Friday, May 3, 2013

Help for the Harried Homeschooler

Are you harried? What is the definition of "harried" anyway? After looking it up in the dictionary, it reads, "troubled persistently especially by petty annoyances." So what can we surmise by this title? Are you a homeschooling parent who is dealing with petty annoyances? Things like, chaos, discipline problems, finding balance in your home school, sane socialization... So what can we do to fix these petty annoyances? Maybe one thing that could be a great benefit to us all is to learn to say one simple, as homeschooling mothers, have an actual ministry. The ministry of motherhood. As Shari, a mother who homeschools in Illinois, agrees. She says, "Once I grasped what God has called me to do, it made saying no a lot easier." Staying focused on her mission, "the ministry of motherhood and teaching," keeps her content with her life as a homeschooling mom.And as Christine Field, author, shares the wisdom of Dr. Richard Swenson, "We cry out to God, 'Help!' But God repl
ies, 'When you come back to where you belong, then I will help you. Remember: You are the creature. I am God. Use my power, not your own.'" If we could remember this as we walk through our motherhood journey, wouldn't we all be so much better off? Wouldn't we all be less harried? Less annoyed?These are some pearls that Christine has gained from homeschooling and she'd like to share with you in her book. They are:P-peaceE-enduranceA-acceptanceR-restorationL-lasting loveS-satisfaction with servanthood"Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."Galatians 6:9, KJVIt's a must read!

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