Friday, July 12, 2013

Email and Email Fax Has No Big Difference

In the fast growing online world there is this twin which was born at different time but absolutely work for the same purpose. That is to help people communicate with each other. The first one is the electronic mail or simply called an email and the second one is the electronic mail fax service. Like I said, both functions for the same purpose and that are to be use as a tool for communication. In similar way both only achieved if connected to the internet.
An electronic mail or the email started during 1965; that was 45 years ago which was first tried of couple users of the time-sharing mainframe computer in order to communicate. Fortunately, almost of everyone in the whole wide world have now experience how to use and send mail electronically which is made possible by invasive internet access subscribe by the sender and receiver.
Like an ordinary mail, it should contain both receiver and sender's address. However, in electronic mail a subject header is present. Though it is not required but it is better if you fill it up with the subject of your mail. This is a hint for your receiver on what is your mail all about.
On the other hand, there is what they call email fax. We can literally say a twin of an electronic mail or Email since they both function for the same purpose. However, this email fax was just born last June 1997 which is said to be introduced by PSInet. They are responsible for the first document sent from a personal computer to a fax machine. Of course, it has been sent successfully because of the internet connection.
You can send a fax by simply putting the email address of the recipient's email address. Do not forget to attach your fax. The fax will be sent as an attachment. Just also make sure that the recipient is capable to receive that kind of document.
This email fax service is absolutely paperless however if you prefer to print the fax you can freely do it just like your electronic message. That is what best about email fax since you will only print what is really needed. There is no reason to lose any single fax in your desk now. No messy table due to scattered old printed papers that will exist this time.
Email and Email Fax might be sounds and spells differently but both are very useful for communicating. These tools are very useful for spreading news or any important information for a concern individual.

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