Saturday, July 15, 2017

Test and keep gadgets. This is how you can get a free laptop

It doesn't matter if you're a gadget geek or a regular person. I will show you how to get a free Dell laptop by taking part in easy software testing programs such as THIS ONE.
The best thing about it is the fact that you won't need any kind of previous experience, references or above the average technical skills to participate. All you will have to know is how to use a computer (and since you're reading this I suppose you got that covered).
What you will need to do is assess the ease of use and intuitiveness of software applications that are ready to hit the market. Why is this crucial to the software manufacturers? Well, it's because the launch of a product that is too hard to use for the general public can account for millions in losses. So that's why they like their final stage of testing to be handled by regular people and not software engineers.
The software testing program that I'm talking about offers a Dell laptop as a reward for your efforts instead of paying in cash. At the beginning of the testing program you will receive the laptop which has the application installed on it and you will be asked to use it for a week.
After that you will have to offer the software company your feedback and, as a reward you will get to keep the laptop you've used for testing for free. It's a pretty good deal considering everything is done from home and the testing won't interfere with your regular schedule. One final word of advice: apply quickly as spots are limited and usually get filled fast. You can find the program by clicking HERE.

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