Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Could You Be the NEXT Accidental Millionaire?

A Peek Inside Stephanie Frank's ~ The Accidental Millionaire - Leaping From Chance to Mastery In The Game Of LifeWho hasn't dreamed of becoming the next millionaire? And who hasn't felt this accomplishment may be out of reach? It's time to dispel the myth that making a million is impossible. In fact, Stephanie Frank shows how impossible life circumstances can lead to catalysts of change that create a life full of abundance and wealth.This book has been in my must read pile for quite some time. My colleague and friend Viki Viertel (aka The Business Buddha) highly recommended it as "life changing."I like life change.Then during a recent segment of James Roche's Info Marketing Action Plan tele-series, Stephanie Frank was mentioned again. So, I pulled the book off my shelf and I could not put it down until I was done.First I thank Stephanie wholeheartedly for being so personal and candid. Her story is brave and genuine. If you have ever been in a relationship that doesn't support
your highest good, you MUST read this.I am not sure that I can actually articulate how powerful this book is but I will do my best to share what really impacted me.Personally, I have always been a firm believer that the most successful people in the world are just people. They get up in the morning, put their pants on one leg at a time and face the challenges of the day. The difference comes when they choose to use each moment to advance skillfully towards a goal.What are your goals?The Accidental Millionaire gets to the core of what truly motivates you individually and provides chapter summaries called Something Successful to Think About. The success strategies give a little nudge and really make you think about ownership of your destiny.Here are a few success strategies that really stuck with me.* Included is a three step plan to living your purpose and mission (this is really powerful stuff and it will make you truly think)* Mastery of decision making based on your top t
hree values* Facing your fears and going for the gold anywayOf course this is just a small sampling of what you can expect and rest assured, Stephanie over delivers in this book. Plus, I had to contact my friend Viki who recommended the book and thank her because I now fully understand why she said I had to read the book.Here's what I said to Viki regarding her nudge to read the book. "I cannot thank you enough for recommending this book. You know what was really freaky for me? Stephanie uses much of the same language I do and her planning philosophy is similar to my POWER Planning Process. Plus she talks about POWERFULLY communicating business messages which is my tag line. Eerily cool! Thanks for the recommendation. Great timing."Now, I'll pass the recommendation on to you. Read this book today, you'll be glad you did.

View this post on my blog: http://www.yourgamebook.com/could-you-be-the-next-accidental-millionaire.html

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