Sunday, July 14, 2013

How to manage your company's electronic messaging more reliable and more secure with less energy and reduced costs

Green Communications means efficient messaging solutions based on reduced energy software solutions.
The term energy is a general one and refers to all types of energy resources used by a company: electrical, human and machinery related materials
1. Electrical energy used by electronic devices
Right now, 50 cents of every dollar spent on IT equipment is devoted to powering and cooling; by 2012 that per unit cost might well approach 70 cents of every dollar.
It is well known that growing companies typically add more electronic equipment - servers, desktops, faxes - rather than implementing a consolidation or a virtualization solution. More electronic devices mean larger utility bills and potentially greater environmental issues.
In communications (whether by fax, email, phone or video conferences) virtualization can save up to 90% of the costs (energy bills) for one year.
Furthermore, reduced energy consumption will decrease your carbon footprint and hence help the environment.
2.  Human energy
Employees are spending more time than ever communicating internally or with customers. Communication media are changing and evolving so that people send and receive messages (text, video, and audio) more efficient and secure. By helping employees communicate more secure and efficient, you are saving their energy and enhance productivity.
3.  Machinery related materials and reduced waste
By using less equipment (hardware) companies not only reduce their volatile asset value and direct or indirect costs, but they also reduce their impact over the environment. For instance: using an integrated faxing service will reduce the amount of paper used for faxing by 100%. Both lead to reduced waste on your behalf. E.g.: by integrating a fax server solution, companies don't need to use paper anymore for sending or receiving faxes.
Together with protecting the environment, green communications brings also economical benefits to companies in terms of: cost savings and process improvement.
1.  More reliable and faster communications
Rethink your faxing and emailing activities so that you spend less time at making your equipment work and spend more time at developing your messages
By using an integrated fax server, you will now longer waste time by waiting in front of the fax machine for your message. Also, your faxes will not be mistakenly taken by your employees. Your faxes will be directly received in your mailbox.
By using a dedicated POP3 Connector, you will be able to receive all your emails from all your email addresses to a single email client – no matter what type of client this client is. So, you will no longer spend time checking one-by-one multiple accounts.
Not to mention that you can install these solutions in not more than 5 minutes.
Internal business processes will be substantially improved: your employees will not waste time at sending and receiving faxes or emails, but will spend this time with improving their day-to-day activities.
2.  More secure communications
By correlating email practices with integrated faxing systems, communications vulnerabilities can be reduced: SPAM, PISHING and viruses. Visendo is constantly developing anti-spam policies for its Mail and Fax server solutions with its flexible email analyzing tools, email cleaning tools and FAX anti-spam configurations. 
3.  Cost reduction and optimization
Costs saving strategies go hand in hand with energy consumption both in small/ medium companies and in corporations.
The following cost drivers have to be taken into consideration when designing and implementing an electronic communications strategy:
- Continued rise of overall energy costs and demand
- Cost of air conditioning to cool data centers and/or computer rooms
- Government-imposed levies on carbon production and regulations on power consumption and waste
- Too many servers that are partially used or not used to capacity
- The need of equipment acquisition, maintenance and paper usage
By virtualization and integrated faxing/email solutions you will be able to effectively control all these drivers in your organization. . All these cost saving are a MUST in terms of environment friendliness.
Visendo is constantly investing in development and research activities that will yield innovative, secure and green electronic messaging solutions (faxing and email) targeted mainly at small and medium companies whose development philosophy is that performance indicators go hand in hand with environmental support. Therefore our credo is - ACHIEVE MORE WITH LESS RESOURCES.

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