Saturday, May 25, 2013

You Can Heal Your Life

The book that changed my thinking about health and our ability to heal our bodies is the classic from Louise Hay "You Can Heal Your Life."This is the single greatest book on the power of our emotions and thoughts on our overall health.Louise Hay has healed herself from cancer. She explains how she does it in this very enlightening book. Louise was way ahead of her time as her first copy of this book was back in 1984. There have been countless updates as this is a perennial winner in the health and healing world.When I first read this book I would read about the illness I had at the time such as a sore throat and see what the good book had to say. For example, when we experience a sore throat, we are "holding in angry words. Feeling unable to express the self."Louise recommends contemplating the root issues of a sore throat - what are you angry at or unable to express? Moreover, she advises you to repeat the affirmation " I release all restrictions, I am free to be me."You wil
l be amazed at how changing your thoughts and focusing on your pending emotional issue can arrest any illness. By going to the root emotional cause, the illness dissipates.Just last year I woke up with a migraine headache and I was really bummed out about it since I had a very fun day planned.My first order of business was to grab Louise Hay's book and see what was my root issue for this migraine since I have only had a handful in my life.The root cause of a migraine says "Dislike of being driven. Resisting the flow of life."I laid down in my bed and thought about these words. Yes, I was being driven in my new business at the time and not happy about it. I agreed with this.My next step was to find out the affirmation for a migraine. " I relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably. Life is for me."I repeated these words to myself. It was not more than 45 minutes later and I was in the shower and off for the day. The migraine never c
ame back that day, nor have I had a migraine since!I give all kudos to this wonderful book. Now I will warn you, like me, at first you will not agree with the root causes of your illness. You will do all to resist what it says. - No way is that my root cause. - Expect this resistance from yourself. It is the ego keeping you from your reality.Just fast forward and believe the root causes in the book and your healing will happen much faster than you expect. The more you practice what Louise Hay outlines in this book, the better your life and health will be.This is the book that changed my life. It has brought me health and healing. It sits on my coffee table and its worn torn pages show how many times I have accessed it to let family members know their emotional status!Be it sinus, lupus, pneumonia, diabetes, infection, asthma, cancer, sore throat etc, you will find this a handy guide to healing your life.

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