Friday, May 24, 2013

Energize Your Intuitive And Psychic Development By Reading: The Art Of Hand Reading By Lori Reid

"The Art of Hand Reading" by Lori Reid is a great way to learn about palmistry. Palmistry is a great tool for a relationship matching between two people, or your learning more about yourself. By learning palmistry, or hand reading, you will learn to better understand the people you meet in everyday life. Palmistry is an easy to learn tool for getting an in-depth personality overview of people, done solely by observing their hands. By learning palmistry, you will also strengthen your intuitive and psychic abilities with another method for reading others.This book is well written. Examples given in the book have great photographs that are very easy to see, and the explanation of each photograph is very complete. The format of the book has a logical order which makes it easy to learn the basics of palmistry, and then it proceeds to the more complex hand analysis.The most difficult part of learning palmistry is deciding where to start. It's easy to get lost in the details in a bo
ok, and not approach a subject such as palmistry, from an initial broad view. Palmistry has a logical order to follow in order to do a proper reading. Initially, get into the habit of observing the hands of other people from a short distance. Overview observation - coarse:
Shape of the hand Palm shape - square or oblong
Length of the fingers
Coarse or fine skin
The number of lines that are visible
Are their fingers straight or are some crooked
Do the hands have strong or weak characteristics
Do they wear rings on multiple fingers (besides just the ring finger)
EtcAfter a little observation of other people, you will soon realize that there are a large variety of hands. Just the initial observations of the above list can give you a lot of insight into the person that you are observing.The personality details are shown by observing the hand close-up. Overview observation - detailed:
Identifying the many varieties of lines
Placement of the lines on the hand (each line can have multiple locations, with each location having a specific meaning)
Types of finger prints, and on which finger a particular type of finger print is located
Spacing between fingers
Timing of life events on the major lines
Position of the lines with reference to the other lines of the hand
EtcIt takes a lot of practice to combine the two types of observations - coarse and detailed. Each hand is unique, but there is a lot of commonality between people. Practice, and more practice, is the key to becoming proficient at palmistry. Lori Reid makes the art of learning palmistry fun. By studying the examples given in the book, "The Art of Hand Reading", you will be able to easily understand how to get started, and to learn about other people at the same time. She has a good mix of photographs and written explanations. The variety and types of the different hands makes this book one of the best books to use to get started in learning palmistry.The first part of this book deals with the hand, and the lines of the hand. In the last section on applied hand analysis, she covers:
Money and luck
Travel and movement
Growth and changeThe above list on applied hand analysis is quite in-depth, and gives you a broader idea as to the possibilities of what learning hand reading can do for you. By studying this book and applying the material given, you will have a very good initial background into reading hands.With enough practice you will see patterns forming among people. You will, with practice, be able to pick out people who have easy personalities to deal with, people who are very difficult to deal with, and those in-between.If you are looking for a relationship partner, this is one of the best tools available for you to learn. By using hand reading, as explained in this book, you will be able to pick out personality types that are compatible with your particular personality as seen on your own hand. Lori Reid's book will get you started on the right path. All you need to do is to put some time into observing other peoples' hands. You will be amazed at how accurate palmistry is at showing
the personalities of the people you meet. It becomes apparent that other people let you know what they are really all about via their hands. By gaining a better understanding of other people, we can deal with life in a more constructive manner. Lori Reid's book will get you started on a path of discovery that can last a lifetime. Be sure to check out Lori Reid's other books on palmistry.

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