Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Soldiers Vignettes of WWII Written by Ralph Bittner

As the author states, if you are looking for a serious war story, pass up on reading this book. If you want some humorous anecdotes and stories that never made the news, this is for you. Ralph Bittner became the "lawyer" for his various groups while in the service of our nation. He had no degrees but he was thought of as a person that knew his law and could assist anyone in getting out of trouble-usually trouble they brought on themselves!You are taken through the entire military service time of Mr. Bittner from enlistment through the end of the war and his eventual separation. His short stories take you from small interactions with one person to his engagements with generals. He served in Europe after his training and service in the United States was finished. He was not one to take things at someone's word. He had to find out for himself regardless of his orders and, in so doing, he would find the way around things most of the time. He eventually was made an MP (Military Po
lice) before he left the states. He continued as an MP in Europe occasionally breaking up fights, directing convoys while on the road, and many other chores he describes not connected with the job of an MP.You will learn dates of important battles and events through the war. The personal life of Ralph Bittner while in the military was made interesting by his own actions. He seemed to love to enliven things including the other sex. He describes his love of females and his love of life while making the most of it while in the military.A delightful book of short stories that even a person not familiar with WWII should enjoy. You WILL laugh through much of the book.

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