Sunday, July 14, 2013

Virtual Fax for Computer Desktop or Laptop

You can easily send and receive a virtual fax from your computer desktop or laptop, without the need for any new hardware or adding any software.  Quite simply, you can turn your computer into a virtual fax machine. You can automatically receive your faxes on your email which can be picked up anywhere you have an online connection.  That's right -- the documents that folks are faxing you are instantly converted in the background into a PDF file which is attached to your email. From their point of view, nothing changes.  They have no idea that what they are faxing you is being digitized and sent to your email in box.  It's all transparent.  If there are any changes they notice, it will be the fact that they will never get a busy signal when they transmit a message to you. Better yet, you never have to deal with extra phone lines, paper or ink.  That alone, especially if you are in a small to medium office environment, can save you hundreds of dollars a month.  Moreover,
there are no capacity issues, never a busy signal, and you'll never have to wait in line to use the fax machine down the hall.  Even if you receive a 1000 faxes a day, you'll receive them all without a glitch. Once you receive your virtual fax, you can do whatever you want with it -- you can print it out, store it on your hard drive, or forward it easily to other associates. Countless offices, large and small, have already converted to a virtual fax environment because using your computer to send faxes, or using your computer to receive faxes, is not only easy and cost effective, but also secure, efficient and environmentally friendly. Not only that, but when you sign up for a computer fax service several "nice" things begin happening.  For starters, you can get some sleep at night because you'll know you'll never lose another fax again.  ALL of your inbound faxes are backed up on a secured website for 30 days to protect against any disasters such as computer crashes or
outages, or heaven forbid, an entire office being wiped out by a fire or natural disaster. Protecting your communications with backup is essential these days and should be a part of any business continuity plan your organization prepared.  However, it is one of the last things anyone thinks about. Generally speaking, most offices are involved in some sort of computer backup program. However, if there was a fire, how is anyone going to replace the hard copy faxes they receive that are in physical filing cabinets?  Now, you don't have to worry about such things.  First, you can get a full month of automatic backup included in a nominal fee, and second, once the faxes are digitized and sent to your email inbox, you can include those documents as part of your normal and routine computer backup (which hopefully is offsite.)  You can access your secured online account where the backup faxes are stored and log into at anytime to easily manage all of your faxes in one place. Yo
u can monitor outgoing and incoming faxes -- you can even schedule faxes to be sent at times in the future. Take a look at this new technology and join the new breed of business and organizational leaders who have taken their faxing to the next level.  For more info on how your organization can easily set up a virtual or computer fax, click here:

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