Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Review - Brain Wave Vibration

This book looks at an extremely simple way to access the physical and mental healing power that already exists within the human brain. The claim is that this can help to better manage stress, find your higher self and rediscover physical vitality.The physical world is full of vibrations. Sound waves are vibrations, it could be said that light waves are a form of vibrations, and brain waves are also vibrations. "Stress" is a major cause of physical and mental illness in our present-day world. Perhaps a cause of stress is our brains being somehow out of alignment with the natural level of vibrations. If our brains could be "re-aligned," the possibilities are interesting.Have you ever been in a good mood, and have that mood suddenly disappear in the presence of a sullen, angry person? Alternatively, have you ever been in a bad mood, and the presence of a happy and optimistic person makes that bad mood not so bad? Maybe it's possible to be "sensitive" to the brain waves of others
, or to have strong brain waves that can affect other people.What is this very simple method to change one's life, a method that can be taught in a couple of minutes, and can fit on one piece of paper? It is rhythmic vibratory shaking of the head, or the whole body (the book goes into detail). This will create brain waves that will promote mental and physical well-being. The brain stem is the healing center of the brain. If it can be accessed the right way, lots of good things can happen. This can also quiet the constant noise of the prefrontal cortex, which is the thinking part of the brain, letting the brain stem do its thing.The average person may consider this way too simple, and more than a little silly, but what have you go to lose? This technique takes only a couple of minutes at a time and can be done anywhere, including at your desk (any way to reduce workplace stress is automatically a good thing). This book is very easy to read, and it may be just the thing to cha
nge your life.Brain Wave Vibration, Ilchi Lee, 2008, ISBN 9781935127000

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