Friday, January 4, 2013

Book Review of How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With

Looking at a litter of cute little puppies makes it easy to look over the hard task of raising a good well-mannered dog. Choosing the puppy you take home is much simpler than actually managing and teaching the puppy and many people only come to realize that too late. How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With is a well revised and expanded book that will help you do this with ease.In this book you will learn:o Choosing a Puppyo Behavior: Environmental Factorso The First Three Monthso The Breeder's Responsibilityo Puppy Goes to a New Homeo Socialization Continueso Domesticating Your Puppyo Development from Three to Six Monthso The Importance of Personalityo Dog Signals Using Body Languageo Behavioral Problemso The Rewards of Puppy Trainingo The Second Six MonthsHow to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With is a book that is highly recommended for the new puppy owner, but it will also help the person who already has a dog. It teaches the importance for puppy owners to learn the basic rule
s and tricks to raising a dog. Not only does this book cover the physical aspects of the puppy, but it also covers the psychological.If you are in the market for a cute puppy but don't know the basics of raising one, this book needs to be on your shelf. How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With is the book that you wish would come with the puppy package when you pick him up from the pet store.

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