Thursday, July 5, 2012

No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs, by Dan Kennedy (Review)

The Ultimate No Holds Barred Kick Butt Take No Prisoners Guide to Time Productivity & SanityDan Kennedy's fee tops $9000.00 per day. Part of that - he's an awesome, awesome marketing mind. Another, equally crucial part - he has time management skills that'd make most of us rip our appointment calendar to shreds. When you're paying $18.75 for every minute of his time, he better use it to its fullest. And he does.In this book, he spills the beans about all the time management techniques he uses. And he's admittedly lazy, a micromanager (which is a surprisingly big waste of time)... and generally bad at keeping time. These aren't Harvard Business grad time management skills. They're for the rest of us.My opinion: this stuff is powerful. It made me look critically at all the ways I'm wasting time (mine AND others'), and now I'm pushing myself to use these techniques for maximizing how much each minute of my time is worth. As you read this book, you'll surely have thi
s same reaction - it's time to get your butt in gear! So, I'm going to list Dan's No B.S. Time Truths for you to get started, but you NEED THIS BOOK to flesh them out and to inspire you to put them to work for you.Dan Kennedy's No B.S. Time Truths:# 1 - If you don't know what your time is worth, you can't expect the world to know it either.# 2 - Time Vampires will suck as much blood out of you as you permit. If you're drained dry at day's end, it's your fault.# 3 - If they can't find you, they can't interrupt you.# 4 - Punctuality provides personal power.# 5 - # 9... you thought I was going to list them all here! Sorry - gotta get the book! The most you'll pay is the $9.95 cover price plus shipping, and it'll be worth much, much more than that... you'll probably make at least that much back in the first hour of your time that you actually bill at what it's worth.Here's another quote from the book worth chewing on: "You should learn to work fast(er). It makes you sharper
." That's real important for me, because I'm meticulous. I spend tons of time on the details. Makes for great work, but probably only a percent better than it would be if I finished it fast. Plus then I'd have much MORE work done. And double the work at 99% of the quality... is still great work, and worth more overall.The last technique I'll divulge here... is make and USE lists. Create daily, weekly, and monthly to-do lists. It frees your mind from remembering all that junk you try to keep up there. It lets you focus on one project at a time, and blow through it. If something comes to mind when working on a project, write it down, and don't revisit it until the time you've set aside for this project, now, is over. Then you can decide the priority of that new idea.For me, working in my office, my biggest time vampire is having things to tell or ask people. I want to do it, and I want to do it NOW. I'm now making lists of things to ask people when I get the chance
, then waiting to ask them until a bigger list of things has piled up. 1. This makes me more decisive, which is a telling trait of productive people. 2. It stops the interruption bug from biting us both (me, and the person I would speak with), and makes us both more productive.So... BUY THIS BOOK. So far, every Dan Kennedy book I've read has been worth its weight in gold. I think you'll agree - even if his straightforward, tell-it-like-he-sees-it style rubs you the wrong way. Remember as you're reading... there's a reason he makes $9000.00+ every day he works. You, too, can get some of that love if you apply just some of his techniques for maximizing your time and income.ISBN: 1-932156-85-2Cover Price: $9.95

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