Saturday, May 25, 2013

Adam Short - The IM Guru Exposed

Adam Short is an Internet Marketer who specializes in building niche sites and then growing them to dominate that niche. Recently Adam has moved into the Internet Marketing field and has released a number of top rating products such as "The Niche Quake System", "AdSense Profits Unleashed", and most recently Niche Profit Classroom.Before I talk more about his Internet Marketing endeavors I want to get one thing straight. Adam Short is an internet marketer who practices what he preaches. He gives advice based on what he does on a day to day basis which is build up an empire of over 100 niche sites.With each of Adam's 100+ sites pulling in anywhere from $400 per month to $20,000 per month its easy to see Adam has had a lot of success with his formula. He has found a system that works and has gone on to repeat that formula time and time again to make more and more money.Adam Short's most impressive product to date is undoubtedly Niche Profit Classroom.In Niche Profit Classroom Ad
am Short explains exactly how to create a niche site and then how to scale you efforts so that your site is making a minimum of $100 per week. At first glance this won't seem like a lot of money, but the fact that the system can be repeated time and time again means it's easy to grow one site making $100 per week to 5 sites make $1000 per week. Keep in mind that $100 per week is a bare minimum; chances are your first site will make $300 - $400 per week if you follow Adam's process correctly.One of the things that I particularly like about Niche Profit Classroom is the process that Adam Short uses to give himself the highest chance of success. This process falls into the research phase of project development and involves assigning a value to each keyword. This is done by using Adam's in house MoneyWord Matrix. The MoneyWord Matrix basically takes a keyword and rates it depending on its search volume and competition. If you find a keyword with high search volume and low compet
ition you're onto a winner.Once you've found a set of high volume low competition keywords, its time to create your product (which Adam teaches you how to do in a step by step manner) and start milking it for all its worth. Of course, you don't have to create a product. If you want to skip this step you can simply sell an existing product for a commission as an affiliate.Adam Short holds nothing back in Niche Profit Classroom. In the members section you get access to an amazing amount of content consisting of a staggering 750+ videos covering every imaginable corner of internet marketing, 150 of those videos are specific to creating and marketing your own product.Whether you are an internet marketing newbie or already have a fair amount of experience, you have absolutely everything to gain with Adam Short's course. Adam Short covers so much in such great detail which ensures you'll take away something new. Niche Profit Classroom is a course of extremely high value that remai
ns unequalled for the quality and quantity of content it delivers. It really is an eye opening course that has once again lifted the bar to become the benchmark internet marketing product.

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