Saturday, January 5, 2013

Parenting Book Reveals Importance of Full Spectrum of Human Intelligence

Raising Intuitive Children: Guide Your Children to Know and Trust Their Gifts By Caron B. Goode, EdD and Tara PatersonGenre: Parenting/Special NeedsISBN: 978-1-60163-051-3I highly recommend Raising Intuitive Children as a must read for anyone who not only wants to understand intuition in themselves and their children, but who believes that nourishing the wholeness of who we are nourishes the whole world.Thank goodness there is finally a comprehensive guidebook for recognizing and cultivating the special gifts of intuitive children that also understands the enormous social and cultural significance of parenting the whole child! In Raising Intuitive Children: Guide Your Children to Know and Trust Their Gifts, psychotherapist Caron Goode and parenting expert/coach Tara Paterson have pooled their impressive professional and personal experience to provide parents with practical and meaningful tools for raising children with this particular type of intelligence. In a world that has
long viewed heightened sensitivity, psychic perception, and spiritual awareness as either odd, a curse, or worse yet, a mental aberration, Goode and Paterson tap into a growing movement to understand and accept intuition as a natural and empowering part of the spectrum of human intelligence.Having been through the difficulties of being raised by a reluctant intuitive, coming to my own gifts later in life, and pondering the best way to raise my own insightful child, I was thrilled to discover that Raising Intuitive Children helped me make sense of my own experiences. The book opened the door to my understanding that the fullness of human potential can be realized in meaningful parent-child interactions, and that these interactions contribute to a more aware collective consciousness. I urge all parents to read this book. It will become a well-worn reference as the kids grow!

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