Sunday, January 6, 2013

Book Review - Quiet Strength

Coach Tony Dungy is noted as being the first African-American coach to win the Super Bowl. His quiet demeanor permeates in his coaching and in his book. Here are some thoughts and my personal review on his book, "Quiet Strength".As Coach Dungy mentioned in his book, "Quiet Strength", most experts did not believe and think that this particular book will sell well because there is no dirty laundry or other controversial topics that is common in most sports book. Instead, he is not ashamed to talk about his faith and spirituality because it is a foundational aspect of his life, his family life, and this book.The book is more about how he derives and how he uses biblical principles to overcome certain obstacles and to enjoy certain victories in his life.Many of the tragedies and obstacles he had to overcome include death of his parents, not being drafted out of college, being traded from a championship team to a rebuilding team, career change, hiring then firing, firing then hiri
ng, death of a child, and the continuing uncertainty (but later revelation) of events in life.Many of the victories and wins he had culminated after experiencing trials and hardships especially in winning the Super Bowl. Among other victories including meeting and marrying his wife, kids, adopting kids, getting a head coaching job, getting another head coaching job after being fired, seeing his players grow and develop more as a person (rather than just a player), seeing his players become men of character for their families, and the continuing discovering of God's blessing in life.The book outlines and transpires into his journey and walk that is a part of life. Things happen for a reason. Things happen for God's reason that may not necessarily coincide with our reasons.I respect how Coach Dungy discusses and mentions that we should always give glory to God not only when God gives us blessings. We should especially give glory to God when he humbles us in our lives. When He
humbles us, it is difficult and challenging to glorify God. But, as Coach Dungy mentions in his book, Lot (in the bible) always gave glory to God- in good times and in bad times.The book reinforces those characteristics and traits that gives a man inner strength through spiritual and familial growth. Coach Dungy also mentions how unique his parents were because they complemented each other's differences. His mother was more out going and athletic. His father was more intellectual and quiet. This is how he derived his quiet strength.

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