It is an almost must to set aside a portion of your business-building budget for personal development. You might spend that in any number of ways from CDs, to books, to conferences, to dinner invitations with mentors. What is the purpose of all this stuff? It is continuing education. I'm sure you are aware that teachers, doctors and CPAs all need a certain number of course credits to renew their license each year. If network marketers want to be regarded as professionals, shouldn't we do the same? If you want generate the type of "walk-away" income that the leaders have, you too need to continually invest in your people skills, mindset and posture.One of my mentors gave me Jordan Adler's Beach Money book as part of my continuing education. Who can resist the cover image of Jordan reclining on the beach with his laptop unfurled? I could review the whole book, but instead I want to draw out the nuggets that really spoke to me. While this is no substitute for reading it yourself
, it will paint a picture of Jordan Adler's life and key success principles. After you read it for yourself, share it with your downline.Five Messages in Beach Money that Spoke to Me1.The Road to Success is Filled with Potholes.From Beach Money: Jordan Adler failed or quit at 11 network marketing companies before becoming a legend in his current company.What I took away: Success was always inside of him. Success requires tenacity and devotion. The skills of network marketing take time to acquire and master. The only way to acquire those skills is to keep going. After all, most entrepreneurs in 'traditional' business go out of business the first time. Nine out of 10 start-ups fail. Without a few 'learning experiences' behind them, many venture capitalists won't even fund an entrepreneur. Facing, learning from, and moving past adversity is an essential trait in a leader.2.Multi-Level Marketing is an Investment.From Beach Money: If your life is yardstick, the time you spend bui
lding your network marketing business is only a few inches.What I took away: This got me thinking about a typical day. The time I devote to reading, listening to CDs, and talking to leaders in my lifetime is very much like the time I spend reading with my kids in any given day. It is a small percent of my whole day, but it will have a lifelong impact and no one can ever take it away from me (or them). Education is always an investment (not a cost). Stop looking at the cost of that book, cost of that conference, cost of that training package and start thinking about how quickly you can apply what you will learn to get the greatest return on your investment.3.Don't Just Build a List; Nurture Your ListFrom Beach Money: Did you know that every business card in your rolodex is worth $100? Jordan will show you that it is with some simple math. Do you treat each card as if it is a $100 bill? Your success it determined by two things...the size of your rolodex and the strength of you
r relationships with people in that rolodex.What I took away: My husband summarizes this point exceptionally well. He says, "It's not about WHAT you know and it's not about WHO you know. Instead, it's about WHAT you know ABOUT WHO you know." So true. Just knowing people is not enough. You have to know ABOUT them - their hobbies, motivation, dreams. If you've ever needed to ask for a favor and thought to yourself, "I can't call that person because...", start giving to that person, not just taking.4.Go DO Something...Then Do It Better Next TimeFrom Beach Money: Jordan's tip #9 is "Act and Adjust; Don't Analyze."What I took away: As a former scientist, almost all on my early training taught me to analyze and study before taking action. Remember measure twice, cut once? It is essential that network marketers with this tendency become self aware about it. When you do something new will it be just right the first time? No. Perfection is not the goal. The goal is to always get bett
er. You have to take an action before you can improve upon it.5.Friends and Family Mean Well; Be Grateful for Their PessimismFrom Beach Money: Jordan colorfully relates a Thanksgiving dinner that ended abruptly after a shouting match with his Father about his newest network marketing company.What I took away: Family and friends have good intentions. They are trying to shield you and in the process don't realize the damage they may do. I'm a parent. If my sons were involved in something I thought was shady, dishonest or a waste of time, I would try to deter them. It is human nature. It is also human nature that the more they persisted that more I would try to counter. Parents flock and hover to protect their young. So, the next time someone in your immediate family criticizes your choice to pursue network marketing, look at it through a changed lens. See these comments as an expression of love. The best way to love then back is simply to express appreciation for their concern
. Try something straightforward like, "Thanks Mom, you are always looking out for me."
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