Wednesday, April 17, 2013

365 Ways to Say 'I Love You'

Searching through my mother's book collection - I found this vintage old... 365 Ways To Say I Love You! Written in 1968 by a Jani Gardner. Jani provides oodles of wifely advice for any woman out there looking to show her husband how much she cares.You have to cast your mind back to the 50's and 60's and understand what was socially acceptable and not socially acceptable during that era. Remember this is a time when serving your husband was an aspiring career. Where washing clothes was a strategy to show the neighbours that you are a family of stature, money and organisation.Here are some direct quotes I've plucked out to share with you... remember this is from 1968... enjoy the laugh.
"Buy five cartons of cigarettes to stash in emergency situations."
"Pat him on the head some more for his business efforts."
"Send him a "Wish You Were Here" postcard from your house."
"Since he's running late, check off those newspaper features you think he'd enjoy."
"Find out what Christmas gift ideas he has for friends, relatives, etc. and start working on them now so you can be sweetness and light for the holidays."
"Embroider an 'I love you' in flame-pink on his pillow case."
"Ask if he'd like his chest of drawers straightened. Proceed only if he agrees. Give him as much feeling of sovereignty over his kingdom as possible."
"Find out more about his day (careful, don't bug him.) Just ask once."
"Let him read the newspaper in silence. You really don't have to ask so many questions."
"Go on another diet so he can take you to the beach. (!)"
"Bite him."
The book is quite cute with gorgeous illustrations! Obviously not a book that people would be rushing to the stores to buy these days but as a part of history it certainly depicts an era in time. The author does have a sense of humour as well: 'Offer to make him a suit. Of course he'll say, "No, but to offer so much of yourself..." (if he says yes, we're all in trouble!)'Wow - haven't we come a long way in just 40 years... for date ideas that are acceptable for today's day and age; you'll want to check out $30 Date Night.

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