Monday, July 2, 2012

Book Review - Don't Drink the Punch, by Kamala Devi

Let's face it, who is not at least mildly intrigued by the word: Tantra?I saw the book, was intrigued by the title and that word Tantra in the subtitle, and truly did not know what to expect when I picked this book up to read it. The cover managed to capture my attention, even though it's not a genre I would typically read.Several pages into the book, I knew I would not be disappointed! I was hooked from the first chapter and couldn't stop reading it until I finished it, even fighting sleep to stay up late into the night to read the rest of the story.Don't Drink the Punch is well written, but in a style that is rather unexpected--first person, present tense! There are very few authors who have the capacity and talent to write in present tense, first person, and draw the reader into the story. Typically, we read in third person and/or past tense, more like reading a 'movie' that we play out the scenes in our own minds. First person present tense requires precisely written scen
es that keep the reader captivated as though they are inside the story, as it is happening, part of it.Don't Drink the Punch achieves this requirement and then some! I found as I read Kamala Devi does this expertly, by making the reader feel completely connected and involved in the story, and I could identify with the main character on a personal level, and he is a MAN (I'm not!)The story begins with the lead male character, Sal, in the Bangkok International Airport, where he spots a redheaded woman who captures his attention, so much so that he had to follow her and initiate conversation. Little does he know that this innocent conversation would lead him down a path with the beautiful and free-spirited redhead, Sara, through the streets and back-alley sex commerce of Bangkok, to the ancient cemeteries of India, with several stops in between.Readers experience first hand Sal's experiences from body massages (where the masseuse uses their entire body to massage, not just thei
r hands), dealing drugs, life threatening illness, participating in a sex cult and questioning every belief he's ever held dear to him, to experiencing the emotion of painful decision to choose between true love and sanity, and eventually to experiencing and understanding loss, remorse and guilt. Readers will learn in the end whether or not Sal learns from these experiences, how they change him-for better or for worse-and the fate of his love for Sara.With steamy, erotic and sensual scenes interspersed with romance and affection, friendship and understanding, and plenty of adventure to keep it all exciting, it's no wonder I had trouble putting down this book.Hidden in the pages of a fantastic fiction story readers also find historic information about specific locations and inside information to the inner workings of certain religious and spiritual beliefs in different parts of the world, without any judgment or attempts to preach or sway anyone's opinions.It was a real page
turner and a beautifully written story about love, passion, Tantra, obsession... and ultimately about personal fulfillment and finding one's own true path in this world, and not blindly following someone else down a path not their own. Steamy and sensual but also light and humorous, I found it both sad and uplifting at the same time, something that takes a talented writer to accomplish effectively, and Kamala Devi does not disappoint.I have already recommended this book to several friends to read, because it is just that good. Highly recommended.Don't Drink the PunchBy Kamala DeviBook Specifications:* Paperback: 303 Pages* Publisher: Zendow Press* ISBN-10: 1879097990* ISBN-13: 978-1879097995

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