Friday, May 3, 2013

Return To The Sacred

I had a great privilege meeting Dr. Jonathan Ellerby in Los Angeles March 2009.Before I dive into this article, I want to express to Jonathan my utmost appreciation for giving us his genuine understanding on spirituality and his delightful purpose to share with us the wisdom to spirituality. Spiritually is an experience and life without an experience is no life. Jonathan Ellerby is a spiritual man in all shapes and form.I must confess that since our meeting I had to make time to read the book not once but twice. The first read was powerful and throughout the pages I've come to know answers to questions I asked myself for many years and never knew why? And when I finished my first read I was left with a huge "AHA" A deep sincere desire lead me to read the book all over again. This is the first for me and as much as I love reading only now this very minute since I completed my pursue I've come to feel and see the light within this book 'RETURN TO THE SACRED" My heart and soul s
miled for the first time in my life.The stories Jonathan shares with us; the profound experiences and all of his teaching and learning's lead to the true path to one huge awakening within us: True success cannot exist without "Return to the Sacred" Yes, indeed we are programmed and trained and accustomed to believe that success is measured by financial status and high value possessions; however as we march through the process of life we come see and observe and know that regardless to how we label the financial status and power of a person; he or she can still be totally lost, follow darkness;; out of control; unhappy, unhealthy and numb to the beauty of life. People from all walks of life search and seek again and again for more; what's the next thing we will purchase? What can I do to change my looks? Who should I consult with to lose weight? Why is love always a challenge in my life? How come my kids don't want to be around me? Where can I find a solid relationship? Who c
an I trust in business/personal life? Where will I move so I can have a bigger home and a better one? Perhaps next year we should go on a longer vacation? Why do I hate so my profession? And on and on people search for more and more outwards; try to fill the void they carry so heavily on their shoulders and feel the draining as time moves forward. We are a band aid society. There is cure and a pill for everything but the question is do we heal and solve the physical or metal trauma entirely or just touch it up temporarily. Some lead to drinking, some to smoking and some to heavy drugs; why? The answer is in the book. Those people are not complete and with the wind motioning and challenges approaching they face their weakness and their loneliness. Depression and despair follow and by the time they turn around it's too late; the damage is too extensive and they accept their destiny with a sour taste. Where can we find smiling people?Even though technology is so advanced and pr
ogress designed an easier life in so many ways; more so than ever the world is facing tremendous challenges impacting our livelihood. The hope and the humble drive once so highly recognized is getting depleted with time and people in our circle we used to enjoy to be with; now we prefer to stay away from; we see changes in them and we try to run away from. They lost their job; they lost their investments; they lost their homes and some lost their entire spirit; no energy left in them and we run away; too much to bear. We don't want to play the game of stress and we choose a selfish approach after all we have and share the same concerns. The uncertainty is providing fear and anger and worry and we lose sleep over it and develop eating disorders and close our hearts and doors to others in the process.Highly intelligent educated and experienced individuals try to change the course of the downturn economy and the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be nowhere as we listen to
the news; watch television and read the daily paper.It's about time we change the path we became so familiar with thinking and toy with the idea that it was and is a comfortable choice.Jonathan has no intentions or the power to change the way the world thinks or acts but his message is showing us the path to true and real success.The word success begins with the letter "s" and ends with double "s". What does that mean? Simply put; In order to be successful and feel lifetime success one needs to get in touch with his spirituality; believe it; feel it; practice it and act on it every single day as long as they breathe.Indeed when we become gifted with this way of life we TRUST. When we trust we are able to focus and think clearly. Life challenges are faced with a new approach; great energy; genuine enthusiasm and the love and the appreciation for what we have and how can we be of help to others. The uncertainty is filled with hope, faith and strength as tomorrow has promises
in store for us.Media releases often the message; 'do not purchase what you don't need" "get only what you need for now". In other words feel gratitude for what you have and try not to build your life on the lack; "if I had this or that". You always have what is circulating your way according to the time alignment and what is meant to be yours.The moment we understand this simple spiritual awakening we begin to walk on a new journey and life becomes a bundle of joy. Life in its bare bones is consisting of the seed in the now; the present. We all love to receive presents so why not acknowledge this one. Time is free and once life is given to us time is the commodity we can cherish and utilize in any fashion we chose to as long as its foundation holds the spiritual blueprint you may tailor to fit your unique life...Otherwise life is a portion of misery, lack, disappointments, hatred, anger, jealousy and everything else consuming our energy speeding up the aging process.Talking
about portion I must emphasize that in ancient scriptures money was called "portion" only adding the letter "A" representing the existence of GOD one becomes abundant in every which way they can possible dream..Perhaps there is no better time than now to pick up this magnificent book and learn the wisdom of spirituality Jonathan Ellerby is expressing and sharing with us.Keep your spirit high; Life without it a bottle without a cork.I believe and I recommend that 'Return to the Sacred" should be placed everywhere possible and next to each and every copy of the Bible. After all understanding is much more beneficial and powerful than knowing.The choice is ours; why not choose the only path. It is safe; it is true and it is mirroring success. We walked away from it for too long. It's time to return to it and claim it. You own it from the day you were born. This is a possession without a riskThank you Jonathan,Ana Weber

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