Thursday, February 14, 2013

Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely Book Review

If you think Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely is just one of those books where you'll get terribly bored after five minutes of reading it, you're very wrong. This book provides us information we were either too proud to admit or too blind to recognize-in a way you'll feel comfortable with. Dan brings out a side of economics, business, and management we were all too busy to see.A professor at Duke University, Dan uses his academic background in cognitive psychology and philosophy and business in his books. Predictably Irrational shows how much of our "rational" decisions are actually irrational. He points out eight thoughts that most of us never thought of-or perhaps we have; we were just too proud to think that it was actually irrational. Two of the most striking points he makes is how we are drawn to the words FREE and ZERO; and how emotions still rule our decision-making processes. Now, I know there are several reasons and arguments that we can give Dan but I recommend
that you take a seat and listen to him first. In his eleventh book, Dan gives us examples-taken straight out of our daily lives-that will get rid of all the technical terms that confuse us and just give us what it really means. This is actually the reason why I picked this book; no terms that will make you crazy and over-analyze anything. Dan gives us the simple, day-to-day decisions that shape our lives.We all want to think that we've been trying to detach our emotions from our jobs, that every decision we make is irrational; but have you ever thought why despite all these things, we still seem to make the same mistakes? Rules set by society and rules set by the workplace sometimes clash and Dan does a good job of giving us a chance to balancing our act. Whether you're a business man or a business major or just a wide-reader, Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely is something that that could change the way you think-and the way you deal with everyone and with the world.

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