Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Adwords 180 - Prepare to be Shocked!

Behind the unspectacular sales page of Adwords 180, I was able to try Adwords 180 recently. It was priced at $47 like most ebooks these days. I've read a lot of ebooks with PPC advertising in my time and, if anything, Adwords 180 was a fresh breeze from many of the other books on Adwords that I've read. Many of them bloat their pages with "How to sign up" and "What is an ad group" type sections. Fortunately, Adwords 180 doesn't include any of this fluff we've come to expect and dread.At 78 pages, it is a decent read, although not recommended for inexperienced Adwords users. Adwords 180 is actually probably targeting at those who have had trouble with unprofitable ad groups and have never dabbled in the arts of CPM. In fact, barring what may be in the future, CPM is seemingly the last unexploited area of PPC advertising, with some of Adwords 180's best chapters devoted to the subject. Adwords 180 also includes sensible explanations of the various "Google Slaps" and effectively
allows triumph over it.The main purpose of the ebook could be looked upon as a cheap way of getting traffic through Adwords despite the unfavorable changes. One of the major claims that the program held was the fact that you can acquire less than 1 cent per click. I myself have tested this and found it to be truth by using the ingenious methods detailed in the Adwords 180.Just as the title suggests, the ebook takes us from a reverse stand-point of using Adwords in a way that many have been purposefully been misinformed to stay away from. However, Even though the traffic is cheap, it is not untargeted. Some of my tested ad groups with CPC's of around 3 cents converted as well as ad groups I would pay around the dollar mark for. Also, to add to this, the CTR was decently high and was getting more clicks. However, as with all PPC ebooks, it will not do your work for you. In fact, Adwords 180 is relatively high maintenance because it takes many tweaks to get your ad campaign ju
st right as I hope you'd want it.

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