After I read Revelation 4-19 I was amazed at what the Lord showed the apostle Paul of the things to come. It reminded me of the Exodus and how the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart when he would not let the Israelites go out of Egypt. John was so blessed to see the things that would take place in the future reign of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was told to write everything down so those who read the scriptures in Revelation would be blessed. And blessed we are because we know as Christians the things that will come after the rapture. I am glad I won't be here for the seven-year Tribulation because all the earth will be destroyed like nothing no one has seen or will ever see again.After the rapture took place, the seven-year Tribulation began with the seven seals of judgment, which wreaked havoc on the earth and then the seven trumpets that followed literally destroyed the earth. But that wasn't the end of God's wrath because the seven bowls came next. There were many killed by earth
quakes, plagues, famine, war, and pestilence. Yet still many people did not repent of their sins and continued to worship idols made of gold, silver, and wood. God shortened the time of these judgments because if He prolonged them, no one would be left alive.God said that he would harden the hearts of many during this time because of their disbelief and they would believe the lie of the Antichrist who came to setup his new world order and to rule in God's temple in Jerusalem. The Antichrist setup a new law that required the people to have the mark of the beast 666 put on their foreheads or hands. Anyone who resisted the number of the beast would be arrested, imprisoned, or beheaded for their disobedience. Everyone was to worship the Antichrist and to follow the False Prophet and the new world religion.Then came the fall of Babylon, the great city of splendor. This city was the epic center of the world in that everything was bought and sold through it. Seamen gained wealth th
rough their sales and merchants were great men. But of all who drank the maddening wine of her adulteries, the kings of the earth, the merchants will all stop and mourn her devastation. For the great city of Babylon will stand no more. Every one in heaven rejoiced at the fall of this great city because of the evil it produced and the seductions it proclaimed.The Lord is coming for His people, the ones that have been sealed and survived the Tribulation period. He comes from the clouds on a white horse and his robe is red with blood, his eyes like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. Out of his mouth came a double-edged sword and his name was Lord of Lord's and King of Kings. His vast army dressed in white linen and riding white horses followed behind Him. He was ready to judge with a vengeance and trample the people in the winepress. At this time, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that the Lord is Lord. Everyone does, even the non-believers, the Antichri
st and the false prophet. They're not happy about it but their knees touch the ground never the less.Praise God for His great splendor and majesty who has the right to judge the wicked of heaven and earth. Great will be the day when the Antichrist and false prophet and all non-believers will be judged and thrown in to the lake of fire. Blessed are those who chose God as their Lord and Savior. Blessed is our great and merciful God who loves us and will be with us forever and ever. Amen.
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