Saturday, July 28, 2012

Book Review - Wrapped in Rain

"Child, Love always wins, always has - always will!"Timeless words of instruction from the memories of 'Miss Ella' float through "Wrapped in Rain" by Charles Martin and capture your heart, strike down your pride, and offer glimpses of the mystery of Grace.This is a story of two abused boys, a self-absorbed money hungry father, a self sacrificing little black woman and how love wins over incomprehensible physical, mental, and emotional pain.Tucker Rain providentially meets his childhood friend (Katy Withers) and her son one stormy night. The next day, Tucker discovers his schizophrenic brother (Mutt Mason) has escaped the mental ward. Tucker, Katy, and Jayce (Katy's five year son) set off to find him and bring him home.Once found, Tucker brings Mutt back to their home and they slowly discover their roots again. Katy's son is a visual reminder to both Tucker and Mutt of their own childhood innocence they had lost somewhere long ago in an upstairs room of Waverly Hall.With vivid
, enduring characters and picturesque landscape descriptions, the reader discovers redemption and forgiveness, pride and hatred, innocence and wonder all set in a small town in Alabama.The dialogue will capture your heart and linger through your mind long after you finish the book. Words such as: "If your knuckles are bloodier than your knees, you're fighting the wrong battle" and "His blood dripped onto my restraints and dissolved them."Perhaps the most enduring dialogue was explaining an invisible God to a five year child by saying: "The closer you get to the heat, the less you doubt the fire".This is a must read book. In it you will learn what a 'People Place' is, the real reason for beer, and the most complete description of the cultural south by a waitress named Dixie I have ever read.If you have struggled with facing your own childhood demons, read this book and you may find yourself putting some of your own memories behind you.

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