Monday, June 24, 2013

"Go-Givers Sell More" - The Sequel That Answers All Your Questions

I wonder if Bob Burg and John David Mann had any idea about the response they were going to get to their first book "The Go-Giver." Bob is a highly sought and well-regarded speaker who wrote the successful and still going strong book "Endless Referrals." John David has been writing about success, business and leadership for more than two decades. I'm sure they knew that they were on to something. But I wonder if they anticipated the incredible level of life-affirming actions that their book set off in many lives?That first wave of response was from new "go-givers" but they were also the enthusiastic, the go-getters and people of action. I believe that the first book might have left the "wait and see'ers," the more doubtful and those who need more specific information hanging just a little bit at the end of the book. Fortunately, they wrote "Go-Givers Sell More" to completely answer questions and provide more detailed information.What is the big deal you might ask? The idea of
giving first to receive is certainly not new. The Bible teaches, "A generous man will himself be blessed." Dale Carnegie wrote "How to Win Friends and Influence People" to tell people that if they give others their interest and attention first, that they will receive the same.So how did this small book, written in the form of a story touch so many people? Because the story resonated. The hapless protagonist we meet in the first chapter could have been any one of us. Frustrated and confused, we enjoy the journey he takes to clarity and triumph in the end. Everyone loves a happy ending. But if you wanted more and were ready to take action, "Go-Givers Sell More" will provide that level of detail.There are five chapters, one for each of the "Five Laws of Stratospheric Success" which is thoughtfully put on page 9 for your review. You get solid, specific and detailed suggestions on how to implement each of the laws. And in case you're wondering if any of this has worked for anyon
e, there are dozens of success stories from readers of the first book.It's green, Mercury is still on the cover, and it's thicker. There are a lot of detailed, actionable ideas in this follow-up to "The Go-Giver." Pick them up as a pair and get ready to take notes, write down ideas and take action as you go through "Go-Givers Sell More."

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