Women have been worshiped by men since the emancipation of women. It comes to no surprise that woman commonly make men put all their efforts in to the relationship and make men do whatever they want. This occurs more often than not in today's culture. This development unleashed a wave of books on seduction. Most of the books are written about how to actively attract a woman or how to seduce them. These books are full with opening lines, routines and all the cute things to say to get into her pants. The problem with these books is that they still focus on you proving yourself to woman and thus coming from a lower place of value. This may be even more so with all the gambits since they are used to compensate for a lack of congruent self-respect. Because if the "proven" gambits fail, then who is the failure?Of course this is not a good frame to come from. What is effective instead is only focusing on controlling yourself, instead of controlling women. Woman will sense it when yo
u are a man that takes control of his own life and lets women become a part of his reality instead of the reverse. This way you will stop being dependent of any specific outcome as well and have a feeling of complete abundance when it comes to what you want in life and dating. Now take a second and imagine how would it be like if you could have all the women in your life being attracted to you, because you simply ARE attractive naturally?This approach to interacting with women is possible. Only a small percentage of dating guru's focus on how to become a naturally attractive man. John Alexander is the author of the book "How To Become An Alpha Male" and it teaches exactly what you expect from what the title says. The book is a vault of information applicable not only to dating but to success in life in general. Whilst reading "How To Become An Alpha Male" you'll find out quick how much John has learned to become a true alpha male as he calls it. A man with integrity, self-re
spect and who is a leader. What causes the book to be so great is simply the great and accurate insights, beliefs and behaviors he learned from many fields like seduction, psychology, NLP, business and principles discovered by himself.John starts off with the book telling his own story as to when he was a 21 year old virgin. Thereafter he thoroughly describes the traits of alpha males, beta males and jerks and how being an alpha male will only reap the true rewards, which mainly of course mean as much sex as you want to with whom you want to. Basically the first half of "How To Become An Alpha Male" is focused on inner game and it goes into depth on behaviors and beliefs you need to integrate (i.e. women love sex, you have to lead, supplication is toxic, buying affection the worst, 'who cares what she thinks?', etc). Dressing and grooming is covered as well and he also talks about working out. Then he goes into the important discussion about having and internal locus of cont
rol and thus being a person that causes things to happen in life instead of life determining how you live. This includes not letting things like rejection phase you. He even cover the topic of hypnosis and as a nice bonus included a very useful script that you can record on tape to empower your new found beliefs about yourself.From this point on "How To Become An Alpha Male" guides you through all the steps from just meeting a woman to getting her into bed to have some hot sexy mature adult fun! He gives some advice on conversational skills and about how to go about dating with a woman. As an additional great bonus, John added the offer to request 12 e-mail consolidations if you still have some sticky points remaining.As a conclusion this book is GREAT. It covers every important topic there is, a little about workouts, a little about relationships, style, escalation, affirmations, big emphasis on inner game, body language, & how women actually work. It's kind of like Dav
id Deangelo's better (i.e. more theoretical, less practical) stuff minus 35 hours of filler or Carlos Xuma without the nitpicking and 146 hours of filler. What's more is that "How To Become An Alpha Male" is one of those books that you'll read plenty times over, since with every one of the many insights he gives you; you'll learn something new every time.
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