Saturday, January 5, 2013

Three Cups of Tea - One Man's Mission to Promote Peace One School at a Time

If there was ever a true story about how one ordinary person can make a difference in the world this is it. Although I'm not sure that I would classify Greg Mortenson as "ordinary". He is like you and I in that he did not have great financial resources but he had an uncommon drive and sacrificial nature. This adventure starts with Mortenson's failed attempt to climb K2 the second highest mountain peak in the world located in the country of Pakistan. On his way down the mountain he loses his guide and almost dies of the elements. His guide finds him again, gets him on the right path and goes ahead to set up camp and fix dinner. But Mortenson, distracted by the beauty around him, misses the trail to camp and ends up taking a trail that would change his life. Wandering into the remote mountain village of Korphe he meets the nurmadhar or chief of the village who welcomes him to his home, the beginning of a lifelong friendship. In thanks for the recup
erative care the villagers give him Mortenson wants to make a donation to the village school to help the children. To his shock he is told there is no school building. The children meet outside on a ledge in the cold mountain air. A teacher costs a dollar a day, more than the village can afford so they share a teacher with the neighboring village. Before Mortenson departs he promises the village chief that he will build a school. "Three Cups of Tea" is the fascinating story of how Greg Mortenson, just an ordinary guy, accomplishes that task. The stories of finding the funds, negotiating for materials over tea, bridges and plumb lines, rock slides and the Taliban, all are riveting and incredible. Greg Mortensoneventually becomes the director of the Central Asia Institute, whose purpose is to establish schools to give a balanced education to boys and girls as an alternative to the extremist madrassas. He is changing the image of American
s one mountain village at a time. This book was a joy to read.This book is by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin; published by Penguin Books

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