Thursday, April 4, 2013

Book Review of SHiFT! Harness the Trigger Events That Turn Prospects Into Customers

What if you could crystal ball that, "Trigger Event" that motivates buyers to see your solution for the value it brings to a problem just when they need it? With a unique model, SHiFT (in both paper back and Kindle edition), motivated salespeople will be able to pull together six pieces to both make the most out of a first call as well as either delaying or preventing a prospect from even calling the competition. It's about how to improve your timing to have a customer's positive decision while their intent is still high - more sales, less delay.Craig Elias created Trigger Event selling which subsequently won him $1,000,000 prize in a global Billion Dollar Idea pitch competition. Tibor Shanto is called a brilliant sales tactician showing organizations how to use the right information to execute a perfect strategy. Together in Shift, they offer a system for others in sales to be in front of a qualified and motivated buyer at the right time more often."Won Sales Analysis", Chap
ter 3, section 3, is about involving the decision maker in questions that analyze the sale before the service or product is delivered. In this way you create a unique tool to be able to see more opportunities for sales more easily - in the future. For example, one of the five questions suggested to ask is "What event or events led up to this purchase?" Elias and Shanto claim the specificity to this question is crucial in helping to identify the trigger events, so they offer this advice, "If you don't get the kind of response you're looking for from the primary question, ask a variation of the question. For instance: - What changed to make solving this problem a priority? - What created a sense of urgency around solving this problem? - What makes the Status Quo (or: what you were using) no longer viable?" They offer the same keen observation to the other five component questions Find, Close, Improve and Classify.Highly recommended to the more logical seller is chapter 4.3, Lo
gic versus emotion. Insights and strategies are offered to establish a salesperson as the buyer's "Emotional Favorite." "This is not the same thing as having a good discussion with a prospect. Instead, it means being the person the prospect wants to see win and wants to use as a resource. If you've ever had a prospect call you for help with a problem that is unrelated to what you sell, you already know what it means to be the Emotional Favorite. It means that you can position yourself as the "go-to" person and maximize the likelihood of winning future business." The authors tie in what's commonly called the "know, like and trust" factor into their model of Trigger Event selling with actionable steps therefore answering the question of how to establish know, like, trust.From an engaging discussion of identifying the Window of Dissatisfaction through leveraging Triggering Event Referrals, you can discover how to both improve your timing and maintain the sales flow. Many old sa
les assumptions are brought to truth or fiction while at the same time tying them into the uniquely new Shift method. It's a unique customer-focused model that will engage listening, planning and establishing yourself as a problem-solver.Instructional worksheets are generously provided for major insights in the book that readers are encouraged to put into action. The worksheets help you learn how to make this happen - on purpose - more often. While it really is not a crystal ball, anyone who sells can be more effective in achieving more results by acting on the ideas in this book. The guiding premise is it's about being in the right place at the right time on purpose with prospective customers.

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