Hospice Tails: The Animal Companions who Journey with Hospice Patients and their Families by Debra L. Stang is a short easy-to-read book of 14 stories about hospice patients and their beloved furry and even scaly animals.Hospice Tails is about the significant role animals play in people's lives until the very end.
We learn how King the 100-pound Pit bull-Rottweiler hybrid protects and comforts 95-pound Lisa while thinking he's a lap dog! We read about hospice social worker and author, Debra's ability to overcome her fear of both King and the albino corn snake wrapped around her arm. Pretty impressive for a cat "purr-son!"
We are in awe when Kim, a Vietnam veteran and surgical nurse, reaches out and "sees" her beloved Poodle-mix, Blue, welcoming her as she takes her final breath.
We can't help but laugh when we realize that Hal, who struggles to speak after two strokes, doesn't want to pet the little furry rabbit, he wants to hunt it!
Gus' family shows up at the nursing home with Lightning, his beloved horse. (Yes, you read that right!)
We learn of the significant role Frankie the Chihuahua plays when he leaps higher than he's ever jumped before in order to wake up exhausted caregiver, Alex, before Glenn takes his final breath.And then there's Louisa who has a strict policy of "No animals in the house" Debra is given a lint brush to remove her cat's fur from her clothing before entering Louisa's immaculate house. After Louisa's husband passes, Louisa harbors a secret.
Animals are important family members. Social worker and author, Debra and the hospice nurse know this as they gain the trust of their client after comfort an uneasy Screwball.These short Hospice Tails are inspirational and FUN. Debra serves clients as diverse as the animal family members who play a significant role in helping families cope with the end of life.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/hospice-tails-the-significant-role-animals-play-in-our-lives-until-the-end.html
Sunday, September 30, 2012
The Work of James Joyce, The Irish Literary Genius
James Joyce was born as James Augustine Aloysius Joyce on February 2, 1832. He was known for his style of writing as he used the stream of consciousness method, which is a method used by writers who keep writing based on the way their thoughts move. Joyce was anything but conventional and this would explain why publishers of his time rejected his work.Joyce's best known novels are Ulysses and Dubliners, where he describes the dull and boring life of people living in Dublin. The novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a semi-biographical novel that highlights the problems a boy faces who is growing up in an already overcrowded family, which is socially on a downward move. The novel beautifully captures the conflict the young man faces about his artistic talents knowing that there is no future for his talents.Only if you are ready to look beyond the words, will you be able to truly enjoy the novels written by Joyce. He uses symbolism quite often in his work, and many f
ind it hard to understand it. This is one of the reasons why he never became a popular literary writer.He hated living in Ireland, but ironically most of his novels are based in Ireland. As the age of 22, Joyce moved to France to take up journalism, teaching and others jobs to make ends meet. When the First World War started, Joyce moved out of France and found his way to Zurich, where he started writing Ulysses. The book was published in 1933. After that, he wrote Finnegan's Wake, which he had started writing while living in France. However, by then, he started suffering from glaucoma.Joyce has always been an enigma to literary experts. Some extol his writing skills, while others find his works deplorable. However, once cannot deny the fact that James Joyce was instrumental in changing the conventional way of writing. He has left his mark on literature, and offered us insights into the human mind and how it works under different circumstances.Besides novels, Joyce has also
written poems like Chamber Music and Pmes Penyeach. In addition, he wrote a play entitled Exiles.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-work-of-james-joyce-the-irish-literary-genius.html
ind it hard to understand it. This is one of the reasons why he never became a popular literary writer.He hated living in Ireland, but ironically most of his novels are based in Ireland. As the age of 22, Joyce moved to France to take up journalism, teaching and others jobs to make ends meet. When the First World War started, Joyce moved out of France and found his way to Zurich, where he started writing Ulysses. The book was published in 1933. After that, he wrote Finnegan's Wake, which he had started writing while living in France. However, by then, he started suffering from glaucoma.Joyce has always been an enigma to literary experts. Some extol his writing skills, while others find his works deplorable. However, once cannot deny the fact that James Joyce was instrumental in changing the conventional way of writing. He has left his mark on literature, and offered us insights into the human mind and how it works under different circumstances.Besides novels, Joyce has also
written poems like Chamber Music and Pmes Penyeach. In addition, he wrote a play entitled Exiles.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-work-of-james-joyce-the-irish-literary-genius.html
"Jack Jacob and the Doomsday Time Machine" by Albert S. Abraham: Book Review
Jack Jacob and the Doomsday Time Machine by Albert S. AbrahamBlue Comet Books (2006)ISBN 097697441XReviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (8/06)"Jack Jacobs and the Doomsday Time Machine" is written by Albert S. Abraham who works in aerospace engineering. Because of his career experience and education he writes very convincingly. He also includes a glossary that includes some real scientific definitions and some that are created from his perspective. This makes reading the story more fun. I don't know which is real and which isn't, but Abraham manages to write in a way that it all makes sense.In this time travel story, Jack Jacobs and his sentient seeming supercomputer, Jennifer, have been traveling for some time in his space ship. It has a quantum gravity propulsion system that allows them to travel very quickly. When they arrive back on earth after one of their explorations, they discover that they are one hundred years in the past and when they try to fix it, they
keep going further and further back in time. To correct this problem, they have to journey to another distant galaxy where they find a device that appears to be responsible for the time dilations. Along the way, through the time changes, they also discover that history is changing itself.It was amusing to see that on one of its appearances back in time, the ship was assumed to be a UFO. Jack manages to make it disappear before any real harm is done.This is a great book for Sci-Fi purists. I would highly recommend it to a science fiction readers group. I also recommend it to people that enjoy science fiction stories that take place in space.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/jack-jacob-and-the-doomsday-time-machine-by-albert-s-abraham-book-review.html
keep going further and further back in time. To correct this problem, they have to journey to another distant galaxy where they find a device that appears to be responsible for the time dilations. Along the way, through the time changes, they also discover that history is changing itself.It was amusing to see that on one of its appearances back in time, the ship was assumed to be a UFO. Jack manages to make it disappear before any real harm is done.This is a great book for Sci-Fi purists. I would highly recommend it to a science fiction readers group. I also recommend it to people that enjoy science fiction stories that take place in space.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/jack-jacob-and-the-doomsday-time-machine-by-albert-s-abraham-book-review.html
Review of Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins
This is an older book. I think it was written sometime in the mid 1980s. Still, Unlimited Power remains extremely relevant today and happens to be one of the most effective books I've ever read in my life. I take that back, I think it probably is the most effective book I've ever read in my life.Reading Unlimited Power, you need to come into it with an open mind. If you go into your reading experience thinking this is all new age hype that doesn't actually mean anything, you'll probably get nothing out of it. Listen to what Tony Robbins says and listen closely. Read every page with a completely open mind and I can guarantee your mindset will change for the better.The exercises in this book should also be taken seriously. At the very least, they'll make a believer out of you. You'll realize that neuro linguistic programming does in fact work and your life will be put into perspective. Everything is in fact what you make of it. If you choose to be happy, you'll feel happy each
and every day. If you tackle things with enthusiasm, your productivity will increase by multiples and you'll yield better results. This will feed into a better lifestyle that you're satisfied with.As you can see, this is all an intertwined cycle that actually does make sense. Life is short. Make the most of it and don't waste your years dwelling on things that you can't change. If you can in fact change them, then by all means do it!
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/review-of-unlimited-power-by-anthony-robbins.html
and every day. If you tackle things with enthusiasm, your productivity will increase by multiples and you'll yield better results. This will feed into a better lifestyle that you're satisfied with.As you can see, this is all an intertwined cycle that actually does make sense. Life is short. Make the most of it and don't waste your years dwelling on things that you can't change. If you can in fact change them, then by all means do it!
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/review-of-unlimited-power-by-anthony-robbins.html
Sylvia Plath "Collected Poems"- A Review
Sylvia Plath wrote an enormous body of work by the time she was thirty and the "Collected Poems" contains all of her poetry. This book won the Pulitzer Prize and is all encompassing. Sylvia Plath's juvenilia is included as well as some of her notes.The late great poet Sylvia Plath did not attain her legendary literary status in her lifetime, but her writing speaks for itself. The work, "Collected Poems" contains all of her literary greatness aside from her short stories and novel, "The Bell Jar." Plath's poems from "The Collosus" and "Ariel," which she wrote shortly before her suicide and launched her literary fame, are all included in this fine book. Any Sylvia Plath fan without the "Collected Poems" is truly missing out and anyone who loves modern poetry must have this collection of work.The poems are dated and one can see the progress and transformations Plath's writing undergoes as she matures and finds her own unique poetic voice and tone. Many of her earlier poems
are somewhat light hearted but many of her later poems take on her darkly menacing and troubled voice. Plath's two most famous poems, "Daddy" and "Lady Lazarus," are included as well.The work was edited by Ted Hughes, her former husband and fellow literary great poet. Ted Hughes as well writes the introduction and explains how Plath wrote her poetry, the effort she put into the writing process and how her works were published.The work even has a collection of titles and first lines as well as fifty of her very early poems. Evidently, Plath held on to all of her work and Ted Hughes was left in charge of her writing and he put together this amazing book.Sylvia Plath and her poems loom large in the modern poetry literary world and the poet has a kind of cult following among readers. The "Collected Poems" is a must have for anyone who enjoys modern poetry and anyone claiming to be a fan of Sylvia Plath. This book contains most if not all of her poetry and cannot be claimed
unworthy of the Pulitzer Prize.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/sylvia-plath-collected-poems-a-review.html
are somewhat light hearted but many of her later poems take on her darkly menacing and troubled voice. Plath's two most famous poems, "Daddy" and "Lady Lazarus," are included as well.The work was edited by Ted Hughes, her former husband and fellow literary great poet. Ted Hughes as well writes the introduction and explains how Plath wrote her poetry, the effort she put into the writing process and how her works were published.The work even has a collection of titles and first lines as well as fifty of her very early poems. Evidently, Plath held on to all of her work and Ted Hughes was left in charge of her writing and he put together this amazing book.Sylvia Plath and her poems loom large in the modern poetry literary world and the poet has a kind of cult following among readers. The "Collected Poems" is a must have for anyone who enjoys modern poetry and anyone claiming to be a fan of Sylvia Plath. This book contains most if not all of her poetry and cannot be claimed
unworthy of the Pulitzer Prize.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/sylvia-plath-collected-poems-a-review.html
Living With Cancer Thru 'Poetry' - A Book by Highly Regarded Poet and Cancer Sufferer Joree Williams
Joree Williams, is a woman of 69 years, a very highly respected Poet who is married to a wonderful man named Joe. Joree graduated from college when she was 63 years old and whilst there she took a class in writing where she immediately fell in love with poetry.Now in this book she truly does share most of the emotions that she felt, during the last few years when five years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer which after radiation and removal of cancer tissue, thank God she survived. For they say if one survives breast cancer for 5 years, the cancer is defeated.However, one year ago the breast cancer metastasized into bone cancer with additional nodules on her lungs and one on her thyroid gland. So this last year has been one of radiation and cancer chemo treatments, but through it all Joree says she still felt herself blessed by all the prayers said by family, friends and poet friends.Believing prayer to be our most powerful means of communication, and just now the canc
er is at a standstill being managed with chemotherapy shots once a month. But all through the years Joree never stopped writing her poetry, especially poems about her faith, which without she says she would never have survived.Through faith she had the strength to face cancer all over again, faith gave her hope and also the acceptance, to belief and trust in Our Lord. All this she portrays in her book solely to try to help others realize too, that prayer is the most powerful of from all connections; prayers for others, prayers from others; the love that is felt; the healing that comes within and without.Faith is all about love; love for others; love from others and mostly the love from Our Lord God above. That without faith she shows through her words how life would have no meaning. So all the poems within come from her belief that with prayer her words will hopefully touch upon another in any similar situation to help them and their heart and soul to find the faith that she
has. For as well as being her rock she also says that; "Faith is just like the river of life; we all drink of it; some pollute it; and some cherish and tend to it."I am very honored to be the first one to ever read this book, because I both formatted the manuscript and designed the cover and pictures within that help to enhance all the emotions and love Joree portrays. It is a book full of love of life and all things living, faith, hope and most of all love of God. Yes! Joree's love is seen through butterflies and her wonderful gift of phrasing words and creating poetic forms which she has dedicated to these beautiful creatures and to others.Just hearing the word 'cancer' fills us with dread, so if cancer has touched you or anyone that is dear to you, then this book is a must read, for it will help you to understand the profundity of feelings that the one inflicted has to try to come to terms with, and hopefully give the one suffering the same strength that Joree has had to
let her faith and great love of God show through!"Know God always holds your hand in all that you do!"Joree's words....
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/living-with-cancer-thru-poetry-a-book-by-highly-regarded-poet-and-cancer-sufferer-joree-williams.html
er is at a standstill being managed with chemotherapy shots once a month. But all through the years Joree never stopped writing her poetry, especially poems about her faith, which without she says she would never have survived.Through faith she had the strength to face cancer all over again, faith gave her hope and also the acceptance, to belief and trust in Our Lord. All this she portrays in her book solely to try to help others realize too, that prayer is the most powerful of from all connections; prayers for others, prayers from others; the love that is felt; the healing that comes within and without.Faith is all about love; love for others; love from others and mostly the love from Our Lord God above. That without faith she shows through her words how life would have no meaning. So all the poems within come from her belief that with prayer her words will hopefully touch upon another in any similar situation to help them and their heart and soul to find the faith that she
has. For as well as being her rock she also says that; "Faith is just like the river of life; we all drink of it; some pollute it; and some cherish and tend to it."I am very honored to be the first one to ever read this book, because I both formatted the manuscript and designed the cover and pictures within that help to enhance all the emotions and love Joree portrays. It is a book full of love of life and all things living, faith, hope and most of all love of God. Yes! Joree's love is seen through butterflies and her wonderful gift of phrasing words and creating poetic forms which she has dedicated to these beautiful creatures and to others.Just hearing the word 'cancer' fills us with dread, so if cancer has touched you or anyone that is dear to you, then this book is a must read, for it will help you to understand the profundity of feelings that the one inflicted has to try to come to terms with, and hopefully give the one suffering the same strength that Joree has had to
let her faith and great love of God show through!"Know God always holds your hand in all that you do!"Joree's words....
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/living-with-cancer-thru-poetry-a-book-by-highly-regarded-poet-and-cancer-sufferer-joree-williams.html
Book Review - WSJ Financial Guidebook For New Parents
If you've read more than a handful of my posts, you'll know that I'm obsessed with always growing, advancing, and learning. I love to read. I'm always looking for that new idea or that nugget of wisdom that will move me forward. But as obsessed as I am about learning and reading, I'm even more obsessed with using my time effectively.So, when I saw that fellow MoneyWatch columnist, Stacey Bradford, wrote a new book on personal finance called The Wall Street Journal Financial Guidebook for New Parents, I hesitated to dig into it even though I have a young daughter. Here's why. I live and breath personal finance. I am the president of a wealth management firm that was voted one of the top firms in the country. I wrote a #1 bestselling personal finance book and have done financial makeovers on 20/20, Dr. Phil, Money Magazine, and many others. So, what was I going to learn?Oh how wrong I was! Stacey has written an excellent book that I'd highly recommend to anyone expecting a chil
d, new parents, and even those parents with older children.The joy for me reading the book was her perspective as a woman and as a mother. Chapter after chapter I experienced several "a-ha" moments. There were many issues such as maternity leave, the emotional cost of staying at home, and returning to the workforce that I thought I understood, but only after reading it from a woman's perspective, do I now really get it.Stacey also has a wonderful ability to take rather daunting concepts such as life insurance and trusts and explain them so that even a sleep-deprived new parent can understand.The WSJ Financial Guidebook for New Parents is superbly written and researched. I can't think of a better way for parents to spend some of their other 8 hours to get a solid financial footing.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-wsj-financial-guidebook-for-new-parents.html
d, new parents, and even those parents with older children.The joy for me reading the book was her perspective as a woman and as a mother. Chapter after chapter I experienced several "a-ha" moments. There were many issues such as maternity leave, the emotional cost of staying at home, and returning to the workforce that I thought I understood, but only after reading it from a woman's perspective, do I now really get it.Stacey also has a wonderful ability to take rather daunting concepts such as life insurance and trusts and explain them so that even a sleep-deprived new parent can understand.The WSJ Financial Guidebook for New Parents is superbly written and researched. I can't think of a better way for parents to spend some of their other 8 hours to get a solid financial footing.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-wsj-financial-guidebook-for-new-parents.html
Book Review: Signing Smart With Babies And Toddlers
Paperback: 256 pagesPublisher: St. Martin's Griffin (April 28, 2005)ISBN-10: 0312337035ISBN-13: 978-0312337032Price: $11.32My wife tells me she had a vague notion that signing would be a good idea ever since her sister told her about a TV program she saw where non-verbal toddlers could communicate what they needed. So when she became pregnant she looked it up on the Internet. Wow! Sing and sign, baby sign, ASL, BSL - it was a big subject. Then our child arrived and it all got put on the back burner.I'll let Katherine pick up the rest of the review: "When she was about 6 months old I decided to give it a go, but I was flailing really. A website I found said repetition was the key and you should start with a sign that would help you as a parent, and therefore alleviate frustration for both of you, such as "milk" or "more". Well I tried, but I had questions: How would I know it was working (when my offspring looked at me as if I was crazy)? How long before something should happe
n? Was it all worth it?"It all came together when I discovered Signing Smart with Babies and Toddlers by Michelle Anthony and Reyna Lindert. It had me hooked by the first page - a personal experience of a 12 month old asking what the moon was? In sign? This, I wanted! An insight into what my child was thinking, real communication. Could it be possible? The book explains that what babies need to grasp is the concept of signing and that the way to do it is by using the natural interest they have in what is around them and the games you already play with them. I really do it no justice by my superficial explanation, so I really encourage you to get the book and see for yourself. Suffice to say I now had confidence in giving it a go and, amazingly, exactly what was supposed to happen happened! The day that my one-year-old got ready to scream to be nursed as usual, almost imperceptibly paused and cautiously signed "milk", was wonderful. But that was eclipsed by the time she picke
d up my fork and in response to my wittering on about how that was mummy's fork but when she was bigger she could have a baby fork, she signed "what - baby" and pointed to the fork. "What 's a baby fork?" Excellent question, very good point - but she would have wondered the same thing, and I would never have known the marvelous workings of her mind, if she had not known those simple signs."Now she has this way of looking you directly in they eye. And she talks - does she ever! I have lost count of the people who have looked at her curiously, amazed at her vocabulary, and said, "How old is she?" Would she have been any different without signing? Who knows? Will it help her in the future? Maybe."One thing I do know, I would not have missed those early, non-verbal, insights-into-her-secret-self conversations with her for all the tea in china."We are constantly amazed at the rapid progress our child has made in communication, and we put a great deal of that down to signing with
our baby - something that Signing Smart made immensely achievable. Our child still loves to sign, and her vocabulary is extraordinary. This is the book to help make that happen.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-signing-smart-with-babies-and-toddlers.html
n? Was it all worth it?"It all came together when I discovered Signing Smart with Babies and Toddlers by Michelle Anthony and Reyna Lindert. It had me hooked by the first page - a personal experience of a 12 month old asking what the moon was? In sign? This, I wanted! An insight into what my child was thinking, real communication. Could it be possible? The book explains that what babies need to grasp is the concept of signing and that the way to do it is by using the natural interest they have in what is around them and the games you already play with them. I really do it no justice by my superficial explanation, so I really encourage you to get the book and see for yourself. Suffice to say I now had confidence in giving it a go and, amazingly, exactly what was supposed to happen happened! The day that my one-year-old got ready to scream to be nursed as usual, almost imperceptibly paused and cautiously signed "milk", was wonderful. But that was eclipsed by the time she picke
d up my fork and in response to my wittering on about how that was mummy's fork but when she was bigger she could have a baby fork, she signed "what - baby" and pointed to the fork. "What 's a baby fork?" Excellent question, very good point - but she would have wondered the same thing, and I would never have known the marvelous workings of her mind, if she had not known those simple signs."Now she has this way of looking you directly in they eye. And she talks - does she ever! I have lost count of the people who have looked at her curiously, amazed at her vocabulary, and said, "How old is she?" Would she have been any different without signing? Who knows? Will it help her in the future? Maybe."One thing I do know, I would not have missed those early, non-verbal, insights-into-her-secret-self conversations with her for all the tea in china."We are constantly amazed at the rapid progress our child has made in communication, and we put a great deal of that down to signing with
our baby - something that Signing Smart made immensely achievable. Our child still loves to sign, and her vocabulary is extraordinary. This is the book to help make that happen.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-signing-smart-with-babies-and-toddlers.html
Intense Spy Thriller Exposes Potential Nuclear Disaster Danger
Red, White, and Boom by Karl Puttlitz ISBN 978-0-9844819-0Puttlitz is knowledgeable and technically well grounded. His experience and expertise shine throughout the book. Details are deep, well researched and are revealed through the events of the plot. The reader knows the needed information as soon as the characters do. The mystery begins promptly in the first chapter and remains unveiled even as the death toll mounts and finding the stolen nuclear materials becomes more and more difficult.Special Agent Jeb Foster has been on multiple missions. He is a capable leader with a team of experts to call upon for information. However, the mystery begins when he and his love interest encounter odd problems. A foiled carjacking and ominous threats on his girl friend set the intrigue while Jeb catches up with the thieves. He spends his energy concentrating on the mission but how does he balance a growing love interest on the team while putting up with an annoying new team member? Als
o, Jeb finds him still missing his former team partner, Marco, who was killed in the line of duty.Jeb is assigned to investigate and retrieve radioactive "dirty" bomb ready materials stolen from the former Soviet Union countries. There are more people involved and many with poor or bad reputations and connections. Darla is the original love interest, but plays only a small part. Max is the long term Team member who obtains data, analyzes it and condenses it for Jeb to use. Kaj is the unknown quantity who is obnoxious, rude and constantly annoying everyone. Sorina is the newest person, totally unknown to Jeb before being assigned to the team for this mission. The other players die off almost as quickly as they appear in the storyline.Jeb develops a romantic interest in Sorina and they pursue that while the mission runs on increasing tension and increasing deaths. The romance violates all the standards Jeb is familiar with but he constantly finds himself choosing between the m
ission and his personal desires for Sorina. Now the real intrigue crops up. A mole is evidently involved in the mission. Jeb suspects different means for the information leaking about the team and what they are doing. As the nuclear material nears American shores, he faces a crisis of national security, personal connections and mounting tensions on a team that is held together with little more than his will.The technical information here is extensive, possibly sufficient for a textbook on nuclear stockpiles and waste handling and disposal. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, these materials are too easily available to terrorists, black marketeers and the various criminal organizations operating in the United States, the former Soviet Union and countries in between. Formerly secret information available now about how the Soviet Union handled nuclear waste, secret cities where entire populations lived and died, and the extreme conditions of Siberia and the cities where lead
after lead takes Jeb and his team.The storyline takes many interesting twists and as all the bodies accumulate, some in very grotesque manners of execution, Jeb faces decisions that could sacrifice his team mates and ultimately a large number of innocents.Published by Adventure Street Press, 2011. (www.adstpress.com) ($26.95 USD SRP) Reviewer received book from author.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/intense-spy-thriller-exposes-potential-nuclear-disaster-danger.html
o, Jeb finds him still missing his former team partner, Marco, who was killed in the line of duty.Jeb is assigned to investigate and retrieve radioactive "dirty" bomb ready materials stolen from the former Soviet Union countries. There are more people involved and many with poor or bad reputations and connections. Darla is the original love interest, but plays only a small part. Max is the long term Team member who obtains data, analyzes it and condenses it for Jeb to use. Kaj is the unknown quantity who is obnoxious, rude and constantly annoying everyone. Sorina is the newest person, totally unknown to Jeb before being assigned to the team for this mission. The other players die off almost as quickly as they appear in the storyline.Jeb develops a romantic interest in Sorina and they pursue that while the mission runs on increasing tension and increasing deaths. The romance violates all the standards Jeb is familiar with but he constantly finds himself choosing between the m
ission and his personal desires for Sorina. Now the real intrigue crops up. A mole is evidently involved in the mission. Jeb suspects different means for the information leaking about the team and what they are doing. As the nuclear material nears American shores, he faces a crisis of national security, personal connections and mounting tensions on a team that is held together with little more than his will.The technical information here is extensive, possibly sufficient for a textbook on nuclear stockpiles and waste handling and disposal. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, these materials are too easily available to terrorists, black marketeers and the various criminal organizations operating in the United States, the former Soviet Union and countries in between. Formerly secret information available now about how the Soviet Union handled nuclear waste, secret cities where entire populations lived and died, and the extreme conditions of Siberia and the cities where lead
after lead takes Jeb and his team.The storyline takes many interesting twists and as all the bodies accumulate, some in very grotesque manners of execution, Jeb faces decisions that could sacrifice his team mates and ultimately a large number of innocents.Published by Adventure Street Press, 2011. (www.adstpress.com) ($26.95 USD SRP) Reviewer received book from author.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/intense-spy-thriller-exposes-potential-nuclear-disaster-danger.html
Innovation and Organization Can Go Together in the Modern Corporation
Many folks in business think that innovation is stifled by organization and that simply is not so. Too much status quo and organization simply for the sake or organizing could slow innovation, but too much of anything is not good for anyone, anyway.The other day, I was filling up some boxes of books from my personal library to donate and I noticed two books that caught my eye. I pulled them out of the pile and sat down for an hour with each and considered the implications of how these books should be read by both sides of the debate between structured organizations and loosely run innovative companies. Rather than one or the other, both these authors from their own perfective consider a balance between the two.So, perhaps it is not either or, but a little of both, as necessary. So, let us discuss these two books briefly and consider the merging of minds in the modern organization to get the best results in innovation and profit:"The Organized Executive - New Ways to Manage Ti
me, Paper, and People" by Stephanie Winston - 1983. Many of the most innovative, best and/or brightest are also the most disorganized, but this does not mean they cannot organize or gain efficiencies in doing so, as there are ways that are carefully described in this book to do just that.First, she suggests doing an organizing audit and reprogramming to fit your needs, this is necessary because you do not wish to change the way you do things that are currently working for you, more doing it better your way. The first order of business is the paperwork flow or mess, depending on how you see it, and the art of filing - today all this is done on computer, but the theory is the same.Next, the book suggest ways to combat time wasting methods and the time wasters that create them. There are chapters on project management workflow, managing staff, working with secretaries and business tools of the trade."If it ain't broke - BREAK IT! - and other unconventional wisdom for a changing
business world" by Rober K Kriegel and Louse Patler - 1991. This book sold 2 million copies and was highly touted in it's time. He talks about Sacred Cows, Innovation, and why failure is a good place to start - Why companies must continually change incrementally, sometimes drastically, rather than running redline and thinking they will get exponential gains each quarter.He talks about why playing it safe is dangerous in a competitive world and why it is important to take risks and not chances. Additionally he suggests that you need to plan to change your plans, that is what planning, real planning is all about.Now then can you begin to see how a happy medium is drawn and when and why organization is important to innovation and more importantly why innovation must be an integral part of your organization?
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/innovation-and-organization-can-go-together-in-the-modern-corporation.html
me, Paper, and People" by Stephanie Winston - 1983. Many of the most innovative, best and/or brightest are also the most disorganized, but this does not mean they cannot organize or gain efficiencies in doing so, as there are ways that are carefully described in this book to do just that.First, she suggests doing an organizing audit and reprogramming to fit your needs, this is necessary because you do not wish to change the way you do things that are currently working for you, more doing it better your way. The first order of business is the paperwork flow or mess, depending on how you see it, and the art of filing - today all this is done on computer, but the theory is the same.Next, the book suggest ways to combat time wasting methods and the time wasters that create them. There are chapters on project management workflow, managing staff, working with secretaries and business tools of the trade."If it ain't broke - BREAK IT! - and other unconventional wisdom for a changing
business world" by Rober K Kriegel and Louse Patler - 1991. This book sold 2 million copies and was highly touted in it's time. He talks about Sacred Cows, Innovation, and why failure is a good place to start - Why companies must continually change incrementally, sometimes drastically, rather than running redline and thinking they will get exponential gains each quarter.He talks about why playing it safe is dangerous in a competitive world and why it is important to take risks and not chances. Additionally he suggests that you need to plan to change your plans, that is what planning, real planning is all about.Now then can you begin to see how a happy medium is drawn and when and why organization is important to innovation and more importantly why innovation must be an integral part of your organization?
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/innovation-and-organization-can-go-together-in-the-modern-corporation.html
Chosen by a Horse by Susan Richards
"Chosen by a Horse" by Susan Richards is a story for anyone who has ever loved an animal. I don't own a horse and I've only ridden once and yet I was easily drawn into Richard's story - an inspirational memoir about the impact of an abused horse on a woman with a traumatic past. Susan Richards already owned three horses and worked a full time job when she agreed to take one of the forty abused horses rescued by the SPCA. She picked Current Squeeze because she liked the name but they couldn't get her into the trailer so she went home with Lay Me Down and her foal. Despite having a terrible life and being lame, Lay Me Down was a gentle animal with a loving nature that helped Susan re-evaluate her outlook on life. Her unconditional love helped Susan take a long hard look at her own life and realize that she was capable of loving and being loved.If you know nothing about horses - like me - it doesn't matter. She writes in a delightful easy to read style weaving information
into her story in an entertaining way and she writes honestly and humorously of her own faults. Richards was a woman trying to come to terms with her own traumatic past yet she doesn't dwell on her past. There's no self-pity in her story, only an inspirational recounting of her healing and the animal that changed her life for the better. It's a heart warming story anyone can relate to. Chosen by a Horse is a great read but I had no idea it would take me on such an emotional rollercoaster ride. Keep a box of Kleenex handy.Publisher: Mariner Books; Reprint edition (June 4, 2007)ISBN: 978-0156031172Pages: 256Price: $13.95
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/chosen-by-a-horse-by-susan-richards.html
into her story in an entertaining way and she writes honestly and humorously of her own faults. Richards was a woman trying to come to terms with her own traumatic past yet she doesn't dwell on her past. There's no self-pity in her story, only an inspirational recounting of her healing and the animal that changed her life for the better. It's a heart warming story anyone can relate to. Chosen by a Horse is a great read but I had no idea it would take me on such an emotional rollercoaster ride. Keep a box of Kleenex handy.Publisher: Mariner Books; Reprint edition (June 4, 2007)ISBN: 978-0156031172Pages: 256Price: $13.95
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/chosen-by-a-horse-by-susan-richards.html
Management Lessons From Mayo Clinic - Book Review
Many services, including practice management, share common dynamics with healthcare services in general:
Intangible core benefit; it comes from a performance, and customers incur an expense rather than acquire tangible assets (except for outsourced billing),
High risk service. Under-performance carries severe consequential damages,
Labor- and skill-intensive performance, contributing to considerable variability between service providers,
Physical presence of the customer receiving the service, requiring time and place synchronization with service provider,
Perishable service. When the resources available to deliver the service are unused, the value that they might have created, perishes,
Customer demand for the service is unevenly distributed and sometimes urgent,
Diverse customer needs and preferences, requiring the service provider to maintain a portfolio of skills and resources,
Multiple resources contribute to the customer experience, necessitating coordination of their performances,
Complex service chain with numerous interdependent components,
Service reliability - accuracy and dependability - are essential for success.
The key question for any manager is: "if our organization were to disappear overnight, would customers really miss us?" For Mayo Clinic, the answer is yes, and that's why it attracts and retains talented people and inspires their efforts. Mayo offers the court of last resort for many patients. A career at Mayo clinic provides a daily opportunity to apply their core values.The Mayo Clinic model is built on three core values: place the interests of the patient above all other interests, pool talent to create teams of specialists working together, and deliver clinical care with time-condensed efficiency. At Mayo Clinic, the core strategies and core values converge - the strategies are so embedded that they become core values. Its most impressive accomplishment is how well they execute these strategies for more than a century.In organizations that deliver consequential, complex, variable, and personal service, the performance is critically important. The brand comes as the by-pro
duct of consistent focus on the service experience of patients. Customers become marketers and the conveyors of information that can help those they know. A labor-intensive service brand can be only as good as the people creating the experience that forms brand meaning. The Mayo Clinic has created its brand through emphasis on operations. They created a world-class service organization we performing well for one customer at a time and relying EXCLUSIVELY on the word of mouth - for nearly a century, they had no marketing department. An astonishing 91 percent of patients praise the clinic to an average of 40 other patients and generates on average five new patients.Mayo Clinic brand heroes are the industrial engineers who design the service processes and the line employees who perform their services one patient at a time. They design their processes by paying a special attention to customer perception, by orchestrating the clues for quality. They understand that customers act
as detectives continuously looking for clues in order to form an opinion about their experiences. For example, does a service experience make customer feel safe, confident, efficient, smart, respected. or worthy, or does it have the opposite effects?This book is required reading for anybody who wants to create and manage a service organization with a Mayo Clinic reputation.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/management-lessons-from-mayo-clinic-book-review.html
Intangible core benefit; it comes from a performance, and customers incur an expense rather than acquire tangible assets (except for outsourced billing),
High risk service. Under-performance carries severe consequential damages,
Labor- and skill-intensive performance, contributing to considerable variability between service providers,
Physical presence of the customer receiving the service, requiring time and place synchronization with service provider,
Perishable service. When the resources available to deliver the service are unused, the value that they might have created, perishes,
Customer demand for the service is unevenly distributed and sometimes urgent,
Diverse customer needs and preferences, requiring the service provider to maintain a portfolio of skills and resources,
Multiple resources contribute to the customer experience, necessitating coordination of their performances,
Complex service chain with numerous interdependent components,
Service reliability - accuracy and dependability - are essential for success.
The key question for any manager is: "if our organization were to disappear overnight, would customers really miss us?" For Mayo Clinic, the answer is yes, and that's why it attracts and retains talented people and inspires their efforts. Mayo offers the court of last resort for many patients. A career at Mayo clinic provides a daily opportunity to apply their core values.The Mayo Clinic model is built on three core values: place the interests of the patient above all other interests, pool talent to create teams of specialists working together, and deliver clinical care with time-condensed efficiency. At Mayo Clinic, the core strategies and core values converge - the strategies are so embedded that they become core values. Its most impressive accomplishment is how well they execute these strategies for more than a century.In organizations that deliver consequential, complex, variable, and personal service, the performance is critically important. The brand comes as the by-pro
duct of consistent focus on the service experience of patients. Customers become marketers and the conveyors of information that can help those they know. A labor-intensive service brand can be only as good as the people creating the experience that forms brand meaning. The Mayo Clinic has created its brand through emphasis on operations. They created a world-class service organization we performing well for one customer at a time and relying EXCLUSIVELY on the word of mouth - for nearly a century, they had no marketing department. An astonishing 91 percent of patients praise the clinic to an average of 40 other patients and generates on average five new patients.Mayo Clinic brand heroes are the industrial engineers who design the service processes and the line employees who perform their services one patient at a time. They design their processes by paying a special attention to customer perception, by orchestrating the clues for quality. They understand that customers act
as detectives continuously looking for clues in order to form an opinion about their experiences. For example, does a service experience make customer feel safe, confident, efficient, smart, respected. or worthy, or does it have the opposite effects?This book is required reading for anybody who wants to create and manage a service organization with a Mayo Clinic reputation.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/management-lessons-from-mayo-clinic-book-review.html
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Book Review - Trading in the Zone
As a full time options trader, I can say that Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas is by far one of the most helpful books I've ever read. If you're brand new to options trading....that's great. The material in this book can save you a bunch of money and mental anguish. Or maybe you are experienced and have seen huge success in your life, and are considering getting into trading to expand yourself. Either way, by reading this book, you'll realize that long term consistent success in trading, is entirely a mental game and has nothing to do with any prior success you may have tasted before getting in to options trading.There is nothing in the world like options trading. You'll find out why when you read the book. As Douglas indicates from the outset of the book, one of his primary purposes is to, "Convince the trader that it is his attitude and 'state of mind' that determine his [or her] results." That is exactly what Trading in the Zone is all about. Think of it as a guide to h
elp you as a trader develop a sharp mental focus to properly interpret Market information... so you can take action in order to bring in a profit. Douglas tackles a few key topics like:
How to react to losses in a way is productive.... instead of beating yourself up about it.
Understanding risk and realizing that how to accept risk "without emotional discomfort or fear."
He shows how the real edge to any traders skill set is to think in terms of probabilities.
The impact of what we believe about ourselves has on our trading (whether recognized or subconscious).I can't recommend this book highly enough. If you are serious about learning how to make yourself a better trader, get a copy of Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. It really opened my eyes and I know it will help you also.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-trading-in-the-zone.html
elp you as a trader develop a sharp mental focus to properly interpret Market information... so you can take action in order to bring in a profit. Douglas tackles a few key topics like:
How to react to losses in a way is productive.... instead of beating yourself up about it.
Understanding risk and realizing that how to accept risk "without emotional discomfort or fear."
He shows how the real edge to any traders skill set is to think in terms of probabilities.
The impact of what we believe about ourselves has on our trading (whether recognized or subconscious).I can't recommend this book highly enough. If you are serious about learning how to make yourself a better trader, get a copy of Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. It really opened my eyes and I know it will help you also.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-trading-in-the-zone.html
Book Review: Buttercups for Jesus
Buttercups for Jesus: Reflecting His Light in Your Life by Nancy MarieBooklocker, 1591132991, $11.95Perhaps you did it once as a child. You and a friend romped in the backyard or through a grassy spot at a neighboring park and came across a patch of bright yellow flowers. Your friend plucks a buttercup from the ground and holds it under your tilted chin, looking for the yellow reflection that indicates your fondness of butter. An innocent scene, yet one powerful enough to inspire Christian author Nancy Marie to create an allegory between these fields of flowers and her desire to better serve the Lord. In her devotional Buttercups for Jesus, Marie touches upon various points in her Christian life and how she struggles to reflect Christ's love, thereby making the proverbial buttercup something more than the weed most perceive it to be.Buttercups is not a long book, clocking in around 100 pages, yet in this case brevity is most certainly an asset. Marie comes directly to the poi
nt in the dozen vignettes used to illustrate her ongoing walk with Christ, from the personal (including one personal story concerning Marie's prideful, unChristian confrontation with another writer) to the parable. As with other devotionals, each chapter concludes with a relevant prayer called for the Lord's guidance in daily life.In one favorite passage of Buttercups, the author compares herself to a cracked pot, imperfect yet able to serve God's purpose. This image best serves to describe what Marie hopes to relay, that despite our flaws our actions can produce the perfect reflection of Christ in our lives. Anybody doubting this will want to pick up Marie's inspirational Buttercups for Jesus.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-buttercups-for-jesus.html
nt in the dozen vignettes used to illustrate her ongoing walk with Christ, from the personal (including one personal story concerning Marie's prideful, unChristian confrontation with another writer) to the parable. As with other devotionals, each chapter concludes with a relevant prayer called for the Lord's guidance in daily life.In one favorite passage of Buttercups, the author compares herself to a cracked pot, imperfect yet able to serve God's purpose. This image best serves to describe what Marie hopes to relay, that despite our flaws our actions can produce the perfect reflection of Christ in our lives. Anybody doubting this will want to pick up Marie's inspirational Buttercups for Jesus.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-buttercups-for-jesus.html
Divorce & Separation Recovery Program For Men - Ebook Review
Men get a bad rap from the popular media when it comes to divorce. After the divorce the focus seems to shift to the women, and while everyone recognizes a divorced woman's life can be tough it seems unfair that so little attention is given to the man.Men have emotions too it seems and this comes as a surprise to many often including the man himself and dealing with the pressures of life after divorce can come down like a ton of bricks leaving them confused, angry and with no where to turn.Many males are now turning to the internet to find some solutions and help which has led to one man who has been through the anger, fear and anxiety of divorce like so many others who discovered ways to gain control of his life, his emotions and his finances to get back on track.Phil Symons was a successful businessman when his wife left him and admits he turned into a wreck, through his experiences he discovered the way the male mind deals with divorce the riht way (and knows the wrong way
s too) and has compiled a recovery program from what he learned from the experience and from many other men he has helped and listened to.The guide is no frills and straight forward with step by step methods that have immediate and practical applications. It has advice for dealing with your own negative emotions as well as how to build a better relationship with your children and how to be in control of everything instead of having everything slip through your fingers.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/divorce-separation-recovery-program-for-men-ebook-review.html
s too) and has compiled a recovery program from what he learned from the experience and from many other men he has helped and listened to.The guide is no frills and straight forward with step by step methods that have immediate and practical applications. It has advice for dealing with your own negative emotions as well as how to build a better relationship with your children and how to be in control of everything instead of having everything slip through your fingers.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/divorce-separation-recovery-program-for-men-ebook-review.html
Parent Magazine - Get Best Parenting Guidelines For Child Care
In a world where families are becoming increasingly nuclear and there are fewer adults to guide and direct young couples, parenthood is becoming more and more critical. In such a scenario, parents are on a constant look out for information. They seek the best for their child and want to gather as much as they can for their holistic development. This is where parent magazines come to help.Right from the age of toddlers to teenage to the young adults, child care magazines are a great asset for a parent in every phase of their child's growth. First time parents specially have trouble understanding the vows of theirs child. At this point, experienced opinions and guidance from a specialist is all they need. Child care magazines offer exhaustive tips and guidelines on how to take care of the newly born. It is a catalogue for the parent where he/she can get a first hand account of what is best for their young one. Parents share their experiences and voice out their concerns for the
child through them and a symbiotic relationship is formed in the process. Often this also helps in preventing small accidents with children as parents read a great deal of dos and don'ts in the magazines.Parent magazines encompass all aspects of child care. Be it medical, social or psychological. Medical aspect includes what to feed the young one, in what quantity and at what intervals, what oil and cream to use, how to bathe the child, how to keep the child in a hygienic surrounding, what vaccines to be given, basic medical care for the child during an emergency, medication that should be avoided and what is the best for him/her.At the school going stage, parents need to get into the shoes of their children to be really able to help them deal with issues they face. Today when children are bombarded with information, it is necessary that parents know how to prevent any bullying they face.The extent of involvement needed during the formative years of the child is of high val
ue.Child care magazines offer practical and handy tips on the same.Child magazines provide information about child growth and practices to be followed in early childhood education. What would be the appropriate practices for little children, issues concerning their safety, tips on improving child's oral education and increasing parental involvement, everything is offered at one stop. Child magazines help all those who want their child to spend fruitful time at home, and create an environment of learning and encouragement. Parents are benefited a great deal through child care magazine. They are equipped with all the necessary information they require for child care. It is like a ready reckoner for them. Parents learn a lot about the behavioral aspect of a child by the use of these magazines regularly. What can create a positive impact on the child and what harbors negativity is of immense importance in child care, and child care magazines are the best to attain the knowledge
of the same.More and more parents are getting actively involved in writing and reading these Parent magazine. They offer a self verified account of parents who have gone through all the agony and emerged victorious in upbringing their children well. Doctors, child care experts and psychologists guide the information contained in these magazines. Today a lot of publishers offer child care magazines and the trend are only on the upswing.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/parent-magazine-get-best-parenting-guidelines-for-child-care-2.html
child through them and a symbiotic relationship is formed in the process. Often this also helps in preventing small accidents with children as parents read a great deal of dos and don'ts in the magazines.Parent magazines encompass all aspects of child care. Be it medical, social or psychological. Medical aspect includes what to feed the young one, in what quantity and at what intervals, what oil and cream to use, how to bathe the child, how to keep the child in a hygienic surrounding, what vaccines to be given, basic medical care for the child during an emergency, medication that should be avoided and what is the best for him/her.At the school going stage, parents need to get into the shoes of their children to be really able to help them deal with issues they face. Today when children are bombarded with information, it is necessary that parents know how to prevent any bullying they face.The extent of involvement needed during the formative years of the child is of high val
ue.Child care magazines offer practical and handy tips on the same.Child magazines provide information about child growth and practices to be followed in early childhood education. What would be the appropriate practices for little children, issues concerning their safety, tips on improving child's oral education and increasing parental involvement, everything is offered at one stop. Child magazines help all those who want their child to spend fruitful time at home, and create an environment of learning and encouragement. Parents are benefited a great deal through child care magazine. They are equipped with all the necessary information they require for child care. It is like a ready reckoner for them. Parents learn a lot about the behavioral aspect of a child by the use of these magazines regularly. What can create a positive impact on the child and what harbors negativity is of immense importance in child care, and child care magazines are the best to attain the knowledge
of the same.More and more parents are getting actively involved in writing and reading these Parent magazine. They offer a self verified account of parents who have gone through all the agony and emerged victorious in upbringing their children well. Doctors, child care experts and psychologists guide the information contained in these magazines. Today a lot of publishers offer child care magazines and the trend are only on the upswing.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/parent-magazine-get-best-parenting-guidelines-for-child-care-2.html
Great Books - How-To Wisdom Resides in Books
Learning how to do things is the way we all grow and develop as humans. Using guidebooks helps shorten the learning curve of acquiring knowledge.With the amount of information available today, you can learn and do just about anything- from how to build a deck to finding your dream home in another country.How-to books teach you with the printed word, pictures, graphs and give you the option to return to the page before if your memory is failing you in a moment of need.Shopping for these printed knowledge volumes is easy and available in a number of ways for purchase. Checking through thrift stores, garage sales, and online for new and used books is a great way to start. Some projects are timeless and even nostalgic and for this one of the old how to books will be filled with information in the old ways and sometimes the best ways to complete a project.Be sure to choose wisely for your project. If updated information and material is available with the progress of technology and
information, you will need to buy a newer book. With updated information you will find the healthiest, easiest and best way to grow plants, paint, or do your own medical research.Information is continually changing and improving. As the books and learning tools become available you can begin a new project with the right look for you or the best way to construct something new in your life. Book stores carry the newest books available and if they do not have one you need they are willing to special order in most any category.Some topics are classics. How to sing, or make soap, or darn a sock can be learned from older books.If you are looking for lessons on car repair and maintenance, check with your local auto parts dealer or online for information about your model of vehicle. You will need to know the model, make, year and many time engine size and design. Once you find the book you need you can order it online or place a special order at the parts department.For information
regarding gardening, plants, herbs and sustainable living some book stores will have a special section. Updated information and old ways are now combined in many newer books. You can choose from larger farming income projects to specialized growing techniques for a certain flower such as roses or iris.Books for herbal medicine are written for the local grower for raising herbs in pots or small gardening areas to promote good health. You can learn how to mix herbs for best results or what each herb by itself is good for. Herbs can be used to fight headaches, stomach problems and improve general health.These DIY (do it yourself) books are a great way to learn something new. Don't be afraid to teach yourself. You have many teachers who have gone before you and now impart their wisdom in the form of how-to books.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/great-books-how-to-wisdom-resides-in-books.html
information, you will need to buy a newer book. With updated information you will find the healthiest, easiest and best way to grow plants, paint, or do your own medical research.Information is continually changing and improving. As the books and learning tools become available you can begin a new project with the right look for you or the best way to construct something new in your life. Book stores carry the newest books available and if they do not have one you need they are willing to special order in most any category.Some topics are classics. How to sing, or make soap, or darn a sock can be learned from older books.If you are looking for lessons on car repair and maintenance, check with your local auto parts dealer or online for information about your model of vehicle. You will need to know the model, make, year and many time engine size and design. Once you find the book you need you can order it online or place a special order at the parts department.For information
regarding gardening, plants, herbs and sustainable living some book stores will have a special section. Updated information and old ways are now combined in many newer books. You can choose from larger farming income projects to specialized growing techniques for a certain flower such as roses or iris.Books for herbal medicine are written for the local grower for raising herbs in pots or small gardening areas to promote good health. You can learn how to mix herbs for best results or what each herb by itself is good for. Herbs can be used to fight headaches, stomach problems and improve general health.These DIY (do it yourself) books are a great way to learn something new. Don't be afraid to teach yourself. You have many teachers who have gone before you and now impart their wisdom in the form of how-to books.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/great-books-how-to-wisdom-resides-in-books.html
Is Batman A Superhero Or Not?
What exactly defines a superhero? Is it truly necessary for a superhero to have super powers like flying, inhuman strength, x-ray vision or invulnerability?Most people would quickly state that to be a super hero you must have these abilities. If this is true, the question should be expanded to include others like Iron-Man and Green Arrow. Are they also superheroes or not? In the same sense as Batman, they cannot be seen as super heroes. Some see Batman as a vigilante with a lot of high-tech gadgets but no innate super powers. In their opinion, he can't be a superhero.Taking a look at the definition of a super hero in the Merriam-Webster, you find a superhero defined as "a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers" as well as "an exceptionally skillful or successful person." So, even if Batman does not have any superhuman powers, he does have some really extraordinary powers.He is a very skilled fighter, being a master at various martial arts. He is extremely in
telligent and is seen as the Dark Detective for his abilities to solve complex puzzles. He is a master of various forensic sciences, and he has a great understanding of the human psychological processes. Batman is, quite certainly, a powerful individual. He is physically strong and agile. Except for these qualities, Batman also shares quite a lot of commonalities with other fictional superheroes. He wears a costume to hide his true identity. He uses various special equipment, ranging from small utilities on his belt, to his famous bat mobile. He usually fights those who are classified as super villains, like the Joker, Two Face, Killer Croc and the Penquin.His extraordinary abilities are shown by his ability overcome the lower level thugs, mostly used by the super villains. Even when vastly outnumbered by these thugs, Batman can handle and disable them all with relative ease. These alone moves him into the arena of exceptionally skillful. So even though he has no real super
powers, he does fit the definition given by Merriam-Webster. Of course, technology does help him in his shortcomings. He doesn't have x-ray vision, like Superman, but he does have his bat-goggles. He cannot fly, but with his trusted grappling hook, he can move quite effectively between the buildings of Gotham. He uses smoke and stun grenades to overcome a huge number of enemies, and he can pick locks and disable alarms with great ease. What he needs in superpowers, he makes up in gadgets.The biggest argument for Batman as a superhero comes from the Justice League of America. Distinquished superheroes like Superman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and the Martian Manhunter work side by side with Batman. Would these superheroes accept a mere human being if he is not up to their standards? The answer is no. The Justice Leaguers reckon Batman as one of them.Batman does not have any real superpowers, but according to the definition of Merriam-Webster Batman does fit the d
efinition of a superhero, and with real superheroes accepting him as an equal, no doubt Batman can truly and utterly be called a superhero.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/is-batman-a-superhero-or-not.html
telligent and is seen as the Dark Detective for his abilities to solve complex puzzles. He is a master of various forensic sciences, and he has a great understanding of the human psychological processes. Batman is, quite certainly, a powerful individual. He is physically strong and agile. Except for these qualities, Batman also shares quite a lot of commonalities with other fictional superheroes. He wears a costume to hide his true identity. He uses various special equipment, ranging from small utilities on his belt, to his famous bat mobile. He usually fights those who are classified as super villains, like the Joker, Two Face, Killer Croc and the Penquin.His extraordinary abilities are shown by his ability overcome the lower level thugs, mostly used by the super villains. Even when vastly outnumbered by these thugs, Batman can handle and disable them all with relative ease. These alone moves him into the arena of exceptionally skillful. So even though he has no real super
powers, he does fit the definition given by Merriam-Webster. Of course, technology does help him in his shortcomings. He doesn't have x-ray vision, like Superman, but he does have his bat-goggles. He cannot fly, but with his trusted grappling hook, he can move quite effectively between the buildings of Gotham. He uses smoke and stun grenades to overcome a huge number of enemies, and he can pick locks and disable alarms with great ease. What he needs in superpowers, he makes up in gadgets.The biggest argument for Batman as a superhero comes from the Justice League of America. Distinquished superheroes like Superman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and the Martian Manhunter work side by side with Batman. Would these superheroes accept a mere human being if he is not up to their standards? The answer is no. The Justice Leaguers reckon Batman as one of them.Batman does not have any real superpowers, but according to the definition of Merriam-Webster Batman does fit the d
efinition of a superhero, and with real superheroes accepting him as an equal, no doubt Batman can truly and utterly be called a superhero.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/is-batman-a-superhero-or-not.html
3 Months to Your First 5K: A Book About Honest Marathon Training
There's not lots of training books that take on exact lengths of running events, such as full marathons, half marathons, 10K, and many others. Frequently, every one of these varieties of marathon running is compacted inside a singular handbook. You'll find merely a couple of authors that commit a full publication to some very specific area in marathon running. That is why you will be slightly impressed by this instructional book this article is going to be critiquing.The book is entitled "3 Months to Your First 5K" and with the label only, you can note that it's definitely centering on a solitary subject, and that is 5K distance running. Furthermore, in the name itself, you're provided a specific course regarding precisely how you are going to deal with the courses: for three months you'll rigorously work out to show up at your very first ever 5K marathon running event. With the front cover itself it entices even the most focused couch potato to start out training since it gi
ves tangible information about how it would be done.Dave Kuehls, the author of this book, will act as your individual coach for the entire three months of your exercising. Within the guide he emphasizes that beginners will reap the benefits of this handbook greater than others given that his training schedules have been designed with the rookie runner in mind. He starts with speaking about the actual benefits of training, and not simply the cookie-cutter form of gains, but the important, appropriate explanations of just how your system will change after three months of education. Concerning the physiological benefits, he also provides just a little insight in this: how your own self esteem could be raised to newer levels, how you can boost your motivation plus more.Common training suggestions are offered in "3 Months to Your First 5K", just like the correct clothing, the right foods to eat, the way to accommodate your current way of living to marathon running. More to the po
int, it sets out whatever you need to do throughout the particular day of the contest in full clarity, an item that few guides do, as they definitely feel like the education is enough. It also gives you the promises of a future immediately after the 5K, for those who like to run extended matches.Nevertheless, the guide fails to deliver with its training schedules because they are unfit for the newbie. Whilst it delivers to the novice the correct mindset for joining a 5K jogging event, the training is only good for experienced joggers as opposed to the completely inexperienced ones. For instance, for the 1st day you're recommended to walk half a mile, and then run half a mile, and then walk half a mile, that's genuinely physically demanding for the starter's very first day. If you think maybe you'll be able to complete this routine from the very beginning, "3 Months to Your First 5K" would be great for you.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/3-months-to-your-first-5k-a-book-about-honest-marathon-training-2.html
ves tangible information about how it would be done.Dave Kuehls, the author of this book, will act as your individual coach for the entire three months of your exercising. Within the guide he emphasizes that beginners will reap the benefits of this handbook greater than others given that his training schedules have been designed with the rookie runner in mind. He starts with speaking about the actual benefits of training, and not simply the cookie-cutter form of gains, but the important, appropriate explanations of just how your system will change after three months of education. Concerning the physiological benefits, he also provides just a little insight in this: how your own self esteem could be raised to newer levels, how you can boost your motivation plus more.Common training suggestions are offered in "3 Months to Your First 5K", just like the correct clothing, the right foods to eat, the way to accommodate your current way of living to marathon running. More to the po
int, it sets out whatever you need to do throughout the particular day of the contest in full clarity, an item that few guides do, as they definitely feel like the education is enough. It also gives you the promises of a future immediately after the 5K, for those who like to run extended matches.Nevertheless, the guide fails to deliver with its training schedules because they are unfit for the newbie. Whilst it delivers to the novice the correct mindset for joining a 5K jogging event, the training is only good for experienced joggers as opposed to the completely inexperienced ones. For instance, for the 1st day you're recommended to walk half a mile, and then run half a mile, and then walk half a mile, that's genuinely physically demanding for the starter's very first day. If you think maybe you'll be able to complete this routine from the very beginning, "3 Months to Your First 5K" would be great for you.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/3-months-to-your-first-5k-a-book-about-honest-marathon-training-2.html
Review: Who Gets The Apartment?
Author: Steven RigolosiISBN: 097737873XDuring the past few years most of us have watched reality television shows such as Survivor and The Amazing Race. In essence, these shows revolve around contestants teaming up, paring off, and plotting against one another in their quest for victory. First time author, Steven Rigolosi, has now skillfully adapted this reality format to the printed page with, Who Gets the Apartment?An advertisement is placed in a neighborhood Manhattan newspaper, The Clarion, where a luxurious 3000 sq ft. duplex penthouse comprising two bedrooms, fireplaces and three baths, and some other goodies, is offered for rent at the incredibly monthly low rental of six hundred dollars. If you have any idea of the tight and expensive rental market situation in Manhattan, you can very well appreciate how laughable this sounds!The apartment is quickly gobbled up with, however, one drawback- the rental agent had cunningly rented the same premises to four different indiv
iduals. The four comprise an assistant district attorney, Venice, a struggling artist, Ian, a computer geek, Oliver, and an editor, Corinne, who all find themselves moving into the apartment at the same time. The question facing them is which one will keep the apartment, as they all have a valid legal right to the lease.The suspenseful story plays out with four different possible scenarios crafted as short stories, each with unique plot twists. Should the four play the game of chance and roll the dice? Perhaps, it is everyman for himself, and let the most devious one win the apartment? If the apartment is large enough, why not all live in it for the two year term? Then again, how about banding together and bring the scoundrel who rented them the apartment to justice? The stories are contrived wherein friendships and relationships are tested during the course of several days offering different perspectives of humanity and human interaction.Rigolosi is an original voice who us
es a very clever and unique approach in inviting reader participation involving discussion, speculation, and philosophical reflection. He further teases and entertains his readers by including in the novel a sequel, Good Boys Never Win, that presumes the foursome had agreed to a plan of action and in so doing arrived at a very satisfactory feel- good conclusion. Their success now leads them to indulge in another situation involving one of the foursome's boss and his secretary. Herein again by putting all of their heads together they are able to bring about vicious revenge on two individuals who deserve it.Rigolosi can clearly write, keeping his readers on edge with his easy-to-read narrative, lovable characters, and intentionally intriguing plot. I would tend to agree with the author's publicist who indicated to me that as a student of pop culture (and a former editor of sociology texts), Rigolosi is poised to accomplish something in which few authors have succeeded-turning
watchers of television into readers of book.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/review-who-gets-the-apartment.html
iduals. The four comprise an assistant district attorney, Venice, a struggling artist, Ian, a computer geek, Oliver, and an editor, Corinne, who all find themselves moving into the apartment at the same time. The question facing them is which one will keep the apartment, as they all have a valid legal right to the lease.The suspenseful story plays out with four different possible scenarios crafted as short stories, each with unique plot twists. Should the four play the game of chance and roll the dice? Perhaps, it is everyman for himself, and let the most devious one win the apartment? If the apartment is large enough, why not all live in it for the two year term? Then again, how about banding together and bring the scoundrel who rented them the apartment to justice? The stories are contrived wherein friendships and relationships are tested during the course of several days offering different perspectives of humanity and human interaction.Rigolosi is an original voice who us
es a very clever and unique approach in inviting reader participation involving discussion, speculation, and philosophical reflection. He further teases and entertains his readers by including in the novel a sequel, Good Boys Never Win, that presumes the foursome had agreed to a plan of action and in so doing arrived at a very satisfactory feel- good conclusion. Their success now leads them to indulge in another situation involving one of the foursome's boss and his secretary. Herein again by putting all of their heads together they are able to bring about vicious revenge on two individuals who deserve it.Rigolosi can clearly write, keeping his readers on edge with his easy-to-read narrative, lovable characters, and intentionally intriguing plot. I would tend to agree with the author's publicist who indicated to me that as a student of pop culture (and a former editor of sociology texts), Rigolosi is poised to accomplish something in which few authors have succeeded-turning
watchers of television into readers of book.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/review-who-gets-the-apartment.html
Best Astrology Book
When going to an astrologer to have your chart read, one must consider several facts before consulting an astrologer. What kind of system does the astrologer uses, what is his or her qualification and time of practice, and most importantly was the astrologer taught by a guru or are they book read? Why is that it's important for an astrologer to be looking at the 'right' charts? The study of right charts will give the most accurate prediction for the client. There is not just one 'birth chart' in astrology, rather many birth charts for every aspect of life. If you want to know about your career, there is a separate chart from the main birth chart. If you want to know about marriage, there is a separate chart. If you want to know about kids, there is also a separate chart. The main birth chart acts as the receiver of a signal, like television for example.The Divisional chart, which talk about different aspects of life, act like the signal going into the receiver of the televisi
on. What good is a television if the single is not there? These are the questions that are asked and answered in the astrology book: Astrology @ The Speed of Light, by Kapiel Raaj. He not only answers some of the most basic questions of astrology, but he dives into the secrets and the Masonic history of astrology which has been a foundation of not just the eastern side of the world, but has been in the DNA of United States since George Washington Era, who was one of the biggest followers of astrology and numerology, through which he crated 'Freemasons'. This is one astrology book you'll ever need. Inside this book the master of astrology doesn't just go into the ABCD technique of astrology, but by the end of the book, you yourself will be an expert at reading charts of not just your own, but anyone you come across.Astrology is not just about the sun sign, but it's far more advance and deeper than that. Astrology dives into moon sign, nine planetary signs, aspects, degrees, i
ncluding 27 constellations that differentiate each person's fate even though they might be born just seconds apart. These are the minuet details that are shown in inside the book. Even when it comes to Numerology name change, the author shows how to change your name, but most importantly how to bring about the energy of the new name so it can break the energy of the old name that has been with you and will continue to be with you for rest of your life, even with the new name in place.But there are remedies you can perform to bring the positive energy of the new name. There are so many misconceptions on astrology, signs, and meaning that most people just ignore this divine science. The meaning of signs have also changed throughout time, for example: Libra is not a woman holding a balancer, rather, a man holding a balancer while walking in the market as a 'business men', so Libra is not a sign of balance, but a sing of business, or businessmen.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/best-astrology-book.html
on. What good is a television if the single is not there? These are the questions that are asked and answered in the astrology book: Astrology @ The Speed of Light, by Kapiel Raaj. He not only answers some of the most basic questions of astrology, but he dives into the secrets and the Masonic history of astrology which has been a foundation of not just the eastern side of the world, but has been in the DNA of United States since George Washington Era, who was one of the biggest followers of astrology and numerology, through which he crated 'Freemasons'. This is one astrology book you'll ever need. Inside this book the master of astrology doesn't just go into the ABCD technique of astrology, but by the end of the book, you yourself will be an expert at reading charts of not just your own, but anyone you come across.Astrology is not just about the sun sign, but it's far more advance and deeper than that. Astrology dives into moon sign, nine planetary signs, aspects, degrees, i
ncluding 27 constellations that differentiate each person's fate even though they might be born just seconds apart. These are the minuet details that are shown in inside the book. Even when it comes to Numerology name change, the author shows how to change your name, but most importantly how to bring about the energy of the new name so it can break the energy of the old name that has been with you and will continue to be with you for rest of your life, even with the new name in place.But there are remedies you can perform to bring the positive energy of the new name. There are so many misconceptions on astrology, signs, and meaning that most people just ignore this divine science. The meaning of signs have also changed throughout time, for example: Libra is not a woman holding a balancer, rather, a man holding a balancer while walking in the market as a 'business men', so Libra is not a sign of balance, but a sing of business, or businessmen.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/best-astrology-book.html
Book Review - The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class
Keith Cameron Smith has written an engaging little book that is brief and to the point as regards a basic understanding of what might separate the wealthy from the middle class. From reading his book, you get the idea that if you think differently about money and finances, approach the world from a differing perspective and let that perspective help you make different choices, then you could change your financial bottom line. Keith uses a simple numbered outline to make his points regarding the differences between the societal classes he labels "millionaires" and "middle class."In his preface Keith Cameron Smith gives as his first of three reasons why he wrote the book to be his belief "...that each of us has a responsibility to share those things that produce good results in our own lives...." He also says that each person has a purpose in life and he believes "...we all have a song that we are destined to sing and this book is part of my song...." And th
irdly, he believes in leaving a legacy.This book begins with the end, with Distinction number 10. He says it is actually the beginning point "...for achieving success because it makes you focus on what you want...." Keith's 10th Distinction is "Millionaires think long-term. The middle class thinks short-term." His examples hold up the calendar of thinking that the rich do compared with the rest of society. He says the rich think and plan decade-to-decade, the middle class month-to-month and the poor basically day-to-day. Makes sense.In this book, Keith Cameron Smith breaks down the differences between the those at the financial top and those in the financial center as to:
how they plan: Distinction 10: thinking long-term versus thinking short-term.
what they talk about: Distinction 9: talking about ideas versus talking about things and other people.
how they approach the changes that life brings: Distinction 8: embracing change versus feeling threatened by change.
the degree of risk-taking they are willing to do, speaking financially: Distinction 7: taking calculated risks versus being afraid to take risks.
their attitudes towards continual self-improvement and education: Distinction 6: continually learning and growing versus the thought that learning ended with school.
The next four differences are specific to money itself and attitudes held about it. He sees "profit" as being a different form of income than "wages" in Distinction 5. Keith says that "...People who work for wages end up earning enough to live on but not much more...Millionaires understand this and choose to work for profits instead of wages...." In reading this chapter - Millionaires work for profits; the middle class works for wages - it seems to fit with the 7th distinction of being a risk-taker. It is far less risky to work for wages than to hope an investment pays off...perhaps this is the thinking of those in the center?The topic of giving money away, of being philanthropic, is the topic of Distinction 4. He says that "Millionaires believe they must be generous. The middle class believes it can't afford to give." This is probably the only distinction that I, as reader, took issue with. My own background with nonprofit giving showe
d me that the middle class and lower middle class, are the most generous segment of the population, giving proportionately to their income, far more than the rich...and in greater numbers.Distinctions 3 and 2 made sense:
3: Millionaires have multiple sources of income. The middle class has only one or two.
2: Millionaires focus on increasing their net worth. The middle class focuses on increasing its paychecks.
Distinction 1 is interesting. With this one Keith Cameron Smith says that "Millionaires ask themselves empowering questions. Middle -class people ask themselves disempowering questions." In this chapter he gives an intriguing example: "...Instead of asking 'What's the meaning of my life?' ask, 'What would make my life meaningful?' That is a more empowering question...."This little book of distinctions between the rich and the not rich as seen by Keith Cameron Smith is intriguing and thoughtful, but not a true "how to." He concludes his book with the thought, "...Being a millionaire is about being, doing, and then having...." If it were just that simple.Information about Keith Cameron Smith and his books can be found at .
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-the-top-10-distinctions-between-millionaires-and-the-middle-class.html
irdly, he believes in leaving a legacy.This book begins with the end, with Distinction number 10. He says it is actually the beginning point "...for achieving success because it makes you focus on what you want...." Keith's 10th Distinction is "Millionaires think long-term. The middle class thinks short-term." His examples hold up the calendar of thinking that the rich do compared with the rest of society. He says the rich think and plan decade-to-decade, the middle class month-to-month and the poor basically day-to-day. Makes sense.In this book, Keith Cameron Smith breaks down the differences between the those at the financial top and those in the financial center as to:
how they plan: Distinction 10: thinking long-term versus thinking short-term.
what they talk about: Distinction 9: talking about ideas versus talking about things and other people.
how they approach the changes that life brings: Distinction 8: embracing change versus feeling threatened by change.
the degree of risk-taking they are willing to do, speaking financially: Distinction 7: taking calculated risks versus being afraid to take risks.
their attitudes towards continual self-improvement and education: Distinction 6: continually learning and growing versus the thought that learning ended with school.
The next four differences are specific to money itself and attitudes held about it. He sees "profit" as being a different form of income than "wages" in Distinction 5. Keith says that "...People who work for wages end up earning enough to live on but not much more...Millionaires understand this and choose to work for profits instead of wages...." In reading this chapter - Millionaires work for profits; the middle class works for wages - it seems to fit with the 7th distinction of being a risk-taker. It is far less risky to work for wages than to hope an investment pays off...perhaps this is the thinking of those in the center?The topic of giving money away, of being philanthropic, is the topic of Distinction 4. He says that "Millionaires believe they must be generous. The middle class believes it can't afford to give." This is probably the only distinction that I, as reader, took issue with. My own background with nonprofit giving showe
d me that the middle class and lower middle class, are the most generous segment of the population, giving proportionately to their income, far more than the rich...and in greater numbers.Distinctions 3 and 2 made sense:
3: Millionaires have multiple sources of income. The middle class has only one or two.
2: Millionaires focus on increasing their net worth. The middle class focuses on increasing its paychecks.
Distinction 1 is interesting. With this one Keith Cameron Smith says that "Millionaires ask themselves empowering questions. Middle -class people ask themselves disempowering questions." In this chapter he gives an intriguing example: "...Instead of asking 'What's the meaning of my life?' ask, 'What would make my life meaningful?' That is a more empowering question...."This little book of distinctions between the rich and the not rich as seen by Keith Cameron Smith is intriguing and thoughtful, but not a true "how to." He concludes his book with the thought, "...Being a millionaire is about being, doing, and then having...." If it were just that simple.Information about Keith Cameron Smith and his books can be found at .
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-the-top-10-distinctions-between-millionaires-and-the-middle-class.html
Book Review - Dr Bob Rotella's 'Putting Out of Your Mind'
If you are one of the majority of golfer's out there who regularly gets frustrated and upset by your putting performance, then Dr Bob Rotella's 'Putting Out of your Mind' is one book that I would definitely recommend reading. His simple and easy to understand messages and style of writing will help you to create a whole new positive attitude towards your putting game.The key message from this wonderful Dr Bob Rotella book is:'Take your satisfaction not from whether the putt drops but from whether you got yourself in the right frame of mind to hit the putt'.Dr Bob Rotella believes that one of the reasons for poor putting is because many golfers allow the negative effects of the conscious mind to have too much of an influence. 'Putting Out of your Mind' will help you to understand how you control your mental processes and eliminate these influences.Dr Bob Rotella is known for being one of the best shrinks in the game and his 'Putting Out of your Mind' book contains some outstan
ding advice and insights on how to create a mindset that will have you putting freely, without anxiety or stress, and will have you actually looking forward to your next putting challenge.Although 'Putting Out of your Mind' is a relatively short book, it contains some wonderful chapters, including 'How Good Putters Think', 'The Light is Always Greener' and many more, that will teach you all the intricacies and psychology of putting which will help you to believe in your own abilities.There are priceless quotes in this book, from some of the best golfers in the world, that help you to understand his messages clearer and which will also give you a great insight into how Champions think.Dr Bob Rotella's book 'Putting out of your Mind' is a great read and will change the way you approach your putting game for good.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-dr-bob-rotellas-putting-out-of-your-mind.html
ding advice and insights on how to create a mindset that will have you putting freely, without anxiety or stress, and will have you actually looking forward to your next putting challenge.Although 'Putting Out of your Mind' is a relatively short book, it contains some wonderful chapters, including 'How Good Putters Think', 'The Light is Always Greener' and many more, that will teach you all the intricacies and psychology of putting which will help you to believe in your own abilities.There are priceless quotes in this book, from some of the best golfers in the world, that help you to understand his messages clearer and which will also give you a great insight into how Champions think.Dr Bob Rotella's book 'Putting out of your Mind' is a great read and will change the way you approach your putting game for good.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-dr-bob-rotellas-putting-out-of-your-mind.html
Friday, September 28, 2012
Review of a Classic - "The Dark Elf Trilogy" by RA Salvatore
The Dark Elf Trilogy is a compilation of three books: Homeland, Exile, and Sojourn. They were originally released in the 90's and were re-released in this compilation, then re-released again as The Legend of Drizzt Volumes I - III. So you may be asking yourself why someone would review a book trilogy over a decade after it was released. Well, to be honest, that is the reason: because it was released over a decade ago. This trilogy is awesome and deserves to have some more attention brought to it for the benefit of younger readers who might not have been of an age for these books when they were first released as well as those who are older who might have missed out.R.A. Salvatore's writing style is awesome, plain and simple. He knows how to keep the action and suspense going but keeps a good balance of character development with it. This makes you want to keep reading (and I did, even when I had other things that I should have been doing) but it also allows the characters to r
eally come to life. I found myself looking forward to the next moment that I had to open the book and read more and I stayed up late a couple of nights reading.So what is this book about? I will give you a bit of a background first on the setting. It takes place in the Forgotten Realms, which is a world that exists in the Dungeons and Dragons Role-playing Game. You don't have to play D&D to enjoy this book (although you will be far more familiar with some of what is presented in it if you are or were a gamer). The main character, Drizzt, is a Drow, which is a dark elf. The Drow live deep underground in a realm called the Underdark, which is occupied by all sorts of dangerous creatures. They worship the goddess Lolth, who is also known as the Spider Queen. This deity is evil and directs her creations to use subterfuge and backstabbing to get ahead.The book starts out in the city of Menzoberranzan, an impressive Drow city. It is the night of Drizzt's birth (yes, they liter
ally start from the beginning). In Drow society, women are the dominant gender and Drizzt was born into a noble family. Needless to say, his mother and sisters weren't too thrilled about the birth of a boy. Over time, as Drizzt gets older and undergoes his training by one of his older sisters, they realize that he is unusually gifted. There is also something else unusual: his spirit. His spirit is not that of a dark elf but that of someone who is good. Over time, he begins to reject the ways of his kin until eventually, he wants nothing more to do with them.You get to journey with Drizzt through triumph and tragedy as he comes into his own and embarks on adventure after adventure: first leaving his home city and finally, leaving the Underdark altogether for a surface world that is more alien to him than another planet is to us. This is a great book. If you're into fantasy, I would highly recommend it.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/review-of-a-classic-the-dark-elf-trilogy-by-ra-salvatore.html
eally come to life. I found myself looking forward to the next moment that I had to open the book and read more and I stayed up late a couple of nights reading.So what is this book about? I will give you a bit of a background first on the setting. It takes place in the Forgotten Realms, which is a world that exists in the Dungeons and Dragons Role-playing Game. You don't have to play D&D to enjoy this book (although you will be far more familiar with some of what is presented in it if you are or were a gamer). The main character, Drizzt, is a Drow, which is a dark elf. The Drow live deep underground in a realm called the Underdark, which is occupied by all sorts of dangerous creatures. They worship the goddess Lolth, who is also known as the Spider Queen. This deity is evil and directs her creations to use subterfuge and backstabbing to get ahead.The book starts out in the city of Menzoberranzan, an impressive Drow city. It is the night of Drizzt's birth (yes, they liter
ally start from the beginning). In Drow society, women are the dominant gender and Drizzt was born into a noble family. Needless to say, his mother and sisters weren't too thrilled about the birth of a boy. Over time, as Drizzt gets older and undergoes his training by one of his older sisters, they realize that he is unusually gifted. There is also something else unusual: his spirit. His spirit is not that of a dark elf but that of someone who is good. Over time, he begins to reject the ways of his kin until eventually, he wants nothing more to do with them.You get to journey with Drizzt through triumph and tragedy as he comes into his own and embarks on adventure after adventure: first leaving his home city and finally, leaving the Underdark altogether for a surface world that is more alien to him than another planet is to us. This is a great book. If you're into fantasy, I would highly recommend it.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/review-of-a-classic-the-dark-elf-trilogy-by-ra-salvatore.html
Diet Books
Right from Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution to Low Carb Dieting, bookshelves are filled with diet books that woo the people who are embarrassed about swimsuits and outdoor activities. Hundreds (or thousands) of them promise dear chubby girl and boy to help her or him enjoy a nice trimmed body for themselves.Many countries today think obesity is a national disaster. It is especially true for the developed world, where people hardly have a choice to move their body. From morning to night, they have all the comforts right at arms length. They pull out their four-wheel drive for grocery shopping from the shop down the street. At home they watch TV for 4-12 hours a day, while also putting something into their mouth.Health Books identify all these habits as unhealthy. Just as taking nutrient rich food, it is also essential to maintain an active lifestyle to build an attractive physique. Physically active persons - those people who walk a lot, jog, dance, swim or ride bicycle burn more
fat from their body and make sure they are far from the risks of heart problems, knee pains, etc.Health books that give specific tips and advice on food choice, lifestyle and healthy eating habits are of important to you. It will be a waste of time and money to drool over those so called diet books, fully illustrated and full of fluff. There are books that tell you exactly what to do to achieve desirable physique. There are also books that will make you feel guilty of your existence.Some books like Dr Atkins', A Week in the Zone, Protein Power, The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet , Choose to Lose, and a few others are good choices for those people worry too much about their body growing out of their wishes. Though this is not an endorsement, you can try these books if you are overweight and if you plan to shed extra pounds off your body.Health books, without failure come with loads of testimonials of how a specific diet plan works. They endorse their system or diet plan so much
that you think it is the only thing you need to do to get out of your fat body.In fact, before you follow the guidance of any medical books, make sure you keep a healthy diet plan, that doesn't violently shake your present eating habits. A drastic change from you eating habits, even if the diet books recommend it, will cause more problems than good. Again, if you feel committed to a diet program and you think your body will accept it, most probably it will. Practice that diet till desired physique is achieved.If you feel appetite towards these books, it is a serious symptom, a good one too. You or someone you care about want to lose weight and want to gain attractive physical shape. Reading these books is not the prescription for weight loss and achieving adorable body. Systematically and dedicatedly practicing the suggestions is.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/diet-books.html
fat from their body and make sure they are far from the risks of heart problems, knee pains, etc.Health books that give specific tips and advice on food choice, lifestyle and healthy eating habits are of important to you. It will be a waste of time and money to drool over those so called diet books, fully illustrated and full of fluff. There are books that tell you exactly what to do to achieve desirable physique. There are also books that will make you feel guilty of your existence.Some books like Dr Atkins', A Week in the Zone, Protein Power, The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet , Choose to Lose, and a few others are good choices for those people worry too much about their body growing out of their wishes. Though this is not an endorsement, you can try these books if you are overweight and if you plan to shed extra pounds off your body.Health books, without failure come with loads of testimonials of how a specific diet plan works. They endorse their system or diet plan so much
that you think it is the only thing you need to do to get out of your fat body.In fact, before you follow the guidance of any medical books, make sure you keep a healthy diet plan, that doesn't violently shake your present eating habits. A drastic change from you eating habits, even if the diet books recommend it, will cause more problems than good. Again, if you feel committed to a diet program and you think your body will accept it, most probably it will. Practice that diet till desired physique is achieved.If you feel appetite towards these books, it is a serious symptom, a good one too. You or someone you care about want to lose weight and want to gain attractive physical shape. Reading these books is not the prescription for weight loss and achieving adorable body. Systematically and dedicatedly practicing the suggestions is.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/diet-books.html
Golf Swing Guru Review
Do you like to play golf? Would you like to lower your handicap in two rounds of golf or less? If that is your goal then the Golf Swing Guru, David Nevogt, has the answers for you. His "Simple Golf Swing" Ebook is so chock full of great golf advice that you will lower your handicap easily.Just look at the subject matter that is included in this fascinating Ebook:• Eliminate hooking, slicing and topping your ball.• How to chip the ball closer to the pin• Learn to break 80 regardless of your physical ability• How to make solid impact, and hit the ball straight and long each time.• Accurately and consistently covers drives, irons, as well as your short game.• Learn correct hand action, as well as correct timing• Gain thorough knowledge of using your spine as an axis• Arrive at consistency for gripping the club• Ensure straight ball flight each and every time• Apply step-by-step procedures to use the correct swing plane• Mast
er the one-piece takeaway • Learn the an inside-out swing• Dramatically increase your distance by stopping your backswing much shorterBut that's not all in addition you will receive:• DVD clips - That show you exactly how to move onto a better game.• Breakdown sessions - That show you screen shots and video for each specific mechanic.• Practice drills - Showing you exactly what the correct methods should feel like.• Pure Point Golf Teleseminars - You will be invited to all of these for questions, interviews with golf greats as well as discussions on how to better your game. • Worksheets and Assignments - Allows you to study your exact progress. • Evaluating Training Aids - Let's you know which training aids work and which do not.• Private Apprentice Forum - Allows you to interact with other golfers in your program.• Stat Tracker System - Utilize the proprietary game tracking software.• Tracking Worksheets - You'll receiv
e a different list each month.• Community - Compare stats with other players, share videos and meet new members.Still not enough for you, then you will love these additional bonuses:• "The Simple Chip" covers how to consistently put it near the pin. • Mike Pedersen's "Fit To A Tee" eBook covers how your body affects your swing.• "Training Aids You can make at Home" covers making your own shot saving devices.• "Putting Lesson #1" covers incredible putting tips to shave at least 4 strokes from your game.• "Sand Lesson" covers how to get out of sand traps quickly and efficiently.• Lifetime Upgrades, so that each and every time new contents come out you'll get them immediately. • "Mental Preshot Routine" covers what you mind needs to do prior to each shot.• Mike Austin's "515 Yard Drive" contains his distance secrets.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/golf-swing-guru-review.html
er the one-piece takeaway • Learn the an inside-out swing• Dramatically increase your distance by stopping your backswing much shorterBut that's not all in addition you will receive:• DVD clips - That show you exactly how to move onto a better game.• Breakdown sessions - That show you screen shots and video for each specific mechanic.• Practice drills - Showing you exactly what the correct methods should feel like.• Pure Point Golf Teleseminars - You will be invited to all of these for questions, interviews with golf greats as well as discussions on how to better your game. • Worksheets and Assignments - Allows you to study your exact progress. • Evaluating Training Aids - Let's you know which training aids work and which do not.• Private Apprentice Forum - Allows you to interact with other golfers in your program.• Stat Tracker System - Utilize the proprietary game tracking software.• Tracking Worksheets - You'll receiv
e a different list each month.• Community - Compare stats with other players, share videos and meet new members.Still not enough for you, then you will love these additional bonuses:• "The Simple Chip" covers how to consistently put it near the pin. • Mike Pedersen's "Fit To A Tee" eBook covers how your body affects your swing.• "Training Aids You can make at Home" covers making your own shot saving devices.• "Putting Lesson #1" covers incredible putting tips to shave at least 4 strokes from your game.• "Sand Lesson" covers how to get out of sand traps quickly and efficiently.• Lifetime Upgrades, so that each and every time new contents come out you'll get them immediately. • "Mental Preshot Routine" covers what you mind needs to do prior to each shot.• Mike Austin's "515 Yard Drive" contains his distance secrets.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/golf-swing-guru-review.html
Book Review for "Priceless Deception"
Book Review for: "Priceless Deception"Written by: Jennifer Ann CoffeenWild Rose PressISBN: 978-1-60154-947-1Avail as: print & ebook5 StarsCoffeen crafts a suspense-filled regency romance with "Priceless Deception." When Lady Madeline Sinclair's father dies, he asks one last thing of her - to acquire the rare French Blue diamond and destroy it. Madeline's task takes her to Colin Montgomery's house - the Duke of Douglas. Will Colin's charming disposition distract Madeline from accomplishing her mission?Set in regency England with Prinny establishing the standard for English fashion and the ton in full swing, Lady Madeline Sinclair joins her Aunt Celia and her cousin, Helena, for a season. Madeline, however, has a mission - acquire the French Blue diamond and destroy it. Madeline's father buried the diamond in the cellar of the previous house he lived in, which is now owned by Colin Montgomery, the Duke of Douglas. Madeline's father has convinced her the diamond is cursed. O
n a cold call, Madeline goes to the Duke's house and encounters the man in a state of inebriation.Colin is nursing a sore heart after being jilted by his former fiancée, Julianna. When he meets Madeline, a spark passes between them and he realizes there's an attraction shared between them - it's primal, raw, fierce, and Colin quickly turns himself around to discover what the secretive Lady Sinclair is up to.Colin attends a social event with the ton in all its glory and formally meets Madeline. A wonderfully delicious ying/yang relationship develops between Colin and Madeline. Will their attraction get in the way of her objective to find the diamond and destroy it?Coffeen's writing style is crisp and witty, effortlessly evoking a feel of the times. The plot moves at a quick pace, keeping the reader turning the page to discover what's next. Coffeen takes the reader on a great adventure with Colin and Madeline. Just when you think something will happen one way, there's a twist
that takes the reader down a different path.Colin and Madeline draw the reader into their world with their rich personalities. Colin is wounded, yet embodies nobility, integrity, and honor. Madeline is spunky and full of determination. The little things Coffeen inserts really helps to round out the supporting cast and gives the story an authentic feel - from the gossip, to turbans, to Madeline's disturbing dreams.The love scenes are intense and highly charged, capturing the explosive attraction between Colin and Madeline. "Priceless Deception" will take you on a suspenseful journey and leave you believing that you can find love in just a look.Reviewed by: S. Burkhart
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-for-priceless-deception.html
n a cold call, Madeline goes to the Duke's house and encounters the man in a state of inebriation.Colin is nursing a sore heart after being jilted by his former fiancée, Julianna. When he meets Madeline, a spark passes between them and he realizes there's an attraction shared between them - it's primal, raw, fierce, and Colin quickly turns himself around to discover what the secretive Lady Sinclair is up to.Colin attends a social event with the ton in all its glory and formally meets Madeline. A wonderfully delicious ying/yang relationship develops between Colin and Madeline. Will their attraction get in the way of her objective to find the diamond and destroy it?Coffeen's writing style is crisp and witty, effortlessly evoking a feel of the times. The plot moves at a quick pace, keeping the reader turning the page to discover what's next. Coffeen takes the reader on a great adventure with Colin and Madeline. Just when you think something will happen one way, there's a twist
that takes the reader down a different path.Colin and Madeline draw the reader into their world with their rich personalities. Colin is wounded, yet embodies nobility, integrity, and honor. Madeline is spunky and full of determination. The little things Coffeen inserts really helps to round out the supporting cast and gives the story an authentic feel - from the gossip, to turbans, to Madeline's disturbing dreams.The love scenes are intense and highly charged, capturing the explosive attraction between Colin and Madeline. "Priceless Deception" will take you on a suspenseful journey and leave you believing that you can find love in just a look.Reviewed by: S. Burkhart
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/book-review-for-priceless-deception.html
Review - David Attenborough's First Life
A Review of the Book - "First Life"Designed to accompany the two-part television series, "David Attenborough's First Life" covers the billions of years of time, leading up to the development of advanced forms of life on our planet. It is a chronological journal, split into eleven chapters that tells the story of the "slow burning fuse" that led to the explosion of life in the Cambrian, the development of the Phyla of organisms that are still with us today.The text is informative, not too technical and designed for the lay person to follow. There are many splendid photographs and lots of information on the fossil locations, although it would have been interesting to read more about some of the UK fossil locations such as Crail in Scotland and perhaps there are too few scary creatures for children to enjoy. Although, it is amazing to see the strange and wonderful creatures known as the Ediacaran fauna (soft-bodied, bizarre organisms). By the Late Precambrian, around six hund
red million years ago, simple food chains had become established with over thirty different genera recognised, this simple ecosystem is known as the Ediacaran fauna after the Ediacara Hills, north of Adelaide in South Australia, where a variety of Late Precambrian fossils were discovered in the late 1940s.The introduction, written by Sir David Attenborough, really brings out his passion for fossils and fossil collecting. The highlight of the book, was reading about Sir David's own connection with Charnwood forest, the site in Leicestershire, the county of Sir David's childhood, where the important Precambrian fossil Charnia (Charnia masoni) was discovered."First Life" - Appropriate and Informative ContentAt over 285 pages in length, this book provides an appropriate balance between academic content and computer generated wonders. One of the features of this book, are the extreme close up photographs of important fossils. The vast majority of fossils from the Precambrian a
nd the Cambrian geological period are extremely small, but the highly magnified and full colour photographs really help to bring the fossil evidence "to life"" as it were. The reader is treated to some wonderful images, illustrations of the primitive sea landscapes and some excellent computer generated impressions and graphics as to what the fauna and flora of the Burgess Shale site might have looked like (British Columbia, Canada).David Attenborough's First Life Book in SummarySo in summary, a good book, an interesting read, perhaps not ideally suited for children but a fitting tribute to the work of scientists and to Sir David himself.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/review-david-attenboroughs-first-life.html
red million years ago, simple food chains had become established with over thirty different genera recognised, this simple ecosystem is known as the Ediacaran fauna after the Ediacara Hills, north of Adelaide in South Australia, where a variety of Late Precambrian fossils were discovered in the late 1940s.The introduction, written by Sir David Attenborough, really brings out his passion for fossils and fossil collecting. The highlight of the book, was reading about Sir David's own connection with Charnwood forest, the site in Leicestershire, the county of Sir David's childhood, where the important Precambrian fossil Charnia (Charnia masoni) was discovered."First Life" - Appropriate and Informative ContentAt over 285 pages in length, this book provides an appropriate balance between academic content and computer generated wonders. One of the features of this book, are the extreme close up photographs of important fossils. The vast majority of fossils from the Precambrian a
nd the Cambrian geological period are extremely small, but the highly magnified and full colour photographs really help to bring the fossil evidence "to life"" as it were. The reader is treated to some wonderful images, illustrations of the primitive sea landscapes and some excellent computer generated impressions and graphics as to what the fauna and flora of the Burgess Shale site might have looked like (British Columbia, Canada).David Attenborough's First Life Book in SummarySo in summary, a good book, an interesting read, perhaps not ideally suited for children but a fitting tribute to the work of scientists and to Sir David himself.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/review-david-attenboroughs-first-life.html
How To Sell eBooks On eBay
Have you ever thought that you were getting a certain amount of something and end up getting more? This can happen to anyone. Some may think that this is not a bad thing but it really can be a bad thing, especially when we are talking about e-books. These things just sit on your computer and eat up your hard drive and then you do not have the space for the things that you really need on your computer. Keep in mind that you only have so much space on your computer and need to keep as much space as available as possible for other important information that you will be needing in the future.At ebooks.com you can get thousands of books at really low prices, but the thing is you will probably never read all of them if even half of them. So this may seem like a really good deal but in the long run you are the one really getting the bad deal. The majority of the books that you are going to receive from eBooks will most likely not be any good or you may not have even heard of them be
fore so you have no idea what you are getting your self into. Some of the books may not even be worth anything and they were just giving them away because they are not worth anything. They will not need to be sold for very much because they are not worth much but you will still need to sell them for some thing.So what does a person do with all of these books that they do not want? Sell them back on eBay for little to no cost. Sometimes you may have to sell them for a certain price because after all you can not just give away free things over the internet like that.When you order these books some of them may not even open on your computer and they may be the books that you were really looking forward to reading. So if you want my advice do not order the books in collective packages. This will just get you into trouble in the future.There are some options that you have to get rid of the books and get some money back. This way you do not completely lose all of the money that yo
u spent on getting the books. You can always re sell them on eBay. Just do not sell them in bulk so the people buying them do not feel like they are getting the run around. Also make sure that you do not sell them for too much money. Sell them at the right price so people feel that they are getting a good deal. You can also use them as a way to build a list of people who are interested in buying ebooks.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/how-to-sell-ebooks-on-ebay.html
fore so you have no idea what you are getting your self into. Some of the books may not even be worth anything and they were just giving them away because they are not worth anything. They will not need to be sold for very much because they are not worth much but you will still need to sell them for some thing.So what does a person do with all of these books that they do not want? Sell them back on eBay for little to no cost. Sometimes you may have to sell them for a certain price because after all you can not just give away free things over the internet like that.When you order these books some of them may not even open on your computer and they may be the books that you were really looking forward to reading. So if you want my advice do not order the books in collective packages. This will just get you into trouble in the future.There are some options that you have to get rid of the books and get some money back. This way you do not completely lose all of the money that yo
u spent on getting the books. You can always re sell them on eBay. Just do not sell them in bulk so the people buying them do not feel like they are getting the run around. Also make sure that you do not sell them for too much money. Sell them at the right price so people feel that they are getting a good deal. You can also use them as a way to build a list of people who are interested in buying ebooks.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/how-to-sell-ebooks-on-ebay.html
Coin Book Review - The Expert's Guide to Collecting and Investing in Rare Coins by Q David Bowers
The Expert's Guide to Collecting and Investing in Rare Coins is an enormous book. It contains over 600 pages full of information on coin collecting. The title is somewhat deceiving though in my opinion. I would not call it an investment book at all but rather a complete overview of almost any type of numismatic material made in the United States.The book certainly does cover investing in rare coins as an investment. The book contains a whopping 34 chapters and the first 15 are devoted to investing or determining the value of rare coins. Within those chapters, there are discussions regarding the common basics of coin investing such as quality/grading, rarity, and demand. As with any commodity or collectible, if there is no demand there is no price appreciation. The best example of that is the 1909 S VDB Lincoln Cent. There are more of these coins available than many other rare coins from 20 to 30 years prior but the 1909 S VDB commands a much higher price because of th
e shear number of people who want that coin.The next several chapters (chapters 16 through 30) are devoted to each different collectible type. For example there is a chapter on copper coins, a chapter on nickels, a chapter on silver coins, and a chapter on gold coins and so on. These chapters provide a very brief overview of each coin type. If you want to more detail of let's say the Buffalo Nickel, then you would want to spend the money on a book specific about Buffalo Nickels and fortunately, there are a few on the market. The same holds true for many other series such as Lincoln Cents, Shield Nickels, Mercury Dimes, and so on.There are also chapters devoted to lesser known collectables. There is a chapter on proof coins, a chapter on colonial coins, a chapter on pattern coins, a chapter on commemoratives, a chapter on tokens, and more. Each of these chapters gives an overview of each particular item. There is even a chapter devoted to collecting Confederate paper m
oney.While these chapters are quite diverse, they offer a wealth of information that many collectors may not know. It is written in a manner that is very easy to follow and enjoyable to read.Chapter 31 is devoted to developing your own personal numismatic library. If you are a series collector, it is not unheard of to spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on numismatic material. The old adage of buy the book first is true.Chapter 32 delves into the world of coin cleaning and protecting your coins. Of course the best advice when it comes to cleaning coins is DO NOT DO IT. With that notion, the book discussed the various ways coins are cleaned. It also provides an overview of how to store and protect your coins.I personally did not get this book for the advice on investing in rare coins, rather because I am more of a collector than an investor. Certainly we all want our collections to grow in value, but I read this book just because of the shear volume of general
numismatic material. It is chocked full of information that for the beginning collector is priceless. It could certainly guide a beginning collector down the path of determining what he/she might have in interesting in collecting to become a true collector rather than a hoarder.I highly recommend this book
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/coin-book-review-the-experts-guide-to-collecting-and-investing-in-rare-coins-by-q-david-bowers.html
e shear number of people who want that coin.The next several chapters (chapters 16 through 30) are devoted to each different collectible type. For example there is a chapter on copper coins, a chapter on nickels, a chapter on silver coins, and a chapter on gold coins and so on. These chapters provide a very brief overview of each coin type. If you want to more detail of let's say the Buffalo Nickel, then you would want to spend the money on a book specific about Buffalo Nickels and fortunately, there are a few on the market. The same holds true for many other series such as Lincoln Cents, Shield Nickels, Mercury Dimes, and so on.There are also chapters devoted to lesser known collectables. There is a chapter on proof coins, a chapter on colonial coins, a chapter on pattern coins, a chapter on commemoratives, a chapter on tokens, and more. Each of these chapters gives an overview of each particular item. There is even a chapter devoted to collecting Confederate paper m
oney.While these chapters are quite diverse, they offer a wealth of information that many collectors may not know. It is written in a manner that is very easy to follow and enjoyable to read.Chapter 31 is devoted to developing your own personal numismatic library. If you are a series collector, it is not unheard of to spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on numismatic material. The old adage of buy the book first is true.Chapter 32 delves into the world of coin cleaning and protecting your coins. Of course the best advice when it comes to cleaning coins is DO NOT DO IT. With that notion, the book discussed the various ways coins are cleaned. It also provides an overview of how to store and protect your coins.I personally did not get this book for the advice on investing in rare coins, rather because I am more of a collector than an investor. Certainly we all want our collections to grow in value, but I read this book just because of the shear volume of general
numismatic material. It is chocked full of information that for the beginning collector is priceless. It could certainly guide a beginning collector down the path of determining what he/she might have in interesting in collecting to become a true collector rather than a hoarder.I highly recommend this book
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/coin-book-review-the-experts-guide-to-collecting-and-investing-in-rare-coins-by-q-david-bowers.html
New Book Review Sites Appeal To Readers Of Many Genres
With the expansion of the internet, book review sites have become common place on the world wide web. Many readers and book connaiseurs are looking to share their passion, and their hobby, with others. Book blogs and book review sites offer readers and opportunity to bond with others, learn about new or interesting books, and keep up to date on new developments in the literary arena.A book review is simply a way for one avid book expert or reader to share his or her thoughts on literature with others. Some book reviews provide a detailed overview of the title, including character and plot outlines. Others simply highlight the key points about the book and the author as sort of a tease to entice the reader to want to consider, or not consider, the book.Some newer sites explore current books as well as other popular titles from recent months. Along with features on newer titles, some sites also maintain a library of reviews on fiction, historical fiction, Christian non-fic
tion, biographies, and more. This allows readers to search for titles and a book review in genres they prefer.The good news for readers is that information on new books and authors is also more readily available. Many leading authors due proactive publicity tours well in advance of book publication. Readers can keep current on new developments and be prepared for titles before their date of publication. This helps the reader not only to be familiar with publishing dates for popular releases, but also helps them to be aware of lesser publicized titles.Reading is a very pleasurable and relieving hobby for many people. The ability to find the right book on the right topic and in the right genre is the key to a relaxing and rewarding reading experience. Finding a reliable and trusted source for information on new and current titles makes the likelihood of a good read much more likely.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/new-book-review-sites-appeal-to-readers-of-many-genres.html
tion, biographies, and more. This allows readers to search for titles and a book review in genres they prefer.The good news for readers is that information on new books and authors is also more readily available. Many leading authors due proactive publicity tours well in advance of book publication. Readers can keep current on new developments and be prepared for titles before their date of publication. This helps the reader not only to be familiar with publishing dates for popular releases, but also helps them to be aware of lesser publicized titles.Reading is a very pleasurable and relieving hobby for many people. The ability to find the right book on the right topic and in the right genre is the key to a relaxing and rewarding reading experience. Finding a reliable and trusted source for information on new and current titles makes the likelihood of a good read much more likely.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/new-book-review-sites-appeal-to-readers-of-many-genres.html
The Spirit of Success by Deepak Chopra
In the book, Spirit of Success, Deepak Chopra teaches you how to overcome limitations imposed upon you both in the material world, as well as the one's you create for yourself. With the economy constantly fluctuating, people have started to wonder if there is any way they will ever become truly successful. Most individuals declare that they are as successful as their career. Unfortunately, this can also be a very bad thing, especially if you think this way.With the Spirit of Success by Deepak Chopra, you are led down a new path where you will discover who you really are and what you want out life. One of the things you will learn is how to become the person you want to be. Maybe you've had dreams of becoming a millionaire all your life. If you know how to think positively, that reality can be yours. But first, you must discover how to become happy with your life as it as and learn how to free yourself from any limitations that you have imposed upon yourself by thinking negati
vely.A major theme of the Spirit of Success by Deepak Chopra is spotting out opportunities in the midst of adversity. For example, if you've lost your job, instead of looking at it as a negative thing, turn it around into something positive, such as an opportunity to find the job you've always wanted. Thinking in terms of opportunity rather than disaster when negative situations arise should not only apply to your job, but all areas of your life. Another example might be that your spouse has left you for someone else. The average person would deem this particular event to be saddening and disastrous. However, with the right type of thinking and ability to see through the seemingly bad circumstance, anyone can take something as horrible as their spouse leaving them and turn it into something good.Another thing you will learn by reading the Spirit of Success by Deepak Chopra is how to use the power of love to compensate for anything else in your life that you may be lacking. L
ife obviously isn't all about wealth and power. Unfortunately, there are millions of people in the world who are not happy unless they have a lot of money and feel they are in complete control of their finances. The good news is that once you master some of the successful ways of thinking and expand your mind, you can become that millionaire that you've always dreamed of, but in the meantime, there is no need to be depressed and allow your current circumstances to get you down.After reading the Spirit of Success by Deepak Chopra, you'll see things in a whole new light. This educational guide to the world of success and happiness paves the way toward mastering the right mindset needed to obtain all the things in life you wish for. Because there will always be obstacles, people who think negatively will never reach their goals. By learning to turn everything around so that it works for you, reaching your goals is more possible than ever.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-spirit-of-success-by-deepak-chopra.html
vely.A major theme of the Spirit of Success by Deepak Chopra is spotting out opportunities in the midst of adversity. For example, if you've lost your job, instead of looking at it as a negative thing, turn it around into something positive, such as an opportunity to find the job you've always wanted. Thinking in terms of opportunity rather than disaster when negative situations arise should not only apply to your job, but all areas of your life. Another example might be that your spouse has left you for someone else. The average person would deem this particular event to be saddening and disastrous. However, with the right type of thinking and ability to see through the seemingly bad circumstance, anyone can take something as horrible as their spouse leaving them and turn it into something good.Another thing you will learn by reading the Spirit of Success by Deepak Chopra is how to use the power of love to compensate for anything else in your life that you may be lacking. L
ife obviously isn't all about wealth and power. Unfortunately, there are millions of people in the world who are not happy unless they have a lot of money and feel they are in complete control of their finances. The good news is that once you master some of the successful ways of thinking and expand your mind, you can become that millionaire that you've always dreamed of, but in the meantime, there is no need to be depressed and allow your current circumstances to get you down.After reading the Spirit of Success by Deepak Chopra, you'll see things in a whole new light. This educational guide to the world of success and happiness paves the way toward mastering the right mindset needed to obtain all the things in life you wish for. Because there will always be obstacles, people who think negatively will never reach their goals. By learning to turn everything around so that it works for you, reaching your goals is more possible than ever.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/the-spirit-of-success-by-deepak-chopra.html
What to Eat by Marion Nestle - A Nutrition Book Review
I stumbled upon the book What to Eat by Marion Nestle, when friend suggested that she wanted to buy it. From the reviews I have read, the book has some very powerful and practical guides connected to everyday eating that can save you from adding tons of useless fat and sugar in your system and to help you make healthy choices for your future and your children's future.There is even a section on environmental degradation as related to food production. In relation there is a section on how environmental practices and fish production are causing major pollution of fish up the food chain. Knowing such information is very important to us, buying such foods leads to more and more pollution of the environment and eating heavy metals.One of the strong points I noted is that, the author leads you through the supermarket aisle, in every section going through labels and the long chemical names used. You will be a more informed consumer and the best part is that you will avoid eating foo
d coated with poison like substances.For the most part there is always the confusion of the terms natural and organic and companies that sell packed food use the term natural to lure unsuspecting customers to buy their products. It is therefore wise to have a book that will walk one through the labels and make one a very informed customer.The book is 600 pages long, with a clear advice to eat less, consume more vegetables and fruits and exercise to keep healthy. Although this has become a cliche it is worth noting. Having writers who come up with detailed information on the subject are more than welcome.I am giving what to eat a five star because I am a mother and even though it may not work with everyone, it is important to breastfeed. The author shares some information pointing to the fact that formula milk is contaminated and poses a danger when give to premature babies.What to eat is a perfect addition for nutrition and fitness books. It is written by a nutrition profess
or so you know they are the words of an expert. What to eat, is currently available for a very low price, cheaper than the amount you will use to order pizza and soda in as single meal.The only downside with the book is the high number of pages. It is about 600 pages long. But considering that it has different sections it can be kept for reference to be used time and time again.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/what-to-eat-by-marion-nestle-a-nutrition-book-review.html
d coated with poison like substances.For the most part there is always the confusion of the terms natural and organic and companies that sell packed food use the term natural to lure unsuspecting customers to buy their products. It is therefore wise to have a book that will walk one through the labels and make one a very informed customer.The book is 600 pages long, with a clear advice to eat less, consume more vegetables and fruits and exercise to keep healthy. Although this has become a cliche it is worth noting. Having writers who come up with detailed information on the subject are more than welcome.I am giving what to eat a five star because I am a mother and even though it may not work with everyone, it is important to breastfeed. The author shares some information pointing to the fact that formula milk is contaminated and poses a danger when give to premature babies.What to eat is a perfect addition for nutrition and fitness books. It is written by a nutrition profess
or so you know they are the words of an expert. What to eat, is currently available for a very low price, cheaper than the amount you will use to order pizza and soda in as single meal.The only downside with the book is the high number of pages. It is about 600 pages long. But considering that it has different sections it can be kept for reference to be used time and time again.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/what-to-eat-by-marion-nestle-a-nutrition-book-review.html
Tragedy In Macbeth
She cries to her maid, and tells the maid her part in the murders. All the Scottish lords gather in England to prepare for the battle, including Birnam Wood. Meanwhile Macbeth's army is on Dennison Hill. Lady Macbeth dies of insanity, and Macbeth prepares for a battle he knows he'll lose. Another prophecy says he will not die until he meets a man not born of woman. He feels confident until he meets Macduff who reveals he was born of a Caesarian delivery.Macbeth is killed and Malcolm becomes king of Scotland. The three witches prophecies come true again, as always. This play has a reputation of lots of deaths, injuries, and fires for the theatre groups who present it. In many theatres actors are advised not to say "Macbeth" or else a something bad will happen to you, or maybe even the person beside you. In most actors eyes it's not a superstition, more like a courtesy for all the people who didn't deserve to die, but died.No incidents were recorded in the original productions
of Macbeth, but traditional folklore is that everyone knows accidents happen when this word for the Scottish Play is used on the set. Most deaths occurred while rehearsing the play. If you say Macbeth instead of referring to it as the Scottish play, Mr. Forier will make you go out side and ask for permission to come back in. To this day some directors won't even ponder the idea of directing "The Scottish play."
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/tragedy-in-macbeth.html
of Macbeth, but traditional folklore is that everyone knows accidents happen when this word for the Scottish Play is used on the set. Most deaths occurred while rehearsing the play. If you say Macbeth instead of referring to it as the Scottish play, Mr. Forier will make you go out side and ask for permission to come back in. To this day some directors won't even ponder the idea of directing "The Scottish play."
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/tragedy-in-macbeth.html
Accept No Autism by Tatianna Dickens Book Review
When one of my clients asked to me to consider writing a review of a book written by a relative of his, I agreed to do it not just because I wanted to help a good friend. I was genuinely curious about the subject of autism.I had previously read Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior by Temple Grandin because I am certainly interested in animal communications. Temple's own experience as an animal behavior expert who has autism gave it a unique perspective, especially since many of animals' behaviors or problem behaviors resemble autism.But nothing could prepare me for the very heart wrenching story relayed in Accept No Autism! Our Family's Story of Recovery by Tatianna Dickens.From my experience with owning dogs, many with serious health issues, I have to say that I could totally understand what Tatianna went through with her autistic boy Zack. All you have to go on is observation of behavior. How do you know if you have an autistic chi
ld or if your child is just going through a phase? The confusing and grueling diagnosis delays the time it takes to get autisitc children the help they need. There's got to be a better way to diagnose.The diagnosis is only the beginning of a life of daily struggles that few of us can imagine: daily therapy sessions of up to six hours, special diets, almost constant supervision, sometimes excruciatingly slow progress, and the extreme and abnormal behaviors. Dealing with Zack's autism became Tatianna's career. One has to question whether autism is harder on the child or the family.There are heavy religious references throughout the book making it appropriate for the Christian non-fiction market. Looking beyond that for those who might not be as religiously inclined, we see a portrait of someone who has dug down deep, physically and emotionally, to meet her child's needs.I don't think that the title of Accept No Autism! is accurate. Through the book we see that Tatianna has tru
ly accepted her child's autism and committed to making the best life possible for her seriously challenged child. Worth a read.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/accept-no-autism-by-tatianna-dickens-book-review.html
ld or if your child is just going through a phase? The confusing and grueling diagnosis delays the time it takes to get autisitc children the help they need. There's got to be a better way to diagnose.The diagnosis is only the beginning of a life of daily struggles that few of us can imagine: daily therapy sessions of up to six hours, special diets, almost constant supervision, sometimes excruciatingly slow progress, and the extreme and abnormal behaviors. Dealing with Zack's autism became Tatianna's career. One has to question whether autism is harder on the child or the family.There are heavy religious references throughout the book making it appropriate for the Christian non-fiction market. Looking beyond that for those who might not be as religiously inclined, we see a portrait of someone who has dug down deep, physically and emotionally, to meet her child's needs.I don't think that the title of Accept No Autism! is accurate. Through the book we see that Tatianna has tru
ly accepted her child's autism and committed to making the best life possible for her seriously challenged child. Worth a read.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/accept-no-autism-by-tatianna-dickens-book-review.html
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Chinese Health Qigong Association 'Wu Qin Xi' 5 Animals Play - A Review
Chinese Health Qigong Association-Wu Qin Xi - Springing Dragon Press (2008} PaperbackAn ancient Chinese Physician's study of 5 Animals led him to design a life-extending and health-improving exercise routine easily mastered with patience and practice by old and young alike. The following review examines an attempt to disseminate this traditional exercise, practised in China for almost 2,000 years, to a wider audience in a modern format suited to the present-day.Wu Qin Xi or '5 Animals Play' is attributed to famous Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) Physician Hua Toh. Concerned by the suffering which extremes of Continental Weather patterns inflicted upon inhabitants of China's vast Central Plains, particularly during Winter, when prolonged stasis led to stagnation of the flow of Qi (vital energy) causing all kinds of ailments and suffering in his fellow-man, Hua Toh noticed it was business-as-usual in the animal kingdom.5 particular animals, ideal exemplars of vigorous natural hea
lth were the basis of the exercise routines in which practitioners imitate the movements of the Tiger, Deer, Bear, Monkey and Crane, sequentially, comprise the 'Famous Five' behind what we know as 5 Animals Play. Regular performance of this routine, Hua Toh felt, would enable practitioners adjust to and align themselves naturally with the changing patterns and conditions of their environments, thus increasing their health and extending their lifespans.The Chinese Health Qigong Association's 'Wu Qin Xi' (102 pp plus instructional DVD) gives the exercise's history, explaining its grounding in ancient health-giving activities (pottery fragments from China's Yangshao culture, 5,000 Years BCE depict figures clearly practicing related Qigong routines). However Wu Xin Qi represents the oldest written (as opposed to pictorial) record of a complete Qigong sequence--transmitted in detail to subsequent Chinese generations via the writings of successive Daoist sages.The book and DVD, n
evertheless, are firmly located in the present. The latter summarises recent scientific research into the benefits of regularly performing 5 Animals Play and provides clear step-by-step instructions for each of the 5 key sub-routines that comprise the whole, accompanied by a delightful medley of Chinese folk-tunes. The former uses clear colour images of a presenter, supplemented by drawn lines showing directions of movements (and also clear details of essential hand-forms) to complete a pleasing synergy springing from skillful combination of several media.The power and courage of the Tiger, vigour and balance of the Crane, stability of the ponderous bear, agility and nimbleness of the monkey and grace and virility of the deer need to be understood individually (physically,mentally and spiritually) both text and DVD make clear, helpfully highlighting common errors to enable 'fine-tuning' of performance. Once this is accomplished the sequence can be performed as a who
le.Those interested in 'Animal' styles of Kung Fu, in particular, might find Wu Qin Xi of particular interest as a potential adjunct to their practice. Others wishing to extend their knowledge of Qigong and Qigong routines might be intrigued by its 5 Animal focus. Beginners wishing to try Chinese health preservation exercises for the first time will find this a user-friendly package and moreover one suitable for all ages and fitness levels as the comprehensive accompanying commentary explains.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/chinese-health-qigong-association-wu-qin-xi-5-animals-play-a-review.html
lth were the basis of the exercise routines in which practitioners imitate the movements of the Tiger, Deer, Bear, Monkey and Crane, sequentially, comprise the 'Famous Five' behind what we know as 5 Animals Play. Regular performance of this routine, Hua Toh felt, would enable practitioners adjust to and align themselves naturally with the changing patterns and conditions of their environments, thus increasing their health and extending their lifespans.The Chinese Health Qigong Association's 'Wu Qin Xi' (102 pp plus instructional DVD) gives the exercise's history, explaining its grounding in ancient health-giving activities (pottery fragments from China's Yangshao culture, 5,000 Years BCE depict figures clearly practicing related Qigong routines). However Wu Xin Qi represents the oldest written (as opposed to pictorial) record of a complete Qigong sequence--transmitted in detail to subsequent Chinese generations via the writings of successive Daoist sages.The book and DVD, n
evertheless, are firmly located in the present. The latter summarises recent scientific research into the benefits of regularly performing 5 Animals Play and provides clear step-by-step instructions for each of the 5 key sub-routines that comprise the whole, accompanied by a delightful medley of Chinese folk-tunes. The former uses clear colour images of a presenter, supplemented by drawn lines showing directions of movements (and also clear details of essential hand-forms) to complete a pleasing synergy springing from skillful combination of several media.The power and courage of the Tiger, vigour and balance of the Crane, stability of the ponderous bear, agility and nimbleness of the monkey and grace and virility of the deer need to be understood individually (physically,mentally and spiritually) both text and DVD make clear, helpfully highlighting common errors to enable 'fine-tuning' of performance. Once this is accomplished the sequence can be performed as a who
le.Those interested in 'Animal' styles of Kung Fu, in particular, might find Wu Qin Xi of particular interest as a potential adjunct to their practice. Others wishing to extend their knowledge of Qigong and Qigong routines might be intrigued by its 5 Animal focus. Beginners wishing to try Chinese health preservation exercises for the first time will find this a user-friendly package and moreover one suitable for all ages and fitness levels as the comprehensive accompanying commentary explains.
View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/chinese-health-qigong-association-wu-qin-xi-5-animals-play-a-review.html
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