Thursday, April 4, 2013

Eben Pagan Or David Deangelo

Eben Pagan, or also known by his pin name David DeAngelo, has a few businesses online. He first made a name for himself with his first business, Double Your Dating. He started this business about 8 or 9 years ago I believe. I first found him through the internet when I was looking for advice on women and just trying to understand them in general a few years back. His first material that I saw really got my attention. He researches subjects very thorough and then present seminars on the material. He has a whole line of material for helping men achieve success with women. I have seen most of it.In late 2006 or early 2007, he released some material on business and online businesses. This material was known as Get Altitude. I am not sure of the exact numbers for the launch of this program, but it was defiantly over a million. He put on a seminar called Get Altitude that cost $10,000 a ticket. There were something like 200 or 300 people that flew in from 26 countries to see this s
eminar. I have seen the DVD set and must say once again that he is on point with what he teaches.He owns a few different companies that total gross sales over 25 million per year. If you have ever wondered about Eben Pagan, or David DeAngelo, then I highly recommend that you get some of his material. No matter where you are in your life, his material can help. He is a very authentic individual and does not teach fluff.It has been very interesting to watch him evolve over the years into the business man he has become. I went to see one of his live events and he was great. I was talking with one of his team members, the second hire for his businesses, who is still with him today. He was telling me he still remembers giving high fives when they sold 10 ebooks in one day of Double Your Dating. He has come along way since then, and just keeps getting better and better. He is a true inspiration for the American Dream.If you don't know the story of him, he grew up in the woods in O
regon. He tried several different businesses before he got his first big break through with his dating business. His first home that he bought was a trailer that he traded for a guitar and $1500. Today he is in charge of a company that employs over 80 people with a total of gross sales that are more than $25 million. All his businesses are information products. If he sells that much per year, you have to wonder just how valuable his information is. Once again, I highly recommend his products.

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