Monday, July 16, 2012

Book Review Of America Right Or Wrong by Anatol Lieven

About the author:Anatol Lieven has a B.A. in history and PhD in political science from Jesus College Cambridge. He is a British journalist, writer, historian and an editor. He was a member of Carnegie Endowment and before 1990 he was a correspondent for the Times in Pakistan and Afghanistan. As an editor he worked for Strategic Comments. His latest book is Chechnya Tombstone of Russian Power. His books are a lot based on his work in different countries especially former Soviet Union and also are benefited from his related knowledge. Now he is a senior fellow at the New America Foundation and lives in Washington DC.Review:Nationalism and especially American nationalism is the word which is heard and read a lot after the attacks of September 11, 2001.It brought support to changes of American policy toward the rest of the world. It was not as strongly as this high lightened for the past two centuries as it is a need now to keep Americans unified.Anatol Lieven's book provides the
matters which have been thoughtfully arranged .Regarding his knowledge as a historian and his previous jobs, the major subjects have been clarified with suitable examples which he brings forward. He uses back and forth between today's important issues and the past ones making a path through American history for comparing and gaining some results. There is a link between old and contemporary history of the United States.The cover of the book and the colors refer to the Republicans victory over the Democrats in the presidential election in 2004. Lieven writes" it was on the strength of a mixture of nationalism and an appeal conservative religious sentiment that the Bush administration won those elections."(IV) The Republicans were the ones who attacked the Democrats and claimed them to be weak to defend the country against enemies while the Republicans can do that by unifying the nation. By this sentence Lieven's focus of attention is clear in this book. He argues as he write
s" The Republicans party of the United States has become the American Nationalist party."(IV) Bush and Reagan have benefited both from the good use of nationalism a lot to win the second term of their presidencies. American nationalism is a support of its power and influence across the world.The book examines the American Creed something unique and positive originated from the experiment they got by having different governments and this creed is not far and separated from religion even in the time of wars like Iraq war. American nationalism has always been mixed with religious colors. Its root backs to Protestant beliefs that brought Americans together as a whole and to show that they are different from their origins in Europe, specifically. The combination of nationalism and religion to be exactly the American ones was developed through history by some terrible experiences such as wars in and out of the country and it still continues. He also creates an atmosphere that ther
e are lessons for Americans to learn reviewing their history. He appreciates American democracy and puts emphasis on its importance, but at the same time sees it under threat by some American policies and the country is not as immune as the past from dangers supposedly surrounding it. Lieven refers to the attacks of September 11, which happened in the mainland of America that were unprecedented after what happened in Pearl Harbor.The global power of the United States which is different to the old European one enabled it to take special actions like preventive wars which are based on its political culture and American nationalism as well as its economic and military power are all at the service of American system. This developed after World War II and continued after the collapses of communism, so exporting American values to the rest of the world grew faster. Lieven describes the complexity of American nationalism in his book and that is one of the reasons of division of the
US and the Muslim world. Although many criticize the US due to its imperialistic nature, "the vast majority of ordinary Americans do not think of themselves as imperialist or possessing an empire."(p.2) Lieven says. Believing in being unique and chosen as "a city upon a hill" (John Winthrop) isolated the American chauvinism and messianism from the rest of the world and resulted in the belief to be superior to other nations and foreigners. Still for many Americans nationalism is not the only reason to support American political actions against other countries but a reaction to any possible threat toward them.Lieven in different chapters of his book elaborates two aspect of American nationalism," American Creed" and" Antithesis".American creed or "American Thesis" is a significant element in founding the country and the core of its unity in which religion is very important. Some believe that the principles of American Creed have always been universal, to be achievable by peop
le around the world. Lieven recites Toqueville's words that the Americans," are unanimous upon the general principles that ought to rule human society"(p.48) and in the beginning years of the twenty-first century the strength of this belief was a sponsor for America's political system to extend and import, such principles overseas. Lieven also mentions some other important elements in American Creed," faith in liberty, constitutionalism, the law, democracy, individualism and cultural and political egalitarianism." (p.49)American Creed is along with division and diversity, since it has been open to immigrants and time to time shift in its capitalistic nature, but it also contains a correction process. Lieven writes, "Reagan used to say (quoting the polemicist of the American Revolution Thomas Pain),"We have it in our power to begin the world over again."(p.63)In Lieven's view American messianism is dynamic. But what mentioned is at the service of American influence and power
around the world. That is when opposition rises, because many do not believe in America's role as a global savior. That is different to what is even exercised to win the presidential campaign, stressing America's mission to save the world.Antithesis is the other aspect of nationalism which "stems above all from ethnoreligious roots."(p.5) Lieven says. That is accompanied with the changes in America due to its big size and complexity. He brings examples of other countries nationalism, even the word chosen used by other nations, but this word is still the one to distinguish the American exceptional nationalism.If the nationalism is a kind of radical one, no doubt it meets the defeat, as the former empires that practiced occupation on other countries, but the fruits were destruction and imperative changes in their economies or political authorities together with resistance not to imitate the West. The defeat is effective on each individual, as well as hatred caused by imperiali
stic actions. Lieven counts four elements for the sense of defeat," the original," core" White Anglo-Saxon and Scots Irish population of the Britain colonies in North America; the specific historical culture and experience of the White South; the cultural world of fundamentalist Protestantism; and the particular memories, fears and hatreds of some American ethnic groups and lobbies." (p.91)He elaborates that the American Dream is along with "powerful forces of conservative religion."(p.123) Lieven had not ignored the new aspects of nationalism, like "Irish American nationalism" (p.133) and the effects of those on American nationalism. Over all the American Creed had its blooming years after World War II and following that the collapse of communism and "the role of America as the "guardian of freedom" was played on incessantly by official propaganda, political rhetoric, the media and indeed much of American society." (p.153)The way he argues and discusses the issues in the l
ast chapter of the book, which are both sensitive and crucial such as the US/Middle East and especially Muslim world relations makes us think again. He brings some justifications and sympathies and some blames over the American actions around the world. Lieven's journalistic way of writing which is based on his studies and experiences created a balance of subjects and explanations within the book, and in the end, it is not easy to say if he really writes pro or con. That is why some consider it a kind of anti American and some do not. The book contains both admiration and criticism over the United States.There is some about Bush administration failure, which brought hatred toward American war policy around the world and the problems after that. The writer condemns the war in Iraq.The book poses some questions over ideology, exceptionalism and identity of American kind, considering the September 11, 2001 attacks. There is some about Bush administration failure, which brought
hatred to American war policy around the world and he condemns the war in Iraq.Through the whole book, you are provided with a smart way of writing moving between admiration and criticism of American related Reference:hp:// Right or WrongAn Anatomy of American NationalismBy: Anatol LievenPublisher: Oxford University Press, USA (2004)Paperback: 274Language: EnglishISBN 0-19-530005-xPrice: $15.95Book review:By: Fatemeh Azimzadeh

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