Sunday, October 7, 2012

Books For Early Vocabulary Success in Children

BOOKS FOR CHILDRENBooks for children should be selected wisely. It is often said-"Books are our best friends". The true value of books must be taught to children at an early age so that it develops into a habit later. Books for children usually are categorized based on their age groups and interests. They have interesting animated pictures depicting scenes from the stories. Reading not only is good for gaining knowledge, but improves the child's English grammar as well.Books for children Less than 3 YearsChildren less than two years are too young to read and understand words. It would be best if they were made to read books with big colorful pictures and cartoons. Books with pop-up designs are beneficial for the children. They can be taught names of fruits and vegetables through books with colorful drawings. The teacher can read simple short stories about animals or birds to the children. This also enhances their imaginative power. These books should be made of sturdy board p
ages which they can turn themselves without tearing them or hurting themselves. Books for children can also have predictable texts and easy rhymes. This will improve their pronunciation and understanding of the English language.Books for Children between ages 4-5It is necessary to know the interest of the children and give them appropriate books. These children have a longer attention span and can learn a lot when taught with proper skill and technique. Choose books for children with lots of pictures so that it is visually appealing to the kids and they read it with interest. Stories can range from simple to complex, depending on the abilities of the child. It mostly consists of fairy tales and short stories about animals and birds. Books with rhythmic or rhyming text help in introducing the tough grammar to the children. Interactive books for children are very appealing.Books for children above 6 yearsBooks for children should not only comprise of basics like rhymes but sho
uld also have grammar and mathematics. Books should be separated on the basis of subject. The difficulty level should increase with age as their concentration learning capacity also increases.Children should be taught to make maximum use of the books available. Books for children should be selected in such a way that the children enjoy learning and thus eventually get into the beneficial habit of regular book reading. This will help the children throughout their life.

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