Steve Harvey's new book is Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man. Harvey has publicly stated he is Christian man, but he did market his relationship book as a Christian relationship book. Through reading most of his ideas are based on biblical principles. Harvey does not promote the biblical principle of abstinence till marriage and he does not say.Harvey does believe the biblical principle that a man should have accomplish something before he began to look for a mate. The bible shows us that it important for a man to be busy fulfilling his purpose. When Boaz noticed Ruth in the field he was busy with agricultural management. King Xerxes was ruling the land when he realized that he needed a help mate. Harvey believes a man does not have to achieve total career success but he must at least know his purpose before he can focus on a relationship. This idea is supported in the book of first Samuel when David refused to marry King Saul's daughter because he had nothing to offer. Once S
aul stated he would accept 100 Philistine foreskins, David accomplished that feat and was awarded a bride. David's career path was clear to him at this point. The prophet Samuel had already anointed him to become the next King. David was showing himself as skilled military man, he had already defeated Goliath.Harvey also points to Marlow's hierarchy to show that if basic needs aren't met then people are not interested in a relationship.Jacob is another biblical example of man aware of his purpose but not quite there. Jacob had received his father's blessing when he went to uncle Laban's. Where he saw Rachel his future wife. Notice it follows with the theme that" he finds..." He agreed to work seven years for Rachel's hand in marriage.Harvey states there are three qualities women have that are important to men support, loyalty, and sexuality. Some of Harvey's ideas about sexuality are not biblical based, but let's examine his ideas that are. Abraham and Sarah are the first bi
blical case study for loyalty. When Abraham asked him to Sarah to say she was his sister. Sarah did. Sarah was loyal and supportive to a fault. Sarah's daughter in law Rebekah was also supportive when Isaac asked her to pretend to be his sister. Moses wife showed her support and loyalty when they were traveling to Egypt and God was about to kill Moses because his son's were not circumcised.He also points out that support via encouragement is a good. This supports the biblical principle about a quarrelsome wife. The bible supports the idea when a wife's support is not there it can basically end the marriage. When David danced in the streets to praise God and his wife Michal was not supportive. Her husband left her alone.The principles in Steve Harvey's Act Like a Lady Think Like a man are biblical based, but his book is not a christian book about dating. Harvey inserts his humor and his opinion in the book. Harvey's thoughts about the importance of loyalty and support in marr
iage are biblical based principles. His book is a good read and has some informational value.Steve Harvey's new book Act Like a Lady think like a man. Harvey has public stated he is Christian man, but he did market his relationship book as Christian relationship book. Through reading most of his ideas are based on biblical principles. Harvey does not promote the biblical principle of abstinence till marriage and he does not say.Harvey does believe the biblical principle that a man should have accomplish something before he began to look for a mate. The bible shows us that it important for a man to become busy fulfilling his purpose. When Boaz noticed Ruth in the field he was busy with agricultural management. King Xerxes was ruling the land when he realized that he needed a help mate. Harvey believes a man does not have to achieve total career success but he must at least know his purpose before he can focus on a relationship. This idea is supported in the book of first Samu
el when David refused to marry King Saul's daughter because he had nothing to offer. Once Saul stated he would accept 100 Philistine foreskins, David accomplished that feat and was given a bride. David's career path was clear to him at this point. The prophet Samuel had already anointed him to become the next King. David was showing himself as skilled military man, he had already defeated Goliath.Harvey also points to Marlow's hierarchy to show that if basic needs aren't met then people are not interested in a relationship.Jacob is another biblical example of man aware of his purpose but not quite there. Jacob had received his father's blessing when he went to uncle Laban's. Where he saw Rachel his future wife. Notice it follows with the theme that" he finds..." He agreed to work seven years for Rachel's hand in marriage.Harvey states there are three qualities women have that are important to men support, loyalty, and sexuality. Some of Harvey's ideas about sexuality are not
biblical based, but let's examine his ideas that are. Abraham and Sarah are the first biblical case study for loyalty. When Abraham asked him to Sarah to say she was his sister. Sarah did. Sarah was loyal and supportive to a fault. Sarah's daughter in law Rebekah was also supportive when Isaac asked her to pretend to be his sister. Moses wife showed her support and loyalty when they were traveling to Egypt and God was about to kill Moses because his son's were not circumcised.He also points out that support via encouragement is a good. This supports the biblical principle about a quarrelsome wife. The bible supports the idea when a wife's support is not there it can basically end the marriage. When David danced in the streets to praise God and his wife Michal was not supportive. Her husband left her alone.The principles in Steve Harvey's Act Like a Lady Think Like a man are biblical based, but his book is not a christian book about dating. Harvey inserts his humor and his o
pinion in the book. Harvey's thoughts about the importance of loyalty and support in marriage are biblical based principles. His book is a good read and has some informational value.
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