Sunday, September 23, 2012

Demo - The Waking Life of Angels

Here is another comic rescued from the free piles at the DC booth. I am always skeptical of any comic that they will give away for free because if it is free then its implied that it has no worth. After reading this comic, I'm not sure that my opinion has changed. I have EXTREMELY mixed feelings about this and I don't feel bad spoiling the crap out of it.Joan has a recurring dream. In this dream she sees a woman frantically climb the brick stairway of a cathedral and then fall over a high ledge to her death. As Joan loses more and more sleep she becomes more and more concerned about the woman. She believes that this woman is going to die if she doesn't find the cathedral and go there to save her. (Can you guess the ending yet? I did.)Joan researches and finds that the cathedral is in London. She buys a one way ticket and quits her job, breaks up with her boyfriend, and leaves without letting anyone know. When she arrives, she follows a woman up the stairs and in the process g
ets chased by a security guard. At the top, she is the one to fall over the edge and die. (Or maybe she doesn't, it wasn't very clear.) Either way, it was a pretty lame idea. Basically there is no point to the story other than the fact that you need to get a good night sleep or you will quit your job to go to England and kill yourself. I don't know very much about "Demo" as a comic, but it appears that each issue if going to be a different story or plot-line. I don't believe that I will read anymore of these. I read this one two times, and on the second time through, you can see exactly how contrived the story is. The foreshadowing in the dialog of the main character is unmistakable and the attempt on behalf of the author to bring deep meaning to his story fails.The art was okay, black and white with lots of feet and hand shots.

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