Repairing bad credit has not been as big an issue in recent years as it is today. For the last few years, it has been possible to get a credit card or mortgage and improve your lifestyle even with a low credit score.Today, bad credit repair is essential if you are going to preserve the way of life you have become accustomed to. Here are some tips for helping you find the best methods of raising your credit score.Simply put, bad credit repair can be challanging to most people. It takes time and a commitment to change your spending habits and live within your means. But don't be discouraged, because it can be done, and your credit scores can be restored, and even improved, if you will be committed to the process of repairing your bad credit.First, you need to know what your credit scores are based on. Five factors weigh into this number called your credit score: 1) Your payment history, 2) How much money you owe, 3) How long you have had a credit history, 4) How much new credit you have, and 5) What types of credit you have. Knowing these things will help you on the road to bad credit repair.Bad credit repair is something you can do yourself, but if you feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start or what to do, consult a professional. It will cost you, but if your piece of mind is worth it, pay someone to help you. Before you do, consult the BBB (Better Business Bureau) to be sure that the person you hire is doing things right! You don't need to be taken to the cleaners by the one who is supposed to be helping you.If you are up to the task of bad credit repair, consider some of the things I did when I found myself with lower than desired credit scores.First, I had to get rid of some of my debt. I knew I was spending too much money that I didn't have, and my credit card balance showed. I could make the minimum payment each month, but little else, and the fees were beginning to outweigh my payments, sending my balance up each month. The mountain of debt was getting out of control.I had two options for getting the debt problem under control. First was to get another job and increase my income. As far as I was concerned, that was not a real option. The second was to ask my creditors to work with me to get my rates lower and fees suspended. With the economy as tough as it is now, banks are slower to help with these things, but your persistence and demonstrated desire to work with the bank instead of defaulting on your loan, could influence them to be more cooperative.Here is the process I followed. I started with the bill that was the smallest monthly payment. I focused any extra money I had that month to paying off that bill. I paid minimums on all my other accounts. Once the smallest bill was paid off, I took the payment I had been making to that account and applied it to the next lowest balance. Again, anything extra that came in was applied to my new lowest balance account, along with what I had already been paying as the minimum. This process continued until I had reached the point where I was chipping huge chunks of balance away from my highest balance credit card. Ultimately, I was even able to take big chunks out of my mortgage!Now the key to being successful in this process is to put yourself on a STRICT budget that fits within your monthly income. If you aren't faithful in sticking to an all cash budget for purchases, this process will not work. I adopted the policy of "if you can't pay cash, you can't afford it!" Deactivate your cards as you pay them off to avoid the temptation to slip back into that debt situation.This process will help you improve the first two, and most influential, parts of your credit score. If you can bring your history to reflect regular, on time monthly payments and a decrease in the amount of money you owe, your bad credit score will rise to acceptable, and ultimately to a good credit score.For me, this process took a little while. But at the end of that time, my credit score had come out of the low end and I found myself qualifying for a home loan at a low interest rate. My bad credit repair efforts proved worth it the day I moved into my first home with payments I knew I could afford without adjusting my lifestyle.
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