One of the worst things that may happen to you, especially when you are primarily using credit cards for most of your financial transactions and expenditures, is having low credit scores to show. Remember that there are so many adverse implications of having low scores. In fact, having a low credit score may mean that you are in a big trouble, not only in your financial situation, but also in your specific credit account as well. In this case, having a low credit score is really avoided by many credit consumers.Also remember that your credit score is actually one of the most important measures whether you are creditworthy or not. Therefore, the time that you have a low score, expect that you are already evaluated by various credit agencies as not credit worthy enough to be lent money again. In addition, having low credit scores would also make you a high risk debtor to creditors. That is the reason why whenever you have a low score, expect that you may already experience diff
iculties, especially in securing future loans for yourself.In fact, one of the worse cases that consumers having low credit scores experience is closing their respective credit accounts. The sad fact here is that consumer may even find difficulties in securing a new credit account for his/her expenditures.Here then are some interesting facts regarding not so low and low credit scores, as well as its financial implications for you and your credit account. This is important for you to take note of, especially when you are not fully aware of the implications that your credit score may bring.• 3This is the number of credit agencies that score your credit account. What is so bad about it? The fact is that according to a study, most of the credit reports that Equifax, Transunion and Experian provides to consumers have errors and inaccuracies in it. And these errors and inaccuracies actually hurt your respective credit scores. It is a good thing that you can actually dispute su
ch errors because of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.• 580-720This is the scoring bracket that is below the excellent scores. In this case, having such scores makes creditors and lenders start to consider you as a high risk debtor. In short, whenever you have a credit score that is within this range, most likely, lenders see you having diminishing chances of being able to pay for your loans. This is the reason why most likely, you will face increasing interest rates and will have more chances of debt accumulation.• Below 700Whenever you have a credit score that is below 700, most likely, you will find difficulties, or worse, you will be disqualified in having a mortgage loan. In this case, chances are, you will have to go to 100% home financing. Unfortunately, it has higher interest rates.• 620 and belowMost likely, when you have a credit score of 620 and below, most lenders would already see you as a too risky debtor. In such a situation, you will face difficultie
s in securing future loans, and would start to go to the sub prime market, which has the highest interest rates.• Lower than 580This score indicates that you are in a very big trouble.
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