Wednesday, April 3, 2013

7 Article Reviews From the Musings of a Mad Prophet

LET ME SHARE A PRAYER WITH YOUThis article is filled with a miraculous but humble story about how God is faithful to those who love and serve Him. Matthew gives the one dollar he needed for transport to a homeless man and the Lord uses a total stranger to pay him back the money. The circumstances of how the dollar was paid back to him have the hallmarks of the hand of God being involved. Though a humble amount of money is involved in this story, the story still strikes a cord in your spirit because it demonstrates how our Great and Mighty God still reaches out and affects the lives of the little people. No matter how big you are or how much money you have, God is with you and he is involved in your life. This story is an inspiration to new believers especially, because it shows them although they are only new members of God's family and may feel insignificant, it doesn't matter because God will still answer their prayers and perform miracles for them if they do His will.I've
been a Christian for two years now and this story inspired me because it shows that God will perform miracles for me, regardless of how long I've been a Christian for. God doesn't care how long someone has been a Christian for or how much money they have to sow into the gospel, Gods looks upon a mans heart, and if your heart is in the right place God will perform a miracle for you just like he did with Matthew. Matthew may not be a rich man but he gives what he can and God does miracles to make sure he is reimbursed."No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly" (Psalm 84:11)This particular verse relates to the article because Matthews testimony of how the dollar was paid back to him, illustrates how Gods word is fulfilled. Matthew walked uprightly in the righteousness of Christ and didn't deny a Homeless man a drink, Jesus said to give to them in need and when Matthew did Gods will and walked uprightly, God didn't withhold the money he needed. This article s
howed me that God is the master of the universe and He gives and He takes away.CAN DIVORCE HAVE A SILVER LINING?This article paints the picture of a man's amazing journey through life on earth and life in the spirit realm. God often lets Satan attack us and makes us suffer so we will draw nearer to Him. In the Bible Job lost his family, his house, his money and he even developed an illness that made painful boils appear on his skin, yet he kept trusting and praising God. This story shows me how Matthew is like a modern day Job and it really puts the book of Job into perspective. Matthew has lost his family, his family home, his former life and he has developed a serious mental illness, but he still keeps praising God and trusting Him just like Job did!Psalm 119:71 "It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes"Matthew has certainly been harshly afflicted through the loss of his family, and the pangs of emotional pain have tormented him for a l
ongtime. Although from a shallow perspective it seems like a hopeless situation for him and that he lost the fight, if you look through the eyes of Christ you can see that it is a hopeful situation and that his life bears all the hallmarks of a Prophet. Although it seems like he has lost the fight, he has not lost the war, he may have lost a battle but he certainly hasn't lost the war. The war is against Satan who attacks Gods children but God uses evil for good. Although God let Satan afflict Matthew it was a blessing in disguise because it made Matthew learn thy statutes, and it drew him closer to God than anyone could ever imagine.A diamond is deep underground for many years while covered in dirt and darkness. The diamond sits underground buried in a seemingly infinite amount of dirt in absolute darkness. Many years later a miner begins mining for that diamond, and he dig's underground and searches for that valuable diamond through all the dirt, mud and darkness. Finally
when the miner discovers the diamond he cleans off the mud and dirt and polishes it so it shines like the treasure it is. Matthew is like a diamond, although he has been in darkness and feels dirty from his prostitute addiction, God still loves him and values him as the diamond he truly is. God is like that miner and no matter how dirty Matthew gets he will still be that shining diamond to God, if he ever gets dirty again, God will just give him another polish and clean. You cannot change what you are.Matthew was below the ground and in the darkness for a long time, but an ordinary rock cannot form into a diamond unless it's deep underground for a long period of time. Matthew has been underground for a long time after his wife left him, but while he has been underground he has turned into a diamond and is no longer an ordinary rock. No ordinary rock can ever transform into a diamond unless it's buried in dirt for many years.Matthew has been buried in dirt for many years just
as this article illustrates, but it has turned him into a diamond that shines and reflects Gods light, just as a diamond reflects the blinding light of the sun.Any Christian or Non-Christian who has experienced a harsh divorce that broke their heart, or feels God hates them and is ruining there life should read this article. This article will show you there is light at the end of the tunnel.JESUS HEALS LEGION, DRAMATIZED STORY OF "MY NAME IS LEGION," HE REPLIED, MARK 5:1-20This article paints a clear picture of what happened when Jesus healed the demon possessed man and the circumstances around this story in the bible. I felt although I had been taken back in time when reading this article, and I could see Jesus bring comfort to a man who was possessed by demons and hearing their nasty voices. The apostles wrote the gospels many years after Jesus died, and it was the Holy Spirit that revealed to them what Jesus did and said during his ministry. I feel this dramatized story
of "my name is legion" was also inspired by the Holy Spirit and Matthew wrote this story as the Holy Spirit revealed all the details to him.The story gives us an expanded version of what happened when Jesus healed the possessed man, it also gives us some details about who the possessed man was and how Jesus changed his life. This article also showed me that many mentally ill people who roam the streets talking to voices and yelling at the sky are actually demon possessed, and do not have problems with their brain, but they have spiritual problems with demons. This story shows us that Jesus Christ is the answer to mental illness and that Jesus can heal this virus of Satan affecting so many people's minds today.This article is like a time machine that takes you back in time so you can see the pain the demon possessed man was going through, and how his pain was healed by The Prince of Peace. When reading this article I saw Jesus come to the possessed man like the loving Saviour
that he is and heal him with his love and powerful spirit. This article will bring you closer to Jesus and it will give you compassion on people with mental illness. Jesus loves all people, including mentally ill people and we must pray for these people just like Jesus did.HOW TO BUILD YOUR HOUSE UPON THE ROCK FROM MATTHEW 7:24-27This article shows us that to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and following Jesus requires us to be born again of the spirit and to bear fruit. In Matthew 7, Jesus tells us to build our house upon the rock so we do not fall when the wind and rain comes, because if we build on the sand we will collapse and be taken away by the flood. Following Jesus requires us to obey Him by giving to those that are in need, feeding those who are hungry and not showing partiality because someone is a drug addict or drunk. We are to treat everyone equally, because one day a heroin addict who spent all his money on drugs but is starving might approach you for some m
oney to buy food, if you deny him come judgment day Jesus will cast you to His left hand side and label you a goat as it says in Matthew 25. When you ask Jesus why He says you're a goat he will answer you, "I was that heroin addict, who begged you for food, and I was hungry but you called me swine and you would not feed me."Jesus said to enter the Kingdom of Heaven we must be born again of the spirit. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new." If we are born again we should be new creatures in Christ, who love and help all those in need without showing partiality. Being a Christian is about living those words Jesus spoke and not just listening to them in church, we need to be doers of the word and not just hearers deceiving our own selves. We can worship Jesus all we like in church with our lips and mouths, but if we are not doing what Jesus said by giving to all those
in need, our hearts are far from Him. Our hearts need to be close to Jesus, because if our hearts are far from Him while we vainly worship Him with our mouths and lips in church we are in danger of being cast aside as goats, and we will never be the sheep who will have the honour of becoming apart of His heavenly flock. Sheep will make it into Heaven but the goats will not make it in.A goat is someone who worships Jesus with their mouth and lips but whose heart is far from Him. A goat will worship Jesus with his mouth in church but will not obey Jesus. A sheep will not only worship Jesus with his mouth, but will mean it in his heart but doing all that Jesus commanded, and giving to all those in need without showing partiality.WHY DO THEY CALL ME LORD, LORD? LUKE 6:46Jesus clearly said that many would say to Him on judgment day "Lord, Lord didn't we cast out demons and do many wonders in your name." And then Jesus would say to them, "Depart from me I never knew you." In this
controversial yet revealing article, Matthew shows that calling Jesus Lord and attending a church service once a week is not enough to make it to Heaven. This article is controversial and thought provoking, but one cannot underestimate the potency of Jesus words when he said, in that day He would say "Depart from me I never knew you!"Many people are going to tell Jesus they know Him on judgment day, and he's going to say that He never knew them. If you want to find out about how to make it to heaven and how to be truly born again, this article covers these issues and it covers the truth of what is exactly in the bible. This article will give you the instructions on how to put enough oil in your lamp so you can make it to the wedding feast.BEING BIPOLAR AND A PROPHETIC CHRISTIANMatthew does suffer from mental illness and in this article he describes this illness from a personal perspective, probably better than any medical professional ever could. Matthew exposes how mental
illness is a spiritual issue, and mental illness is a spiritual deformity or spiritual issue the patient has and not something carnal or biological. Bipolar is a complex thing to have, it causes people to have high's and lows at extreme levels and Matthew explains here, how sometimes the highs of Bipolar can sometimes exceed the pleasure of any drug. Its clear the man writing this article has a deep spiritual problem that the mental health professionals cannot address, Matthew does hear from God, but he also hears from demons and this is a spiritual issue that medical professionals have been conditioned to deny.The Prophets in the Old and New Testament heard voices regularly, in the New Testament Paul saw a bright light and heard the voice of Jesus talking to him after he fell off the horse, if you told this story to a Psychiatrist they'd probably say that Paul is schizophrenic and hears voices (auditory hallucinations). There is more to mental health patients than meets the
eye. Matthew is an exceptional case and he understands his mental illness is a spiritual problem at its roots, it does have some negative aspects to it, but it also has some major advantages, because Matthew can hear very clear in the spirit and he often gets monumental and amazing prophecies off God, which confounds any learned theology professor or pastor.PRAISE AND WORSHIP, SO WHAT IS TRUE WORSHIP THAT GOD WANTS, READ THIS FROM MATTHEW 4:10This article shows us how to worship God and walk in His spirit, going to church once a week is not worshipping and living for God. Buying more expensive worldly items for vanities sake while neglecting to sow into the Kingdom of God, is a spit in Gods face. It's also spitting in Gods face when you don't use your money to be a good Samaritan and help the poor. It's a disgrace to God when so much money is wasted on flash cars and extravagant houses, which are only purchased in vanity to satisfy a rich mans ego; this money should be used
to get a homeless person somewhere to stay, or to buy bibles that can be sent to China as there are 60 million Christians in China with no bible.This article shockingly shows us that most people going to church once a week in the west are not serving God with their heart. People in the West seem to worship God with their mouths and lips, but their hearts are far from Him. Most Christians in the West seem to be hearers of the word only and not doers, deceiving their own selves. Jesus said to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and He said to love your neighbour as yourself. In this article it displays how many Christians are breaking the law of loving their neighbour as themselves on a regular basis; because they are too busy indulging in the lust of the world as they satisfy the appetite of their vanity.

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