A key component of maintaining a high-performance culture and a focus on the organization's destination points is to provide ongoing, effective feedback. In The One Minute Manager, feedback was described as conversations to either "praise or reprimand."Formal feedback consisted of an annual meeting to receive notice of a salary increase or perhaps a 1-5 rating in several categories. Most people filled in the blanks by noting the size of their salary increase relative to what they expected and through non-verbal cues.While most aspects of the working world have changed during the past 25 years, the process of providing feedback has seen little improvement despite the fact that today's employees crave it more than ever. One of the current challenges is to try to individualize feedback to the four generations present in the workforce: Traditionalists (born before 1945); Baby Boomers (1946-1964); Generation Xers (1962-1980); and Millennials (1981-2000).While Traditionalists are t
ypically looking for public recognition of individual and team accomplishments, Generation Xers may be more focused on how they can be constantly learning and contributing to the company's success. Baby Boomers like public recognition from their superiors as well as from their peers.For Millennials, feedback is "just a way of being" as they give and receive it constantly via social networking and they desire it the most frequently from their bosses. While feedback may be tailored to generational needs, some aspects of effective feedback remain constant.Feedback essentially presents information with the goal of either modifying behavior which is unacceptable, or maintaining behavior which is exceptional, in the future. Green defines it as "help[ing] an individual or group learn from any recent experience (positive or negative) for the purpose of improving performance and building capabilities."She reminds readers that feedback comes in many forms besides an annual review: it
can include surveys, emails, brief conversations, break room discussion, or even self-talk. What is perhaps most important to note is that if managers fail to consistently offer structured feedback, employees typically seek "data" about their performance elsewhere by focusing on things such as if they received a hello or not.Once an employee decides that unfriendly behavior is indicative of their poor performance, data that suggests otherwise is often ignored and poor performance can become self-fulfilling. Effective feedback relies on both trust in who is dispensing it and on its business relevance.If feedback is data-based and ties behavior back to the strategic framework (mission, guiding principles, destination points, etc.), then it is clear to employees that the feedback is intended to be helpful and improve their performance. This is why it is so crucial to define and model excellence up front. One of the most common mistakes of managers is to evaluate their employees
based on "secret criteria."If the standard has not been clearly defined and employees do not know how they are being measured, a manager cannot give consequences fairly. Secondly, if employees note that a manager is not holding himself to the same standard, they will not receive critique positively.Employees note when managers are distracted during meetings, frequently arrive late, or continually postpone performance reviews; managers need to ensure they do not send signals that imply a double standard.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/maintaining-alignment-through-feedback.html
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
The Call to Shakabaz
The call to Shakabaz - by Amy Wachspress - is a youth or "tween" fantasy adventure tale involving four unsuspecting youth (aging 10-14) and a family secret. Written with humor and tasteful exploration into alternative lifestyles and different colors of skin. Amy is well educated in English, Literature and Drama. Her aim with this book was to introduce acceptance of multi-cultural children. She wanted to inspire the idea of finding peaceful solutions to conflict. African-American children in particular will enjoy seeing themselves reflected as heroes in this tale.The "cycle of the four" has begun and the magical amulets must be passed down to the next generation of saviors. Unfortunately, they must all be innocent of their "legacy". Aided by many friends along the way, including Ginger, Jasper, Jack - the intuit, and a talking parrot named Bayard, the "four" - Maia, Sonja, Denzel and Doshmisi - experience many new things. Some of these adventures include riding vegan, white ti
gers that are tame and guardians for their riders and meeting people of all colors of the rainbow and a wide variety of lifestyles, diets and customs; i.e. tribes who eat no meat and people with blue skin. Talking whales, underground sprites, ancient trees that communicate in their own way and other interesting adventures await every turn of the page.Their quest to bring down Sissrath, an evil ruler in the land of Faracadar, quickly turns into vengeance. Sibling jealousy and pride are combined with discovery of individual talents and personal growth. Their success relies upon their success in locating a powerful woman named Clover; and when they do, they are in for a big surprise.Original story line that includes enough cross-cultural issues, individual value, acceptance and support of varying artist and musicians, development sustainable energy sources, and ecosystem preservation to please environmentalists and conscious parents.Currently, (May 02,2007) this book is selling
well at online stores. Published by Woza Books this paperback is 272 pages long and retails for around $15.50. I am impressed that The Call To Shakabaz is printed on 100% recycled paper - a percentage of recycled content that very few publishers have reached. With the simple map and table of contents in the beginning pages, readers will find the book an enjoyable and unique literary ride.ISBN 10: 9780978835026Publisher: Woza Books
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-call-to-shakabaz.html
gers that are tame and guardians for their riders and meeting people of all colors of the rainbow and a wide variety of lifestyles, diets and customs; i.e. tribes who eat no meat and people with blue skin. Talking whales, underground sprites, ancient trees that communicate in their own way and other interesting adventures await every turn of the page.Their quest to bring down Sissrath, an evil ruler in the land of Faracadar, quickly turns into vengeance. Sibling jealousy and pride are combined with discovery of individual talents and personal growth. Their success relies upon their success in locating a powerful woman named Clover; and when they do, they are in for a big surprise.Original story line that includes enough cross-cultural issues, individual value, acceptance and support of varying artist and musicians, development sustainable energy sources, and ecosystem preservation to please environmentalists and conscious parents.Currently, (May 02,2007) this book is selling
well at online stores. Published by Woza Books this paperback is 272 pages long and retails for around $15.50. I am impressed that The Call To Shakabaz is printed on 100% recycled paper - a percentage of recycled content that very few publishers have reached. With the simple map and table of contents in the beginning pages, readers will find the book an enjoyable and unique literary ride.ISBN 10: 9780978835026Publisher: Woza Books
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-call-to-shakabaz.html
The Call to Shakabaz
The call to Shakabaz - by Amy Wachspress - is a youth or "tween" fantasy adventure tale involving four unsuspecting youth (aging 10-14) and a family secret. Written with humor and tasteful exploration into alternative lifestyles and different colors of skin. Amy is well educated in English, Literature and Drama. Her aim with this book was to introduce acceptance of multi-cultural children. She wanted to inspire the idea of finding peaceful solutions to conflict. African-American children in particular will enjoy seeing themselves reflected as heroes in this tale.The "cycle of the four" has begun and the magical amulets must be passed down to the next generation of saviors. Unfortunately, they must all be innocent of their "legacy". Aided by many friends along the way, including Ginger, Jasper, Jack - the intuit, and a talking parrot named Bayard, the "four" - Maia, Sonja, Denzel and Doshmisi - experience many new things. Some of these adventures include riding vegan, white ti
gers that are tame and guardians for their riders and meeting people of all colors of the rainbow and a wide variety of lifestyles, diets and customs; i.e. tribes who eat no meat and people with blue skin. Talking whales, underground sprites, ancient trees that communicate in their own way and other interesting adventures await every turn of the page.Their quest to bring down Sissrath, an evil ruler in the land of Faracadar, quickly turns into vengeance. Sibling jealousy and pride are combined with discovery of individual talents and personal growth. Their success relies upon their success in locating a powerful woman named Clover; and when they do, they are in for a big surprise.Original story line that includes enough cross-cultural issues, individual value, acceptance and support of varying artist and musicians, development sustainable energy sources, and ecosystem preservation to please environmentalists and conscious parents.Currently, (May 02,2007) this book is selling
well at online stores. Published by Woza Books this paperback is 272 pages long and retails for around $15.50. I am impressed that The Call To Shakabaz is printed on 100% recycled paper - a percentage of recycled content that very few publishers have reached. With the simple map and table of contents in the beginning pages, readers will find the book an enjoyable and unique literary ride.ISBN 10: 9780978835026Publisher: Woza Books
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-call-to-shakabaz.html
gers that are tame and guardians for their riders and meeting people of all colors of the rainbow and a wide variety of lifestyles, diets and customs; i.e. tribes who eat no meat and people with blue skin. Talking whales, underground sprites, ancient trees that communicate in their own way and other interesting adventures await every turn of the page.Their quest to bring down Sissrath, an evil ruler in the land of Faracadar, quickly turns into vengeance. Sibling jealousy and pride are combined with discovery of individual talents and personal growth. Their success relies upon their success in locating a powerful woman named Clover; and when they do, they are in for a big surprise.Original story line that includes enough cross-cultural issues, individual value, acceptance and support of varying artist and musicians, development sustainable energy sources, and ecosystem preservation to please environmentalists and conscious parents.Currently, (May 02,2007) this book is selling
well at online stores. Published by Woza Books this paperback is 272 pages long and retails for around $15.50. I am impressed that The Call To Shakabaz is printed on 100% recycled paper - a percentage of recycled content that very few publishers have reached. With the simple map and table of contents in the beginning pages, readers will find the book an enjoyable and unique literary ride.ISBN 10: 9780978835026Publisher: Woza Books
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-call-to-shakabaz.html
Big Girls Are Sexy Too
Cannie Shapiro is overweight and her size makes her feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. When she goes to the beach she covers the rolls with a sarong. Sounds familiar, we are conditioned to think that thin is beautiful and fat should be hidden.At the beginning of the book we hear that 28 year old Cannie is a journalist, writes a column about the famous for the Philadelphia Examiner. She had ended her 3 year relationship with writer Bruce Gruberman 3 months earlier by saying that she wanted a break. She is fine with that until she picks up a copy of Moxie, a popular women's magazine. There she reads an article by new columnist Bruce called Loving A Larger Woman.The first sentence of the article says: 'I'll never forget the day I found out my girlfriend weighed more than I did'. He goes on to let the readers know that he never thought of himself as a chubby chaser. Cruel you think until you read further and see that he understands that her hefty 5' 10" well covered body make
s her feel bad when really to him big is beautiful. He ends the article by saying:'Loving a larger woman is an act of courage in this world, and maybe it's even an act of futility. Because, in loving C., I knew I was loving someone who didn't believe that she herself was worthy of anyone's love. And now that it's over, I don't know where to direct my anger and sorrow. At a world that made her feel the way she did about her body - no, herself - and whether she was desirable. At C., for not being strong enough to overcome what the world told her. Or at myself, for not loving C. enough to make her believe in herself'.I included those sentences from the book because they struck a chord with me. Some people can live happily with being overweight but for many every extra pound means miserable self-consciousness and guilt trips - straight to the kitchen cupboard usually! The bigger you get the less desirable you feel and you start to believe that is the way that others perceive you
. I wondered if any of my partners had thought loving me an act of courage at the times in my life that I've been overweight.Cannie is very hurt that Bruce could discuss her size with the huge readership of the magazine. She knows that people who know her will read the article and realize that it's about her. Cannie cries her heart out, gets drunk and cries a lot more. She rings Bruce in anger but then ends up missing him and wishing that she hadn't ended the relationship.Her mother Ann calls round to Cannie's flat to offer her comfort and advice. Not welcome because she has a problem with her mother. Ann came out of the closet in her mid fifties and is living with Tanya who Cannie resents too much to give her a chance to get to know her properly. Cannie's father a plastic surgeon who was very critical of her, walked out on the family when she was twelve. He disappeared from her life leaving her with much insecurity about herself.Her only consolation is her little dog Nifkin
, named after a naughty part of the male anatomy. Nifkin had never really got on with Bruce - dogs know you know. Before the article Cannie and Nifkin were drifting along quite happily, but suddenly her life was in turmoil and her insecurities came to a fore. She tries to get her life back on track by deciding that she wants to get back with Bruce, pesters him with phone calls which he always ends and becomes increasingly distant. She blames her size on a lot of her misfortunes and decides to join a fat clinic where some humor is introduced.Good In Bed is described as 'wildly funny and surprisingly tender' on the front cover. I have to disagree with it being wildly funny. I found the book amusing in parts but never found myself laughing out loud. I grinned when I read about Cannie going to a New York hotel to interview film star Maxi. The interview was canceled by an over zealous agent who was afraid that Cannie would ask awkward questions that would expose the real Maxi to
her fans. She got her interview after a touching meeting in the ladies toilets and a drunken girlie night out where the over protected film star was allowed to be herself for once and not act like the image built up for her.Surprisingly tender, yes it is. The story is set over a year and each month a new article appears to hurt Cannie. She reads how Bruce misses her but then gets a blow-by-blow account of how he moves on. I found the book true to life in that I could identify with the emotional turmoil felt at the end of a long-term relationship. You end things for the right reasons and are jogging along quite happily with your life then a few weeks or months down the line something happens or you suddenly miss your ex partner and put yourself through the emotional grinder wondering if you made the right decision. Usually you have but sometimes you have a re-run just to make sure. Will Cannie? I'm not telling.I enjoyed reading Good In Bed but I found it an interesting read r
ather than compelling. I was able to put it down easily but always looked forward to reading a bit more the next night. Perfect for me when I am tired and just want to read a little to help me relax before going to sleep. There isn't tons of sex as the title and front cover might suggest, but that would have spoiled the book for me anyway. Instead of finding it wildly funny I found it an amusing, thoughtful read. It was well written enough for me to be able to visualize Cannie's world and understand her feelings and turmoil while she comes to terms with everything that is happening around her.The ending was unexpected but it wasn't one of those books where you are trying to figure out the outcome from word go. It is a story that takes you through a period of lots of big and unexpected changes in Cannie's life and you learn how she deals with them. Not always well but it's nice to read about somebody who isn't perfect - just like the rest of us.This is the second book that I'
ve read recently with an overweight heroine and what a refreshing change it is to read about characters who aren't the stereotyped skinny beautiful heroines that you often find in novels. Unfortunately both were classed as humorous - we big girls don't just do humor but it's a good job we can laugh.Good In Bed was Jennifer Weiner's first novel, published in 2001. Jennifer is a staff writer and columnist at the Philadelphia Inquirer. It is said that it's always best to start writing about something you know and Jennifer gives a real feel of what it's like working as a journalist, adding a great background to a pretty good story. I will certainly look out for her second book 'Get In Her Shoes'.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/big-girls-are-sexy-too.html
s her feel bad when really to him big is beautiful. He ends the article by saying:'Loving a larger woman is an act of courage in this world, and maybe it's even an act of futility. Because, in loving C., I knew I was loving someone who didn't believe that she herself was worthy of anyone's love. And now that it's over, I don't know where to direct my anger and sorrow. At a world that made her feel the way she did about her body - no, herself - and whether she was desirable. At C., for not being strong enough to overcome what the world told her. Or at myself, for not loving C. enough to make her believe in herself'.I included those sentences from the book because they struck a chord with me. Some people can live happily with being overweight but for many every extra pound means miserable self-consciousness and guilt trips - straight to the kitchen cupboard usually! The bigger you get the less desirable you feel and you start to believe that is the way that others perceive you
. I wondered if any of my partners had thought loving me an act of courage at the times in my life that I've been overweight.Cannie is very hurt that Bruce could discuss her size with the huge readership of the magazine. She knows that people who know her will read the article and realize that it's about her. Cannie cries her heart out, gets drunk and cries a lot more. She rings Bruce in anger but then ends up missing him and wishing that she hadn't ended the relationship.Her mother Ann calls round to Cannie's flat to offer her comfort and advice. Not welcome because she has a problem with her mother. Ann came out of the closet in her mid fifties and is living with Tanya who Cannie resents too much to give her a chance to get to know her properly. Cannie's father a plastic surgeon who was very critical of her, walked out on the family when she was twelve. He disappeared from her life leaving her with much insecurity about herself.Her only consolation is her little dog Nifkin
, named after a naughty part of the male anatomy. Nifkin had never really got on with Bruce - dogs know you know. Before the article Cannie and Nifkin were drifting along quite happily, but suddenly her life was in turmoil and her insecurities came to a fore. She tries to get her life back on track by deciding that she wants to get back with Bruce, pesters him with phone calls which he always ends and becomes increasingly distant. She blames her size on a lot of her misfortunes and decides to join a fat clinic where some humor is introduced.Good In Bed is described as 'wildly funny and surprisingly tender' on the front cover. I have to disagree with it being wildly funny. I found the book amusing in parts but never found myself laughing out loud. I grinned when I read about Cannie going to a New York hotel to interview film star Maxi. The interview was canceled by an over zealous agent who was afraid that Cannie would ask awkward questions that would expose the real Maxi to
her fans. She got her interview after a touching meeting in the ladies toilets and a drunken girlie night out where the over protected film star was allowed to be herself for once and not act like the image built up for her.Surprisingly tender, yes it is. The story is set over a year and each month a new article appears to hurt Cannie. She reads how Bruce misses her but then gets a blow-by-blow account of how he moves on. I found the book true to life in that I could identify with the emotional turmoil felt at the end of a long-term relationship. You end things for the right reasons and are jogging along quite happily with your life then a few weeks or months down the line something happens or you suddenly miss your ex partner and put yourself through the emotional grinder wondering if you made the right decision. Usually you have but sometimes you have a re-run just to make sure. Will Cannie? I'm not telling.I enjoyed reading Good In Bed but I found it an interesting read r
ather than compelling. I was able to put it down easily but always looked forward to reading a bit more the next night. Perfect for me when I am tired and just want to read a little to help me relax before going to sleep. There isn't tons of sex as the title and front cover might suggest, but that would have spoiled the book for me anyway. Instead of finding it wildly funny I found it an amusing, thoughtful read. It was well written enough for me to be able to visualize Cannie's world and understand her feelings and turmoil while she comes to terms with everything that is happening around her.The ending was unexpected but it wasn't one of those books where you are trying to figure out the outcome from word go. It is a story that takes you through a period of lots of big and unexpected changes in Cannie's life and you learn how she deals with them. Not always well but it's nice to read about somebody who isn't perfect - just like the rest of us.This is the second book that I'
ve read recently with an overweight heroine and what a refreshing change it is to read about characters who aren't the stereotyped skinny beautiful heroines that you often find in novels. Unfortunately both were classed as humorous - we big girls don't just do humor but it's a good job we can laugh.Good In Bed was Jennifer Weiner's first novel, published in 2001. Jennifer is a staff writer and columnist at the Philadelphia Inquirer. It is said that it's always best to start writing about something you know and Jennifer gives a real feel of what it's like working as a journalist, adding a great background to a pretty good story. I will certainly look out for her second book 'Get In Her Shoes'.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/big-girls-are-sexy-too.html
The Magic of Making Up Review
Breaking up is on of the worst experiences that and individual can go through. It is full of emotions that usually end up dragging the one on the broken end down. I am here to tell you that there is good news!! The Magic of Making Up is a new book that will completely blow you away with tips on how to win your ex back!!The Magic Of Making Up is nothing short of revolutionary in the world of how to get your ex back. With so many books, tapes, videos and tutorials available, I don't blame you if your first reaction to The Magic Of Making Up may be... "oh no, Here is some more crap for me to read!!"So, let me be the first to tell you that the author, T. W. Jackson has redefined how you should go about getting your ex back. The Magic of Making up is full of breakthrough techniques which will give you lasting results. These aren't quick fix techniques to guilt her back to you fro a short period of time. The techniques revealed in The Magic of Making Up are designed to win your
ex back and start a relationship that is solid and will last.The Magic Of Making Up doesn't repeat what's been said before. I think most people have reservations about how effective this product can be since it only cost $39. Most people believe that the more you pay, the more info or help you are going to receive. On the surface, Jackson doesn't have any qualifications to be writing a book on this subject. The catch is, he does have 2 things that you need to be successful in this field: experience and the desire to help people. He is selling this product because no one would take him serious if he just gave it away. He's been there and done that and more importantly, he's helped others get their relationships and lives back together.If your like most people, you won't give The Magic of Making Up a serious look because you already judge it to be a waste of time and money. If thats the case, go hire a relationship expert at $200/hr and see what kind of garbage he will throw a
t you. Once you've wasted money chasing your tail, then give Jackson and The Magic of Making Up the attention that it deserves.In fact, T W Jackson gives you more help in his sales page than many overpaid, second rate products give away in their actual products. Go take a look at The Magic Of Making Up sales page and scroll down to the video featuring T W himself. Just this priceless piece of advice would be worth the price of the book alone.All you have to do is ask yourself one question "How important is getting the love of your life back?" If it is important to you at all, you will take the time to check out The Magic of Making up!
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-magic-of-making-up-review.html
ex back and start a relationship that is solid and will last.The Magic Of Making Up doesn't repeat what's been said before. I think most people have reservations about how effective this product can be since it only cost $39. Most people believe that the more you pay, the more info or help you are going to receive. On the surface, Jackson doesn't have any qualifications to be writing a book on this subject. The catch is, he does have 2 things that you need to be successful in this field: experience and the desire to help people. He is selling this product because no one would take him serious if he just gave it away. He's been there and done that and more importantly, he's helped others get their relationships and lives back together.If your like most people, you won't give The Magic of Making Up a serious look because you already judge it to be a waste of time and money. If thats the case, go hire a relationship expert at $200/hr and see what kind of garbage he will throw a
t you. Once you've wasted money chasing your tail, then give Jackson and The Magic of Making Up the attention that it deserves.In fact, T W Jackson gives you more help in his sales page than many overpaid, second rate products give away in their actual products. Go take a look at The Magic Of Making Up sales page and scroll down to the video featuring T W himself. Just this priceless piece of advice would be worth the price of the book alone.All you have to do is ask yourself one question "How important is getting the love of your life back?" If it is important to you at all, you will take the time to check out The Magic of Making up!
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-magic-of-making-up-review.html
Steven Pressfield - The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle (Book Review)
A book that highlights the process of breaking through creative blocks to tangible results is Steven Pressfield's book "The War of Art: winning the inner creative battle."How you spend your day, your purposeful daily activity, becomes more important as life happens. This is especially true if you are an entrepreneur or more specifically a creative artist seeking to be influential or meaningful.While an artist can manifest themselves in many different ways, the stereotype of the suffering artist is common. In fact, your daily self-worth as an artist may be overly dependent on your current network of business associates, friends, and family members. They may all seem to be conspiring against your individual development and personal success.So what do you do? Seek out like-minded individuals who have successfully transitioned their daily creative activity to predictable behavior that rewards their unique talents.I began reading the book as I am currently monetizing personal dail
y activity into entrepreneurial success. Reading the book has enlightened me on how to better appreciate the process of becoming successful. For me, my current question is "How to translate daily personal success into entrepreneurial success?"The root of transition, as emphasized in the book, is personal accountability.Below is an outline of the three major categories (sections) or books as Steven has described. Each book provides an easy to understand insight and an easy to implement strategy.Steven Pressfield and The War of Art
Book One: Resistance-defining the Enemy
Book Two: Combating Resistance-Turning Pro
Book Three: Beyond Resistance-Higher Realm
As an artist, you may already know the joy in the process involved with fully realizing your vision. If you are serious about developing the habits required of professionals, this book will provide insight and clarity.The War of Art is an easy read (163 pages).Each Book (major section) has many one to two page chapters. For me, the power of short chapters is in the reflection I needed. Each chapter stands alone as a lesson in how to fully embrace being a successful artist.This book has become a personal favorite. After reading it the first time, I found myself leaving it within arms reach because I was impressed by how much I changed after my initial reading. I now fully recognize and embrace Resistance. I am a Professional and tend daily to implementing my goals with continually renewed energy.Read this book. It will free your mind of the obstacles you may be facing in your path to success.Pressfield, Steven. The War of Art: winning the inner creative battle. New York. Grand
Central Publishing. 2002 ISBN 1-59071-003-7June 6th, 2010 Steven Pressfield interviewed by Mark McGuinness:/articles/art-of-remarkable/
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/steven-pressfield-the-war-of-art-winning-the-inner-creative-battle-book-review.html
y activity into entrepreneurial success. Reading the book has enlightened me on how to better appreciate the process of becoming successful. For me, my current question is "How to translate daily personal success into entrepreneurial success?"The root of transition, as emphasized in the book, is personal accountability.Below is an outline of the three major categories (sections) or books as Steven has described. Each book provides an easy to understand insight and an easy to implement strategy.Steven Pressfield and The War of Art
Book One: Resistance-defining the Enemy
Book Two: Combating Resistance-Turning Pro
Book Three: Beyond Resistance-Higher Realm
As an artist, you may already know the joy in the process involved with fully realizing your vision. If you are serious about developing the habits required of professionals, this book will provide insight and clarity.The War of Art is an easy read (163 pages).Each Book (major section) has many one to two page chapters. For me, the power of short chapters is in the reflection I needed. Each chapter stands alone as a lesson in how to fully embrace being a successful artist.This book has become a personal favorite. After reading it the first time, I found myself leaving it within arms reach because I was impressed by how much I changed after my initial reading. I now fully recognize and embrace Resistance. I am a Professional and tend daily to implementing my goals with continually renewed energy.Read this book. It will free your mind of the obstacles you may be facing in your path to success.Pressfield, Steven. The War of Art: winning the inner creative battle. New York. Grand
Central Publishing. 2002 ISBN 1-59071-003-7June 6th, 2010 Steven Pressfield interviewed by Mark McGuinness:/articles/art-of-remarkable/
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/steven-pressfield-the-war-of-art-winning-the-inner-creative-battle-book-review.html
The Jim Rohn Leather Journal by Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn is a man that understands when you wish to improve your life it is very helpful to document your thoughts. This process opens the door for you at some point in the future to go back and look over your past reminisces and recollections. This allows you to put your life into perspective and ascertain whether you have truly carried through on those things in life you had planned for yourself. This is why The Jim Rohn Leather Journal makes such a nice purchase. It can prove to be a great resource for logging your musings about anything in life you wish to document.Some may wonder why it is wise to purchase a leather bound journal. Is the Jim Rohn name all that you get with such a purchase? No, what you acquire is a solid journal that looks professional and can be kept as a true keepsake you may treasure in later years.Beyond the sentimental value of The Jim Rohn Leather Journal, there is also a functional one. Namely, when you have a professional looking journal at your
disposal, you will be much more likely to actually make entries in it. A $2 notebook may be cheaper but it lacks that appealing psychological component that would make you wish to log your entries in it. When you are seeking self-improvement, you will definitely want to add entries to journal. It becomes less likely that you will skip out on making journal entries when a very well produced bound leather journal is looking at you from your desk. The presence of the serious nature of making additions to the journal is a good thing because there are many benefits you can gain by keeping a journal.A journal is more than a document of a life that has been lived. It can also include the following components:A journal should be used to document your goals and to keep track of your progress with meeting your goals. Since he is a qualified and knowledgeable motivation coach, Jim Rohn knows about the importance of setting, meeting, and maintaining goals. In order to succeed in these t
hree areas, you need to be consistent. Keeping track of your progress in The Jim Rohn Leather Journal can boost your potential for meeting your goals quite significantly,Another added benefit to logging your thoughts in such a journal is that any negativity you may currently feel could be properly and effectively transferred from mind to pen to paper. That means you will not have negative thoughts hampering your mind since they will have been therapeutically removed through the writing process. Consider that an added self-help benefit to using The Jim Rohn Leather Journal.The Jim Rohn Leather Journal is also as affordable as it is visually impressive. Those looking for a fine journal to record their thoughts will definitely find this leather bound journal to be an outstanding one. It may also make the process of recording your thoughts a more impactful experience that can help attain your self-help goals.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-jim-rohn-leather-journal-by-jim-rohn.html
disposal, you will be much more likely to actually make entries in it. A $2 notebook may be cheaper but it lacks that appealing psychological component that would make you wish to log your entries in it. When you are seeking self-improvement, you will definitely want to add entries to journal. It becomes less likely that you will skip out on making journal entries when a very well produced bound leather journal is looking at you from your desk. The presence of the serious nature of making additions to the journal is a good thing because there are many benefits you can gain by keeping a journal.A journal is more than a document of a life that has been lived. It can also include the following components:A journal should be used to document your goals and to keep track of your progress with meeting your goals. Since he is a qualified and knowledgeable motivation coach, Jim Rohn knows about the importance of setting, meeting, and maintaining goals. In order to succeed in these t
hree areas, you need to be consistent. Keeping track of your progress in The Jim Rohn Leather Journal can boost your potential for meeting your goals quite significantly,Another added benefit to logging your thoughts in such a journal is that any negativity you may currently feel could be properly and effectively transferred from mind to pen to paper. That means you will not have negative thoughts hampering your mind since they will have been therapeutically removed through the writing process. Consider that an added self-help benefit to using The Jim Rohn Leather Journal.The Jim Rohn Leather Journal is also as affordable as it is visually impressive. Those looking for a fine journal to record their thoughts will definitely find this leather bound journal to be an outstanding one. It may also make the process of recording your thoughts a more impactful experience that can help attain your self-help goals.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-jim-rohn-leather-journal-by-jim-rohn.html
Romance from the American West: Raven Dove
Raven Dove (Whiskey Press, 2005) is an historical romance by Joanne Walpole. Joanne's first novel shares with us the tragedy and success of Vivien Clinton, a lonely neglected girl in the small town of Wagoner in the American Southwest. Living with her abusive Uncle, Vivien has grown up hiding herself beneath a mask of tomboyish indifference, until the night she meets Gabe Johnson. Gabe, an injured stranger, protects her from her Uncle's anger and gives her hope for the future. Feeling a connection to the girl, despite the situation in which they meet, Gabe vows to himself that this wraith of a teenager will one day be the woman he marries.Readers will be captured in the spell Joanne weaves with her realistic portrayal of characters and mesmerising storyline. The protagonist, Vivien Clinton, is a strong, determined young woman. Readers will feel for her in the dismal life she is forced to lead and the decisions she must make if she is ever to escape. We travel along every bump
y road with Vivien as she leaves Wagoner behind after her uncle's death and arrives in Tucson. Through Vivien's eyes we share the experience of the carriage ride and meet three of the characters who come to play a part in our heroine's future. And, as Vivien starts to unravel a mystery she is unknowingly the centre of, we understand her frustration in dealing with the people around her who aren’t being honest with her.Eventually, Vivien does discover the truth of her life and within a brief time must learn to cope with the lies and deception that have dogged her every day. Joanne Walpole uses the tribulations of Vivien as a means of drawing the reader further into the story with her clever observations of real life combined with solid research into life during the great Western era of the 19th century.Hope waits behind every despairing moment and readers will be as determined as Vivien that she leave her past behind and find the future she's dreamed of since the night
she fell in love with Gabe Johnson. Her strength of character pulls her through each setback and sets her firmly back on the road to happiness.And, just as Vivien finds she has friends in strange places, readers will discover the strength and completeness of the supporting characters of Raven Dove. Chad Green is the first of her 'new' friends. A local saloonkeeper and businessman, Chad, steers Vivien away from the confusion of her Uncle's death, and onto the path she must travel. Charlie Jones is a loyal and steadfast young man who supports Vivien regardless the cost and in the face of his family's displeasure. Peggy Webster is a manipulative woman shaped by her own unhappy past and linked with Vivien in ways that unfold in layers before us. Madeline Bonchance is a successful actress who appears in Vivien's life for a short time. Yet, when she is kidnapped by Peggy Webster and her son, Luke, Madeline becomes the catalyst for the event that will make or break Vivien's dreams
. Then there's Gabe Johnson, the stranger who promised her the world and disappeared without a word. His arrival into her new life only adds to the bewilderment she feels. Can she trust him with her future? Is he as trustworthy and solid as she sensed at their last meeting? Does she still love him?Gabe Johnson is more than the romantic hero, more than a reflection of Vivien's love and hope. His roundness of character shows us a compassionate man who has faced tragedy and dealt out revenge. A man who rides alone, yet knows what love is, an experience to be shared and treasured.Through it all is Vivien's Uncle Pete. A ghost of a figure, shown to the reader through the eyes of the people who knew him. Vivien's feelings for him are often ambivalent. He is not a nice man, but he too is shaped by the past and even in this unsteady relationship Vivien finds underlying mystery and intrigue. Who was Pete Clinton?Joanne's range of characters are woven into a story that traces the jour
ney of Vivien Clinton from innocent child to strong woman. She shares with the reader an understanding of the events that shape peoples lives and brings those events to a thoroughly satisfying conclusion. Surprises and twists take shape and burst apart to reveal new surprises and hidden relationships.The threads of the story come together in a finale worthy of a great western love epic as truth is drawn from the barrel of a smoking gun.Raven Dove by Joanne Walpole is available from Whiskey Creek Press./[/joannewalpolewriter/]
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/romance-from-the-american-west-raven-dove.html
y road with Vivien as she leaves Wagoner behind after her uncle's death and arrives in Tucson. Through Vivien's eyes we share the experience of the carriage ride and meet three of the characters who come to play a part in our heroine's future. And, as Vivien starts to unravel a mystery she is unknowingly the centre of, we understand her frustration in dealing with the people around her who aren’t being honest with her.Eventually, Vivien does discover the truth of her life and within a brief time must learn to cope with the lies and deception that have dogged her every day. Joanne Walpole uses the tribulations of Vivien as a means of drawing the reader further into the story with her clever observations of real life combined with solid research into life during the great Western era of the 19th century.Hope waits behind every despairing moment and readers will be as determined as Vivien that she leave her past behind and find the future she's dreamed of since the night
she fell in love with Gabe Johnson. Her strength of character pulls her through each setback and sets her firmly back on the road to happiness.And, just as Vivien finds she has friends in strange places, readers will discover the strength and completeness of the supporting characters of Raven Dove. Chad Green is the first of her 'new' friends. A local saloonkeeper and businessman, Chad, steers Vivien away from the confusion of her Uncle's death, and onto the path she must travel. Charlie Jones is a loyal and steadfast young man who supports Vivien regardless the cost and in the face of his family's displeasure. Peggy Webster is a manipulative woman shaped by her own unhappy past and linked with Vivien in ways that unfold in layers before us. Madeline Bonchance is a successful actress who appears in Vivien's life for a short time. Yet, when she is kidnapped by Peggy Webster and her son, Luke, Madeline becomes the catalyst for the event that will make or break Vivien's dreams
. Then there's Gabe Johnson, the stranger who promised her the world and disappeared without a word. His arrival into her new life only adds to the bewilderment she feels. Can she trust him with her future? Is he as trustworthy and solid as she sensed at their last meeting? Does she still love him?Gabe Johnson is more than the romantic hero, more than a reflection of Vivien's love and hope. His roundness of character shows us a compassionate man who has faced tragedy and dealt out revenge. A man who rides alone, yet knows what love is, an experience to be shared and treasured.Through it all is Vivien's Uncle Pete. A ghost of a figure, shown to the reader through the eyes of the people who knew him. Vivien's feelings for him are often ambivalent. He is not a nice man, but he too is shaped by the past and even in this unsteady relationship Vivien finds underlying mystery and intrigue. Who was Pete Clinton?Joanne's range of characters are woven into a story that traces the jour
ney of Vivien Clinton from innocent child to strong woman. She shares with the reader an understanding of the events that shape peoples lives and brings those events to a thoroughly satisfying conclusion. Surprises and twists take shape and burst apart to reveal new surprises and hidden relationships.The threads of the story come together in a finale worthy of a great western love epic as truth is drawn from the barrel of a smoking gun.Raven Dove by Joanne Walpole is available from Whiskey Creek Press./[/joannewalpolewriter/]
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/romance-from-the-american-west-raven-dove.html
Understanding the Reality and Yes, Often the Necessity of Bureaucracy
For those who are constantly criticizing government, perhaps, they need to understand a little more about what it is, how it works, why we need it, and the reality of the bureaucracy. Not long ago, I met an interesting gentleman and he had been a successful entrepreneur and then later decided to become a county commissioner. It's good to see such folks working in government, and we need more of them because they bring a good deal of expertise from the private sector into government; and it's really needed.However, make no mistake government is not a business with a profit motive, nor should it try to become that. A good book to read on this topic is;"Bureaucracy" by Ludwig van Misses,and I highly recommend it. When I recommended it to the gentleman above, he figured he knew enough about bureaucracy and business and didn't feel he'd learn anything; I disagree completely.You see, my thoughts are it rationalizes both sides of the argument. As an entrepreneur, I hated that every
time I turned around some government agency was telling me what I could and couldn't do, some form had to be filled out, some tax, fee, fine, assessment, etc had to be paid, or that because there is no law against it, I couldn't do it, until they made up rules to govern whatever it was I was doing.And by the time I was done with all the nonsense, I couldn't make any money at whatever it was I was doing, and there was no real reason for any of it, as the opportunity in the market had then passed. You know like "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and so, this book "Bureaucracy" rationalizes all the things I was tired of dealing with.Indeed, maybe you or this gentleman about wouldn't learn much from this book, as in how your agency or business runs, but you will shake your head in agreement through most of it, and it is economic philosophy anyway, so it's pretty decent. Everyone should read it, and it should be required reading at MBA schools and required government administrati
on degrees; also, everyone who studies political science, or votes; so, basically everyone.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/understanding-the-reality-and-yes-often-the-necessity-of-bureaucracy.html
time I turned around some government agency was telling me what I could and couldn't do, some form had to be filled out, some tax, fee, fine, assessment, etc had to be paid, or that because there is no law against it, I couldn't do it, until they made up rules to govern whatever it was I was doing.And by the time I was done with all the nonsense, I couldn't make any money at whatever it was I was doing, and there was no real reason for any of it, as the opportunity in the market had then passed. You know like "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and so, this book "Bureaucracy" rationalizes all the things I was tired of dealing with.Indeed, maybe you or this gentleman about wouldn't learn much from this book, as in how your agency or business runs, but you will shake your head in agreement through most of it, and it is economic philosophy anyway, so it's pretty decent. Everyone should read it, and it should be required reading at MBA schools and required government administrati
on degrees; also, everyone who studies political science, or votes; so, basically everyone.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/understanding-the-reality-and-yes-often-the-necessity-of-bureaucracy.html
Trance Warriors - The Siege of Scarn by Robert C Auty - Book Review
Robert C. Auty's "Trance Warriors: The Siege of Scarn" is the first in the hopefully very lengthy series of Trance Warriors books. While I am usually not a fan of warfare and bloodbath books, I have to admit I've enjoyed every page of this book and I honestly hope to see the sequel(s) as soon as possible. Although it is filled with blood and gore in copious amounts, this never distracted from the storyline.Connor, an outlaw, sets out to kill the King, believing the King has been responsible for killing the entire Connor's family. Due to some strange twists of fate Connor soon realizes that the King is not the real enemy. Connor discovers many hidden truths about himself and his family as well as his role in the upcoming key battle between good and evil. Aided by many friends, both new and old, Connor assumes his rightful positions and leads the combined forces of good in the decisive battle against evil in the Siege of Scarn.The losses on both sides are tremendous and it is q
uite clear that the war is not over yet. Who will come out of this victorious? And at what cost?Robert C. Auty's writing style is extremely engaging and fluid. His descriptions are vibrant and colorful. The situations he puts his characters into, although placed in a fantasy world, have enough parallels in the "real" world to make this an appealing read. The conflicts and struggles encountered by Connor, Janice, Stort, Cheryl and all of their friends will draw the reader in extremely fast and the author's insights into those characters will continue to hold the reader's interest until the very last page. Believable, yet never predictable nor boring, this is a powerful book.The whimsical fantasy world of "Trance Warriors: The Siege of Scarn" is inhabited by many familiar figures, yet most of them are presented in a new light or with some unusual twists. The elves, the dwarves, the braves and the gods fighting a fascinating array of evil creatures are all compelling and strang
ely believable. The heroes' characters are well developed and convincing. Filled with fresh ideas, such as the time-warping Trance Warriors and the Sundering of the Elves, this flight of the imagination will remind you of the Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" and it will be a certain hit with anybody who enjoys well written, intelligent fantasy.Apex Publishing Ltd (2006)ISBN 9781904444596Reviewed by Olivera Baumgartner-Jackson for Reader Views (3/08)
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/trance-warriors-the-siege-of-scarn-by-robert-c-auty-book-review.html
uite clear that the war is not over yet. Who will come out of this victorious? And at what cost?Robert C. Auty's writing style is extremely engaging and fluid. His descriptions are vibrant and colorful. The situations he puts his characters into, although placed in a fantasy world, have enough parallels in the "real" world to make this an appealing read. The conflicts and struggles encountered by Connor, Janice, Stort, Cheryl and all of their friends will draw the reader in extremely fast and the author's insights into those characters will continue to hold the reader's interest until the very last page. Believable, yet never predictable nor boring, this is a powerful book.The whimsical fantasy world of "Trance Warriors: The Siege of Scarn" is inhabited by many familiar figures, yet most of them are presented in a new light or with some unusual twists. The elves, the dwarves, the braves and the gods fighting a fascinating array of evil creatures are all compelling and strang
ely believable. The heroes' characters are well developed and convincing. Filled with fresh ideas, such as the time-warping Trance Warriors and the Sundering of the Elves, this flight of the imagination will remind you of the Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" and it will be a certain hit with anybody who enjoys well written, intelligent fantasy.Apex Publishing Ltd (2006)ISBN 9781904444596Reviewed by Olivera Baumgartner-Jackson for Reader Views (3/08)
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/trance-warriors-the-siege-of-scarn-by-robert-c-auty-book-review.html
Harness the Power of Reflection - Review of the Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
How many time in the past have you written out a list of things to do? How many times have you completed the list and written the second list the following day? What if there was a better way to ensure that you stay focussed.2010 marks a new beginning in the way that I work with my clients. It also marks a new beginning in terms of the way that I manage my own business. That ensures congruency.I have struggled in the past to keep clients focussed on their list of things to do. The reason for this is that they generally became pre-occupied with other events in their daily lives. In other words, they were allowing other people and events to control their lives and there was no over riding discipline to prevent that.This exercise is particularly true if you are trying to implement a change. Maybe you are changing career, starting a new business or changing direction?The new way of working is based on the power of Reflection as discussed in The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.I am chal
lenging each client to identify about 5 key things that they need to complete each day or week in their business. They have agreed that these things are vital to the long term success of the business but they often neglect them in favour of more urgent issues.The next challenge is to report daily on what they have done for that day in light of what they identified as important.Scepticism reigned at first followed by a slow realisation that they were neglecting the important things in their business.To cement the thought process, I used the Time Target idea by Stephen Covey "7 Habits" to stress that the items identified were important but not urgent. They were the business building items but they needed work every day.I'm expecting great results and already people have said that their focus is on completing their important tasks each day.The change we have implemented here is a small one. We are harnessing the power of reflection based on agreed "important" criteria.It is a b
etter way to hold both you and your team accountable.If you are considering a career change or are planning on starting a new business, then each of these steps will require a great deal of change, which, when broken down into easy steps will be far more achievable. When you then introduce accountability by reflection, you boost your chances of success.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/harness-the-power-of-reflection-review-of-the-slight-edge-by-jeff-olson.html
lenging each client to identify about 5 key things that they need to complete each day or week in their business. They have agreed that these things are vital to the long term success of the business but they often neglect them in favour of more urgent issues.The next challenge is to report daily on what they have done for that day in light of what they identified as important.Scepticism reigned at first followed by a slow realisation that they were neglecting the important things in their business.To cement the thought process, I used the Time Target idea by Stephen Covey "7 Habits" to stress that the items identified were important but not urgent. They were the business building items but they needed work every day.I'm expecting great results and already people have said that their focus is on completing their important tasks each day.The change we have implemented here is a small one. We are harnessing the power of reflection based on agreed "important" criteria.It is a b
etter way to hold both you and your team accountable.If you are considering a career change or are planning on starting a new business, then each of these steps will require a great deal of change, which, when broken down into easy steps will be far more achievable. When you then introduce accountability by reflection, you boost your chances of success.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/harness-the-power-of-reflection-review-of-the-slight-edge-by-jeff-olson.html
Choosing Your Wedding Book
So much work and expense goes into planning a wedding. If you cannot afford a wedding planner, you can plan it yourself with a little help. Books that guide you through planning your wedding can offer invaluable help. You want to choose the right book for your needs and this article will give you insight so you can do just that.The last thing you need is a book that falls apart easily. Since you will be using it frequently, choose a book with spiral binding and larger pages. Traditional book binding, like that of a paperback, can't endure the amount of page turning you will be doing.One kind of wedding planning book comes in a binder notebook. This allows you to add pages of material and include all of your planning references in one place. You just want to be careful and avoid tearing out any pages, which is a drawback of this style of book binding.Books on wedding planning can be very detailed, while others can be quite general. Most of them will offer suggestions on how to
hire caterers, performers, decorators, and other services. Every decision takes careful planning.If you already have a good idea of how you want to plan your wedding, a book with general guidance will be all that you need. Get a book that is very detailed and specific if you don't know where to start. You choose what you need.Organization is your goal. The best wedding planning book to help you achieve smooth organization would be one that has blank entry pages and checklists as well as reference lists. Blank planning calendars would be another useful feature to look for.An interactive book will include worksheets and troubleshooting pages. Pages that give you simple problem-solving exercises will keep you focused. You can copy and share these interactive materials with others who are helping you with the big event.For an in-depth interactive experience, look for books that include media materials that give you more tools to work with. If the book includes computer software
and maybe a DVD it would make a positive difference to help you get everything just right.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/choosing-your-wedding-book.html
hire caterers, performers, decorators, and other services. Every decision takes careful planning.If you already have a good idea of how you want to plan your wedding, a book with general guidance will be all that you need. Get a book that is very detailed and specific if you don't know where to start. You choose what you need.Organization is your goal. The best wedding planning book to help you achieve smooth organization would be one that has blank entry pages and checklists as well as reference lists. Blank planning calendars would be another useful feature to look for.An interactive book will include worksheets and troubleshooting pages. Pages that give you simple problem-solving exercises will keep you focused. You can copy and share these interactive materials with others who are helping you with the big event.For an in-depth interactive experience, look for books that include media materials that give you more tools to work with. If the book includes computer software
and maybe a DVD it would make a positive difference to help you get everything just right.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/choosing-your-wedding-book.html
Monday, July 30, 2012
Spong on Eternal Life
John Shelby Spong, Eternal Life: A New Vision. New York: Harper One, 2009.In what he intends to be his final book, Spong summarizes the paradoxes presented in previous books and adds one more. He doesn't believe in the traditional concept of God, yet he believes in God as Being. He doesn't believe in the Resurrection as resuscitation of a dead body, but he believes in the Resurrected Jesus. Now we learn that he doesn't believe in life after death, but he affirms there is eternal life.One long passage in this book sums up the points in traditional belief about God that Spong disavows."There is no supernatural God who lives above the sky or beyond the universe.... There are no record books and no heavenly judge keeping them to serve as the basis on which human beings will be rewarded or punished. There is also no way that life can be made to be fair or that a divine figure can be blamed for its unfairness.... Life is lived at the whim of luck and chance, and no one can earn the
good fortune of luck and chance." (pp. 121-122)Although this looks like a thorough disavowal of God, he affirms his continued belief in God just a few lines later on when he says affirms what he calls the reality of his "God experience."Spong's view of Jesus is likewise paradoxical. Jesus was thoroughly human, yet he became divine because of the extent of his humanity. Somehow we are expected to believe that "the pathway into the divine is to become human and the pathway into eternity is to accept death as natural." (p. 184)Such paradoxes point to the mystical emphasis in Spong's approach. He even argues that the gospel of John is best read from a mystical point of view that glosses over what appears to be an incarnational emphasis in John.Many readers will agree with Spong's attack on religion as grasping for security rather than seeking truth. Some may agree with his mystical emphasis and find meaning in his paradoxical affirmation of the divinity of Jesus and life eterna
l. Not being inclined to mysticism, the paradoxes seemed to me to fall short of being convincing. What remains, in my opinion, is a devastating critique of religion and an exposé of traditional beliefs about God.The book ends on a note that Spong seems to think is invigorating but seems to me to sum up his negativity when he says a new religionless humanity needs to realize that purpose and meaning are only given to life by human beings and that picturing a world beyond the grave belongs to the childhood of humanity. It is amazing that he can openly defend his concept of life eternal while completely debunking any concept of life after death.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/spong-on-eternal-life.html
good fortune of luck and chance." (pp. 121-122)Although this looks like a thorough disavowal of God, he affirms his continued belief in God just a few lines later on when he says affirms what he calls the reality of his "God experience."Spong's view of Jesus is likewise paradoxical. Jesus was thoroughly human, yet he became divine because of the extent of his humanity. Somehow we are expected to believe that "the pathway into the divine is to become human and the pathway into eternity is to accept death as natural." (p. 184)Such paradoxes point to the mystical emphasis in Spong's approach. He even argues that the gospel of John is best read from a mystical point of view that glosses over what appears to be an incarnational emphasis in John.Many readers will agree with Spong's attack on religion as grasping for security rather than seeking truth. Some may agree with his mystical emphasis and find meaning in his paradoxical affirmation of the divinity of Jesus and life eterna
l. Not being inclined to mysticism, the paradoxes seemed to me to fall short of being convincing. What remains, in my opinion, is a devastating critique of religion and an exposé of traditional beliefs about God.The book ends on a note that Spong seems to think is invigorating but seems to me to sum up his negativity when he says a new religionless humanity needs to realize that purpose and meaning are only given to life by human beings and that picturing a world beyond the grave belongs to the childhood of humanity. It is amazing that he can openly defend his concept of life eternal while completely debunking any concept of life after death.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/spong-on-eternal-life.html
Reading: The Crow
Ideologies are embedded in all media products of today's society. An ideology is "a set of deliberately formulated, coherent, rational, usually political ideas that is used as a way of defining and understanding how society can be organised " (O'Shaughnessy, 1999 p158). The comic book, The Crow: The Line Between The Devil's Teeth, is an example of this. By simply reading this comic, readers are exposed to the ideologies and beliefs that the writers and creators have hidden inside this particular text. By using ideological views within texts an overall idea on a particular issue can be made, this allows the creators to put forward their views and ideas of society.Many media products tend to portray that the world is a bright and joyful place. By creating likeable, sunny characters and using bright colours readers are shown a view of society that seems perfect, or how the creator would like the reader to view society. The Crow is relatively different as it shows society and the
world as a dark and painful place where people have to struggle to find a moment of happiness, it shows a perception of today's society that many do not wish to acknowledge. It uses sad, unfortunate characters, like that of Eric Draven, which draws the reader towards the story, and uses the viewers' sympathy to make them 'open their eyes' to see this perception of today's society.It is the dominant beliefs of the creators that are found within the text. Race, gender, life and death are just a few of the central ideologies found within the text. These ideologies are how the world and society is viewed by these people, and are put forth in the text to allow an audience to view these ideas. By incorporating the ideologies of the creators, their voice is allowed to be heard by those reading the text. The audience is important to the creators of the comic because without them, their ideas and views are not heard.Gender roles play an important position in The Crow. This relates t
o the function of masculinity and femininity roles played out according to the values of ideology. (O'Shaughnessy, 1999). These values have tended to give the male gender greater privileges and powers to the lesser powerful female gender, this is also referred to as the Patriarchy System. The people that The Crow 'protects,' and tries to help, are females and children. This tends to reinforce the old belief that women and children need to have the protection of a male entity. Although this belief is slowly becoming obsolete to prove this, the comic uses a lady, Lillie, to protect a group of children at the beginning of the story. This role, however, is short lived when "The Crow" arrives to protect them all.Race is another issue that is touched upon in the comic. Even though nothing is actually said about the issue it is important to note that there is only one black person in the comic, the rest are all white. This character, Officer Albrecht, although given a main part, is
only given a small place for readers to see. At the end of the story the narration blames Albrecht for the deaths that occur because he didn't act quickly enough to the information he was given. Even though the black community has been represented within the comic, it gives off a negative attitude towards this particular community. Also no other ethnic race is represented within the comic. This negative attitude puts down the significance of the black community represented by this character. This noticeable issue tends to portray the white community as a more superior race than that of any other race.These media representations give the reader "constructions and images of ethnic difference, as such, they teach us how to understand ethnic issues" (O'Shaughnessy, 1999 p220). If media representations give a negative attitude to different races then the reader is generally given the impression that the particular race in question is generally unpleasant. Images and representati
ons from the media are an important source of how people think and view the world and society around them.The issue of life and death is covered deeply within the text. The life of Lillie is represented as a righteous one because of her goodness. It is seen that because she has protected a group of children from an 'evil' man she is considered 'good' in the eyes of God and therefore has a right to living her life. D, on the other hand, is portrayed as an evil person. His life and the way he has chosen to lead his life is considered a sin, the view that he is undeserving of his live is portrayed within the text and is therefore an undesirable character whose life is not mourned when he is killed. This is relevant in the narration just before his death, "...The wages of sin is death" (McFarlane, 1999 p19).Eric Draven, The Crow while already dead himself; has been given a second chance of life to rectify his own guilt about not being able to save his wife from the people who ki
lled them both. It is in his confused transition to this second life that he starts to 'protect' those he believes to be innocent. By saving these innocent people, Eric believes that he will redeem himself in the eyes of God, so that he can once again be with his love.The audience is able to see five different views of the story. This allows the reader to see many different angles of how the story takes place and how different characters are seen. The 'narration' of the radio joins the stories together. For example, the stories of 'The Crow,' Lillie and D come together through the radio narration in the scenes on pages 20-21. The 'narrator' or the reverend sums up Lillie's death by saying "...She was intended by God to be a righteous woman" (McFarlane, 1999 p20). The statement not only sums up the life of Lillie but also justifies her death.The use of the colour scheme helps the mood of the story; it is not intended to be a happy tale. Therefore the use of little to no colou
r (besides a standard of black, white and grey) enforces what is being said throughout the text. The world is not always bright and cheerful; society can be a dark place to be if you are not ready to accept its terms.Ideologies are part of everyday products, it is hard not to notice these when they are embedded within texts. Within the comic book The Crow: The Line Between The Devil's Teeth, many issues that are relevant to our society are embedded into the story. Race, gender, life and death are important issues in society. By implanting the ideologies that the creators and writers believe, a new view can be analysed by the reader, perhaps change their own views or confirm their own personal views about a particular topic. It seems that the ideologies of the creators that create the story and make it worth something to the reader.References:McFarlane, Todd. 1999. The Crow: Book Four - The Line Between The Devil's Teeth. Image Comics. Canada.O'Shaughnessy, Michael. 1999. Med
ia and Society: An Introduction. Oxford University Press, Australia.Cited Materials:Ly, Prof. John. 1997. Ideology Handout: A Brief Guide. [WWW document]. Available: http://www.brocku.au/english/jlye/ideology.html [2001, May 28].
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world as a dark and painful place where people have to struggle to find a moment of happiness, it shows a perception of today's society that many do not wish to acknowledge. It uses sad, unfortunate characters, like that of Eric Draven, which draws the reader towards the story, and uses the viewers' sympathy to make them 'open their eyes' to see this perception of today's society.It is the dominant beliefs of the creators that are found within the text. Race, gender, life and death are just a few of the central ideologies found within the text. These ideologies are how the world and society is viewed by these people, and are put forth in the text to allow an audience to view these ideas. By incorporating the ideologies of the creators, their voice is allowed to be heard by those reading the text. The audience is important to the creators of the comic because without them, their ideas and views are not heard.Gender roles play an important position in The Crow. This relates t
o the function of masculinity and femininity roles played out according to the values of ideology. (O'Shaughnessy, 1999). These values have tended to give the male gender greater privileges and powers to the lesser powerful female gender, this is also referred to as the Patriarchy System. The people that The Crow 'protects,' and tries to help, are females and children. This tends to reinforce the old belief that women and children need to have the protection of a male entity. Although this belief is slowly becoming obsolete to prove this, the comic uses a lady, Lillie, to protect a group of children at the beginning of the story. This role, however, is short lived when "The Crow" arrives to protect them all.Race is another issue that is touched upon in the comic. Even though nothing is actually said about the issue it is important to note that there is only one black person in the comic, the rest are all white. This character, Officer Albrecht, although given a main part, is
only given a small place for readers to see. At the end of the story the narration blames Albrecht for the deaths that occur because he didn't act quickly enough to the information he was given. Even though the black community has been represented within the comic, it gives off a negative attitude towards this particular community. Also no other ethnic race is represented within the comic. This negative attitude puts down the significance of the black community represented by this character. This noticeable issue tends to portray the white community as a more superior race than that of any other race.These media representations give the reader "constructions and images of ethnic difference, as such, they teach us how to understand ethnic issues" (O'Shaughnessy, 1999 p220). If media representations give a negative attitude to different races then the reader is generally given the impression that the particular race in question is generally unpleasant. Images and representati
ons from the media are an important source of how people think and view the world and society around them.The issue of life and death is covered deeply within the text. The life of Lillie is represented as a righteous one because of her goodness. It is seen that because she has protected a group of children from an 'evil' man she is considered 'good' in the eyes of God and therefore has a right to living her life. D, on the other hand, is portrayed as an evil person. His life and the way he has chosen to lead his life is considered a sin, the view that he is undeserving of his live is portrayed within the text and is therefore an undesirable character whose life is not mourned when he is killed. This is relevant in the narration just before his death, "...The wages of sin is death" (McFarlane, 1999 p19).Eric Draven, The Crow while already dead himself; has been given a second chance of life to rectify his own guilt about not being able to save his wife from the people who ki
lled them both. It is in his confused transition to this second life that he starts to 'protect' those he believes to be innocent. By saving these innocent people, Eric believes that he will redeem himself in the eyes of God, so that he can once again be with his love.The audience is able to see five different views of the story. This allows the reader to see many different angles of how the story takes place and how different characters are seen. The 'narration' of the radio joins the stories together. For example, the stories of 'The Crow,' Lillie and D come together through the radio narration in the scenes on pages 20-21. The 'narrator' or the reverend sums up Lillie's death by saying "...She was intended by God to be a righteous woman" (McFarlane, 1999 p20). The statement not only sums up the life of Lillie but also justifies her death.The use of the colour scheme helps the mood of the story; it is not intended to be a happy tale. Therefore the use of little to no colou
r (besides a standard of black, white and grey) enforces what is being said throughout the text. The world is not always bright and cheerful; society can be a dark place to be if you are not ready to accept its terms.Ideologies are part of everyday products, it is hard not to notice these when they are embedded within texts. Within the comic book The Crow: The Line Between The Devil's Teeth, many issues that are relevant to our society are embedded into the story. Race, gender, life and death are important issues in society. By implanting the ideologies that the creators and writers believe, a new view can be analysed by the reader, perhaps change their own views or confirm their own personal views about a particular topic. It seems that the ideologies of the creators that create the story and make it worth something to the reader.References:McFarlane, Todd. 1999. The Crow: Book Four - The Line Between The Devil's Teeth. Image Comics. Canada.O'Shaughnessy, Michael. 1999. Med
ia and Society: An Introduction. Oxford University Press, Australia.Cited Materials:Ly, Prof. John. 1997. Ideology Handout: A Brief Guide. [WWW document]. Available: http://www.brocku.au/english/jlye/ideology.html [2001, May 28].
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Covert One Where it All Started - Ludlum's Endless Novel Series
Often, we readers of spy novels and adventure thriller novels find a good author and then read all their books in the series. Indeed, as a reader yourself, I am certain you to do this, as I do. Still, before we invest in reading every book by a given author, we know that they must be good, interesting, and intriguing, as we want a book that keeps us on our toes, one we cannot put down, we want a story or novel that sucks us in and won't let go.Turns out, I've become a fan of the Covert One series by Robert Ludlum, and I've read a good many of them now, and hope to soon read them all. Still, I want you to not forget to read his first Covert One novel so you understand how all the characters were introduced into the series. The first book in this series, and one I highly recommend that you read, first if you can is;"The Hades Factor" (A Covet One Novel) by Robert Ludlum and Gayle Lynds; Myn Pyn Publishers, New York, NY; 2001; ISBN: 0-312-26437-2, (432 pages).This is a story of
intrigue and it is one of a pandemic outbreak, that was manmade and caused by ruthless individuals with a profit motive. You will love the plot, and conspiracy that takes place, and you will love the ending too. So, how does this book lead into the series, well this one line at the end you will find in the book, but you have to read the whole story to know the rest;I am here to offer you a job; it's part of the Army, but not; it's called "Covert One" are you interested?"
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/covert-one-where-it-all-started-ludlums-endless-novel-series.html
intrigue and it is one of a pandemic outbreak, that was manmade and caused by ruthless individuals with a profit motive. You will love the plot, and conspiracy that takes place, and you will love the ending too. So, how does this book lead into the series, well this one line at the end you will find in the book, but you have to read the whole story to know the rest;I am here to offer you a job; it's part of the Army, but not; it's called "Covert One" are you interested?"
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/covert-one-where-it-all-started-ludlums-endless-novel-series.html
Is it OK For Christians to Make Millions on the Internet? Part 1 of 5
I'm reading a newly published, spiritually uplifting book by a well known Cajun TV minister. His name is Jesse Duplantis and his book is titled, "The Everyday Visionary - Focus Your Thoughts, Change Your Life". I've followed Jesse's (I'm going to call him Jesse instead of Pastor Jesse) ministry for a long time and feel close to his teachings. I love his messages because he is so humorously down to earth. I'll give you my version of Jesse's inspiring book in five parts.The question many Christians have, "Is It OK to Make Millions on the Internet?" The short answer is YES, it is OK.Jesse clarifies how Christians can prosper spiritually, physically and financially. Christians have dreams, thoughts and visions just like everyone else. So why shouldn't they be free to prosper in all areas of life, especially financially. It is all in the mind set and not understanding what God promises in his Word.Jesse has a lot to say about mental mapping. What a person believes will affect how
he thinks and acts. Get your belief straight; then thinking and actions will fall in place. It is all in the mind. Jesse calls this "Mental Maps". Mental maps are the kind of thoughts that have purpose and direction. Following your mental map will lead you to success and that is what God wants for you.God made us to dream and dreaming is wonderful. Especially the dreams that are divinely inspired; they give people hope. God takes that hope and adds it to your faith. After all 'faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see'. So by faith take those dreams and visions and implement them. That is what God wants us to do. It does not make any difference how old you are. You can be a visionary and you can act on the ideas and visions God has put on your heart as long as you're still breathing.I believe I will stop here and continue with "Is it OK for Christians to make Millions on the Internet?" Part 2 of 5 later.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/is-it-ok-for-christians-to-make-millions-on-the-internet-part-1-of-5.html
he thinks and acts. Get your belief straight; then thinking and actions will fall in place. It is all in the mind. Jesse calls this "Mental Maps". Mental maps are the kind of thoughts that have purpose and direction. Following your mental map will lead you to success and that is what God wants for you.God made us to dream and dreaming is wonderful. Especially the dreams that are divinely inspired; they give people hope. God takes that hope and adds it to your faith. After all 'faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see'. So by faith take those dreams and visions and implement them. That is what God wants us to do. It does not make any difference how old you are. You can be a visionary and you can act on the ideas and visions God has put on your heart as long as you're still breathing.I believe I will stop here and continue with "Is it OK for Christians to make Millions on the Internet?" Part 2 of 5 later.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/is-it-ok-for-christians-to-make-millions-on-the-internet-part-1-of-5.html
Blogging - A Reference For the Rest of Us - Book Review
I just finished reading "Blogging a reference for the rest of us" by Susanahh Gardner and Shane Birley. The book is a reference guide for blogging. As the owner of a blog directory and several popular blogs I am well read on this topic and read every book that comes out about blogging. In my opinion this is one of the best books for beginners and intermediate bloggers. It is not great for professional bloggers but that should be obvious because it is part of the "dummies" series.What I like most about the book was how thorough it was, they covered every single topic about blogging that I can think of. I also like the fact that it was written in 2008, so the information is very current and they cover all the latest technology like RSS feeds and social networking. They also devote an entire images to photos, this is important because when I first started blogging this was one area where I needed help.The best part of the book is where they talk about monetizing your blog or in
other words how to make money from your blog. A lot of books out there cover the basics but very few dive into all the techniques you can employ to make a few bucks for your efforts. I also like the illustrations and the screen shots, this makes it very easy to follow along and absorb the information that is presented.In closing I would highly recommend this book to the beginner and intermediate bloggers. To all you pro bloggers, you might want to take a pass on this one.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/blogging-a-reference-for-the-rest-of-us-book-review.html
other words how to make money from your blog. A lot of books out there cover the basics but very few dive into all the techniques you can employ to make a few bucks for your efforts. I also like the illustrations and the screen shots, this makes it very easy to follow along and absorb the information that is presented.In closing I would highly recommend this book to the beginner and intermediate bloggers. To all you pro bloggers, you might want to take a pass on this one.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/blogging-a-reference-for-the-rest-of-us-book-review.html
The Count of Monte Cristo - Classic Tale of Obsession, Revenge, and Cigars
I read this book sometime last quarter, and it was definitely one of the better novels that I have read. It was written by Alexandre Dumas in 1844 originally in French. The story takes place during the 1800's in France/Italy. It's actually based on a true event, which makes it all the more impressive.*Note: May contain spoilers.The book centers around Edmond Dantes, an ordinary sailor. Good fortune shines on him: he gets a promotion and becomes engaged with the girl he loves. But this good fortune causes jealousy in those around him, and his so called "friends" hatch a scheme that lands him in a far away prison, equivalent to present day Alcatraz. He is left to rot in prison with no pardon for over 14 years. During his time in prison, he meets an abbey. The abbey teaches Edmond everything he knows, which was quite a bit (several languages, chemistry, etc.) and lastly leaves him with the location of a buried treasure.Edmond escapes prison through an ingenious way, which is act
ually based on a true event. I won't say how he managed to escape, because I thought that was one of the high points of the story, so you'll have to read the book to find out (BOO for reading!). Anyways, he recovers the treasure (buried on a small island called Monte Cristo, hence the Count of Monte Cristo), and begins to plot his revenge. He spends an additional 10 years planning and scheming, using the vast resources left to him by the abbey before finally implementing his revenge.The rest of the story involves him using his massive wealth to systematically get revenge on not just those who had wronged him, but their families as well. His plots and methods of getting revenge are intricate, cruel, and plain effective. A bunch of seemingly irrelevant events are introduced to the reader as the book goes on. Some are so far out there that I couldn't figure out what the connection was until the punchline (or maybe I'm just dumb). However, in the end, every little detail and occ
urrence all ties back into the Count's master plan. I won't say how he did it, because that would ruin the story, but he is able to formulate a plan to "justly" punish all of those that wronged him according to their motives for originally taking away his happiness.I spent the beginning of the book feeling sorry for him, and then cheering for him as he was getting his much deserved revenge. But towards the end, I started to feel that he was taking things too far, and that he had become consumed entirely by his hatred. All in all, I thought this was a great book. I highly recommend it for leisure reading, as well as for a class. There are tons of literary motifs, themes, and archetypes to be analyzed. I probably would've really enjoyed reading this book for a class. Wow I'm such a nerd.Nerdy part aside, several COOL movies were based on it, including V for Vendetta. That's not a nerdy movie is it?
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-count-of-monte-cristo-classic-tale-of-obsession-revenge-and-cigars.html
ually based on a true event. I won't say how he managed to escape, because I thought that was one of the high points of the story, so you'll have to read the book to find out (BOO for reading!). Anyways, he recovers the treasure (buried on a small island called Monte Cristo, hence the Count of Monte Cristo), and begins to plot his revenge. He spends an additional 10 years planning and scheming, using the vast resources left to him by the abbey before finally implementing his revenge.The rest of the story involves him using his massive wealth to systematically get revenge on not just those who had wronged him, but their families as well. His plots and methods of getting revenge are intricate, cruel, and plain effective. A bunch of seemingly irrelevant events are introduced to the reader as the book goes on. Some are so far out there that I couldn't figure out what the connection was until the punchline (or maybe I'm just dumb). However, in the end, every little detail and occ
urrence all ties back into the Count's master plan. I won't say how he did it, because that would ruin the story, but he is able to formulate a plan to "justly" punish all of those that wronged him according to their motives for originally taking away his happiness.I spent the beginning of the book feeling sorry for him, and then cheering for him as he was getting his much deserved revenge. But towards the end, I started to feel that he was taking things too far, and that he had become consumed entirely by his hatred. All in all, I thought this was a great book. I highly recommend it for leisure reading, as well as for a class. There are tons of literary motifs, themes, and archetypes to be analyzed. I probably would've really enjoyed reading this book for a class. Wow I'm such a nerd.Nerdy part aside, several COOL movies were based on it, including V for Vendetta. That's not a nerdy movie is it?
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-count-of-monte-cristo-classic-tale-of-obsession-revenge-and-cigars.html
Win-Win Career Negotiations - Proven Strategies For Getting What You Want From Your Employer
Win-Win Career Negotiations: Proven Strategies for Getting What You Want from Your Employer by Peter J. Goodman is a great little book regarding negotiations about employment issues. Goodman incorporates the approach described in Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreements Without Giving In, by Roger Fisher, William Ury, and Bruce Patton. In fact, Roger Fisher even wrote the Foreword to this book.The book focuses on career negotiations using a principled negotiation strategy for win-win propositions rather than bluffing. Part one of the book is a basic overview of the negotiation process and skills that are essential for negotiating success. This part contains the first two chapters. Chapter on focuses on basics that include topics such as listening, communication, self-control, focus, and of course the four keys outlined in Getting to Yes:1. Separate the people from the problem. 2. Focus on interests, not positions. 3. Invent options for mutual gain. 4. Insist on using objective
criteria.Chapter two is a good basic primer on getting ready to negotiation. Every negotiator knows that preparation is key, and Goodman lays a solid foundation regarding this important step.Part two of the book looks at specific employment negotiation issues. Chapters topics include: the interview, salary, stock options, signing and performance bonuses, benefits, relocation, various nondisclosure agreements, severance packages, employment agreements, and annual reviews.The final part of the book looks at the big picture and covers topics such as professionals' perspectives on negotiations and working in groups.The appendix includes two model agreements that strongly favor the employer with instructions to put your knowledge to use by identifying the undesirable clauses within the agreements and then restructuring each clause to bring the agreement back into balance. There is a clause-by-clause analysis following each agreement.Overall, this is a great little book that shows
hot to get what you want from your employer and coworkers by negotiating in a collaborative way. This book can help anyone in varying aspects of their career development process. Negotiation is a part of life, and it is especially a part of the work world. This book provides advice and strategies that will not only help you build professional relationships and improve the ones you have, but also get ahead in all areas of your career.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/win-win-career-negotiations-proven-strategies-for-getting-what-you-want-from-your-employer.html
criteria.Chapter two is a good basic primer on getting ready to negotiation. Every negotiator knows that preparation is key, and Goodman lays a solid foundation regarding this important step.Part two of the book looks at specific employment negotiation issues. Chapters topics include: the interview, salary, stock options, signing and performance bonuses, benefits, relocation, various nondisclosure agreements, severance packages, employment agreements, and annual reviews.The final part of the book looks at the big picture and covers topics such as professionals' perspectives on negotiations and working in groups.The appendix includes two model agreements that strongly favor the employer with instructions to put your knowledge to use by identifying the undesirable clauses within the agreements and then restructuring each clause to bring the agreement back into balance. There is a clause-by-clause analysis following each agreement.Overall, this is a great little book that shows
hot to get what you want from your employer and coworkers by negotiating in a collaborative way. This book can help anyone in varying aspects of their career development process. Negotiation is a part of life, and it is especially a part of the work world. This book provides advice and strategies that will not only help you build professional relationships and improve the ones you have, but also get ahead in all areas of your career.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/win-win-career-negotiations-proven-strategies-for-getting-what-you-want-from-your-employer.html
Book Review for: "Claimed by the Highlander"
Book Review for: Claimed by the HighlanderWritten by: Julianne MacLeanSt. Martin's PaperbackISBN: 978-1-4229-6532-3Avail: in print and eBook5 StarsMacLean pens a story filled with adventure, suspense and romance. Angus MacDonald storms the gates of Kinloch Castle intent on claiming his family's home, only now the MacEwens are there and in order to claim the heart of the castle, he'll need to earn Gwendolen MacEwen's love.Set in 1718 Scotland, Gwendolen's family was given Kinloch Castle for their support of the English Hanoverian King. Unfortunately, her father has recently passed, leaving the castle vulnerable. Enter Angus MacDonald. His father previously held the castle. He storms the gates and asserts his right as the new laird. He also announces his intention to wed Gwendolen.The MacEwen lass is mortified by Angus' plan, but strikes a deal to marry him to keep the peace when she witnesses his leniency toward her clan. Still, she betrays him by sending a letter to the local
English garrison asking for help.Angus is furious to learn that his intended betrayed him, but he holds firm to his promise not to bed her until their wedding night.Despite all the initial anger and hurt between Angus and Gwen, there's no denying the raw, primal attraction between the two. Gwen softens toward her intended when she observes little acts of compassion from him. Angus awakens Gwen's sensual side and soon learns that he enjoys his wife's lovemaking. Angus and Gwen come together over common ground, but can they build the trust needed to keep Kinloch from falling into the wrong hands?MacLean grabs the reader in the opening chapter with a suspenseful and intense fight and the plot never lets up. The vivid descriptions and authentic dialogue make Angus' and Gwen's story spring into life.The most enjoyable part of the novel is the rich characterization of Angus and Gwen along with a strong supporting cast.Angus is a warrior who has made mistakes. He doesn't think he
can atone for them, but Gwen's growing affection give him something he's never known before - hope. The scene with Angus and Gwen in the chapel allows Angus to really grow as a character as well as lets the couple shine romantically.Gwen is proud and haunty. Angus shows her unexpected compassion which softens her edges. Gwen must learn to trust and prove to Angus she means what she says.The love scenes are sensual and romantic and allow for Gwen and Angus to really connect as a couple. "Claimed by the Highlander," will leave the reader breathless. You can't put it down.Reviewed by: S. Burkhart
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English garrison asking for help.Angus is furious to learn that his intended betrayed him, but he holds firm to his promise not to bed her until their wedding night.Despite all the initial anger and hurt between Angus and Gwen, there's no denying the raw, primal attraction between the two. Gwen softens toward her intended when she observes little acts of compassion from him. Angus awakens Gwen's sensual side and soon learns that he enjoys his wife's lovemaking. Angus and Gwen come together over common ground, but can they build the trust needed to keep Kinloch from falling into the wrong hands?MacLean grabs the reader in the opening chapter with a suspenseful and intense fight and the plot never lets up. The vivid descriptions and authentic dialogue make Angus' and Gwen's story spring into life.The most enjoyable part of the novel is the rich characterization of Angus and Gwen along with a strong supporting cast.Angus is a warrior who has made mistakes. He doesn't think he
can atone for them, but Gwen's growing affection give him something he's never known before - hope. The scene with Angus and Gwen in the chapel allows Angus to really grow as a character as well as lets the couple shine romantically.Gwen is proud and haunty. Angus shows her unexpected compassion which softens her edges. Gwen must learn to trust and prove to Angus she means what she says.The love scenes are sensual and romantic and allow for Gwen and Angus to really connect as a couple. "Claimed by the Highlander," will leave the reader breathless. You can't put it down.Reviewed by: S. Burkhart
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-for-claimed-by-the-highlander.html
Rollback by Robert J Sawyer
Sarah and Don Halifax are the main ingredients to Rollback a Science Fiction novel by Robert J. Sawyer. When we first meet them they are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary, both are in their 80's. Rollback isn't a very long book to read and its tone and state are generally quick and easy to understand and get through. As we proceed through Rollback Mr. Sawyer does a pretty good job in expressing the aged married couple.We soon learn that there is something pretty special about Sarah, Don's beloved wife, in that she is a scientist who worked closely with SETI (The Alien Seeking Governmental Agency) and decodes the very first message sent to us by aliens about 30 years ago. Well after sending back a reply (30 years ago) a return message from the aliens arrives and Sarah and Don are given a chance to "Rollback" their elderly state. A wealthy industrial Billionaire, Cody McGavin, is putting up what the book states is over a billion dollars for Sarah Halifax to be Rolled B
ack, in other words her DNA is Scrubbed and Shined and a Rollback occurs by degrees making the person young again. In the book Sarah demands that her husband Don must be Rolled Back as well and this is agreed to by Mr. McGavin, who of course has had his own Rollback, even though it is stated that he was in his late 40's or early 50's when he did so. The reasoning for Mr. McGavin's very generous offer is that he believes that Sarah can decipher the alien's message and he further believes that he can profit from it.At any rate the rollbacks are completed on Sarah and Don and something does indeed go wrong. The procedure doesn't work for Sarah. She continues to be old as Don gets younger and younger which is the crux of Mr. Sawyers tale. In fact the whole book is really about Don more than anything else as he grows to accept that his very loved wife (the one who the rollback was for) is going to die leaving him young and lonely! Not a bad premise. Unfortunately Mr. Sawyer does
slip up a bit in my view in that I doubt highly that a billionaire would just give anyone these expensive treatments, the reasons, the deciphering of the new alien transmission just isn't good enough reason for me to believe that the Industrialist would do so. I mean if say, Barack Obama were 99 years old and with cancer and ready for his final fling then yeah, I could see a Bill Gates stepping in and becoming a hero, but this gift from Mr. McGavin seems fanciful and he actually agrees rather quickly to do the same for Don! In about 3 minutes at the cost of a billion dollars! I just don't think billionaires are that nice!Yet I'm surely not dismissing the work done here as Don does carry the book. He's a good guy of that there is no doubt as Mr. Sawyer shows us the typical good guy demeanor of the Male Mammal. Don's emotions and feelings for Sarah are pretty touching at times and luckily Mr. Sawyer doesn't go for the syrup too often, after all this is sci-fi, which concerns t
he alien message. Still Rollback is set within the near future and it's interesting to have Mr. Sawyer bring up a time and place in which I myself was old enough to remember, he mentions the 80's through Don. Don does indeed have an affair with a young colleague of Sarah's, Leonore who is in her 20's... I won't divulge too much more. This is pretty lite reading though and isn't going to keep you up all night, but I felt that Mr. Sawyer has a pretty good touch with these characters, although I felt that the depth of the piece was not what it should be.Decisions made to quickly litter the book a bit too much. Rollback is a brief novel a little over 300 pages and somewhat fanciful. I can see some people feeling pretty good about this book but I doubt that many will consider it a lasting testament to the cannon of Science Fiction.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/rollback-by-robert-j-sawyer.html
ack, in other words her DNA is Scrubbed and Shined and a Rollback occurs by degrees making the person young again. In the book Sarah demands that her husband Don must be Rolled Back as well and this is agreed to by Mr. McGavin, who of course has had his own Rollback, even though it is stated that he was in his late 40's or early 50's when he did so. The reasoning for Mr. McGavin's very generous offer is that he believes that Sarah can decipher the alien's message and he further believes that he can profit from it.At any rate the rollbacks are completed on Sarah and Don and something does indeed go wrong. The procedure doesn't work for Sarah. She continues to be old as Don gets younger and younger which is the crux of Mr. Sawyers tale. In fact the whole book is really about Don more than anything else as he grows to accept that his very loved wife (the one who the rollback was for) is going to die leaving him young and lonely! Not a bad premise. Unfortunately Mr. Sawyer does
slip up a bit in my view in that I doubt highly that a billionaire would just give anyone these expensive treatments, the reasons, the deciphering of the new alien transmission just isn't good enough reason for me to believe that the Industrialist would do so. I mean if say, Barack Obama were 99 years old and with cancer and ready for his final fling then yeah, I could see a Bill Gates stepping in and becoming a hero, but this gift from Mr. McGavin seems fanciful and he actually agrees rather quickly to do the same for Don! In about 3 minutes at the cost of a billion dollars! I just don't think billionaires are that nice!Yet I'm surely not dismissing the work done here as Don does carry the book. He's a good guy of that there is no doubt as Mr. Sawyer shows us the typical good guy demeanor of the Male Mammal. Don's emotions and feelings for Sarah are pretty touching at times and luckily Mr. Sawyer doesn't go for the syrup too often, after all this is sci-fi, which concerns t
he alien message. Still Rollback is set within the near future and it's interesting to have Mr. Sawyer bring up a time and place in which I myself was old enough to remember, he mentions the 80's through Don. Don does indeed have an affair with a young colleague of Sarah's, Leonore who is in her 20's... I won't divulge too much more. This is pretty lite reading though and isn't going to keep you up all night, but I felt that Mr. Sawyer has a pretty good touch with these characters, although I felt that the depth of the piece was not what it should be.Decisions made to quickly litter the book a bit too much. Rollback is a brief novel a little over 300 pages and somewhat fanciful. I can see some people feeling pretty good about this book but I doubt that many will consider it a lasting testament to the cannon of Science Fiction.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/rollback-by-robert-j-sawyer.html
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Down River by John Hart
The novel Down River proves that genre writing can also be literary. Its protagonist Adam Chase is a wrongly accused young man who, with or without meaning to, clashes with almost everyone around him and has to peel himself out of trouble constantly. The first chapter opens aptly with the description of the river in Rowan County, North Carolina, Adam's family home and the Red Water Farm, and a mention of his childhood trauma.Adam has returned home to find his old friend Danny Faith, after five years of staying away from everyone including his girlfriend Robin who is a cop. Five years ago, Adam was tried for murder and acquitted, but the townspeople still see him as the murderer. Adam is bitter because his family especially his father did not believe in his innocence. Instead of going home, Adam goes to Danny Faith's father's hotel to rent a room, where he is beaten up badly. As he leaves the hospital, Robin meets him and takes him to her apartment. Later on, Adam goes to mee
t his father, stepmother, his two step-siblings, the caretaker and his granddaughter Grace. Then, as much as he searches, Adam cannot find Danny. There is, yet, another twist to the story as the possibility of a nuclear plant. The developers want to buy the Red Water Farm and other farmland around it, despite Adam's father's resolve to not sell the farm. In the meantime, other murders spring up around Adam, making the authorities suspect him again. With all the pressure around him, Adam wants to prove his innocence and to see if he can return to the only place he calls home. The story continues with everyone being suspected of thing or another until the end when the puzzle is solved and Adam is cleared once and for all.Down River is Southern Gothic at its best with the strong theme of the prodigal son, powerful yet somewhat eccentric characters--each with their own secrets and vices--and a splendid backdrop of countryside. The story, told in first person, weaves skillfully a
long several plotlines, keeping the reader guessing the answer to the who-done-it question. The language of the book is rich, evocative, at times sentimental and poetic, and at times direct and harsh, reflecting the psychological complexity of its characters. The writer's exemplary use of the language and understanding of the regional elements and his characters raise the quality of this mystery to a high literary level. Adam Chase narrates: I wondered if it (the town) had the taste of me even now, so many years after it had spit me out. I drove past the renovated train station and the old mansions stuffed with money, turned my face away from men on familiar benches and women in bright clothes.Down River is 336 pages with ISBN-10: 0312359314 and ISBN-13: 978-0312359317.The author of Down River, John Hart, --according to the bio given at the inside cover-- was born and raised in North Carolina and earned degrees in French, Accounting, and Law. After careers in law and in ass
et management, Hart turned to writing novels full time. He lives in North Carolina with his family. His first book was The King of Lies (2006). His second, Down River (2007) has won the Edgar Award. His third book, The Last Child will be published in May 2009.I picked Down River from a bookstand in an airport and found it to be my best pick in a long time. The mastery of the author in all aspects of storytelling makes this book a captivating thriller as well as an excellent example of literary fiction.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/down-river-by-john-hart.html
t his father, stepmother, his two step-siblings, the caretaker and his granddaughter Grace. Then, as much as he searches, Adam cannot find Danny. There is, yet, another twist to the story as the possibility of a nuclear plant. The developers want to buy the Red Water Farm and other farmland around it, despite Adam's father's resolve to not sell the farm. In the meantime, other murders spring up around Adam, making the authorities suspect him again. With all the pressure around him, Adam wants to prove his innocence and to see if he can return to the only place he calls home. The story continues with everyone being suspected of thing or another until the end when the puzzle is solved and Adam is cleared once and for all.Down River is Southern Gothic at its best with the strong theme of the prodigal son, powerful yet somewhat eccentric characters--each with their own secrets and vices--and a splendid backdrop of countryside. The story, told in first person, weaves skillfully a
long several plotlines, keeping the reader guessing the answer to the who-done-it question. The language of the book is rich, evocative, at times sentimental and poetic, and at times direct and harsh, reflecting the psychological complexity of its characters. The writer's exemplary use of the language and understanding of the regional elements and his characters raise the quality of this mystery to a high literary level. Adam Chase narrates: I wondered if it (the town) had the taste of me even now, so many years after it had spit me out. I drove past the renovated train station and the old mansions stuffed with money, turned my face away from men on familiar benches and women in bright clothes.Down River is 336 pages with ISBN-10: 0312359314 and ISBN-13: 978-0312359317.The author of Down River, John Hart, --according to the bio given at the inside cover-- was born and raised in North Carolina and earned degrees in French, Accounting, and Law. After careers in law and in ass
et management, Hart turned to writing novels full time. He lives in North Carolina with his family. His first book was The King of Lies (2006). His second, Down River (2007) has won the Edgar Award. His third book, The Last Child will be published in May 2009.I picked Down River from a bookstand in an airport and found it to be my best pick in a long time. The mastery of the author in all aspects of storytelling makes this book a captivating thriller as well as an excellent example of literary fiction.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/down-river-by-john-hart.html
Monster Madness: Fighting and Facing the Unknown in Beowulf and Lord of the Flies
The word "monsters" usually recalls childhood fears of some ugly thing lurking underneath your bed, just waiting for your feet to dangle over the side so it can pull you under. It makes you remember the time when you were afraid so afraid of the dark that you had to dash quickly out of room after switching the lights off just to reduce the chances of that beast in your closet gobbling you up. Like last night.Monsters, of course, are also important literary devices and symbols that have been used to represent the unknown, the inexplicable, and the truly creepy parts of our world. Deeply steeped in fantasy and myth, monster stories are usually about facing a grand fear, typically death. Such is the case for Old English epic poem, Beowulf, which has more mythological beasts than an episode of HBO's True Blood. You've got dragons, sea monsters, some half-human descendant of Cain named Grendel, and his protective mother. J.R.R Tolkien, author of the equally fantastic The Lord of T
he Rings trilogy, was a big supporter of examining the use of fantasy and monsters in Beowulf, arguing in the famous lecture "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics" that such elements were a work of art and integral to the poem's themes of mortality, bravery, and even religion.Grendel is the biggest jerk in the story, attacking King Hrothgar's mead hall and eating his warriors for a late night snack. This is your worst childhood nightmare realized: monsters are not only real, but they are also breaking into where you sleep and eating you like a bag of potato chips. The fact that the attacks happen at night in the dark, desolate, and bone-chilling tribal regions of the Denmark/Sweden area only amplifies the fear that plagues King Hrothgar's people. No wonder everyone is holed up together in a giant mead hall.Of course, such fear must be conquered. Enter Beowulf, a brave warrior who is not fazed by the possibility of death, mere monsters, or their overbearing moms. Long story
short, he victoriously slews all of them-even though his last encounter with the dragon cost him his life-coming out as the singular hero who saved countless people. Hooray!But some fear is not so conquerable. The fear of outside creatures or elements infiltrating a refuge is also found in William Golding's classic novel Lord of the Flies, in which a pack of British boys wash up on a deserted tropical island and start to establish a semi-society for them to survive-sort of like the Dane and Geat tribes represented in Beowulf. The boys are all fearful of an imagined beast somewhere on the island, offering it severed pig heads to appease it, as if it were a monster under a bed that could be satisfied by a stuffed teddy bear tossed under so it won't gobble you up. Talk about childhood nightmares. Of course, the childish fears are manifested in other events that bewilder the boys-such as a lifeless parachuting man gliding toward the island.However, the fear that plagues them is
not some Grendel-like creature that can be vanquished-it's something inside of the boys. Simon, the only boy on the island who gets this fact, confirms his suspicions after having a hallucinatory conversation with that severed pig head. Much like Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven in which a fairly one-sided chat with a stately bird causes the speaker to project his own fears and grief until he descends into madness, Simon's talk with the pig head also reflects the inner demons and monsters that are at work within the human psyche. There are no dragons to be slain, no battles to be fought, and no chance for a Beowulf character to ride in and save the day. The epic poem focuses on the external and more manageable unknown, while Golding's novel takes that unknown and follows that fear within. And that monster is something you cannot fight off with a nightlight.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/monster-madness-fighting-and-facing-the-unknown-in-beowulf-and-lord-of-the-flies.html
he Rings trilogy, was a big supporter of examining the use of fantasy and monsters in Beowulf, arguing in the famous lecture "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics" that such elements were a work of art and integral to the poem's themes of mortality, bravery, and even religion.Grendel is the biggest jerk in the story, attacking King Hrothgar's mead hall and eating his warriors for a late night snack. This is your worst childhood nightmare realized: monsters are not only real, but they are also breaking into where you sleep and eating you like a bag of potato chips. The fact that the attacks happen at night in the dark, desolate, and bone-chilling tribal regions of the Denmark/Sweden area only amplifies the fear that plagues King Hrothgar's people. No wonder everyone is holed up together in a giant mead hall.Of course, such fear must be conquered. Enter Beowulf, a brave warrior who is not fazed by the possibility of death, mere monsters, or their overbearing moms. Long story
short, he victoriously slews all of them-even though his last encounter with the dragon cost him his life-coming out as the singular hero who saved countless people. Hooray!But some fear is not so conquerable. The fear of outside creatures or elements infiltrating a refuge is also found in William Golding's classic novel Lord of the Flies, in which a pack of British boys wash up on a deserted tropical island and start to establish a semi-society for them to survive-sort of like the Dane and Geat tribes represented in Beowulf. The boys are all fearful of an imagined beast somewhere on the island, offering it severed pig heads to appease it, as if it were a monster under a bed that could be satisfied by a stuffed teddy bear tossed under so it won't gobble you up. Talk about childhood nightmares. Of course, the childish fears are manifested in other events that bewilder the boys-such as a lifeless parachuting man gliding toward the island.However, the fear that plagues them is
not some Grendel-like creature that can be vanquished-it's something inside of the boys. Simon, the only boy on the island who gets this fact, confirms his suspicions after having a hallucinatory conversation with that severed pig head. Much like Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven in which a fairly one-sided chat with a stately bird causes the speaker to project his own fears and grief until he descends into madness, Simon's talk with the pig head also reflects the inner demons and monsters that are at work within the human psyche. There are no dragons to be slain, no battles to be fought, and no chance for a Beowulf character to ride in and save the day. The epic poem focuses on the external and more manageable unknown, while Golding's novel takes that unknown and follows that fear within. And that monster is something you cannot fight off with a nightlight.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/monster-madness-fighting-and-facing-the-unknown-in-beowulf-and-lord-of-the-flies.html
Review: "Saraceno" - by Djelloul Marbrook
This is a gangster story sans the blood or fast-paced adventure of most books on this subject. Instead, the author takes an introspective look at a Mafia hetman and the family for which he works. Art, literature and religion all figure into this quick, but thought-provoking, 111-page read.The book opens as Billy Salviati is released from prison. He goes to reside in New York's Hell's Kitchen where he works in a cigar store. There, he meets and forms a deep friendship with Matt who is the grandson of Mafia don John Altobene. The book focuses on this relationship rather than on the particulars of the work that Billy does for the Mafioso. Billy's life changes further when he saves Hettie Warshaw from a pair of Hell's Kitchen muggers. This second relationship blossoms as if the two were mother and son and lasts for five years until Hettie's death.By chapter 12 of 18 and after about 15 years have passed, Billy writes the letters "O-U-T" and passes the message to Matt. Matt
, who has looked at Billy as a best friend and brother, is deeply saddened. At this point, Marbrook also shares the sensitivities of both men - Billy with his rooftop rose garden and Matt with his "magical celestial engine" in his bedroom. The book ends, with both men moving on with their lives, cognizant of how their friendship changed them and helped them grow.Marbrook's story is set in the 1950s and is based on his own real-life experiences as well as those of his stepfather. Matt's Mafia family is based on friendships that the author's stepfather actually had in Hell's Kitchen. "Billy" comes from the author's own experiences when he was selling newspapers on the corner of 46th Street and Eighth Avenue. Marbrook purposefully chose the title "Sarceno," which is the name that John Altobene gave to Billy. Remember, the original Saracens were the descendants of Hagar - today's Arabs. Like a nomad in the desert, Billy roamed. With an Irish mother, Billy could never be e
ntirely accepted in the Mafia culture.The primary pleasure of reading this book comes by delving into Billy's relationships with Matt and Hettie. Another pleasure is the author's extensive vocabulary and tendency to use some unusual words to tell this story. Describing the first meeting between Billy and Hettie, Marbrook begins Chapter 5: "Synchronicities, if we know their number, would scare us. As it is, they cloy. For example, just about the moment a caustic August sun slumped like a tired scout in a Parthian saddle over the Palisades Billy Salviati met Hettie Warshaw."I think the reader's knowledge about Hell's Kitchen and his stepfather's experiences with various Mafia figures is what makes this book special. It is a book is for the serious reader interested in a short tale about relationships and change. The pace is going to be too slow for those readers looking for a story with action and adventure.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/review-saraceno-by-djelloul-marbrook.html
, who has looked at Billy as a best friend and brother, is deeply saddened. At this point, Marbrook also shares the sensitivities of both men - Billy with his rooftop rose garden and Matt with his "magical celestial engine" in his bedroom. The book ends, with both men moving on with their lives, cognizant of how their friendship changed them and helped them grow.Marbrook's story is set in the 1950s and is based on his own real-life experiences as well as those of his stepfather. Matt's Mafia family is based on friendships that the author's stepfather actually had in Hell's Kitchen. "Billy" comes from the author's own experiences when he was selling newspapers on the corner of 46th Street and Eighth Avenue. Marbrook purposefully chose the title "Sarceno," which is the name that John Altobene gave to Billy. Remember, the original Saracens were the descendants of Hagar - today's Arabs. Like a nomad in the desert, Billy roamed. With an Irish mother, Billy could never be e
ntirely accepted in the Mafia culture.The primary pleasure of reading this book comes by delving into Billy's relationships with Matt and Hettie. Another pleasure is the author's extensive vocabulary and tendency to use some unusual words to tell this story. Describing the first meeting between Billy and Hettie, Marbrook begins Chapter 5: "Synchronicities, if we know their number, would scare us. As it is, they cloy. For example, just about the moment a caustic August sun slumped like a tired scout in a Parthian saddle over the Palisades Billy Salviati met Hettie Warshaw."I think the reader's knowledge about Hell's Kitchen and his stepfather's experiences with various Mafia figures is what makes this book special. It is a book is for the serious reader interested in a short tale about relationships and change. The pace is going to be too slow for those readers looking for a story with action and adventure.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/review-saraceno-by-djelloul-marbrook.html
Gideon Book Review - Gideon by Russell Andrews
Gideon starts off with a mysterious confession and an equally mysterious suicide of an unknown character. Then Russell Andrews takes us back a month, where we get to meet the main character of Carl Granville. Carl is a struggling writer with the great American novel just waiting to get published. When he is hired to ghost write a mysterious book from a diary, where the names, places and other vital information has been deleted.When his editor is murdered and her publishing house knows nothing about the book, he is soon the main suspect. More murders and they all seem to point to Carl as the murderer, forces him to go on the run to escape the police and the real killers who are trying to eliminate him too.He teams up with his ex girlfriend in search of the truth behind the diary in order to clear his name and stop the real killers. Without giving up the storyline, Carl and Amanda are soon searching the south for a midwife, who may be the only person who knows the truth behind
the diary and all the murders that lay in Carl's wake.I picked up this book, because of another Andrews book I read a few week ago - Aphrodite- and I am glad that I did. This book had me hooked from the very beginning, the main characters are likeable, and the bad guys are bad, but not infallible or indestructible. The characters behind the scenes are kept pretty secretive and only as the story moves along are we made privy to the real reasons and secrets.Reading this book was like peeling an onion, layer by layer, until the whole truth was revealed with a great climax. Russell Andrews has now become one of my favorite authors and I am looking forward to reading his other novel - Icarus, which I can only hope is as good as his first two books.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/gideon-book-review-gideon-by-russell-andrews.html
the diary and all the murders that lay in Carl's wake.I picked up this book, because of another Andrews book I read a few week ago - Aphrodite- and I am glad that I did. This book had me hooked from the very beginning, the main characters are likeable, and the bad guys are bad, but not infallible or indestructible. The characters behind the scenes are kept pretty secretive and only as the story moves along are we made privy to the real reasons and secrets.Reading this book was like peeling an onion, layer by layer, until the whole truth was revealed with a great climax. Russell Andrews has now become one of my favorite authors and I am looking forward to reading his other novel - Icarus, which I can only hope is as good as his first two books.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/gideon-book-review-gideon-by-russell-andrews.html
Interested to Take Online CNA Training Course?
Online CNA Training Course has become one of the popular choices of aspiring nurse assistants considering the only prerequisite to be one is a high school diploma or basic GED. Offering basic education in nursing, it provides the most important skills and knowledge in a more convenient and easy to access way, answering the growing need for this field. The class is divided into two parts: the clinical instruction and the non-clinical instruction. The clinical instruction happens in a different setting, usually in a clinic, hospital or a nursing facility where the students will go hands on in applying what they learned.On the other hand, the non-clinical instruction of the Online CNA Course includes an e-book which covers subjects such as: Anatomy, Physiology, Introduction to Nursing, Basics of Medical Care Provision, Medical Jargon, Legal and Ethical Behavior within the healthcare organization and HIPAA. The course lasts from six to twelve weeks depending on the program select
ed before taking up the final exam leading to the certification. Requirements on the course and examination may vary per state so verification with the department of health is important.Other options are available for those who want to take up the CNA training. One is the traditional class offered by community colleges or technical schools. Sometimes it is offered for free by some states or private institutions. Others develop funds or grant programs to cover the whole program. With regards to the cost, online CNA course is a bit lower than the traditional courses (between $300 to $1500) and it comes with free option for schooling too.Advantages of going through the Online CNA Training Course are: topics may be taken up at your own pace, savings in cost of tuition fees, not having to leave the comfort of your home in order to complete the course. A word of caution though, one must be careful in choosing the online CNA school and ensure that the online CNA training course is
approved by your state. On the other hand, disadvantages may include the absence of interaction with trainers, other students and professionals and the non-practice of direct hands-on clinical exposure (clinical equipment, procedures and patients).Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant is made easy and convenient through the Online CNA Training Course. However, one should take and pass the CNA exam depending on the state, as it varies from one state to another. Once certified, this profession proves to be one of the most fulfilling and rewarding as it involves helping a lot of people.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/interested-to-take-online-cna-training-course.html
ed before taking up the final exam leading to the certification. Requirements on the course and examination may vary per state so verification with the department of health is important.Other options are available for those who want to take up the CNA training. One is the traditional class offered by community colleges or technical schools. Sometimes it is offered for free by some states or private institutions. Others develop funds or grant programs to cover the whole program. With regards to the cost, online CNA course is a bit lower than the traditional courses (between $300 to $1500) and it comes with free option for schooling too.Advantages of going through the Online CNA Training Course are: topics may be taken up at your own pace, savings in cost of tuition fees, not having to leave the comfort of your home in order to complete the course. A word of caution though, one must be careful in choosing the online CNA school and ensure that the online CNA training course is
approved by your state. On the other hand, disadvantages may include the absence of interaction with trainers, other students and professionals and the non-practice of direct hands-on clinical exposure (clinical equipment, procedures and patients).Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant is made easy and convenient through the Online CNA Training Course. However, one should take and pass the CNA exam depending on the state, as it varies from one state to another. Once certified, this profession proves to be one of the most fulfilling and rewarding as it involves helping a lot of people.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/interested-to-take-online-cna-training-course.html
The MavHERick Mind by Liz Pabon
How to Win the Battle for Success by Using What You've Got to Get What You WantI have to admit I'm not a huge fan of using "battle" terminology in business. However, Liz has a unique approach to applying this terminology. She tackles the inner issues women have with success.Instead of preparing to go forth and conquer the competition, she suggests we should all begin within. I wholeheartedly agree with this approach. I believe everyone deserves success and that there's enough business to go around.Liz helps pave the way to personal success by clearly defining a MavHERick. She's sure to point out that MavHERicks are not rebels.Instead, women who possess the MavHERick traits are:*Unafraid to color outside the lines *Confident in their own power without taking away the power of others *Thankful for and implements the unique gifts they've been given *Cognizant of individual purpose and strive to use natural talents to better the world *Excited by helping others *Respectful of the
mselvesThroughout the book you'll find helpful, personal stories to remind you that we are all human and face similar fears and challenges. Additionally Liz provides actionable items to help you fully embrace your own MavHERick mindset. Plus, she provides access to worksheets and resources to truly involve you in the process (including the very cool Vision Map).By taking the time to invest in yourself and read this book you'll have a fresh perspective on your future and what makes you tick. But you must be willing to set aside some time to implement what you read. You'll also create your own script for the life you ultimately desire.If you're a woman ready to embrace your true inner beauty and power this is a must read. Or, if you simply know of a woman who would benefit from enhancing her MavHERick mind this is the perfect gift.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-mavherick-mind-by-liz-pabon.html
mselvesThroughout the book you'll find helpful, personal stories to remind you that we are all human and face similar fears and challenges. Additionally Liz provides actionable items to help you fully embrace your own MavHERick mindset. Plus, she provides access to worksheets and resources to truly involve you in the process (including the very cool Vision Map).By taking the time to invest in yourself and read this book you'll have a fresh perspective on your future and what makes you tick. But you must be willing to set aside some time to implement what you read. You'll also create your own script for the life you ultimately desire.If you're a woman ready to embrace your true inner beauty and power this is a must read. Or, if you simply know of a woman who would benefit from enhancing her MavHERick mind this is the perfect gift.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-mavherick-mind-by-liz-pabon.html
When Murder Becomes Profitable - Book Review - Legends, Leaders, Legacies
Every society breeds some people who will resort to bullets when they think their desire for greed or power is threatened. Some of these threats to the heroes of society occur when power grabbers cannot verbally compete with words and logic.This sickness can inflict any society in the world. For example, in France, young Joan of Arc was torched to death at the age of 19 by members of the clergy who did not like her claims that he she heard from God. Germans murdered young Sophie Scholl at the age of age 21 for distributing Anti-Nazi materials. Polish native Rosa Luxemburg was knocked unconscious, shot in the head, and dumped in a river because a group of thugs did not like the literature that she was distributing. .In her interesting book, Legends, Leaders, Legacies, author Susan Vollmer presents a sampling of various societies that became fatal for those who wanted to help protect the rights of others. There are 18 mini-biographies that reflect the inevitable dangers that ex
ist in every society to those who might attempt to help others.Most of the victims in the book were ordinary people with ordinary problems. Jose Rizal had a Filipino mother who was imprisoned because her family did not have any food for the horse of a foreign invading soldier. Soon later, Jose himself was prevented from getting married because he would not agree to retract various statements that he previously made. He was later executed at age 35 for participating in a revolution that he never supported, even though this alleged incident took place while he was exiled for writing a book that some did not like. British Nurse Edith Cavell was only interested in helping people in need. She was arrested and executed at age 49 by the Germans.Some of the stories illuminate one of the ugliest traits that can exist in man. It's sad to watch the betrayal of heroes after they successfully sacrificed their safety by facing death defying situations. For example, a Saudi Prince was murd
ered by his own nephew. A heroic leader was killed by military decoys in his own parade. An Indian head of state was killed by one of her guards while giving a TV interview. And a brave fighter, who had successfully fought the Taliban, was murdered during a broadcast interview by decoy reporters who turned to be out to be traitors. Bringing this down to personal terms, it becomes obvious how vulnerable we are because a well-trusted person can betray us and destroy our lives at any moment.This book is easy to read, interesting, and informative. It reminds its' readers about the reality of human nature. Money, power, and other temptations that lead to greed become motivations to inflict damage on anyone who might threaten it.After reading this book, it will be difficult to take freedom for granted. That's why it is required reading for everyone who loves his country.The book is available from Susan Vollmer - /
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/when-murder-becomes-profitable-book-review-legends-leaders-legacies.html
ist in every society to those who might attempt to help others.Most of the victims in the book were ordinary people with ordinary problems. Jose Rizal had a Filipino mother who was imprisoned because her family did not have any food for the horse of a foreign invading soldier. Soon later, Jose himself was prevented from getting married because he would not agree to retract various statements that he previously made. He was later executed at age 35 for participating in a revolution that he never supported, even though this alleged incident took place while he was exiled for writing a book that some did not like. British Nurse Edith Cavell was only interested in helping people in need. She was arrested and executed at age 49 by the Germans.Some of the stories illuminate one of the ugliest traits that can exist in man. It's sad to watch the betrayal of heroes after they successfully sacrificed their safety by facing death defying situations. For example, a Saudi Prince was murd
ered by his own nephew. A heroic leader was killed by military decoys in his own parade. An Indian head of state was killed by one of her guards while giving a TV interview. And a brave fighter, who had successfully fought the Taliban, was murdered during a broadcast interview by decoy reporters who turned to be out to be traitors. Bringing this down to personal terms, it becomes obvious how vulnerable we are because a well-trusted person can betray us and destroy our lives at any moment.This book is easy to read, interesting, and informative. It reminds its' readers about the reality of human nature. Money, power, and other temptations that lead to greed become motivations to inflict damage on anyone who might threaten it.After reading this book, it will be difficult to take freedom for granted. That's why it is required reading for everyone who loves his country.The book is available from Susan Vollmer - /
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/when-murder-becomes-profitable-book-review-legends-leaders-legacies.html
Sleep Programming Spiritual Breakthrough Mega-Kit by Dick Sutphen
What is the potential of a human being? A healthy, working member of society might wonder how far they can go in life, and what titles they are capable of achieving. In some cases, you might consider material gain to be a success, and in other cases, you might think that simply achieving a clear state of mind is accomplishing something, and to be perfectly honest it all depends on your point of view. One thing is for sure, however, and it is that stress can easily interfere with your life in ways you never even imagined.The factors that have been introduced into your life may very well be eating at you, and there is a strong chance that they are holding you back. What can you do to avert this stress? The thing to remember is that some stress can be avoided, and some must be dealt with head on. Family is one example of a stress that must be dealt with because as they say, you cannot choose your family. That being said, you need to compensate, and that will mean finding somethi
ng that can provide you with the peace of mind you've been searching for.Let's take Sleep Programming Spiritual Breakthrough Mega-Kit for example. This is a series by Dick Sutphen, and it serves to provide you with a course bent on curing your insecurities and changing your outlook on life. To make it even better, it will do it while you are sleeping! But what comes in the Sleep Programming Spiritual Breakthrough Mega-Kit that makes it so much better than everything else?First of all the collection comes with six astounding CD's that each provide you with a different lesson. One CD might teach you how to become stress free and find yourself in balance with your life while another might teach you to be faithful to yourself, and essentially okay with who you are. In addition, you will learn to find answers in your dreams, as well as understand the concept of metaphysical affirmations.As you can see, there are plenty of things for you to learn in do when it comes to embracing y
ourself and learning to take charge of your dreams. It might sound difficult, and you will certainly run into a few snags when you are dealing with self-improvement, but sleep programming has been proven quite effective over the years and many have learned to embrace it. Dick Sutphen is without a doubt one of the most popular and most renowned sleep programmers in the world, and his strategies will help you out greatly in the long run. That being said, now would be a great time for you to look into this course and see how it can improve your personal life whether you are dealing with a stressful situation at work, or a personal problem that has been nagging at you for ages. You don't have to do it alone.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/sleep-programming-spiritual-breakthrough-mega-kit-by-dick-sutphen.html
ng that can provide you with the peace of mind you've been searching for.Let's take Sleep Programming Spiritual Breakthrough Mega-Kit for example. This is a series by Dick Sutphen, and it serves to provide you with a course bent on curing your insecurities and changing your outlook on life. To make it even better, it will do it while you are sleeping! But what comes in the Sleep Programming Spiritual Breakthrough Mega-Kit that makes it so much better than everything else?First of all the collection comes with six astounding CD's that each provide you with a different lesson. One CD might teach you how to become stress free and find yourself in balance with your life while another might teach you to be faithful to yourself, and essentially okay with who you are. In addition, you will learn to find answers in your dreams, as well as understand the concept of metaphysical affirmations.As you can see, there are plenty of things for you to learn in do when it comes to embracing y
ourself and learning to take charge of your dreams. It might sound difficult, and you will certainly run into a few snags when you are dealing with self-improvement, but sleep programming has been proven quite effective over the years and many have learned to embrace it. Dick Sutphen is without a doubt one of the most popular and most renowned sleep programmers in the world, and his strategies will help you out greatly in the long run. That being said, now would be a great time for you to look into this course and see how it can improve your personal life whether you are dealing with a stressful situation at work, or a personal problem that has been nagging at you for ages. You don't have to do it alone.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/sleep-programming-spiritual-breakthrough-mega-kit-by-dick-sutphen.html
Book Review - Current Events, Conservative Future, by G A Freiman
Fighting Fear with Knowledge and VisionToday Americans are faced with unknowns, the uncertainty of the economy, the threat of terrorist attacks, and a concern for our nation's leadership and respect around the world. In his book "Current Events, Conservative Outcomes" G. A. Freiman talks about, and analyzes these fears in light of current events with predictions for America's future. He uses information he has received in the form of a visionary process, meditation and reflection, as well as through life experiences and his own educational opportunities.Freiman has an innate passion and love for America. This is reflected in his writing. His writing is deeply spiritual, expressive, and logical. Freiman's sets out to help the reader form honest opinions on politics, religion, and social issues. He hypothesizes on political correctness, the threat of terrorism, the impact of global warming, poverty, abortion, and euthanasia with clarity, perception and forthrightness.I found
the questions that accompanied each issue thought provoking, meaningful, and practical. The reader was also shown action steps could take to have an impact on the future, in personal areas, the political arena, or on social issues. Freiman's predictions on American culture provide important insight and are worthy of consideration even for the skeptic of physic phenomena.Although the book's title may limit its audience, this is a book for liberal and conservative a like. It is a call for positive participation and a dedication to create a better future for our children and for those generations still to come.Frieman's approach draws the reader into a personal assessment of their faith. He helps them take a fresh look at the meaning of life, at root causes, into global thinking. He invites the reader to consider their relationship with God, His creation, and with all of humanity. "Current Events, Conservative Outcomes" is highly perceptive, entertaining, and thought provoki
ng.Xulon Press978-1604775990As reviewed for Midwest Book Review.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-current-events-conservative-future-by-g-a-freiman.html
the questions that accompanied each issue thought provoking, meaningful, and practical. The reader was also shown action steps could take to have an impact on the future, in personal areas, the political arena, or on social issues. Freiman's predictions on American culture provide important insight and are worthy of consideration even for the skeptic of physic phenomena.Although the book's title may limit its audience, this is a book for liberal and conservative a like. It is a call for positive participation and a dedication to create a better future for our children and for those generations still to come.Frieman's approach draws the reader into a personal assessment of their faith. He helps them take a fresh look at the meaning of life, at root causes, into global thinking. He invites the reader to consider their relationship with God, His creation, and with all of humanity. "Current Events, Conservative Outcomes" is highly perceptive, entertaining, and thought provoki
ng.Xulon Press978-1604775990As reviewed for Midwest Book Review.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-current-events-conservative-future-by-g-a-freiman.html
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Big Results With Big Ideas
Too many times clients are just focused on keeping dollars down. The focus should be to keep the generation of big ideas up. It is the idea, not the execution that people remember. The idea can change peoples behavior. Not the execution. Big ideas take more time to come up with. They usually have more "risk" attached to them. But the big idea requires drilling down to the essence of your marketing strategy and nailing an idea that jolts people into action. The best idea man I know is George Lois. Read his book on "Mass Communication".The book clearly illustrates how powerful ideas can be. This book is laid out in portfolio form with George telling you the thinking that was accomplished in each advertising piece. Creativity is generated when the mind is off fear and tension and on the idea. When you focus on greatness, you have a better chance of receiving greatness. You need to pick a talent that has created big ideas. Makes sense.The formula for creating big ideas is to firs
t gather the information. Let the information work in the brain. Brainstorm ideas. Then judge the ideas. Kick out the bad ideas and keep the good ones. Make an action plan for getting the good ideas done. Why do we want big ideas? To elevate our marketing communication to be different than the rest. So we get noticed. So we get word of mouth advertising. So we get BIG RESULTS. I encourage you to focus on big ideas. So your customers can remember your business for a long, long time.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/big-results-with-big-ideas.html
t gather the information. Let the information work in the brain. Brainstorm ideas. Then judge the ideas. Kick out the bad ideas and keep the good ones. Make an action plan for getting the good ideas done. Why do we want big ideas? To elevate our marketing communication to be different than the rest. So we get noticed. So we get word of mouth advertising. So we get BIG RESULTS. I encourage you to focus on big ideas. So your customers can remember your business for a long, long time.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/big-results-with-big-ideas.html
Book Review - Wrapped in Rain
"Child, Love always wins, always has - always will!"Timeless words of instruction from the memories of 'Miss Ella' float through "Wrapped in Rain" by Charles Martin and capture your heart, strike down your pride, and offer glimpses of the mystery of Grace.This is a story of two abused boys, a self-absorbed money hungry father, a self sacrificing little black woman and how love wins over incomprehensible physical, mental, and emotional pain.Tucker Rain providentially meets his childhood friend (Katy Withers) and her son one stormy night. The next day, Tucker discovers his schizophrenic brother (Mutt Mason) has escaped the mental ward. Tucker, Katy, and Jayce (Katy's five year son) set off to find him and bring him home.Once found, Tucker brings Mutt back to their home and they slowly discover their roots again. Katy's son is a visual reminder to both Tucker and Mutt of their own childhood innocence they had lost somewhere long ago in an upstairs room of Waverly Hall.With vivid
, enduring characters and picturesque landscape descriptions, the reader discovers redemption and forgiveness, pride and hatred, innocence and wonder all set in a small town in Alabama.The dialogue will capture your heart and linger through your mind long after you finish the book. Words such as: "If your knuckles are bloodier than your knees, you're fighting the wrong battle" and "His blood dripped onto my restraints and dissolved them."Perhaps the most enduring dialogue was explaining an invisible God to a five year child by saying: "The closer you get to the heat, the less you doubt the fire".This is a must read book. In it you will learn what a 'People Place' is, the real reason for beer, and the most complete description of the cultural south by a waitress named Dixie I have ever read.If you have struggled with facing your own childhood demons, read this book and you may find yourself putting some of your own memories behind you.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-wrapped-in-rain.html
, enduring characters and picturesque landscape descriptions, the reader discovers redemption and forgiveness, pride and hatred, innocence and wonder all set in a small town in Alabama.The dialogue will capture your heart and linger through your mind long after you finish the book. Words such as: "If your knuckles are bloodier than your knees, you're fighting the wrong battle" and "His blood dripped onto my restraints and dissolved them."Perhaps the most enduring dialogue was explaining an invisible God to a five year child by saying: "The closer you get to the heat, the less you doubt the fire".This is a must read book. In it you will learn what a 'People Place' is, the real reason for beer, and the most complete description of the cultural south by a waitress named Dixie I have ever read.If you have struggled with facing your own childhood demons, read this book and you may find yourself putting some of your own memories behind you.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-wrapped-in-rain.html
Well-Researched and Complete Compilation of Disaster Recovery Training
George W. Doherty continues his work of educating recovery workers so they can help themselves and those directly affected by crises in "From Crisis to Recovery: Strategic Planning for Response, Resilience, and Recovery." This book is a type of follow up to his earlier work, "Crisis Intervention Training for Disaster Workers: An Introduction." While Doherty covers some similar ground in this book, overall, the book is better organized and more reader-friendly, breaking down everything to be considered during a crisis to provide an effective response and recovery from the event.The first chapter, "What is Stress?" is valuable to everyone, whether the person has been in a disaster, helped at a disaster, or just lived a normal life. While this chapter does not relate to disasters specifically, it is relevant to understand what is the natural level of stress people can handle and what are basic and effective methods of coping with stress, including effective breathing exercises.
The many positive side effects of stress are also included because they propel us forward. As Doherty points out later in the book, humans prefer a certain level of risk, rather than stagnation, and if risk is not present, they will create a level of risk comfortable to them. I found all this information helpful in understanding my own stress and anxieties, and I feel better prepared for traumatic situations as a result of reading this book. I can see how this understanding of people's responses to stress is invaluable for understanding how they cope with disasters.Anyone who will work with people during a crisis will find this book invaluable, especially team leaders who must prepare for all the various aspects of a crisis. As Doherty points out several times, it is important to understand that "No one who sees a disaster is untouched by it." Whether a person loses a home or loved one in the disaster, is part of relief and recovery efforts, or is simply part of the media re
porting on the story, all these people have undergone a traumatic experience and need to know how to handle it. Doherty's explanations of understanding how different people cope with trauma, based on age and cultural background, make it clear one method does not fit everyone, one form of grief processing does not heal everyone grieving, and people have to consider the human and individual elements in the recovery process.Throughout, the book offers practical steps for helping in a crisis. One excellent example was if a crisis worker is told about an elderly person having a difficult time dealing with the crisis, the worker can prioritize what otherwise would be overwhelming by focusing on immediate rather than secondary needs, immediate needs including medication, eyeglasses, and shelter; once immediate needs are determined, the easiest can be tackled first. I thought this suggestion was a practical and stress-relieving way to help the person suffering from the crisis. In ad
dition, Doherty discusses helping children cope with the situation, as well as how disaster workers can explain their absence from home to their own children without traumatizing them with worry. In short, Doherty covers every possible scenario imaginable. I doubt there is anything he did not consider in writing this book. Much of the book seems like common sense, but the material is invaluable as a reminder of what needs to be done, which otherwise workers may not mentally be able to formulate for themselves in the midst of a crisis.Doherty uses considerable research and references to real disasters ranging from September 11th to hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes to illustrate his points. While at times the book is a bit repetitive, and may also seem a little overwhelming to read from cover to cover, after one thorough read, I think it would serve as a quick and effective reference guide that crisis workers will return to again and again.Beyond the book's main text, the
appendices provide an enormous list of resources-they actually make up over a quarter of the book. Web sites, books, and phone numbers of emergency organizations are included as well as outlines of what is needed for planning consideration, structural organization, and guidelines for setting up processes. Examples of individual "After Action" reports and actual disaster plans are included.George Doherty is the founder of the Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Institute and its current president/CEO. He also serves as Clinical Coordinator of the Snow Range Critical Incident Stress Management Team. He has been involved in disaster relief since 1995 as a Disaster Mental Health Specialist who has helped people through disasters from train wrecks to hurricanes and flash floods. I admire his expertise, his courage in performing what has to be a traumatic job, and his willingness to share his knowledge to aid workers in helping others and themselves in the most effective
ways possible so people can be resilient and recover from the unforeseen disasters they experience.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/well-researched-and-complete-compilation-of-disaster-recovery-training.html
The many positive side effects of stress are also included because they propel us forward. As Doherty points out later in the book, humans prefer a certain level of risk, rather than stagnation, and if risk is not present, they will create a level of risk comfortable to them. I found all this information helpful in understanding my own stress and anxieties, and I feel better prepared for traumatic situations as a result of reading this book. I can see how this understanding of people's responses to stress is invaluable for understanding how they cope with disasters.Anyone who will work with people during a crisis will find this book invaluable, especially team leaders who must prepare for all the various aspects of a crisis. As Doherty points out several times, it is important to understand that "No one who sees a disaster is untouched by it." Whether a person loses a home or loved one in the disaster, is part of relief and recovery efforts, or is simply part of the media re
porting on the story, all these people have undergone a traumatic experience and need to know how to handle it. Doherty's explanations of understanding how different people cope with trauma, based on age and cultural background, make it clear one method does not fit everyone, one form of grief processing does not heal everyone grieving, and people have to consider the human and individual elements in the recovery process.Throughout, the book offers practical steps for helping in a crisis. One excellent example was if a crisis worker is told about an elderly person having a difficult time dealing with the crisis, the worker can prioritize what otherwise would be overwhelming by focusing on immediate rather than secondary needs, immediate needs including medication, eyeglasses, and shelter; once immediate needs are determined, the easiest can be tackled first. I thought this suggestion was a practical and stress-relieving way to help the person suffering from the crisis. In ad
dition, Doherty discusses helping children cope with the situation, as well as how disaster workers can explain their absence from home to their own children without traumatizing them with worry. In short, Doherty covers every possible scenario imaginable. I doubt there is anything he did not consider in writing this book. Much of the book seems like common sense, but the material is invaluable as a reminder of what needs to be done, which otherwise workers may not mentally be able to formulate for themselves in the midst of a crisis.Doherty uses considerable research and references to real disasters ranging from September 11th to hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes to illustrate his points. While at times the book is a bit repetitive, and may also seem a little overwhelming to read from cover to cover, after one thorough read, I think it would serve as a quick and effective reference guide that crisis workers will return to again and again.Beyond the book's main text, the
appendices provide an enormous list of resources-they actually make up over a quarter of the book. Web sites, books, and phone numbers of emergency organizations are included as well as outlines of what is needed for planning consideration, structural organization, and guidelines for setting up processes. Examples of individual "After Action" reports and actual disaster plans are included.George Doherty is the founder of the Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Institute and its current president/CEO. He also serves as Clinical Coordinator of the Snow Range Critical Incident Stress Management Team. He has been involved in disaster relief since 1995 as a Disaster Mental Health Specialist who has helped people through disasters from train wrecks to hurricanes and flash floods. I admire his expertise, his courage in performing what has to be a traumatic job, and his willingness to share his knowledge to aid workers in helping others and themselves in the most effective
ways possible so people can be resilient and recover from the unforeseen disasters they experience.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/well-researched-and-complete-compilation-of-disaster-recovery-training.html
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