Sunday, October 28, 2012

Think And Grow Rich Book Review

Think and Grow Rich is a motivational book written by Napoleon Hill, it was first published in 1937 during the time of great depression. This book has been on the bestseller list from last 74 years. Andrew Carnegie started working as a factory worker, later he emerged as the great industrialist and became one of the richest men in the America.Andrew Carnegie donated almost all his money to establish libraries, schools and universities. Andrew Carnegie wanted to give a success philosophy to this world so that by following this success philosophy anyone can become rich. He appointed Napoleon Hill for this job, to write a book on success philosophy. Napoleon hill interviewed more than 500 most successful men and women and then figured out what these people do different that make them successful."The revolutionary discovery of these 500 interviews is that you have complete control over just one thing in your life and that is your mind."Human Being have been given this great gift,
you have been given mind and you have ability to control your mind. If you can control your mind, you can achieve anything you desire. As Napoleon Hill said "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, your mind can achieve."Here Is A Summary Of Some Of The Successes Principles Taught In Think And Grow Rich Book.01. Desire - The Turning Point Of All AchievementThe first thing required to become successful is desire. Desire is different from merely wishing. A Desire should be well defined, you should write it down on the paper with the exact amount of money and exact date when you want to possess this money.The six steps taken from this book that will turn your desire into reality:Write down exact amount of money you desire. For example if it is one million dollar, write down 1 million dollar.
Write down exactly what you are ready to give in return to achieve your desired outcome.
Write down the exact date when you intend to be in the possession of your desired
Create a definite plan to achieve your goal and start taking actions.
Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
You must read your statement twice daily once in the morning and once before sleeping. Believe and act as you have already achieved your Goal.02. FaithThe second step to become successful is the Faith. Faith is like a bridge that attaches your soul with the supreme power that has created you and entire world. When you have faith in your ability and in supreme power, all the fears and doubts will go away from your mind.If you want to take control of your mind, you need Faith. The only difference between successful people and failure is the ability to control their mind with tons of faith. They remain on the road of success despite many short-term failure.If you want to create Faith you must accept this truth that God has created you and he has given you a beautiful gift that is your mind. You must recognize that by controlling your mind you can achieve anything you want.03. Auto SuggestionAuto-suggestion is the self-talk. Auto-suggestion means how you talk with yourself, which
kind of words you use while thinking about different situations in your mind. "You have to close your mind from negative and destructive thoughts"You must repeat the sentences in your mind like "I am better than I think I am", "I am on the road to achieve my goals". Think what other people will talk about yourself when you will achieve your goal.Why Auto-suggestion is Important?Because it is the medium to influence your subconscious mind and once you are able to plant a desire goal in your subconscious mind, your mind will find ways how to achieve that goal itself.04. Specialized Knowledge, Personal Experience Or ObservationHave you ever wondered why so many well educated people are not rich? According to the author,most of the well educated have accumulated only General knowledge. They need Specialized knowledge that is organized intelligently to achieve one's goals."Knowledge becomes power only and when it is organized to reach a well defined goal." You can become success
ful if you take some time off to find out the areas in which you need to gain more knowledge. Write down all your ideas and create a plan.Final Thoughts On This BookI hope after reading this summary, I have given you an idea of how much about success principles you can learn by reading this great book "Think and Grow Rich". May be I am not able to summarize this book well but I highly recommend you to buy this book and read it many times. If you want to buy just one book in your life time, then buy this book. It will transform your life.About the Author

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