Sunday, December 23, 2012

Women in Leadership and the Busted Glass Ceiling - A Book Review

Today, women in large corporations compete alongside of men for the top positions in the company. In fact, in almost any large Corporation you will find women executives, who are running the show, and they are running it well. Of course, it took a long time to get to this point, and things have changed a lot in the last 50 years. Perhaps, you'd like to read a book that was written in the 1980s giving advice to women that were destined to break the corporate glass ceiling.If so, there is a very good book I'd like you to read, one that I have read, and it sits in my business library bookshelves at home. The name of the book is;"Moving up - Women in Leadership" by Lois Borland Hart, 1980.This is an American Management Association book that was very popular in the 80s. The first chapter is titled; So, You Want to Be a Leader? It explains to women who want to move up into the upper echelon of executive management exactly what they will be dealing with in the future. Often, women h
ave to do better than men just to prove themselves or at least it was that way in the 80s. I realize this book is 30 years old now, and so much has changed, nevertheless, this is good all around advice.Other chapters explain how leadership in a Corporation works, how to work effectively with business owners, and the skills which are needed in supervising and management. Next, the author goes into how to make decisions on the job and how to plan for change. She explains what it's going to take, if they want to succeed in upper management.Indeed, I think you should read this book if you are a woman in leadership, or want to get to the top. I also think this book would be good for any man who is somewhat a sexist, and is having a hard time competing with women in the workplace. Please consider all this.

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