Saturday, June 22, 2013

Book - Success Mapping - Achieve What You Want Right Now!

Author: Arlene JohnsonThe purpose of success mapping is to help you focus on exactly what you want to accomplish. In a world of constant distraction, mastering a strategy to stay on task is important to all business owners. The books starts out with reframing exercises which can help you stop making excuses and just get down to it. The goals checks throughout the book make sense and are congruent with what she is teaching. This is a work book. You have exercises and things to really thing about. It would be great to read with your mastermind partners. You'll need someone to keep you honest if you are really going to benefit from all that is in this book.She has a large segment on how intention facilitates achievement. She shows practical ways in which fear is 'The Big Preventer". If you are not going to take calculated risks in your career- this is a bad business strategy. If you are not going to trust colleagues or team members, you get to do all the work. She many others pl
aced strategically throughout the book. She gives exercises on eliminating fear also. When she explains that there are only 3 responses to change (engage, default or oppose), she also shares why your choices are transparent to others.Johnson's explanation of the facts is useful and enlightening:* High Achievers can get into overload* Resource and opportunities are often the result of someone telling you no* Being fearless should not be confused with being wreck less* She doesn't just throw these out there; she has an explanation action guide.This book will make your work, so don't bother if you are just looking to read something and move on. It will help you change IF you use the tools. The tools are sharp and some tasks maybe uncomfortable. I suggest that you work through it and get the great results you want.This book is an L.A. 8!

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