If you already have credit that has a low rating, you might not want it to get any worse. It can take years to get it back up again and when there are tons of bills to pay it's really not an easy task to accomplish. Instead of letting it go further down the drain as well as possibly your home if you keep missing mortgage payments, apply to the Federal loan modification program.
Upon meeting the requirements ? which include your loan being dated prior to January of 2009, and the loan being on your present primary residence and the principle not exceeding the maximum allowed for that particular size of home ? you can very well be eligibly for this program. You have to have proof that you are in a really sad financial state and there is really no way to make ends meet.
This program offers you a deduction from your principle every year of $1000, a lowered interest rate by two percent, and a reduced monthly payment. These payments will not be more than 38% than your family's gross monthly income, but the government is going to pay a portion of that for you.
In participating in this program, you will not just receive help with your mortgage, but you will be given a chance to work on your credit rating as well. Having some spare cash will allow you to pay other bills that have been hanging around for some time. Eventually you may just work out a good rating for you and it will be all because of this load modification program.
View this post on my blog: http://www.federalpersonalloan.com/federal-personal-loan/loan-modification-dont-let-your-credit-fall-lower-because-of-mortgage-payments.html
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