Friday, July 6, 2012

Mystery, Suspense, Film Noir and Detective Movies on DVD - A Guide to the Best in Cinema Thrills

Mystery, Suspense, Film Noir and Detective Movies on DVD-A GUIDE TO THE BEST IN CINEMA THRILLS by John Howard Reid is a dream come true for movie buffs. If your collection of movies is less than classic or you would like to sample the best thriller flicks of the former century then this book is the place to begin.Mr. Reid has researched, reviewed and listed over 700 examples of the best in cinema that can be found in the DVD format. The first 218 titles included, feature an extensive review page. He includes the full cast and the parts played by name. The director, screenplay writer, editor, music, sound and producers are listed as well as copyright date, studio, world wide release dates and running times. Each title is summarized with Mr. Reid's own personal review and other comments. He rates the transfer DVD on a 1 to 10 scale, ten being a superb transfer from film and one being an unwatchable DVD. The remaining 500 films are briefly described.Most of the titles were relea
sed in the 1930's to 1950's with several selections from the 60's and 70's. You'll recognise many of the well known classics like Twelve Angry Men or A Kiss Before Dying. However, this book really shines in its ability to bring exposure obscure titles like Attack of Giant Leeches.What is film noir? Mr. Reid takes a one-hundred page look at Noir, Crime and Mystery with several hundred movies mentioned. Interested in Sherlock Holmes or Raymond Chandler movies? How about the Thin Man series? Mr. Reid designated a full chapter o each of these categories. How about hard-boiled movie tough guys? Mr. Reid takes an in depth look in a chapter called Bogart versus Ladd.The amount of time and research needed to produce a book this detailed and informative is remarkable. Hundreds of wonderful black and white photos add to the authenticity of the collection. Mr. Reid has over 50 years of writing experience and it shows on every page as his descriptions flow smoothly from point to point w
ithout any trite or clichéd passages. All movie buffs should take advantage of this wonderful guide. Flipping through the pages you can't help making a list of must-sees before running out to the local rental shop. If you enjoyed classic thrillers back in the day and wonder about current DVD availability then you need this book. If you are tired of the CGI filled dribble that Hollywood is passing off as Mystery/Thrillers these days then this is guide is a must read for finding something very different.Highly (September 27, 2009)978-0557122233John Howard Reid

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