Saturday, April 6, 2013

Questions About Bullying? A Children's Book With an Answer

Bullying Still A Serious Problem/ A Childrens Book with an AnswerMeet Julian, the hero of our story, and let him take you on a fun filled ride through one of the toughest issues a child can encounter. Somehow he puts a new spin and unique and positive outlook on an age old, yet current problem that all children endure at some point in their lives.Bullying has not only not gone away, it has increased in it's intensity and ability to damage. Numerous recent incidents documented in newspapers, on television, film and Internet, can testify to this. With access to so much more information at a younger age and outrageous behaviour becoming the norm and more commonplace everyday, this particular act is not being given the serious attention or thought it should be as it takes a backseat to more spectacular events.One example might be the Columbine shootings...I suspect that the perpetrators of this crime were likely bullied or otherwise belittled. We can continue this train of though
t with the Menendez brothers and the media attention given to the poor fourteen girl beaten by jealous friends and aired on YouTube. A few more recent examples include, Gary Hansen who eventually hanged himself (March, 2005) due to persistent bullying. Although his parents did everything in their power to combat his troubles rightfully, to the point of taking him out of school for two years, his trials resurfaced on his re-entry to school. Unfortunately we all know the end result.Sadly he is not alone, in 2004 Travis Sleeve of Conora Sask, shot himself for the same reason, after two and half months of consistent bullying. As did a fellow classmate, a fourteen year girl, dead by her own hand. Although the situation was not related the end result was the same.In Mission B.C the victim was Dawn Marie Wesley, also fourteen, who felt the need to end her pain by hanging herself. March of 2000, Hamed Nastoh jumped off the Pattula Bridge in Surrey B.C., leaving behind an extensive s
uicide note for a family completely unaware of his troubles. In November of 1997, Reena Virk of Victoria, B.C. Was beaten unconscious and left to drown by six teenage girls and one boy. These are tragic, recent and varied examples of how serious this issue is and the reason we must all recognize and address this issue. I can think of no better case than that of Myles Neuts of Chatham Ontario, who at ten years old was hung from an coat hook in an elementary school by classmates who brought friends to, "watch the dummy," until one child took pity and told the teacher. Even so after four days in a coma, he eventually passed away.You are probably wondering what must have transpired to incite this kind of violence. You may not believe it but you have probably experienced it... Most of it began with, " Big Ears, Nice Clothes, Dummy, Fatty, etc....ring a bell?Even though technology has advanced, and we would hope knowledge as well, the same old prejudices remain, with the added bon
us of "cyber bullying" which is a whole new topic. The bottom line is that the solution begins at home and is solved by education and example. This book empowers the bullied, yet doesn't aggravate the aggressor and shows a new way to communicate. I can't think of of any other stressor on children with the power to maim, mutilate, kill or cause death by one's own hand.copyright Dec 12/2009 all rights reserved.

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