleanor of Aquitaine, the marriageable lady who became King Henry the Second of England's queen. Again, there's the name of a country... You see, at school we British school children learned a variety of history that filtered everything through a sieve of contemporary national requirements. I can remember being taught that during the medieval era, the English ruled most of France and largely held onto it until the Wars of the Roses (I was brought up in Yorkshire, another irrelevant aside). Possessions remained until Queen Mary finally gave up Calais with a cardiac etch. Alison Weir undid a school lifetime of history when she described the Angevin Empire, part of the pan-European expansion of the Franks. Based in Anjou, this empire comprised what we now call southern, western and nor
thern France, plus all of England and Wales, and other bits at times (though never Scotland, hence that nation's long-lasting alliance with the rival empire based on the Ile de France). When interpreted this way, it wasn't English kings that ruled France, or vice-versa. It was an empire with its own lingua franca, langue d'oc. The countries, and with them the geographical, ethnic and cultural assumptions upon which we falsely base our interpretation of the past, simply did not exist. Thus the paradigms upon which we base our understanding of English-ness or French-ness become both irrelevant and inapplicable. And thus the troupe of belly dancers in A Ruby in Her Navel weren't, therefore, in Italy. They were in the Kingdom of Sicily, a small but powerful and ambitious little Norman empire created out of the same Frankish expansion that spurned the enduring conquest of the Anglo-Saxons in 1066.In A Ruby in her Navel Barry Unsworth presents medieval Europe in a way that brings
the historical issues into focus and gives them life. Lands were conquered and their Muslim leaders deposed. But the new rulers had to politic their way to continued incumbency, recognising the interests of land-hungry knights, only temporarily defeated Muslim predecessors with friends nearby, Jewish merchants who did pragmatic business with anyone and everyone. And even within these groups there were divisions. Amongst the Christians there were two competing blocks, the Germanic Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine remnants of Imperial Rome. And then there was the Pope with his own empire, interests and ability to raise an army. And then there were those who aspired to power from within and sought to depose a rival in their own house. The Crusades that primary school history presents has having something to do with religion thus become mere wars of conquest for booty.In A Ruby in Her Navel Barry Unsworth thus gives immediate, tangible life to the feudalism of the time. We r
eally do understand the politics, the interests, the motivations of the era. But we are led to it by our experience of the characters' lives, not via instruction or polemic. And the message is more powerful for Thurston Beauchamp, because he aspires to the knighthood his father relinquished in favour of monasticism. Thurston is currently King Roger's entertainments manager and has to travel to Italy (I am doing it again!) to buy herons, caged prey for the King's peregrines. He does his deal, but meets the troupe of dancers and the resulting stirrings of the spirit provoke him to ship them back home to do the same for his master. He falls in love with Nasrin, one of the group. Meanwhile Alicia, Thurston's childhood sweetheart, suddenly reappears in his life. They were at school together until she was whisked away at a marriageable fourteen to be conjoined to a knight with a big sword and real estate in the Middle East, the Norman Outremer. Alicia's husband, it seems, has now
snuffed it, and again Thurston's spirits rise when he realises that she is again available, again an unaccompanied, unclaimed, newly-vacated vessel.The belly dancers go down well at home, of course, and so Thurston's star is in the ascendant. He gets a new mission, commissioned by he knows not who and which causes accounting difficulties for the Muslim "head of civil service" to whom he reports.By now you have probably guessed that there is a plot. And it's a vast one, involving insiders, outsiders, a pope or two, Muslims, Germans, Jews, Byzantines and all the other interests competing their share of or their consolidation of feudal power. This really is top-down government, but the trick, once power is achieved, clearly is just to hold on. And sometimes you consolidate your home base by having a fiddle or two on foreign soil, a political strategy not unknown in our own times.Our Thurston analyses the plot, works it all out and then acts to influence the outcome. Along the w
ay he grapples with his rising dilemma in relation to Nasrin and Alicia, and thus his life is eventually transformed. As in all ages, he follows his heart (by which, of course, I mean his brain). A Ruby in Her Navel thus reveals that, as ever with Barry Unsworth, it is a multi-layered, complex, surprising and yet deeply human tale.
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features of Barry Unsworth's book, which is its ability to re-draw one's understanding of who we were.It was Alison Weir who first did this for me, if you see what I mean. I read her biography of Eleanor of Aquitaine, the marriageable lady who became King Henry the Second of England's queen. Again, there's the name of a country... You see, at school we British school children learned a variety of history that filtered everything through a sieve of contemporary national requirements. I can remember being taught that during the medieval era, the English ruled most of France and largely held onto it until the Wars of the Roses (I was brought up in Yorkshire, another irrelevant aside). Possessions remained until Queen Mary finally gave up Calais with a cardiac etch. Alison Weir undid a school lifetime of history when she described the Angevin Empire, part of the pan-European expansion of the Franks. Based in Anjou, this empire comprised what we now call southern, western and nor
thern France, plus all of England and Wales, and other bits at times (though never Scotland, hence that nation's long-lasting alliance with the rival empire based on the Ile de France). When interpreted this way, it wasn't English kings that ruled France, or vice-versa. It was an empire with its own lingua franca, langue d'oc. The countries, and with them the geographical, ethnic and cultural assumptions upon which we falsely base our interpretation of the past, simply did not exist. Thus the paradigms upon which we base our understanding of English-ness or French-ness become both irrelevant and inapplicable. And thus the troupe of belly dancers in A Ruby in Her Navel weren't, therefore, in Italy. They were in the Kingdom of Sicily, a small but powerful and ambitious little Norman empire created out of the same Frankish expansion that spurned the enduring conquest of the Anglo-Saxons in 1066.In A Ruby in her Navel Barry Unsworth presents medieval Europe in a way that brings
the historical issues into focus and gives them life. Lands were conquered and their Muslim leaders deposed. But the new rulers had to politic their way to continued incumbency, recognising the interests of land-hungry knights, only temporarily defeated Muslim predecessors with friends nearby, Jewish merchants who did pragmatic business with anyone and everyone. And even within these groups there were divisions. Amongst the Christians there were two competing blocks, the Germanic Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine remnants of Imperial Rome. And then there was the Pope with his own empire, interests and ability to raise an army. And then there were those who aspired to power from within and sought to depose a rival in their own house. The Crusades that primary school history presents has having something to do with religion thus become mere wars of conquest for booty.In A Ruby in Her Navel Barry Unsworth thus gives immediate, tangible life to the feudalism of the time. We r
eally do understand the politics, the interests, the motivations of the era. But we are led to it by our experience of the characters' lives, not via instruction or polemic. And the message is more powerful for Thurston Beauchamp, because he aspires to the knighthood his father relinquished in favour of monasticism. Thurston is currently King Roger's entertainments manager and has to travel to Italy (I am doing it again!) to buy herons, caged prey for the King's peregrines. He does his deal, but meets the troupe of dancers and the resulting stirrings of the spirit provoke him to ship them back home to do the same for his master. He falls in love with Nasrin, one of the group. Meanwhile Alicia, Thurston's childhood sweetheart, suddenly reappears in his life. They were at school together until she was whisked away at a marriageable fourteen to be conjoined to a knight with a big sword and real estate in the Middle East, the Norman Outremer. Alicia's husband, it seems, has now
snuffed it, and again Thurston's spirits rise when he realises that she is again available, again an unaccompanied, unclaimed, newly-vacated vessel.The belly dancers go down well at home, of course, and so Thurston's star is in the ascendant. He gets a new mission, commissioned by he knows not who and which causes accounting difficulties for the Muslim "head of civil service" to whom he reports.By now you have probably guessed that there is a plot. And it's a vast one, involving insiders, outsiders, a pope or two, Muslims, Germans, Jews, Byzantines and all the other interests competing their share of or their consolidation of feudal power. This really is top-down government, but the trick, once power is achieved, clearly is just to hold on. And sometimes you consolidate your home base by having a fiddle or two on foreign soil, a political strategy not unknown in our own times.Our Thurston analyses the plot, works it all out and then acts to influence the outcome. Along the w
ay he grapples with his rising dilemma in relation to Nasrin and Alicia, and thus his life is eventually transformed. As in all ages, he follows his heart (by which, of course, I mean his brain). A Ruby in Her Navel thus reveals that, as ever with Barry Unsworth, it is a multi-layered, complex, surprising and yet deeply human tale.
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Friday, June 28, 2013
Book Review - Illicit Blade of Grass by John Reyer Afamasaga
John Reyer Afamasaga is nothing if not an original writer. His novella "Illicit Blade of Grass" is but a small example of the magnanimous scope of his projected works of Emotional-Techno Fiction. Afamasaga has written three works to date-"Illicit Blade of Grass," "Wipe," and "John Lazoo"-and he proposes to write a total of ten books in his Emotional-Techno Fiction series. Due to the intertextuality of his works, where characters not only appear in multiple works, but often are the authors or proposed creators of other works, it is difficult to determine whether "Illicit Blade of Grass" is the first book of this series, but as a novella of just seventy-three pages, it is a good launching point for the potential reader of Afamasaga's cyclical and pseudo-epical stories.Because of the novels' inter-textuality, it is difficult to give a plot description solely for "Illicit Blade of Grass." The book has a definite plot, but readers of Afamasaga's other novels will find that it weav
es in and out with those other works. Basically, the story centers on Metofeaz, a writer, and Rozelle, a ghost haunting the French villa where he stays. Rozelle Zofen was a singer who waited in vain all her life for a poet she heard recite the poem "Illicit Blade of Grass" during a party at the villa sometime around World War II. Metofeaz meets the Tourist, who needs a place to stay, and he allows her to live at the villa with him. When Metofeaz returns to the United States, the Tourist remains at the villa, making it her home and taking on Rozelle's identity until they are one and the same. Later, the Tourist follows Metofeaz to New York. Metofeaz is by then an author, specifically, the author of "John Lazoo" (another book in this series-hence, the inter-textuality). Metofeaz is now determined to make the most of his literary fame, which leads to additional complications.The plot has more twists and turns and several other characters, but this summary is enough for the read
er to get the gist of the story as he or she reads it. Afamasaga is determined to make his reader pay attention, both from lack of descriptive details to smooth over scene shifts, and by the confusion between the characters and the authors of the various books. Afamasaga writes himself into the book so that the reader wonders whether Afamasaga is himself real or fictional, or to what extent he is taking on a fictional persona when he is interacting in the novel with his fictional creations. He has achieved splendidly his goal to blur the line between reality and fiction.I strain for words to define Afamasaga's writing style. It is polished and clever, and while at first elusively appearing pasted together by an amateur, it is a professional weaving together of characters, fiction and reality. The style is minimalist-lacking in extensive description so that the reader must pay attention to the author's quick pace. The book's genre is difficult to define-Afamasaga himself, in
a recent interview, remarked that he believes his books will be classified as fantasy, but he called his craft Emotional-Techno Fiction (etfiction). The author wants his reader's experience to be that of falling in love and experiencing "the range of feelings one has when they fall in love" (see Afamasaga's interview with Superior Book Promotions). The patterns of techno music and the influence of technology upon our lives have also influenced his work.Perhaps, these novels are fantasy or Emotional-Techno Fiction, but they are closely aligned with the modern and postmodern movements. I am reminded of the clever games of James Joyce, the tone of Andre Gide in "The Counterfeiters," and Nabokov's blending of fiction and reality in "Pale Fire." And strangely enough, this intensely modern novella also calls to mind Homer and his epics and the poet of "Beowulf." The inter-textuality between Afamasaga's novels makes the reader feel he is only reading fragments of an otherwise lost
masterpiece. "Illicit Blade of Grass" is only a fragment of a larger work, most of which is still in the author's brain, waiting to be discovered, to be dug out and put onto paper for readers. Unlock the lost lines of "Beowulf," we have hope that the rest of the Afamasaga opus will be transcribed and preserved. In total, Afamasaga intends to write ten novels in this interconnected series. I advise the reader to visit his website and look at both the Timeline section where he gives an overview of the historical events in his characters' lives, and the Development section that describes the future novels and where they fit into this amalgamation of character relationships.John Reyer Afamasaga himself is as much a mystery as his books, for he has purposely blended himself into the fiction of his works. He lives in Australia. What little more can be known of him-if anything-one must try to piece together from his novels. He is like the "mute inglorious Milton" the Homer we can
only know through his writings. In short, the author is much like his characters in his inability to be defined by fiction or reality, like his fictional alter-ego Metofeaz, whose writing is described thus in "Illicit Blade of Grass":His characters push open the lids of their coffins and push up the dirt that covers their doorways, not withstanding time's rules and skin's aging. Their voices race, and then they raise doubts about the here and now; are they there and then? Or, are they everywhere?To explore the fictional puzzling world of John Reyer Afamasaga, you need only visit his website and download for free "Illicit Blade of Grass." Visit now before the secret of Afamasaga's novels becomes material reality and his books come with a price.- Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D. and author of "The Marquette Trilogy."
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es in and out with those other works. Basically, the story centers on Metofeaz, a writer, and Rozelle, a ghost haunting the French villa where he stays. Rozelle Zofen was a singer who waited in vain all her life for a poet she heard recite the poem "Illicit Blade of Grass" during a party at the villa sometime around World War II. Metofeaz meets the Tourist, who needs a place to stay, and he allows her to live at the villa with him. When Metofeaz returns to the United States, the Tourist remains at the villa, making it her home and taking on Rozelle's identity until they are one and the same. Later, the Tourist follows Metofeaz to New York. Metofeaz is by then an author, specifically, the author of "John Lazoo" (another book in this series-hence, the inter-textuality). Metofeaz is now determined to make the most of his literary fame, which leads to additional complications.The plot has more twists and turns and several other characters, but this summary is enough for the read
er to get the gist of the story as he or she reads it. Afamasaga is determined to make his reader pay attention, both from lack of descriptive details to smooth over scene shifts, and by the confusion between the characters and the authors of the various books. Afamasaga writes himself into the book so that the reader wonders whether Afamasaga is himself real or fictional, or to what extent he is taking on a fictional persona when he is interacting in the novel with his fictional creations. He has achieved splendidly his goal to blur the line between reality and fiction.I strain for words to define Afamasaga's writing style. It is polished and clever, and while at first elusively appearing pasted together by an amateur, it is a professional weaving together of characters, fiction and reality. The style is minimalist-lacking in extensive description so that the reader must pay attention to the author's quick pace. The book's genre is difficult to define-Afamasaga himself, in
a recent interview, remarked that he believes his books will be classified as fantasy, but he called his craft Emotional-Techno Fiction (etfiction). The author wants his reader's experience to be that of falling in love and experiencing "the range of feelings one has when they fall in love" (see Afamasaga's interview with Superior Book Promotions). The patterns of techno music and the influence of technology upon our lives have also influenced his work.Perhaps, these novels are fantasy or Emotional-Techno Fiction, but they are closely aligned with the modern and postmodern movements. I am reminded of the clever games of James Joyce, the tone of Andre Gide in "The Counterfeiters," and Nabokov's blending of fiction and reality in "Pale Fire." And strangely enough, this intensely modern novella also calls to mind Homer and his epics and the poet of "Beowulf." The inter-textuality between Afamasaga's novels makes the reader feel he is only reading fragments of an otherwise lost
masterpiece. "Illicit Blade of Grass" is only a fragment of a larger work, most of which is still in the author's brain, waiting to be discovered, to be dug out and put onto paper for readers. Unlock the lost lines of "Beowulf," we have hope that the rest of the Afamasaga opus will be transcribed and preserved. In total, Afamasaga intends to write ten novels in this interconnected series. I advise the reader to visit his website and look at both the Timeline section where he gives an overview of the historical events in his characters' lives, and the Development section that describes the future novels and where they fit into this amalgamation of character relationships.John Reyer Afamasaga himself is as much a mystery as his books, for he has purposely blended himself into the fiction of his works. He lives in Australia. What little more can be known of him-if anything-one must try to piece together from his novels. He is like the "mute inglorious Milton" the Homer we can
only know through his writings. In short, the author is much like his characters in his inability to be defined by fiction or reality, like his fictional alter-ego Metofeaz, whose writing is described thus in "Illicit Blade of Grass":His characters push open the lids of their coffins and push up the dirt that covers their doorways, not withstanding time's rules and skin's aging. Their voices race, and then they raise doubts about the here and now; are they there and then? Or, are they everywhere?To explore the fictional puzzling world of John Reyer Afamasaga, you need only visit his website and download for free "Illicit Blade of Grass." Visit now before the secret of Afamasaga's novels becomes material reality and his books come with a price.- Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D. and author of "The Marquette Trilogy."
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Internet Fax vs Fax Software
Internet fax service is an online service which allows you to send and receive faxes as email attachment via the internet. On the other hand, fax software requires a PC, a fax modem and a phone line to work. Both internet fax service and fax software have some advantages over the use of fax machine. Back then when internet access was not so popular, fax software was a useful tool to send and receive faxes using a PC. But nowadays, many home users, small businesses and large corporations are switching to internet fax service because it is not only more convenient and economical to use, it also looks professional to the customers.Both internet fax service and fax software are easy to use and set up; and they do not require the investment of a fax machine. Faxes are sent, received and stored in your PC. There is no need for machine maintenance, no paper jam problem, no misplaced fax documents, and the paper and cartridge cost can also be reduced.The main advantage of internet fa
x service over traditional fax software is its convenience and mobility. Internet fax service allows you to send and receive faxes from anywhere with internet access, even in your handheld device. You do not need to leave your fax modem and PC on in order to receive faxes. There is no need for an additional phone line. You will not get a busy signal and you will never miss a fax.Another advantage of internet fax service is that it helps your company image by providing professional service to your customers. Unlike fax software and fax modem, which is often used by homes and small businesses, internet fax service is good for businesses of all sizes. You can get a free fax number or a toll free number at very low cost in more than 2000 cities around the world. Your clients can fax you for free and you are either charged with a very low rate or at no extra cost at all. Some internet fax companies even allow you to send faxes to global destinations for free. This versatility is
extremely useful for small to medium or even large corporations. Even when your office is located in the U.S., you can set up a toll free or local number in Tokyo and your Japanese clients can fax you for free. The faxes are then routed to your email address. Similarly, you can also send them faxes as email attachments by simply typing their fax number in the TO: line of an email message.Price and package are the prime concerns when shopping for internet fax service. Do the companies provide free local fax number? How much does a toll free number cost? How many pages of free incoming and outgoing faxes are included in the monthly fee? Do they provide free wireless access? Do they have enough coverage and provide a local fax number in your area of interest? What about the reputation of the companies? Do they provide free trial?In summary, internet fax service is a useful tool for homes and businesses of all sizes. If you would like to have the convenience of sending and recei
ving faxes anytime anywhere, consider the internet fax service. You will see how internet fax works much better than fax software or a fax machine.
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x service over traditional fax software is its convenience and mobility. Internet fax service allows you to send and receive faxes from anywhere with internet access, even in your handheld device. You do not need to leave your fax modem and PC on in order to receive faxes. There is no need for an additional phone line. You will not get a busy signal and you will never miss a fax.Another advantage of internet fax service is that it helps your company image by providing professional service to your customers. Unlike fax software and fax modem, which is often used by homes and small businesses, internet fax service is good for businesses of all sizes. You can get a free fax number or a toll free number at very low cost in more than 2000 cities around the world. Your clients can fax you for free and you are either charged with a very low rate or at no extra cost at all. Some internet fax companies even allow you to send faxes to global destinations for free. This versatility is
extremely useful for small to medium or even large corporations. Even when your office is located in the U.S., you can set up a toll free or local number in Tokyo and your Japanese clients can fax you for free. The faxes are then routed to your email address. Similarly, you can also send them faxes as email attachments by simply typing their fax number in the TO: line of an email message.Price and package are the prime concerns when shopping for internet fax service. Do the companies provide free local fax number? How much does a toll free number cost? How many pages of free incoming and outgoing faxes are included in the monthly fee? Do they provide free wireless access? Do they have enough coverage and provide a local fax number in your area of interest? What about the reputation of the companies? Do they provide free trial?In summary, internet fax service is a useful tool for homes and businesses of all sizes. If you would like to have the convenience of sending and recei
ving faxes anytime anywhere, consider the internet fax service. You will see how internet fax works much better than fax software or a fax machine.
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The Approach of Today's Text Books
As some of you may already know, the fact is that today's text books are rather irresponsible in their approach to teaching students. Obviously this is my personal approach to the topic, but let's be honest, have you seen how many "for goofs" books there are out today? Literally any topic all the way from losing weight to neuroscience is covered by these types of books. Now you may be wondering, "What is so bad about these types of books?" - and the answer is not that simple.Firstly, let's think about it. There are no "difficult" subjects pertaining any type of science. The problem however is, that it might be difficult to learn and study them. That is the difficult part - not understanding the topics. Thus, we might have a rather simple but truthful conclusion that "for goofs" books are for people that either do not have the time to learn something properly, or that they are just genuinely lazy. You decide which one is more viable.Another thing is, that apart from the alread
y established fact that people are reading these types of books, is the fact that the book writers oversimplify the text books as well. Thus, we can also conclude the fact that they have the approach that the reader is a rather unintelligent person. I mean, why would anyone want to write a super simple book? I am sure not for a person that has some intelligence! And obviously, this is a very bad signal for us.Generally speaking, in my opinion, things that are difficult should be written as scientifically logically as it is possible - and not as "simple" as possible and with the approach in the regards that the reader is an imbecile. Through doing this, we make the people unsure of their values and of their knowledge - thus, we actually get the opposite effect that some intended in obtaining. Think about it: Is it not better to actually learn something really difficult and then be proud of yourself of achieving a difficult task? Rather than "learning" something simple, and th
en still be in the mental state as you have not achieved anything extraordinary. Decide for yourself, but give it a deeper thought.
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y established fact that people are reading these types of books, is the fact that the book writers oversimplify the text books as well. Thus, we can also conclude the fact that they have the approach that the reader is a rather unintelligent person. I mean, why would anyone want to write a super simple book? I am sure not for a person that has some intelligence! And obviously, this is a very bad signal for us.Generally speaking, in my opinion, things that are difficult should be written as scientifically logically as it is possible - and not as "simple" as possible and with the approach in the regards that the reader is an imbecile. Through doing this, we make the people unsure of their values and of their knowledge - thus, we actually get the opposite effect that some intended in obtaining. Think about it: Is it not better to actually learn something really difficult and then be proud of yourself of achieving a difficult task? Rather than "learning" something simple, and th
en still be in the mental state as you have not achieved anything extraordinary. Decide for yourself, but give it a deeper thought.
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Negative Behavior in Corporate America - A Book Review
Negativity is everywhere in the workforce, especially as we emerge from this latest global economic financial meltdown and recession. Of course, too much negativity in the work place can cause inefficiencies, loss of productivity, and a downward spiraling with regards to profits. If this is something that concerns you, as much as it concerns me as a shareholder of many large corporations, then I'd like to recommend a very good book to you. This is a book that I actually own, and the name of the book is;"Corporate Negaholic - How to Deal Successfully with Negative Colleagues, Managers, and Corporations" by Cherie Carter Scott, 1991.The author suggests that "negaholics" are like a cancer in corporations and that they can become a pandemic if they are not stopped. Much of this is part of the "blame game" that goes on due to corporate ladder climbing. The book talks about how to spot problem people, and problem departments within business units. That explains how to deal with the
issues prior to them getting out of control. It also explains how to manage negative employees and how too much ladder climbing competition from folks on the same team can cause issues.The author also explains what to do when one large Corporation merges with another large Corporation which has negative employees, who are not happy with the merger, and are literally out to sabotage the company. The author also expresses 10 characteristics and signs of a dysfunctional Corporation. And lastly, how to know if you are a negative person and part of the problem; and if so how to change yourself, help your career, your colleagues, and your company succeed in the marketplace.This is a great book, and I've enjoyed reading it very much. Perhaps, you will please consider this and add it to your business library as well. Think on it.
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issues prior to them getting out of control. It also explains how to manage negative employees and how too much ladder climbing competition from folks on the same team can cause issues.The author also explains what to do when one large Corporation merges with another large Corporation which has negative employees, who are not happy with the merger, and are literally out to sabotage the company. The author also expresses 10 characteristics and signs of a dysfunctional Corporation. And lastly, how to know if you are a negative person and part of the problem; and if so how to change yourself, help your career, your colleagues, and your company succeed in the marketplace.This is a great book, and I've enjoyed reading it very much. Perhaps, you will please consider this and add it to your business library as well. Think on it.
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Managed print services tips – additional problem solving
For companies outsourcing managed print services, one of the primary services utilised is printer problem troubleshooting. Printers often develop problems, and MPS companies will be able to identify problems and fix them, as well as maintain the printers to ensure that problems are prevented where necessary. In addition to printers however, certain other machines are also included in the MPS service umbrella, all of which use paper and print resources.
The following machines are all prone to their own issues – including the most common problems listed below:
Fax problems
The most common fax problems occur while sending and/or receiving faxes. You can start resolving these fax issues by checking the telephone cord that connects the machine – try plugging a telephone into this line to see if there is a dial tone; if there is no dial tone then it is most likely a line issue. Other issues include malfunctioning wall jacks, which act as a junction in the fax line system – your managed print services company will be able to check this, and arrange for it to be fixed or replaced if needs be. Broken or worn lamps in the fax machine can also cause problems with sending and receiving of faxes. Yet another common problem is paper jams inside the fax machine. This could be within the document feed compartment, or the printing compartment, and causes paper to jam inside the machine. Try gently pulling the paper in the direction that it moves, while the fax machine is running. If this still persists, you know it's time to call in the MPS. The last type
of problems you may have is printed pages marked with streaks or ink spots – this could be caused by leaking toner or ink – check the ink cartridges in the machine to see that they are placed correctly, and replace if the problem still persists.
Phone problems
Another area covered by managed print services is phone problems. Switchboards and PBX systems especially can be prone to problems, with calls not going through, print outs not working properly and many other issues being reported. MPS companies are able to audit phone systems to help companies track all calls made within certain departments, and a fault PBX can cause many delays or issues. If you experience any problems with your phone system that is not connected to your phone line, contact your MPS company to have them investigate the system.
Copier problems
Whether you have an old Canon copier, or a new all in one fax-printer-copier machine, the copier also plays a key role in managed print services solutions. The most common type of issues with copiers is problems with the paper feed, with jams, paper level not being read correctly, paper double-feeding into the machine and other related issues all common. Ink levels can also be affected, causing ghost copying or very faint copies – or even too dark copies. Copiers can also sometimes produce all white or all black pages, an issue that is sometimes caused by the toner levels. A good MPS will be able to identify the problem, and troubleshoot to get the copier back up and running in no times. Copier management and auditing is just one of many services offered by managed print services companies.
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The following machines are all prone to their own issues – including the most common problems listed below:
Fax problems
The most common fax problems occur while sending and/or receiving faxes. You can start resolving these fax issues by checking the telephone cord that connects the machine – try plugging a telephone into this line to see if there is a dial tone; if there is no dial tone then it is most likely a line issue. Other issues include malfunctioning wall jacks, which act as a junction in the fax line system – your managed print services company will be able to check this, and arrange for it to be fixed or replaced if needs be. Broken or worn lamps in the fax machine can also cause problems with sending and receiving of faxes. Yet another common problem is paper jams inside the fax machine. This could be within the document feed compartment, or the printing compartment, and causes paper to jam inside the machine. Try gently pulling the paper in the direction that it moves, while the fax machine is running. If this still persists, you know it's time to call in the MPS. The last type
of problems you may have is printed pages marked with streaks or ink spots – this could be caused by leaking toner or ink – check the ink cartridges in the machine to see that they are placed correctly, and replace if the problem still persists.
Phone problems
Another area covered by managed print services is phone problems. Switchboards and PBX systems especially can be prone to problems, with calls not going through, print outs not working properly and many other issues being reported. MPS companies are able to audit phone systems to help companies track all calls made within certain departments, and a fault PBX can cause many delays or issues. If you experience any problems with your phone system that is not connected to your phone line, contact your MPS company to have them investigate the system.
Copier problems
Whether you have an old Canon copier, or a new all in one fax-printer-copier machine, the copier also plays a key role in managed print services solutions. The most common type of issues with copiers is problems with the paper feed, with jams, paper level not being read correctly, paper double-feeding into the machine and other related issues all common. Ink levels can also be affected, causing ghost copying or very faint copies – or even too dark copies. Copiers can also sometimes produce all white or all black pages, an issue that is sometimes caused by the toner levels. A good MPS will be able to identify the problem, and troubleshoot to get the copier back up and running in no times. Copier management and auditing is just one of many services offered by managed print services companies.
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Best Selling Author Tami Hoag - Author Biographies
Tami Hoag was born Tami Mikkelson on January 20, 1959 and spent her adolescence in a small town of about a 1,000 people and no stoplights, in southeastern Minnesota. Her father was an insurance agent. She graduated high school and married her high school sweetheart, Daniel Hoag. She wanted to go to college, but it never happened.Tami Hoag began her career writing romantic comedy and became on of the "Divas", along with Eileen Dreyer, Elizabeth Grayson and Kimberly Cates. Tami says, "No matter what may change in our careers or in our personal lives, the Divas remain a constant source of support for each other." Tami often acknowledges them in her books.Later Tami started writing suspense. Tami says that she likes the complexity of characters and being able to explore the darker side of human minds. She said there was a gradual progression. She would put small amounts of suspense in her romance books. Then she went into more complex, deeper stories.After 20 romance novels Tami
had five best selling suspense novels. In fact those five novels appeared on the New York Times Best Sellers List in 20 months!Tami says she has a vast reference library, books and videos, on law enforcement and procedures. She says she prefers hands on research such as interviewing people and absorbing their job cultures and attitudes.Tami says that she has a lot of varying interests. She loves psychology, law, music and interior design. She says, "...which makes being a writer the perfect job because I get to take a turn being anything I want via a character."Tami and her husband make their home on a 70 acre horse farm in Charlottesville, Virginia. They own several horses and a variety of pets. They also have a home in Los Angeles, California. Tami says her husband, after working 17 years as a computer programmer, now works for her taking care of the business stuff. They have no children.In an interview for Expanded Books, Megan Hinder says of Tami Hoag's psychological th
rillers, "Her books captivate readers with crisp writing, fascinating characters and lightening paced action. They keep readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end."Bibliography:Series:HennessyThe Trouble with J.J. (1988)Magic (1990)Quaid HorsesRumor Has It (1988)Man of Her Dreams (1989)Tempestuous (1990)Rainbow ChasersHeart of Gold (1990)Keeping Company (1990)Reilly's Return (1990)DoucettThe Restless Heart (1991)Lucky's Lady (1992)Cry Wolf (1993)Deer Lake Night Sins (1995)Guilty as Sin (1996)Kovac/LiskaAshes to Ashes (1999)Dust to Dust (2000)Prior Bad Acts (2006)Elena Estes Dark Horse (2002)The Alibi Man (2007)Stand Alone Novels:McKnight in Shining Armor (1988)Mismatch (1989)Straight from the Heart (1989)Sarah's Sin (1991)Heart of Dixie (1991)Still Waters (1992)Taken by Storm (1992)The Last White Knight (1992)Dark Paradise (1994)A Thin Dark Line (1997)Kill the Messenger (2004)Deeper Than Dead (2009)
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had five best selling suspense novels. In fact those five novels appeared on the New York Times Best Sellers List in 20 months!Tami says she has a vast reference library, books and videos, on law enforcement and procedures. She says she prefers hands on research such as interviewing people and absorbing their job cultures and attitudes.Tami says that she has a lot of varying interests. She loves psychology, law, music and interior design. She says, "...which makes being a writer the perfect job because I get to take a turn being anything I want via a character."Tami and her husband make their home on a 70 acre horse farm in Charlottesville, Virginia. They own several horses and a variety of pets. They also have a home in Los Angeles, California. Tami says her husband, after working 17 years as a computer programmer, now works for her taking care of the business stuff. They have no children.In an interview for Expanded Books, Megan Hinder says of Tami Hoag's psychological th
rillers, "Her books captivate readers with crisp writing, fascinating characters and lightening paced action. They keep readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end."Bibliography:Series:HennessyThe Trouble with J.J. (1988)Magic (1990)Quaid HorsesRumor Has It (1988)Man of Her Dreams (1989)Tempestuous (1990)Rainbow ChasersHeart of Gold (1990)Keeping Company (1990)Reilly's Return (1990)DoucettThe Restless Heart (1991)Lucky's Lady (1992)Cry Wolf (1993)Deer Lake Night Sins (1995)Guilty as Sin (1996)Kovac/LiskaAshes to Ashes (1999)Dust to Dust (2000)Prior Bad Acts (2006)Elena Estes Dark Horse (2002)The Alibi Man (2007)Stand Alone Novels:McKnight in Shining Armor (1988)Mismatch (1989)Straight from the Heart (1989)Sarah's Sin (1991)Heart of Dixie (1991)Still Waters (1992)Taken by Storm (1992)The Last White Knight (1992)Dark Paradise (1994)A Thin Dark Line (1997)Kill the Messenger (2004)Deeper Than Dead (2009)
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