Sunday, October 30, 2016

New Federal Mortgage Loan Modification Plan - Are We All Going to Be Saved?

Are you one of the million who's missed a few payments on a mortgage and want to avoid your loan going into default? The new federal mortgage loan modification plan can help those out who are in desperate need of a little assistance and get some necessary modifications on their mortgage loan so that it's affordable again.
To have the ability to qualify for this modification plan you will need to have a first mortgage that is worth less than $729,500 that was completed and signed before the beginning of 2009.
When you are applying for a loan modification most people forget that they must live in the home at the time of application to have the chance of approval. If you do not live in the home the lenders will not see the point in giving you a loan modification as you are not currently residing there. Most people don't realize this until they are applying for the loan modification and get turned down.
Alongside these two things you will also have to take the time to write out a hardship letter. They advise that you handwrite this piece as it's more personalized and has a legal signature on the bottom. With this document you are explaining the entire situation as to why you are unable to make the necessary payments and how you plan on getting back on track.
This document could either make or break you when it comes to getting approved and if you don't take the time to answer all the personal questions the lender may not consider you for a loan modification.
You don't want to find yourself struggling drastically financially when there are many companies out there willing to help you. Your mortgage broker may have the opportunity for you to get a loan modification yet you've never inquired about it. All you need to do is ask your mortgage broker if they are offering such a thing and they may be able to assist you.
With the new federal mortgage modification plan you could find yourself getting out of the red zone in no time. When you are approved for this modification plan you can finally get your life back on track and finally have yourself stabilized financially. A mortgage loan modification can be quite useful for anyone needing to get out of a financial struggle.

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