Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Age of Reason That Never Came Brought to You by One, Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine shocked early America with his writing, almost to the point of getting himself in trouble or killed. What possesses a man to do such a thing? Was it his strong convictions, why did he attack the bible, point out its contradictions and print his findings? Why was he so adamant about this endeavor that he distributed it throughout early America? Why did he come to America and why would the son of a Quaker do such a thing?Perhaps, we might consider that Thomas Paine came to America at the urging, invitation and request of Benjamin Franklin. Thomas Paine was a thinking man and his book Age of Reason is for such intellectual pursuits, of course the religious folks wanted to sting him up for such blasphemy. Of course, as we all know this was not the first time Thomas Paine went against the grain, nor would it be his last, as he had also been the author of Common Sense.Indeed, I would urge all historians, students and biblical scholars (come on it would be good for you
to open your minds) to read the Age of Reason, a literary classic and I know just the book for you too:"The Age of Reason" by Thomas Paine (by The Freedom Library) Published by Gramercy Books, Avenel NJ; 1993This book is perfect for anyone who wants to learn, think and consider that past period in American History. The first section of the book is a complete biography of Thomas Paine, then the actual text of the Age of Reason. If you consider yourself a Scholar, well this book ought to be on your shelf. Please consider this.

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