Monday, January 7, 2013

Book Review - The Noticer by Andy Andrews

To follow-up to his best-selling book,"The Traveler's Gift", Andy Andrews writes another book,"The Noticer", that brings out his story-telling skills for you- the reader. Now, before you read this book, you must first understand that the story is about you. You should be apply to apply some perspective and some lesson from this story into your own life.If you enjoy and learn from inspiring stories, then this is a book for you. If you believe in divine intervention and guidance, then this is a book for you. If you need a push into the right direction and have an open mind, then this is a book for you.Just like Og Mandino draws from his personal experiences, crisis, and triumphs to tell a story, Andy Andrews does the same. There are perspectives in life that you cannot see unless someone brings them out from their own life and story. This is what the book brings to you.The "noticer" in the story is a man named Jones- just Jones. He appears in specific instances in the story to
help the main character (who may be the author of the story). Anyways, he seems to appear in other people's lives to help and assist them. He gives them a hand- not a handout. He gives them something more valuable than money or treasures. He gives them perspective. Perspective in their own lives.Jones does not solve their problems. Jones gives some general directions. He recommends several books that are truly classics:* Man's Search For Meaning by Victor Frankl* Harry Truman's biography* Florence Nightingale's biography* King David's biography* Harriet Tubman's biography* and various other biographies that include Queen Elizabeth I, John Adams, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mark Twain, George Washington, Joshua Chamberlain, Anne Frank, Christopher Columbus, etc.Each of their stories will help anyone (including you) gain some perspective on your own life. As Benjamin Franklin learned to gain some particular characteristic in order to move forward in life, you can also go in the same di
rection as those who succeeded by gaining perspective. If you are experiencing some obstacles in life or you are not experiencing anything in life, then this would be a good book to read. Books like this book will give your brain the necessary exercise it craves.At the end of the book, there is a special section entitled "The Reader's Guide For The Noticer". There are follow-up questions that will help you solidify the lessons and perspectives from the book.

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