Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Notes From the Other Side: Stories of Afterlife

It's funny how easily influenced we can be by someone who is deemed to be an "authority" on something. Somehow their word, their perspective, their wisdom is stamped with a seal of approval and validity before they even say anything. So, who better or more qualified then to give advice and guidance for living life than those who have already passed over to the other side?Author and psychic medium/spirit intuitive Lynn Scott has gathered stories of wisdom for living from twenty-one people (spirits) who have passed over. Acting as a "conduit" she shares their messages, along with some details of how they came to pass. Because the notion of afterlife fits with my belief system, reading this book I unconsciously and automatically assigned each of these spirits esteemed regard. Consequently, I devoured this book in one sitting, both curious about how they came to pass and hungry for the pearls of wisdom each offered.But wearing my reviewer hat, I challenged myself to examine my bi
ases. What if I didn't believe in "life" after death? How would I then perceive these stories? Certainly I am not of the Christian faith as most of the spirits in this book are, so why would I so readily grant them authority status?And of course what I realized is that within each of us are the seeds of Truth, and regardless of how that truth is mirrored, somewhere deep inside we recognize it as such. Truth transcends the petty grievances and darker nature of being human; truth plucks our heartstrings and reverberates congruence throughout our cells. And for those who consider themselves to be truth seekers, yearning for a confirmation of our higher self personally and collectively, Notes From the Other Side, although a slim book, speaks volumes of truth.

View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/notes-from-the-other-side-stories-of-afterlife.html

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